>Be me
>Married, full time wagie
>Can only enjoy old school FPS like Blood, Duke and Doom
Have I become a meme?
Be me
>married by 31
lucky. the way it's going millenials wont probably know that feel
By 2019 internet standards you're very old. Zoomers in their teens-early 20s who grew up on Bieber and Web 2.0 and don't remember anything older than PS2 can now walk and talk and are the majority of Yea Forums and the current internet.
>married for 11 years
>full time career
>two kids
>can only play singleplayer games for ~1-3 hours per day
>actually enjoy games since I’m not constantly burned out on playing them
Boomer life is comfy as fuck, friend.
>tfw 24 and married
No, just a massive faggot for posting a wojak edit.
96 and up. Oldest zoomers are in their 20s now.
>tfw 23 and just got engaged
Official Zoomer cutoff is 2000.
Some cultural early Zoomers are born in the late 90s, but the official threshold is 2000, according to both me and the US Census.
Anyone who thinks that a 23 year old is a fucking Zoomer is mentally retarded.
And take that pic you keep spamming and shove it up your rectum.
I'm second generation Canadian, youngest of 4 and no one beside my parents are married. Eldest brother is 31, sister is 29, other brother is 26. The way its going for us, I honestly don't see anyone but my sister having a family at all including me
You chose the path of the normalfag and so your access to the artistic universe has been rescinded.
Worry not though, you get to pass on your genes as a compensation.
Zoomer cope.
Have sex
There, we said all the buzzwords. Now the thread can continue.
Is that like your version of the Falcon Punch?
You don't have to narrate what you're doing.
Nice try zoomer.
>we're too late the aliens in area 51 got deported 2 years ago
hows it going being old friends
>pew research center is a good source
Also that source is from 2015 and outdated. Pew's dates are from 2019 and up to date.
Cope, you're a zoomer.
You mean you want to spend the rest of your life with one person EVEN SOONER ?
You should go look up divortion statistics kid
>odd jobs/part time jobs only
>not married
>enjoy only platform games or turn based strategies
My life is suffering.
Pointing out the owner is Jewish isn't an argument.
Nope, I'm a boomer. I grew up with Ocarina of Time and SNES games.
Be glad boomer
the same that shows the clear impact of promiscuity while young in divorces later on or some other?
>have own apartment
>work 40 hours a week
>play mostly fighting games and platformers
I don't know how to feel
horribly inflated by people who repeatedly marry and divorce
with the second marriage the chance of divorce already goes sky high
shut the fuck up boomer!
>getting married before your early 30's
Unless you found your soulmate early, dont bother
The official cutoff point for being a zoomer is being old enough to remember 9/11, if you can't remember it you're a zoomer.
I'm 32 and have been with my current girfriend for 8 years however not married. I feel this is longer than a lot of marriages last already.
That's a stupid cutoff point, and here's why.
First of all, you're relying on memories, which fluctuate and aren't set in stone.
Second of all, it's Americentric. 9/11 was a game changer for culture in the short-term in America, but it's not something to measure generations by.
>be me
>actually fucking married
>hurr am I a meme? xDD
I don't understand this zoomer discussion. Who would want to be called a faggy millenial too?
I'm only 18 but this is very relatable to me
I can enjoy some modern games
But I always go back to old classics
Blood is the shit
Who would want to be called a dumb kid?
Generation Z is 2000-present, anyone who thinks otherwise is intellectually disabled.
Do non Americans actually give a fuck about 9/11?
>a single country can define globally generations and what they do/like when the media and culture that influenced those generations takes a while to reach other countries, be translated/dubbed and widespread and usually end up not applying to those same years as the US
okay this is epic
The problem with meme speak is that it mistakes one group for another. In reality there are zoomers, millenials and then boomers but people mistake millenials and zoomers for the same thing
>Who would want to be called a dumb kid?
Call me retarded, but I don't really care about being shit or crap
Different user here. Got hitched at 27 and am happily married, its really good shit, but I wouldn't recommend it to everyone as with one exception, every else I know who was married seem to regret it.
lower your standards for what it takes to be satisfied
>Wake up Saturday morning
>Grab a 0 cal energy drink from the fridge
>Go out and mow the lawn before it gets too hot while listening to 90s punk and 80s metal
>Realize that I have become a meme
>Say "fuck it" and go play Overwatch with my wife
Live your best life, my dudes. And if your life sucks, you can make it better.
> 24 and still kissless virgin
Why do I bother living
Sounds like beta male advice. Fuck that.
My life turned around shortly after my 25th birthday user, not even memeing.
just be yourself bro
I agree knowing full well that every generation since aristotle and even before thought that the newer generation was utterly retarded
We aren't special fellow millenials over 30.
Mine didn't
t. 27yo virgin neet loser
yea well theyre still a bunch of retarded kids with no taste and no sense of humor.
Just walk up and give them a good hand shake.
He's not even over 30. He was born in 1994.
I'm not fucking joking. He's so desperate to prove that he had a childhood that he wants to gatekeep Zoomerdom so he can prove that he's "totally an old-school boomer".
You're putting too much thought into generations if you think like that. At any arbitrary generation end point, someone born the year the generation ends is going to have more in common with someone from the 'next' generation born the the next year, then someone who is in 'their' generation and 15 years older.
It's like women can smell the pussy on you. If you get any from somewhere else suddenly theyll flock to you.
Why is that?
This unironically worked for me
truth be told I think the issue is with the internet nowdays.
when I was a young boy there was no Yea Forums or internet 2.0, all we had were IRC, forum, BBS and such and it was absolutely important that what I posted was well thought up.
These days instead the internet is all about useless comments and video of people being loud while saying nothing.
It just feels like any time I try to talk to a girl it feels forced and unnatural. I dint know how people do it
They covet sought-after men bc it means the man is popular for social proof
>not married, no kids, no job
>video games and other hobbies are the only thing keeping me from killing myself
It's not from a lack of trying. Life just enjoys kicking me in the balls every time I try to make something of myself. After falling down so many times, it's hard to keep picking yourself back up. Full time neet looks pretty good from down here.