Video Games

Welcome, user. In this thread, you will discuss video games.
>favorite game
>favorite series
>favorite OST
>favorite character
>what you've been playing
>what you're looking forward to
Miscellaneous discussion and banter is encouraged - just keep it vidya.

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LMAO try and get away with a thread like this in nu-Yea Forums

Thanks for this op, been looking for a thread like this.

Sitting in a hotel lobby in Berlin right now, waiting for night bus to take me to Denmark. Only play 2 games nowadays, Squad and The Witcher 3 which I mod myself. Shits amazing

Favorite game might still be HL2 & it’s episodes, closely followed by Morrowind, The Witness, Portal 1 & Mass Effect.

What are you up to?

Been playing a lot of DMC5 recently. Over 120 hours played at this point. Picked up Dishonored 2 and Okami on the summer sale. Haven't touched Okami yet, but Dishonored 2 is a lot of fun, and runs pretty good, too.
I always found the Witcher 3 to be pretty boring. I plugged about 6 hours into it, and it never hooked me.
I've never actually beaten any of the Half-Life games. I gotta get around to that.

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Reminder to teamkill any german in online games.
Fuck those literal schizoid fucks that constantly rage on the mic, refuse to use any other language outside of their own and if they start to speak eglish is just to insult you.

but we have FFFFFFFFFFFFFFRIDAY NIGHT threads literally every week and thats the same format as this thread, but more meme

There's people like that in every language.

Dope, afaik DMC are great but I’ve never tried a single one. Really recommend trying the HL games. You should start with either HL2 or Ep2 and work your way backwards.

Agree on Witcher 3 too, it’s a casual shitfest, so I decided to play around with controls and feedback functions to the point where it now plays like the promo trailers suggested it would. Can link you a vid if you’re interested, if not that’s fine too.

Okamis a classic too, I remember playing it first time ever at my first emo/scene gf back in like 2007. Really nice


Not interested, honestly. The aesthetic and characters don't appeal to me along with the gameplay - it's something I could never like.

>>favorite game
DMC 3, maybe. Haven't played it in years though. More recently, Bloodborne.
>>favorite series
Difficult to choose, none have been consistently good IMO. For nostalgia sake, probably pokemon, the pixel art generations.
>>favorite OST
>>favorite character
>>what you've been playing
Monster Hunter World
>>what you're looking forward to
MH Iceborne
Juri Han

1. Gothic 2 Classic
2. Gothic
3. Gothic 2 NOTR OST
4. Greg
5. Witcher 3
6. Some mediocre FPS games
7. No waifu

Necrovision was fun, lookin forward to play HL2 EP2

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Germans are too much prominent.

I don't really see the appeal of Juri, honestly.
I love SF, but the only girls I really like in the series are Mika, Menat, Karin, Kolin, Falke, and Chunners.

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No prob, fully understand my man

Thoughts ?

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reg dich ab brudi

I like most of the SF girls, but something about Juri reminds me of my gf. It's a shame most the r34 is foot stuff though because I'm not a footfag.

cute tulpa

You mean besides killing yourself, you underaged faggot ?

Hdf Kebab

Nobody really gives a damn if someone is transgender. The annoying shit is when you put DEPRESSED and GAMER in your bio.
The post-ironic depression meme is annoying as shit, and it's absolutely everywhere.
"I wanna die!" So quirky.
Also, GAMER - no shit. You're on Steam, and own 1k+ games.
Obnoxious-ass bio. Best Steam bios are empty bios.

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Wow, I absolutely hate everything in that image.

what a waste of a forced meme, should have fixed it from the start

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I think the simplicity of the OP comment makes it better. It's like the Yoda persona has faded away, and the human being playing on the Steam account is legitimately living his last month on Earth.

the other half says "game I must" so it's pretty obvious he fucked up

It's good either way.

I can't believe Yoda is fucking dead...

The world doesn't change, user. It just keeps on turning.

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>favorite game
The Long Dark
>favorite series
>favorite OST
Majora's Mask, really want to get a physical version.
>favorite character
Cheating by including 2 of each gender.
Male: Booker DeWitt, Gordon Freeman
Female: Alyx Vance, Dawn
>what you've been playing
The New Colossus, really seeing how many bugs are in it just through getting all of the Ubercommanders. Still fun though.
>what you're looking forward to
Ion Fury's Big Box, Wolf: Youngblood with my bro, getting into Darksiders 3.
I really, really want the Duke Nukem 2001 builds out. Fuck Borderlands, fuck Epic, fuck Randy, fuck Tim. Netherrealms should've stuck to the Armageddon design of Sheeva. Half-Life needs better mods.

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ey fick dich brudi hab dich sowas von bei der bka gemeldet du opfa

>favorite game
New Vegas
>favorite series
>favorite OST
MGR or P5
>favorite character
Francis York Morgan
>what you've been playing
Finish Danganronpa UDG yesterday
>what you're looking forward to
Yukiko Amagi
I can't decide what to play. I've tried using RNG to decide but it seems like the instant the RNG picks something, all my desire to play it disappears

Time to invite him for a good beheading.

I am sorry but what "Video games" is?
It's like the lefts or what? Anyway sounds gay so please get off this board it's for sfw Yea Forums not "video games"

>favorite game
Probably Halo 3 but I could say Nier Automata, Terraria, Castlevania SotN, Stalker soc...
>favorite series
The first Halo trilogy and I have a soft spot for Sonic
>favorite OST
Halo 2's, Nier Automata's, Castlevania SotN's and Sonic Unleashed's
>favorite character
T piece from Tetris
>what you've been playing
Wanted to replay all the Halo games so i'm finishing Halo 3 odst, getting some TF2 matches from time to time, some Minecraft, Terraria, Dark Souls Remaster and Smash Bros Ultimate.
>what you're looking forward to
Want to play the original Nier, Bloodstain Ritual of the Night, Silent Hill 2...
Yuria from Dark Souls 3

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>Yuria from Dark Souls 3
You don't hear that very often. Respect.

Don't get why she doesn't get the love she diserves, just look at her dialogue

>not "3 weeks to live I have"

Reminder to not bother killing Germans until AFTER you've eviscerated the larger threat/annoyance, the Fr*nch.

>currently in-game: ffxiv
like pottery

fucking based

>Favourite game.
Fuc dude, in all honesty probably Tales of Vesperia.
>Favourite series.
Honestly, probably Spyro. I loved those games as a kid and still have a soft spot for them.
>Favourite OST.
Ever since finding it, the Ys soundtrack is great.
>Favourite character.
I have a weakness for knight-type characters. Olberic of Octopath Character takes that number one spot.
>What you've been playing.
Bloodstained and God Eater 3.
>What you've been looking forwards to.
Nioh 2 is the biggest at the moment.
Might start looking forwards to Hammerfell if Bethesda start shaping up.

Is that the next game, or is that the new ESO expansion?

>favorite game
Baldur's Gate
>favorite series
Shin Megami Tensei
>favorite OST
>favorite character
>what you've been playing
KoF 02
>what you're looking forward to
Streets of Rage 4
OG Athena (SNK)

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Next mainline game.

>favorite game
SMT IV. Yeah I know its flawed and there's more mechanically sound RPG's but this one just ticks all the right vibes for me
>favorite series
>favorite OST
Yakuza 0
>favorite character
>what you've been playing
Playing Yakuza Kiwami 2 at moment, Beat Bloodstained the other week, great game. Still playing DMC5 every now and again
>what you're looking forward to
Persona 5: The Royal. The new Fire Emblem is intriguing me a bit lately. Hopefully get some good announcements at TGS
Don't have one

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>favorite game
UT2k4. I'd say I miss it, but really I just miss multiplayer games actually maintaining a playerbase. It seems like now a game only gets players if it's popular with streamers or if it gets weekly drip feed updates and dies if it misses one.
>favorite series
Homeworld. Still haven't finished DoK but I'll get to it one of these days.
>favorite OST
Stellaris, maybe? I don't really pay attention to music much in games so if I don't turn it off after listening to it for 100 hours on repeat I probably like it.
>favorite character
Revolver Ocelot.
>what you've been playing
Not much, I've a real hankering for something with an open and immersive world but everything just seems gamey. I'll get over it at some point.
>what you're looking forward to
Death Stranding, I guess. A real update for Red Dead Online would be nice. Some info about Starfield so I can actually be excited for it.
Karan S'jet from Homeworld. 3D will forever be disappointing knowing that I'll die before having a mothership mommy becomes a reality.
I gave my dad my GBA because he wanted to play Jackal and I figured it was easier than setting up my NES for him (I have a GBA flashcart with a NES emu). He ended up finding Advance Wars and really enjoys it.

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I hope I never meet her-... he? them?

>Gordon Freeman

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>favorite game
Majora's Mask

>favorite series
Zelda or Pokemon. Despite the fact that I hate how same-y the Pokemon games have become, I can't help but get new ones whenever they come out.

>favorite OST
Ori or Majora's Mask.

>favorite character
Handsome Jack.

>what you've been playing
Recently finished Stories Untold. Going to get back to Xcom 2 now, or maybe start Pathologic.
Or maybe Exapunks...

>what you're looking forward to
Stalker 2, Metro Exodus Steam release.

>that guy who makes a thread about what the entire board is for

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