Why does there always have to be a Castilian dub, and a LA dub for Spanish games? English doesn't do that...

Why does there always have to be a Castilian dub, and a LA dub for Spanish games? English doesn't do that. Aren't they both Spanish?

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Spain here
Where are those dubs?
Barely any games get Spanish dubs ever afaik, not that I look for them.
And they are both Spanish in the same way American English and Australian English are both English

>Onda Vital
>A todo gas

That's why OP, Castilian Spanish is trash too, it's a dead dialiect too, soon to be replaced by Nbugu Spanish:


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>And they are both Spanish in the same way American English and Australian English are both English
Which is what confuses me how both countries need their own dubs for some reason. People say "well the slang is different" but the meaning of slang words from other countries is usually obvious through context, right? It can't make a game THAT confusing to play.

Damn full on with the shitposting already
How boring

They dont "need" it but the publisher has the numbers and probably games with both variants sell more in those countries
Its mostly south americans that hate spain´s spanish for some reason like that frogposter above, here we dont care, all anime was in mexican in the 90s and we liked it, and we also like el chavo

I enjoy hearing other English accents, and as a Spanish learner I'm fascinated by its respective accents (Castilian is my favorite I admit). It's bizarre to me how every Spanish country seems to hate every other Spanish dialect.

I wish I was Castizo.

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Again Ive never seen in real life another Spanish person make fun of mexican Spanish, and I didnt know mexicans hated our Spanish until I started seeing it online.
We can understand each other perfectly fine with the hilarious and widely known words that are sexual in one variant but not in another
Coger means "to pick up" in Spain but it means "to fuck" in SAmerica


The fertility rate of Spain is a joke, almost as low as Japan your population has flatlined HARD, also unlike Japan your goverment is going to make sure to replace your ass withing two generations with based Nbugus and Mohameds. The children of your children will be little nigglet mutts lol

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Probably because spics don't buy games?
It's like asking why they don't dub games in African languages.

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I have no idea what your intentions are
If you are trying to make me go on a nationalistic rant or something you must not know Spain very well.
This is the land of not caring.

Dude, I joined the army and after four years I joined a private contractor.
Your attacks on my country mean nothing, I don't care about it.

It means to pick up in Cuba too. Isn't joder a lot more vulgar in Spain?

>dub game to Spaniard Spanish
>people in Spain buy it
>dub game to spic Spanish
>nobody in spicland buys it anyway

I don't speak taco, but I remember from spanish class that spaniards talk slightly differently. A few different words here and there (I think you guys use different words for Shoe), having a plural informal 2nd-person with vos, and pronouncing C/Z as th

I'm not sure how that registers between spics and spaniards though. Does it sound so different to your ears that it's like an american trying to decipher what a guy with a thick scottish accent is saying?


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Joder in Spain is pretty much "Shit".
Nobody uses it as a synonym of "fuck".

joder is fuck but used as an interjection most of the time to emphasize something
>that fucking thing
follar is fuck very vulgar and referring specifically to sex
>lets fuck

If my skin is light and my hair isn't sleek black, can I be considered white like the Spanish?

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Only if you are Argentinian.

It sounds different but its no trouble at all understanding it

Todos a sobar, qué ya es hora coño

Videogames didn't really start getting latam dubs until recently, afaik it never happened before the ps4 era. When I was a kid if I was lucky enough to get a game in spanish it was always dubbed in spain and you could never take those seriousy and not laugh at the silly lines.

Esto es el fin, Don Pepe!

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It's not the slang, but rather the accent. There's so many little variations of Spanish that whatever you weren't raised with will sound like ass. Some legit sound like they were born without a tongue (Puerto Rico) and others are too slow, like they're trying to teach a kid how to speak (Colombia). Want a good example as to why we push for our own dubs? Play xenoblade chronicles 2. I bet you'll find it jarring despite the game being dubbed in English.

You are comparing English dubs, which are typically original works, to Spanish dubs which are typically translated from English or other languajes.
We Spaniards expect Pancho Villa to speak with a Mexican accent, but we would be very weirded hearing James Bond speaking Mexican. Thus we need to dub James Bond to Spaniard Spanish while Mexicans need to dub him to Mexican Spanish.

I'll admit, this made for a humorous first playthrough of resident evil 4. I'd hear "the cogi!" so often I couldn't help but laugh. Those ganados were thirsty, NIGGA.

Spanish dubs are terrible anyway, I pirated all my PS2 games mainly to get the NTSC versions

Spanish have lisps.
Tell me why.

a la cama o te chupo el pito

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info for all english speakers
these threads are made by south american retards hating spaniards
they post fake "translation" pics and shitpost because they hate spaniards

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if they want the oro back they should go ask for it to the germans

No, although it has become that when we try to decipher what a regueton faggot is "singing" about. As others have said, it's simply a preference for whatever version of Spanish you grew up with.

Friendly reminder that:

Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones

Mexico is also the Latin American country that had contributed the most to videogames

Just last year, we had the best indie game according to Suda51, it was so popular in Japan that it's getting a physical release via Play-Asia



Guacamelee main creator and programmer is Mexican and it's a very successful indie games, it's getting a physical release

We have Kerbal Space Program, the best selling Latin American game on Steam and the most successful one, it has sold over 3 or 4 million copies


The first videogame Latin American company is Mexican and it's called EVOGA, they worked with SNK

We had AAA Lucha Libre which is arguably the Latin American game with the biggest budget ever

Also we have created some games for PC and PS4 too







This one came to Switch/Xbone/PS4 and PC and got good reception, it's the best selling Latin American game on Nintendo e-shop and it's being published in Asia too



Not to mention that we have one of the best KOF AND SMASH players in the world

The guy who beat all licensed NES game is Mexican:


Also, Mexico is the biggest vidya market in Latin America

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putos sudacas

te paso por encima con la furgoneta mamonazo


ignore these seething Southern Americaners


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You need to be like this to be considered white.

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>samefagging this hard
Cope, Lobezno.

Threadly reminder that Chile isn't a latino country and shouldn't be lumped with those monkeys.

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basado y pastillarojeado
>inb4 píldora

>Puerto Rican dad says Spaniards sound like ye olde English with a gay lisp
>Colombian and Nuyorican coworkers say that Castilian is the master race dialect
>Mexican friend laughs at everyone else and draws hentai

I know it isn't productive to worry about accents if I can't speak, but Spanish doesn't really have a default "Hollywood English" equivalent, does it? How can an English speaker best approach the differences between LA vs Spain?

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>gets destroyed
pégate un trago de sosa cáustica

>Glotón, Guepardo, Aguja Dinámica o Emilio Garra
los nombres de mierda que teneis allí

I bet South-Africans are like 'I am 56% INDIAN"
Hombre your from Esfagnol

Good luck whit lopez obrador and the cuban doctors that infiltrate in your country ;)

The default is always the origin country.
For Spanish, it's Spaniard Spanish, for English, it's British English.
Anyone who disagrees are foreigners who corrupted languages.

>this fake again
Based agujas dinamicas humilliating themselves again

>but Spanish doesn't really have a default "Hollywood English" equivalent, does it?

The equivalent would be neutral spanish, which is only used in LA since Spain uses their own dubs. Spanish is so different between countries, is really hard to learn it because so many words have different meanings in different places. There should still be a pretty good music video about two guys singing how hard it is to learn spanish.

Thing is, your best bet is to always go for neutral spanish. Spaniard spanish will only be useful in Spain and maybe Argentina since they share similar accents, but overall is better to learn mexican spanish as, disregarding slangs, is the most neutral of them all and the one you'll always listen to in LA dubs.

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There are more Mexican spics than any other kind. And their population keeps growing. Mexican Spanish will dominate the scene.

>but overall is better to learn mexican spanish as, disregarding slangs, is the most neutral of them all
Escucha esto mi negro


>spain and argentina
>similar accents
do you have brain damage?


Nobody fucks them, user. Their grandkids will get isolated to ghettos then die out.

I love the spanish Simpsons dub debacle
Prime flamewar fuse and fuel

Most Americans respond positively to British and Australian accents, and Canadians basically sound the same outside of backwoods (same as the US really.)

How many times are you gonna make this fucking thread, OP?

Go back to /pol/ , little nigger

I think there's some kind of law in Spain that forces movies and video games to be dubbed in their native Spanish. Aside from that, both varieties are quite different so if the product is for a Latin American public, the dubbed will be made in something called "neutral Spanish". Latin Americans tend to dislike Peninsular Spanish pretty bad too.


no idea what you guys are saying lol

>xenoblade chronicles 2 dub
Jesus, what the fuck was that.

>Why does there always have to be a Castilian dub,

Spics have a law that requires that if a game/movie is to have a spanish dub it must be done by local actors.

>and a LA dub
Because castillian spanish is fucking awful and the mexican dub industry is next to the source country of most of the audiovisual content the relevant hispanic speaking market has historically consumed, they had a headstart in the business and were closer to the markets they wanted to reach while spain has the atlantic on one side and frogs, wops, krauts and a plethora of drunken slavic dialects on the other. The only thing they could sell were locally produced media.

>aguja dimanica

que cojones es eso?
What the fuck is that?

that shit looks more asian than white.
that's how "white" works in america

It's a russian albino.

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he's a mexindian

Okay little Mexicans and other southern pests, it's time to stop being retarded. Here's YOUR LIST of dubs. That's right, YOURS!

>Nube Kinton - Nube Voladora Chichi
>Garlick Junior - Gran Marciano
>Kamehame ha - Onda Glaciar (al principio)
>Homer Simpson - Homero
>Clancy Wiggum - Agente Gorgory
>Sideshow Bob - Bob Patiño
>C3P0 - Citripio
>R2D2 - Arturito
>Bruce Wayne - Bruno Diaz
>Conan the Barbarian - Vulcano el Barbaro
> Joker - Guason
>Gotta catch 'em all - ATRAPALOS YA
>Wolverine - Emilio Garra y Aguja Dinamica

I could go on but I think that's enough for now.
No pretendan que su Español es neutro tampoco, que todos suenan a lo mismo, con su accento alargado de mierda.

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>white like the Spanish
kek, if your main language is spanish you're automatically non white

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>Homer Simpson - Homero
>Sideshow Bob - Bob Patiño
>C3P0 - Citripio
>R2D2 - Arturito
>Joker - Guason
How are those bad.

What's your name?

>C3P0 - Citripio
>R2D2 - Arturito
What's the problem with C3P0? Everyone says it exactly how it is. Arturito is just a nickname given because of the similarity, but he has always been named R2D2 in any kind of spanish media.

>Nube Kinton - Nube Voladora Chichi
>Garlick Junior - Gran Marciano
>Kamehame ha - Onda Glaciar (al principio)
>Wolverine - Emilio Garra y Aguja Dinamica
All of these are bullshit. The cloud has always been "Nube Voladora", no Chichi; Garlick Jr. has NEVER been called Gran Marciano, his name remained exactly the same, and the Kamehameha used to be only Kamehame from the very first time Roshi used it against the fire at Ox Satan's castle. The last one is spaniard, in Mexico he was always Guepardo until this decade when they decided to stick to Wolverine. Stop talking out of your ass.

>Sideshow Bob - Bob Patiño
Patiño is pretty much translated as a sidekick or partner, is well translated and sounds good for comedic purposes.

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You are all a bunch of faggots

tfw no hairy spaniard gamer friend



Lol okay faggot

>What's the problem with C3P0? Everyone says it exactly how it is. Arturito is just a nickname given because of the similarity, but he has always been named R2D2 in any kind of spanish media.

Cé Tres Pé O

Erre Dos Dé Dos

that's how they are called in Spain

>not even three seconds
>"estamoSH feliSHeSH"

What accent are we talking about again?


>English doesn't do that.
Yes they fucking do. Yes, they goddamn fucking do.


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Mexifriend here.
You ALWAYS get dubs for almost every game, we rarely get any in latin american Spanish. What the fuck are you talking about?

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Spanish is fucking garbage
t. spaniard

>Cé Tres Pé O
>Erre Dos Dé Dos

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it'd kinda be like if they started putting in a pidgin dub. pidgin is technically english, but fuck if your average modern english speaker can understand a thing they say.

>/Pol/fag got so absolutely blown out by the responses that he couldn't even respond

Name some.

Depending on the game. Playstation exclusives normally get dubbed. Other games only depends of the distributor or whatever the fuck are called.

after the PSX era we started to get more and more games just subbed.

I loved the spyro an crash ones. and the FF7 translation is full of memeable quotes due to being done by two people

>Cloud: Allé voy

A classic

is how they are pronounced.

We still write it as C3P0 and R2D2

>we rarely get any in latin american Spanish
That was true up until the previous gen, even NTSC games with spanish text where rare back then, but things began to change when Microsoft saw a market on latin america, specially mexico, nowadays most of the big AAA games do get a dedicated LA dub.

Bless Microsoft during the early Xbox games, the Halo dubbing was some really good stuff.