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osrs until classic

WoW is garbage right now so the question is: are you looking for a sandbox where you can do whatever the fuck you want (with a lot of time investment) or a theme park with a decent story and solid encounters


I'm having fun with elemental shaman right now, mythic keystones are too addictive to stop playing wow.

all the cool kids are osrs + xiv, not one or the other

Both. You run out of content in WoW, even in Classic. Play OSRS on and off when you get bored or run into lock outs on Warcraft. Running Stratholme for your +4 shadow damage cape gets old eventually and so does PvP.

>WoW is currently the worst it's ever been
>OSRS is trying to implement microtransactions
>tried FF14 but didn't like it that much

This but still play osrs on the side when Classics out.

Guild Wars 1

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Age of Conan and ESO


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8.2 is unironically good and Classic is just around the corner. Also if leaks are real 9.0 is going to be lit.

A man of culture as well.

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what leaks

Is this Mist of Panderia? Good expansion

Escape From Tarkov. The only MMO worth playing.

>private server tier shit like task-only dungeons and massive power creep
>about to be rs3ified

>streamer sandbox
>not out yet

>not a weeab but the people who play it seem to like it

FFXIV is for retards who pay to watch cutscenes. Just wait for WoW classic


Any other wow refugees want to give ff14 a try with me? It's free up until 35, but so far running around doing fetch quests solo is so boring.

that was my problem with that game. The "questing" and leveling is so braindead you can never die and everything falls over in two hits.

Spreadsheet simulator.

rs is life

everyone says it gets better with HW but i always got tired before that

I know the game has progressed quite a bit of, but the beginning feels far more dates then wow. I'm running around killing stationary trash mobs, listening to cringe when dialogue and delivering pretzels to npcs. I'd love to try the game at the later stages tho


I just hit 50 literally skipping every cutscene. Everyone claims ARR content is complete dick, which proved to be true. Now I decide if I want to spend $40 for shadowbringers when I know 100% I'll leave in a month for classic.

dont even want to try anymore, community seems like shit

gives you something to do in between GCDs in xiv i suppose

carefull mods h8 xiv threads

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because they are pseudo-generals on this board

i've been switching between XIV and WoW since 2.1 and honestly the game kinda fucking sucks before level 50, but after ARR the story is good and max level content is fun

nice joke but more like
>gives you something to do during Main Scenario Roulette

also valid

Just like WoW, Lobotomy Corp, Smash, Pokemon, Splatoon,etc. etc.

wow and ff are actually similar osrs is so different, that being said osrs is free and very alive and fun

nobody plays/posts wow they just watch it on twitch

lobodmy corp is based

smash/pokemon/splatoon are more ecchi share and Nintendo containment

Phantasy Star Online 2

Heard the combat is fun so that's all it might take for me.

But I'm going to give WoW classics a try too. Never got to play that in my childhood and my friends want me to play with them.

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It's 2019, most communities are shit. Make friends.

lol only because of the DLC wishlists. No one fucking plays that game, the netcode is trash.

>OSRS is free
F2p is fucking trash, there's zero reason to play without paying. If you're THAT poor or bored, play a private server.

>F2p is fucking trash
Zoomer skiller spotted.

>not getting membership with bonds

>Just wait for WoW classic
Why not just play on a private server right now instead?


OSRS but only in short bursts

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playing with others would be unironically pointless since there's only a handful of braindead dungeons till 35, and everything else is meant to be played solo

I've never played an MMO. Should I?

My coworker keeps badgering me to get into WoW.

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Fuck no, if you didnt start together, they will rush your ass through it and you will gain nothing from it

Absolutely no,
That shit died like half a decade ago and has only been lifted by the sheer autism of it's playerbase who are literally incapable of letting go, and those who somehow manage, tend to go fester in other MMO's like FFXIV, which also sucks.

I've played mmo's for over 20 years, take it from me, you don't want to get involved.
Only consider it if you have a good close friend to play with and it's a game that focuses more on story / content than shitty number chasing and vanity whoring

They're a good time sink, and if you have a friend to play WoW with it could be okay. But if they're not going to level with you it's a horrbile grind.

>Quite runescape 10 years ago last month
>only play once to check out rs3
>dailies and microtransactions for xp gains out the ass
>see all this rs buzz
>giving Jagex another chance

No never gain

Don't. It's fucking awful. It's the worst time sink you'll ever do. You'll thank me, I promise.

A short burst of OSRS wouldn't get you a third of the way from level 80 mining to level 81. That shit is a game for people who need a MASSIVE time sink.

it's fun enough with friends and even though the game is in the shittiest state it's ever been you don't really have anything to compare that to, so you'd probably enjoy it for a bit at least

There is no reason to get your stats that high. I recommend that people play it casually.

You don't even encounter any compelling or deep gameplay until you get to higher levels though. Before that it's a massive cookie clicker-esque grind, or walking simulator if you want to do quests.

>half-way through Heavensward MSQ
>already starting to feel burned out
Knowing I still have to suffer through Stormblood isn't helping either if its really as mediocre and shitty as I've heard around here.
The story is nice but all of the monotonous filler makes me enjoy it less and less.
