Who are the best villains of gaming?

Who are the best villains of gaming?

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>man of shad

>the man of shad

>but no lipstick marks on jessie's tummy
dropped, and walked out the door

>not only shadman but also shaddette and shadchild

Attached: Man of Shad.webm (640x640, 2.94M)

Meowth doesn't look like that

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Would've been good if not for the fortnite dance.

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then how did you recognize as meowth?


A man of taste, I see.

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he either does a smeared makeup, tattoos, and body hair layer and it's awful or he does clean and it's also awful

Attached: }shadman.gif (340x437, 896K)

Attached: Jessie lick.webm (675x506, 396K)

>Shadoodle of Man

god i wish that were me

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This, it also needs more piercings and chromatic aberration

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Is shadman a faggot? She doesn't even look close to female

>person of shad ancestry

Shadman is indeed a faggot, but he also fucks females.

What exactly does that make him?

It means he's bi-sexual.

apparently jessie is going against james in a pokebattle?????? )????)?(???)

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Reminder that Jessie has CANONICALLY had a tongue inside her navel

>fucks females

and it was an extremely sensitive reaction to it
it is possibly a g-spot for her

Wait, did he fuck females first or males first?

Wouldn't it be funny to walk around with those hypnotizing pokemons and mindbreak all those pokemon trainer kids haha

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user I'm your favorite aren't I?

Attached: Jessie bent over.png (499x483, 303K)

user won't you help me catch that twerp's pikachu?

Attached: Jessie R.png (601x834, 457K)

>Reading this
>Asking myself why he drew James so thicc
>The next panel he was already nude
I don't know why I doubted.

What the fuck was his problem?

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>walk around with those hypnotizing pokemons and mindbreak all those pokemon trainer kids

Someone should draw pic related with Hypno

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Attached: shadman.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

James had always been better trainer than Jessie


Isn't that like coming second last?

what has he made this time?

Just look at the previous comics. I'm more surprised they haven't skinned the cat for his betrayal.

How come shad's arstyle is so recognizable?

>pokemon turning on their own trainers and mindbreaking them
Why is this so rare.

Because its just that bad.

how many shiny pokemon appearances have been in the anime?
i recall shuckle, noctowl, but was that it?


>He didn't make lewds of that faggy Lucario

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That was way before fortnite was even a thing

>so rare
First day on the internet?

There's been a few, not many notable ones though.

>always want bisexual porn of Jesse and James
>fucking shadman draws it
If only I wasn't so lazy I'd commission someone

The correct answer is A.

That's capitalism baby

B was dumb enough to let the flute to be in my possession, so I'll give it to A but compensating B

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I mean female pokemon with male trainers.
Male pokemon with female trainers is like a penny a dozen

Hey now
There's a lot of male pokemon on male trainers too

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>She doesn't even look close to female
what? how does your brain even work

Marmalademum did it better.

>No James
Nah, I'll go with shadman for this one

Hypno better be fucking that blonde guy and hypnotizing him to slutdom

The Indigo league in the anime was comfy as fuck, and unironically has more SOUL then the rest of the franchise.

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My nigger.

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Sauce me up familia

this is my favorite one of these

Attached: shadman.webm (718x720, 973K)

The only thing worse than a Zoomer is a contrarian Zoomer trying yo fit in

not gonna lie that new stuff with mewtwo was pretty hot.

no one the flute is mine and mine alone


Ah yeah, the stomach breasts.

James is a good boy.

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Its a 3d Tower of trample

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Futa Musashi gets me right hot!

It's just pokemon hentai at this point. When's shad going to bring back some edge or at least pierce Misty's butthole.

is james gay?

hey stop

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I miss watching pokemon

Based and true, even though Gen IV was best for the games.

No. He marries and impregnates Jessie in one of the comics.

>dresses up like your pregnant wife

nah he's just a dandy

>You will never swap bodies with Jessie

Feel bad my guy

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Rolling despite the odds I may not get any of them


Bad things better not happen to James and I also would like him to step on me.

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Roll for a good boy.


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I’d give them all the meat flute if you catch my drift


Teen Titans:

King of the Hill:


Scooby Doo:

cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094224 (Same story but futa)


Hey Arnold:
>Rhonda needs money and has to work as a street walker to help her family out


>Rhonda and her boytoy force Phoebe into a threesome


"Spending Mother's Day with Mrs. Parr" is my latest work, there's a futa on male version as well

If you read any of them, let me know

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To be fair, they were misguided to save Prox


i would assume its B until A pays for it

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we're talking about them having my dick right?

>Watching the SM Anime

That's even worse than enjoying Shadman. Off yourself.

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Who the fuck gave me the flute

I sell it

Post the whole thing, please.

Attached: shadman.jpg (679x478, 70K)

you'd get banned before page 4

Man, it could be a tiny thumbnail, and I can still recognize if something is done by shadman. Is this a curse?

Attached: Pheromosa.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

I would give them all my penis if you catch my drift

>draw james normal
fuck artists

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Attached: Jessie drown.webm (1280x720, 2.03M)

They liked it.


Attached: Jessie out of context.webm (1280x720, 2.38M)

I really wanna fuck shuckle

>they have to fight each other next episode
rooting for James

I wanna fuck my sister

Are you implying there are only two genders by saying "bi"?

When's Mewtwo going to fuck his trainer in the ass

Man this really gives me the urge to try out Let's Go. So what's people's opinion on it now?

Is she gonna rape him?

Its fucking garbage

What is this from? The art style looks different from what I remember the series looking like

from the later anime episodes

>all these anons wanting to fuck Jessie
You... do realize how old she is, right?

>that outfit at the end

Attached: Muh Dick!.webm (1080x608, 2.69M)

yes i want to cum in her and raise a family together

You do realize that most of us aren't Japanese men, right?

Attached: Team Rocket hypnotized.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

Are there any other villains with that condescending baritone-monotone voice that Doom's Sam Hayden or DDDA's Grigori have? Doesn't matter what genre.

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Vayne Solidor

Watch The Power of Us if you want more of Jessie.

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Have B make A the Flute, share money income with both B and C. C can then buy her own Flute and go from there. Everyone's happy.

You do realize there is not an age you can tell me that will discourage the urge

no, it won't

>Tfw this scene was the thing that made me want to search for porn of Jessie when i was a kid

More like watch Our Story if you want a damn good Pokemon movie.

>These still images from an animation are weird!
Dont look up smear frames or you'll have an autistic fit.


This is exactly what I was hoping for from this thread, thanks anons.

was this censored from american tv?

Surprisingly no.

How cucked do you have to be to pick C?

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I really like Paprika Jessie.