I wanna go back

I wanna go back.

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I never got into Socom but since Xbox Live required money I did a lot of gaming online on PS2. Resident Evil Outbreak, Everquest Online Adventures, Timesplitters Future Perfect, Jak X, amazing games, Gauntlet Seven Sorrows was fucking shit but at least I had headset bros to experience the Sorrow together (bazooper). I dont feel I missed out at all.

Shame S*yny charges these days.

Should try socom 2 over x-link. There's still people who play to this day.





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I don’t think they ever will.

Peopl like to forget how hard they milked the franchise for 8 years, without about 5 financially disappointing sequels, that’s why it is dead

not trying to start shit but why does everyone get wet over 2 but not combined assault? didnt that one have most of the maps from 2 anyway? I only played CA so I don't have any reference here.

It's been long enough, if they brought it back one more time maybe they can create some new fans for the franchise.

You'd just had to have been there. CA was just off. Gunplay wasn't as smooth.

You can Xlink kai has a strong Socom 2 community

I know but it's not the same as having 60k people on with dedicated servers.

I dont know, was Socom even actually good?
Never played but from videos everyone was running around, the aim seems very loose, and the framerate shit with poor online connections on top.

Future Soldier was quite good, I like Wildlands PVP but its something very specific. Dont like The Division PVP at all.

GRAW had some really shitty framerate and connections back in the day

I mean it was like the first online ps2 game so allowances have to be made but the game was the bee's knees at that point in time.

Never had as much fun with an online game as I did in this. I was fortunate enough to be a part of a great clan.

>bee's knees at that point in time
I believe in that a lot

limited ammo
learn to aim and burst fire to conserve ammo
run out of ammo go pick up a defeated enemys weapon(hope they still have some ammo)
learn to use dif weapons because of that

no game has even come close to this and i lose fights(current shooters) because i stop shooting when they take cover because of muscle memory

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>was Socom even actually good?
You bet your pink ass it was. Gameplay obviously looks dated, but it was smooth for it's time. You could rush and shoot or shoot from a distance without getting griefed by shitty controls.

Wildlands on the other hand is stiff and performs like it was made by amateur developers or some shit. How the fuck is Ghost Recon Future Soldier, an older game in the series, going to play better in almost every aspect? The aiming was smoother, movement was fluid, when you wanted to transition from Third Person to First person it was absolutely responsive and intuitive as well.

I forgot about The Division, that shit plays and feels awesome. Only problem is the RPG/bullet sponge features. The controls have to be smooth in a game like that though, you have to be able to land a shit ton of shots to deplete that absurd health/sponge feature.

MGSV also another GREAT 3rd person shooter. Game is so well made that going free aim is more effective than the auto-aim feature. Content aside, MGSV was well made from a mechanics standpoint.

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competitive tps will always be kind of shit because of corner camping.

>Playing this with my older brother and my nanny’s bf

Shit was fucking amazing. Had my first beer playing this game.


can I connect to X Link with PCXS2?

>competitive tps will always be kind of shit because of corner camping.
That's why smooth and responsive aiming and character agility is important. In Socom it was never a problem and in Ghost Recon Future Soldier it wasn't problem. It's not a problem in Gears of War either. Map design plays a huge roll as well.

all time great map

you mean frostfire

>is used by every player in your path

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that's not the m14

Frostfire with respawns was the map I'd go to warm up my shot...only spend 3 hours in that fucking room. Crossroads though, made me feel like I was playing something out of Black Hawk Down or something. I know the graphics are shit now, but Crossroads wasn't only just a good map to play on, but it was aesthetic as fuck.

I hated those faggots. Gun fired too fast.

Anyone else remember when the OICW glitch spread around?

everyone hated it

till you learned how to actually use it, if you couldn't learn it
then die

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>Abandoned on S1
>everyone rushes to be the first to do the ladder glitch
>have the wrong disc version so cant even fight back

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It's crazy how vividly I remember that fucking gun. I never got good with it, but I remember I had a few good moments with it. I remember that fire rate and that recoil.

Did you m14fags control the recoil or just aim for the dick and let the recoil carry to the head? I dick shot with it and just let the recoil go up to the mouth and then would just try my best hold it there. Sometimes it worked.

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If you're not using an M16 on both sides you're doing it wrong.

What kills me today is how high the barrier is for a "dead" game. I don't think more than 100 people connected to Timesplitters Future Perfect Online ever at one time and it was very much alive. I never had problems finding a game and people constantly uploaded new maps.

Let that sink in btw. This was a game where you could make your own maps and share it with others. Granted it took up like half of your memory card once you had a couple but that was still fucking badass. Do any console FPS games do this today?

Anyway, today populations drop below 10,000 and its like TIME TO PULL THE PLUG DEAD GAME THE ADVERTISERS WONT LIKE THIS.

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yup just aim at legs and let recoil do its thing

Going back to socomyballs?

I tried to be elite with the m4 with the m203 attached. I never used the grenades or any of that shit, I'd only equip smoke so i wouldn't get banned, but I just liked how it made my character look like delta force an shit lol

With the terrorists I think I used the ak's and the 552

That was my instinct on how to handle that fucking spit-firing cunt weapon. I just couldn't control it mid to long range like some of the better players. I always got melted by that shit.
>mfw etc etc

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Why does this vaguely ring a bell?

You would have been promptly voted out on my server, US East 9, had you picked up an m203. That's socom 101, also no IW/M14 is the only way to play.

The first SOCOM was amazing. Going from the first to II sucked because it felt like people became bullet sponges. Feral was based though.

I had 0 idea how to play online for ps2 games. SOCOM 2's singleplayer was comfy as fuck though. I loved spending 2 hours on a mission as a kid because I was scared of maneuvering in the dead of night.

>Thai Medley
>that map with the jail cell room where you could camera-peak to the stairway at the end of a long hall