Eleven year WoW veteran here...

Eleven year WoW veteran here. I've finally given up on Battle for Azeroth (which was long overdue) and I'm looking for something new.

Would you recommend Final Fantasy XIV as a good alternative for a jaded wowfugee looking for a new home to timesink into?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ffxiv or Eso are your best bets

Do you like final fantasy?

I've put roughly 14-16 hours into the game and I can safely say FFXIV is definitely a fun and good game to get into if you like RPGs where you aren't forced to play with anyone but you can if you want to.

The only downside is that it takes till around level 40-50 for the game to truly get good from what i've heard.

But still, it's fun before that so i'll assume that just means it gets way better.

I tried ESO, but it felt like a chinese Skyrim knockoff to me. This was a few years ago though so it might have improved.

Yeah man, I love the series. Which is why I gravitated to XIV as the alternative since I should be familiar with the regular staples of the series that I assume would be in the game.

The 2.5s GCD will make you want to pull your hair out while you're levelling up to 50 for the first time. But the payoff is one of the most engrossing comeback stories in video games that unironically boasts some of the best writing you'll see in the medium.

You'll need to endure the casual filter that is A Realm Reborn, but the stroy is entertaining and I always felt leveling and discovering a new world quite engaging, so you might as well give it a try, it's free up to lvl 35.

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If you love FF you'll find that XIV is fanservice and "I know that reference" the game, but it's done in a way that it don't substrat from having it's own essence and I personally like that a lot.

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Unrelated question but I guess this is the thread to ask it in.

I've just resubbed my old account and everyone on /vg/ is making fun of me for choosing Moogle as my server. What's the best server for English speakers in Europe?

Start with Marauder as first class, it deals great damage to do questsing and it has short queues for instances, or with Archanist as it divides into Summoner (dps) and Scholar (healer) so you can use SMN for quests and SCH for instances.

Former Trump supporter here, fuck drumpf!

Can't answer properly as I don't know how other servers are, I've been in Ridill/Ragnarok since 1.0 and it's a pretty chill server.

Don't listen to this nonce, play Lancer instead.

Hey as long as everyone speaks english and it's well populated I don't give a shit

the trial lets you play to level 35 and you even have access to the dungeon that scales you to 60 and gives you all available job skills at that level.

just try the game.

If you hate BFA then you won't like FFXIV.

Pretty much everything wrong with WOW today is worse in FFXIV, if you like final fantasy games and don't mind subbing to it, then you'll probably like it, but if you're looking for a replacement for WOW don't play a WOW clone, try out a different type of MMO.

Alternatively pick up a different kind of grinding game like Monster Hunter, much more engaging, easier to play with friends, and the gameplay isn't stuck with basic as fuck monster AI from the 90s

I love that the jobs system allows me to level my character back from scratch with out wading through A Realm Reborn's story again.

>the gameplay isn't stuck with basic as fuck monster AI from the 90s

Are you talking about a completely different series that is also called Monster Hunter?

if you join there, send me a friend request and we might do some shit together.

Kenshiro Joestar

Also Following this like of thought I would uninorically take a look at Star Citizen.

Monster AI in monster hunter is far more advanced then

>Leash to entity with highest aggro
>B-line to them
>Auto attack while pooping out groundfire and debuffs

>Got too used to playing WoW for free selling gold, carries, and then later WoW Tokens
>WoW is terrible these days
>FF14 looks fun but actually having to pay for an MMO feels like a scam
Fuck......why can't everything just be free? I know a sub costs almost nothing but im just too damn jewish

And you get a bonus on monster experience corresponding to the higest level job you have (lvl 35 -> 35% extra exp, 60 -> 60% etc)

yeah, one very telegraphed attack that almost always leads into telegraphed attack #2 is so fucking advanced bro. Like holy shit.

i love MHW but you sound retarded

Stop playing MMOs
Or even better, stop playing vidya altogether

find a loophole. I have friends with money but they're lazy. So I send them osrs gold for bonds every month and they send me a time card for XIV whenever needed.

t. absolute poorfag

Its still better then using the same monster AI from fucking everquest that every themepark MMO uses.

haha you're so epic user

i want to get into ffxiv but right now you literally cannot even make new characters on literally any of the servers

Your only problem is that you went to /vg/. Server doesn't matter since you get cross world matching.

Just relogged after six months. When did they get rid of TP?

Shut up, I'm trying to save you so accept salvation up your ass and go to bed

MMO combat is stagnant as fuck, the trinity is a big issue that won't ever be solved because the trinity is a byproduct of bad monster AI and combat design.

Everytime I see a game call itself 'next gen' but then uses giant fucking telegraphed circles on the ground like WOW, Wildstar, FFXIV, I roll my eyes because its the same boring shit, and no, removing auto attack or adding in a 'dodge' mechanic like Tera or Guildwars makes it any better.

Just find the correct time-slot, usually early morning on whichever zone you want to make the character.

Log-in queues have lowered a lot, it went from ~1800 down to just ~50 at peak time in the past week, so character creation would open up more frequently soon as well.

They got rid of it in Stormblood but they finally removed the UI for it in the last expansion, Shadowbringers.

I can't do that. The same thing happened with TBC in wow days, like 12 years ago or whatever. I can not sub to a game and then maybe get to play it when I want to. I'll give it another month or two and then start.

FFXIV is very much basically WoW with an FF aesthetic.
Not modern WoW, closer to BC or WotLK WoW. Very PvE centric, solidly designed dungeons and competent party role differentiation

TP existed all throughout Stormblood and was used for AoE. They just removed it entirely in Shadowbringers in favor of the job gauges.

move on from MMOs for a while.

MMO combat has always been about the encounter mechanics. If you look at class mechanics at face value they always seen stagnant. Compare the raid fights between Vanilla WoW and Mythic in WoW today and you'll see what I mean. Classes in WoW today have less complexity but they made up for it by having more punishing fight mechanics and every class has 2-3x the APM requirements they did from Vanilla.

Are the expansion's stories really as engaging and well written as all the diehards say they are?

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APM doesn't give it more depth, I will never understand low IQ people who think button mashing is good.

Starcraft is a good example of this, that game was streamlined to fuck and back to be as APM friendly as possible, but because of this it lacked all the nuances of Brood War, its also why League will always be considered easymode compared to DOTA due to its lack of mechanical depth and milktoast abilities.

Seriously, instead of pressing 1 2 and 3 to do DPS as a frost mage, just give me 1 to press for static DPS, 2 and 3 for utility abilities that actually matter, fishing for procs fucking sucks as gameplay.

If I pay for a level skip, am I missing crucial plot from ARR or do the expansions tell their own independent stories after ARR wraps up?

>Starcraft is a good example of this
Meant Starcraft 2

No, its MMO trash story where you're the chosen one, but everyone else is also the chosen one.

T. never played classic
the fights were super basic. most of the fights were tank n spank with one thing to dispelled or move from the group. the gimmicks were super punishing though. if you did not move out of the group you would wipe.
the classes really only had 1 or 2 specs to chose from to be viable. Mages literally only used frost bolt. everything was immune to fire and lol arcane past PoM.
warlock was just put your dots up and spam shadowbolt. in BC they cut that out to just shadowbolt spam. "face roll" was a meme for a reason.

yeah but as a wowfugee you might get frustrated with the fact you cant just pick and choose where to level, it's railroaded as fuck because everything's tied to the MSQ (main story)

I pretty much quit WoW back in WoD and sold my account. FFXIV has been a nice replacement, it does things differently for better and for worse but the flaws aren't glaring enough to make it a bad game.

This article is for you. Written by a WoWfugee for WoWfugees.


Naxx raiding as fire was the fucking shit, it was also the equalizer that told the rest of the raid to not give a shit who is top DPS, the ignite bitch is going to be top DPS no matter how hard you try.

>Final Fantasy
I never got into it at all. I've never played though one of the games ever.

I'm also burned out from playing on wow private servers so i'm not giving nublizz any money for a classic subscription.

Is FFXIV for me or should I look elsewhere?

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Xiv is to recommend, but be warned that the beginning is excruciatingly slow and dull. It's a casual filter and a half, as the game only really gets going properly at heavensward. But don't think it's a sprint, treat it as a marathon run, go around and see the sights, learn the lore and your classes and enjoy what you can and It will pass a lot faster.
It's also not as open as wow, at least not until you reach the expansions, so be ready for that. Everything is unlocked via the msq, so doing that will be your priority.
Combat is slow as hell at first, but 50+ it becomes rather enjoyable. At 80, the current max, it's surprisingly difficult to git gud as your ogcds still take a bit of time to activate, so you can't just pop everything at once.

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does not have enough gold to buy infinite game time

Ffxiv is bad and not worth your time.
The fan base are autistic and lgbt++, which is whatever but it’s literally everyone.

The developers are ridiculously strict for no reason. You beat the three month campaign and want a new character? Prepare to skip through all the scenes again? Don’t like that? Level boosts are 25, and story boosts are 25 each.

Oh and you want the increased xp gear that everyone else uses? Too bad it’s preorder only no way to get it now.

If you’re not some overweight tranny living on disability, give it a hard pass and focus on something reasonable and worth your time. The company policies and fan base are terrible.

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bad bait

What's a good alternative then, user?

peak fire mage was alysrazor in cata and rolling a dot for 5 minutes before combustioning for 50% of the boss's max hp

Yeah I don’t play WoW either anymore the game was made to grind world quests for no reason. Their model pretty much focuses only on the no lifers. WoW visually decades behind FFXIV, which is admittedly the best looking MMO. Too bad ffxiv has all those other issues, Activision is the worst, square is not as bad but Yoshi behaves like he will have to commit sudoki if square gave players an account wide story skip after players beat the story.

Why does my PC get so fucking hot running this game lmao

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Not referring to the temps on speccy but the fact it's making a rig of that strength break a sweat.

Don’t play an MMO is your best option, but if you’re dead set as using that as a time sink instead of something else. Ffxiv is the best one even with all it’s problems. Just prepare yourself for the John Green tier story non stop.

I would argue tha ff14 is modern wow done right, not that it’s the best way to design an mmo by any means but I think it’s superior to bfa

you have your framerate uncapped or set to 144fps so it makes your pc work harder.

>Pretty much everything wrong with WOW today is worse in FFXIV
But XIV doesn't have forced personal loot, titanforging or artifact power.

As a long time MMOfag, nothing, nothing new has come out in the past decade that didn't fall flat on its face and become f2p trash.

FFXIV is propped up by weebs, but its not a good MMO, its a final fantasy game you have to sub to, the end game itself has no purpose or reason, just like WOW today, you grind grind grind, get stuff, but have nothing to use that stuff on except to grind the same shit but on harder difficulties, or slightly faster.

This is the major problem with the WOW clone, everything is too rigid and predefined, even everquest, with its updates, tried to make the world a place to be explored, now everything is a system riddled mess of restrictions, rather then an adventure, gear matters to adventurers because you'll never know what you'll run into, but shit like BFA and Shadowbringers you know exactly what you're running into long before you even touch it, because its all instanced, predefined, and waiting for you.

And after years of being on the themepark treadmill, you begin to get jaded by the whole ordeal, and jumping on the latest WOW clone, like FFXIV, doesn't really fix anything because like WOW, the game is barely an MMO until you hit end game, and once there its the same song and dance of farming dungeons on repeat just because thats the only thing left to do, there is no next step, no new thing to do, just the same dungeons over and over again.

And yeah I get FFXIV has the MSQ, but the MSQ is not a cohesive MMO experience.

I think my biggest gripe is that none of these "Modern MMOs" have a casual group based atmosphere anymore, they're all about rushing to end game, and then turbogrinding dungeons, and the developers don't even try to create any cohesive sense of adventure or exploration, just a long checklist and connect the dots map that I bet if you took all the "go here" dots on an given questing map and connect them in order they will probably be a dong.

Hur dur trannys there retarded faggots everywhere.

ARR is decent
HW is great
Stormblood is acceptable, but for me it make siot up by having Zenos.
Shadowbringers I have yet to finish, but it's great so far.

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>the end game itself has no purpose or reason
just like every MMO ever made even before WoW

Odd. Capping it to 144 lets me hit 144fps without skipping a beat, but capping at 72 drops me all the way down to 45fps.

Shooting a bird made purely of fire with fire is the dumbest shit

Is that a flying mount?

It's a themepark, what do you expect?

It's my Rathalos flying mount, yes

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If I already have the base game do I just need to buy Shadowbringers?


Yes. XIV works just like WoW, you need to buy the base game and the most recent expansion. Everything else is free.

yes, it includes both Heavensward and Stormblood.

I got into it 4 years ago never having played another FF.
It's still good. You just don't get to fanboy over all the references.


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It gets better with each expansion

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agree with the first part but not the second part. its essence is FFXI model ripping

On a side note since this is also a wow thread

What does WoW realistically need to do to get back on top? I believe if they don't go balls deep and do another Cata level revamp of the world and mechanics of the game, it won't last another five years. The tried and true method of new zone/new gimmick attractions/level cap boost won't cut it for much longer.

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People give Heavensward a lot of shit for the crappy environment textures, but Zenith was really striking the first time I saw it. Shame we haven't really gotten much else like it.
The Ziggurat was kinda cool, but it's only used for a quest or two.

Jesus user calm down. Why are you so upset at someone for no reason?


Anyone getting annoyed on XIV threads when you say something and someone just (you)s at you just saying you're a retard without a counterargument?





I just post Alisaie while gathering desu

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Why do WoWfags call themselves "veterans"? You turds literally played a dogshit easy game for 10 years and refer to your loser asses with a term designated for people with palpable forms of specific expertise. It's so cringe reading "WoW veteran" and "WoW refugee". Imagine if your entire life revolved around WoW that you speak like that. Holy shit, embarrassing.

I think I played with you today

I am a runescape veteran of 2002, do I get to be a refugee?

>tfw RO is dead forever

So, you can level as many classes as you want, and jobs are for people who want to specialize in a role? If you don't get a job does that mean you can use skills from several different classes at once?

Yes, runescape was cool.

>cross class shill returns

why dont you play the game and find out

Friendly reminder there are only a few hours left to find and befriend a WHM main so you can laugh at them tomorrow when they swiftly and mercilessly get struck by the biggest nerf bat in modern MMORPG history.

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No, most jobs start out as a class. You used to have to level up another class to unlock a job for a class, but jobs have always been straight upgrades to a class.
In 1.0 you could mix and match skills for days.

Sure they will, estrologian.

>AST failing to foretell the future yet again

I just started playing but it hasn't really been explained yet. I chose arcanist and I wanna be a healslut someday...

Just moved to Twintania and don't know anybody here, it's all sprouts.

Jobs are just extensions of classes, and you can level as many jobs as you like, just like classes.

Just keep leveling Arcanist to 30, you'll unlock both Scholar and Summoner. They level at the same time.

Play Lineage 2 bro. Chronicles 3 just came out and it really tweaked the end game with solid content. I recommend maining a Dark Avenger or a Sword Singer. Ok, peace bro.

Im confinced this game is the biggest pyramid scheme ever.
Everyone who plays it gives the same fucking litany; "it gets better", "power through it", "it pays off".
The game is giving the same shit in slightly different package.
You dont have "builds" for classes, you just level another class and exchange into that.
WoW (should) has 3 builds per class. FF has 1. Its dumb.
The world is dead and small, the instances dont help. It looks so dull and boring its unfathomable to me how anyone likes this.
There is next to NO exploration.
Dont touch this garbage.

The class/job thing is basically a holdover from the much, much older systems 14 started on. Every class gets a job crystal at 30 (unless it starts at 30 or more already) that gives them additional skills. There's never any reason to not have it, as it is a direct upgrade for the class it's based in and you only gain more skills from it, never lose.
The only weird exception is the Arcanist class can choose to be Summoner or Scholar merely by changing it's job crystal. Since they base are based on Arcanist, they share levels. If you get Scholar to 60, Summoner will also be at 60 as well.

>Im confinced this game is the biggest pyramid scheme ever.
Take your pills. Or learn your conspiracies. Maybe both.

Not even bothering to read the no doubt shit-flinging filled thread. Combat will feel slow until higher levels, teaching you how to use each ability one by one till they flow for your rotations. Locations can be pretty, music is upper tier. Lotta time to sink and thanks to roulettes people regularly do older content. You'll have to spend a lot of time reading, and the story only really picks up the pace around level 35. If that kind of story focus isnt for you, you'll miss a lot of the appeal of the game. Raids can be really fun. If you buy the latest xpac alongside the game it comes with all the previous ones. Levelling experience is dull early on, be prepared to get a lot of the same abilities till you get the OGCDs to weave and buffs to manage. It's not perfect, but it's a well crafted MMO, which is impressive consideri g the garbage fire 1.x was. If it sounds good to you, I'd give it a go with the free trial. If not, then ESO is a better bet.

>playing mmo's
its a dead genre until VR hits .hack level tech. enjoy the time you had and fuck off to play better games.

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>Pretty much everything wrong with WOW today is worse in FFXIV

FFXIV class rotations are usually well over 10+ buttons each easily. Meanwhile this is a standard spec rotation in WoW as of right now.

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Whoops I was mistaken, I chose conjurer not arcanist

Shadowbringers is a flash in the pan and 90% of the hype comes from the story, which is something you only experience once really.

Once Blizzcon happens in Nov 1-2 and 9.0 is revealed, you will all go back to sucking Blizzard's cock and getting excited, like you always do.

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.hack was played entirely with a controller, I honestly have no idea how they did any of the shit they did In game.

For a dead genre, XIV is suspiciously on the rise.

While the rest aren't that much more intensive, using Beast Master is cheating since it actually is the most brain dead spec in WoW.
It actually isn't that indicative of the rest of the classes.
But the classes in WoW are infinitely simpler than FFXIV jobs.

Wholeheartedly advise you to avoid it. You're free! Why play a game that demands more of your time.than even WoW?

>demands more of your time.than even WoW
I'm confused. If it demands more of your time, why do the 'fugees constantly whine there's not enough carrots on sticks to chase?
The entire design philosophy of the game is to do what interests you and unsub until the next patch.

>NO exploration
>he doesn't fill in his sightseeing log

XIV is just WoW with actual effort put into the presentation. If you just want more WoW then that's what you're going to get

But then you're also going to get Soken, and WoW fucking wishes it could do music and atmosphere like this:

The world was a really shitty MMO, man.

>tfw wasn't alive during Cold War expac

I mean the first sentence is correct at least. People are shrieking about the story and music, but the gameplay itself got even more stale with Shadowbringers and it shows no signs of getting better. The game is already in a slow death spiral because there's nothing interesting to do in it, no excitement to be found in its copy-pasted content. It's really dull.

it's on the rise until all those discord trannys join the 40%. that and its a glorified singleplayer game. MMO's these days did away with any type of social interaction/gameplay

user, people who use exploration as a point don't actually explore shit. They look up the locations of things of benefit and continue.
They're not interested in landmarks.

>tfw alive during the liberal fag update

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I can't do Titania Ex because someone other than me always fucks up
I have like 20 failed tries already

Isn't it funny how most peoples complaints about BfA is how awful the story is? Turns out people actually give a shit about story and lore.

I'd wager the 6 month content drought in the middle of an expansion didn't help, either.

>inb4 "you are what all parties had in common :^)"

>Doesn't have 7 non retarded friends
Let this game teach you the importance of maintaining a basic social network for yourself. Rolodex, kid.

>level squish down to 50 with 60 cap
>redo Azeroth again to reflect changes from Cata-BfA
>Make classes unique and flavorful again
>make rewards feel rewarding again
>go back to the old school end game progression system rather than the current play the patch system
>focus less on their shit story and more on having players explore the world
>no more timegating or garbage AP farms

I have a shitton of disposable income should I just buy some gil for housing since theres plots open on my server

>thinking Blizzard is going to do any of those

I hope Urianger isn't around right now because he's going to show up tomorrow morning and teach us how to do nerd shit to fix the First via Eden.

What data center?

Fuck nah dude. Shits sketch.

Urianger was in the end credits, I'm not sure why he isn't at his home in Il Mheg.
That said, I haven't spotted Thancred or Ryne anywhere, either.

Don't go to XIV. We don't want anymore wowfugees

If you talk to the Crystal Exach about the scions. He literally doesn't even mention him.

>arrive at Eden at Thancred and Ryne's call
>stumped on how to do anything with the ship, they bring in Urianger
>with his help, they figure out how to turn the ship's creation engines on
>fortunately, Urianger brought children's picture books with him for Ryne and the WoL just reads those to summon the bosses from his own imagination

No. WoW at its worst is still better than 14 at best.

It's great that new people are starting the game, as long as they don't start loudly complaining the game doesn't cater to them.

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I play SnS and HH in Monster Hunter games, which job should I main in XIV?

>That said, I haven't spotted Thancred or Ryne anywhere, either.
Because they're in the Empty at Eden.
Urianger is on the 13th, setting up an expedition for the Shadowbringers Euereka

Classes in WoW are complete garbage. I’m a cutting edge raider and I will tell you that every class in WoW is a fucking snooze fest. Class design has never been worse in the games history. BM is the most simplistic for sure but the others aren’t much better. I know that once I’ve got my main stabilized I’ll be raid logging and starting FFXIV until classic comes out at least. I might not even come back for 8.3 because of classic.

Fuck off we're full

>Shadowbringers Eureka is on the 13th
Sweet lord that would be absolute kino

The best way to recommend I'd say. I remember starting and being thrown off in comparison to korean mmos where there was actually, while cheesy, not terrible voice acting and my hotbar not being loaded with shiny buttons to act like rattling keys.

The voice acting post A Realm Reborn changes studio so I recommend voices off or bearing with the fake British until you get to 3.0 content. Heavensward is where the performance goes from a 4 to an 11.

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14 at it's best is actually better than WoW at it's best.

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Anyone on Aether have any good medium plots to take a look at for inspiration? I don't know how to decorate my house.


The 13th is the void, though. There's nowhere to set up, because every domain is just something constructed by whatever powerful voidsent is there.
And G'raha Tia isn't going to get another version of himself to teleport another Crystal Tower to the 13th before it got voided.

Hey he asked what Blizzard needed to do to fix the game, not what they’re likely to do.

Who actually cares?

but you take the mentally ill dick cutters? pathetic

Maybe join a non EU(shitters) data center next time.


They're contained on balmung and aether. Primal is fucking great

ff11 at its worst is better than that garbage

Which one of you tryhard shitty SAM faggots did I just run in to in Holminster's Switch.

Can you even still play 11?

>Review scores don't matter because they're paid
>User scores don't matter because they do it for free
None of it matters. Go enjoy the thing you like and let others enjoy the thing they like.
If you can't offer as unbiased an opinion as you can to someone who is interested in trying something new, sit down and shut the fuck up. You just waste more peoples' time as well as your own.

The Crystal Tower already has a pathway into the 13th. At least the Crystal Tower in the Source does, anyway.
There are cities on the 13th, we've known this since World of Darkness.
The Role Quests HEAVILY imply that restoring the 13th is absolutely possible, and what better location for a grindy piece of shit than a world infested with demons where we have to bring back the light?

Yes, still a subscription game with no one playing.

Are you the guy yesterday with "respect the content"?

Gr8 b8 but plz go dil8.

Your pic just proves no one plays 14. A paltry hundred user revs. Kek

>The Role Quests HEAVILY imply that restoring the 13th is absolutely possible
Guess I should hurry up with leveling a healer and caster.

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What's the meta pick right now?

I'm out of the loop with WoW
Why is everyone abandoning the game?

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>The Role Quests HEAVILY imply that restoring the 13th is absolutely possible
I don't remember seeing this in the tank or caster quest.

Just play the game if you are interested in it, that's all there is to it.

Anything with DNC, NIN, DRG, and AST
Normal, sane people:
Literally anything.

Think he means the "SECRET" quest

And it's safe to assume not even 20% of players play from steam.

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No, I just want to know who the SAM that immediately said this upon loading in to the dungeon is:
>(Alayde Saintwind@Brynhildr) I am genderqueer nonconforming anti binary sexual hurricane

imagine doing a raid
Now imagine your bis having random chance of getting better stats
Now imagine it also having a random chance of having sockets too.
All your gearing in that game is rng on top of rng

Some people wanna know a bit about a thing before they devote any time to it, especially if they're busy.
And XIV's early game is pretty fucking bad, though it's alleviated a little bit with some skills pushed to lower levels.

Do the healer and physical dps quests as well and you'll see :^)

Anything with tranny in it is a fucking awful meme and invalidates anything you say. You might as well use a pepe or wojak too.

gameplay is shit
story is shit
lore has been raped beyond recognition
inhumane amounts of time gating and RNG

FFXIV is good on its own accord. But it's a huge nostalgia bomb like XI and XII were and you would definitely benefit if you played a bunch of the games in the series

God damn, I'm gonna miss these XP gainz

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t. tranny

Quick rundown
>rewards for content are shit
>extremely shitty AP grind
>class design is so atrocious that nothing is even fun to play
>everything is timegated so you have to play at blizzards mandated pace
>community is hard split between casualfags and poopsockers and they hate each other passionately
>blizzard keeps releasing cash shop mounts rather than fixing their broken game

When's the FFCC x FFXIV crossover.

t. zoomer

>haven’t even started leveling crafting from 70 to 80 yet
I’ve been so caught up leveling my combat classes and doing hunts it’s completely slipped my mind

muh ff has 2.5gcd
muh wow has 2.5 spells per totally not different classes.

I wanna level up some crafters too, but the materials hunting is what keeps me away.
Maybe find out what makes the gathering gear and do those first, not sure yet.

When's the CT x FFXIV crossover.

No this game is unironocally not for WoWfags that have never played a JRPG in their life.i

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If you care about:
Competitive content progression
Class customization

Then FF14 is not for you.

If you like:
No class individuality
Effortless content

FF14 is for you.

also has a good soundtrack and a beautiful gigantic world

One brings kino one brings RNG

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14's world was pretty boring/generic nu age FF settings. Graphics are pretty bad too.

You can just youtube the ost..

I will move from WoW to XXIV then. My favorite thing to play in WoW is an Outlaw Rogue, what should I play in XIV? I like the dice rolling RNG and pistol shot a whole ton.

please, do not play xiv. we dont want anymore wowfags. your kind has already ruined one mmo.

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no, fuck off. WoW players are literally the most braindead, awful people. FF14 has been a super kind and helpful community so far, and WoW faggots like you are ruining it

>stuck at lv61
>no way to cruise through like crafters
>just want to do Crystarium quests

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I know next to nothing about WoW, but;
Bard has slight RNG on its songs. Think it's 20% chance per DoT tick to proc the effect of whatever song you're playing.
Besides that there's Machinist if you like guns, but you can't get it until you start the first expansion.

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Do the Namazu quests you tard

>XIV adding NG+ in 5.1
>would have been a perfect opportunity to cull/rework 2.0/2.X MSQ and let players see the changes with the NG+ mode
>they do absolutely nothing with it because story-skip purchases makes them money.

It used to be like that in HeavensWard but the casualized it for stormblood. I remember my gladiator having raise and stoneskin

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Crafters can cruise through? If you mean beast tribes, Namazu also have gathering dailies for MIN/BTN/FSH
There's nothing wrong with the ARR questline besides the 2.0 story being dreadfully predictable. The problem is people have no patience and want to get to endgame instead of losing themselves in a new world.

>tfw the novice network on your server has gotten so sick of WoWfugees using it as trade chat that they’ve started kicking them from it
Why are WoWfags so fucking obnoxious

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my realization when the nier raid will explain accord's motives.

holy shit im hyped

Why does everyone act like it's super easy to trim the MSQ when we are getting the best expansion yet based on side content in ARR and a one off chain from HW that most people disliked.
All this shit feeds back into the story eventually.

O-oh. I thought it was only crafting. Guess I'll get on that.

Literally nothing wrong with the 2.0 MSQ. It’s the perfect casual filter this game has. Imagine having hundreds of WoW Zoomers shitting up the game because they managed to get past 2.0

Accord just wants to grope boobies in a new world.
Giraffelet boobies.

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there just wow faggots user who cant handle it

>stuck on cactuar
>its going to be locked down forever with no sprouts for at least 6 months
this is the worst.

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>gigantic world

2.0 had some blatantly drawn out sections revolving around two of the Primals, as well as pointless visits to NPCs around the maps that weren't relevant to the ongoing plot that could have easily been relegated to side-quests.

>XIV chads sent literal death threats to a WoW e-celeb that caused him to never touch the game again
Absolutely based

>Yoko Taro's face when to understand his next Nier game at a rudimentary level you'll have to have completed a 24-man raid in its entirety in the 3rd expansion of an MMORPG
>to get to said raid, you'll have to do ALL of the story quests of ALL the expansions of said MMORPG

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My favorite part is the fact that they come in and start complaining how the game isn't like WoW.
>they should add a resto shaman/druid!
>this story is so boring!
>I have to do how many quests to get to HW??
>how do I (braindead question that you can type in on Google)
>I wish this game had better graphics
>wait there are no mods? But I had weakauras in WoW and it was so useful
and so on. I literally want to ban them from the fucking game.

based taro coming in to deal the final blow to WoW

>final battle against the loud nigra that caused the ascians to fall
>wol is struck down like a fly
>all hope is lost
>then suddenly the company of hero's show up and weaken it enough for the wol to finish it off

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I love Alisaie, but man did Ryne steal her show.

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I disliked some of the lead-up to Titan and Garuda too, but that doesn't mean the entire questline needs to be massively trimmed down.
While I didn't like it, I feel like maybe the point was to make you slightly frustrated that you're being lead around in circles by detestable people.

JP only CD dramas, JP only concerts, now play a fucking mmo.

I love this mad lad.

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Stand tall user. When WoW classic launches the WoWbabies will fuck off back to their game for 2 weeks

Y'shtoya is so hot. I want to make a litter with her.

I hope Ryne remains glued to Thancred. I don't need another sidekick who is overly eager to please.

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Just finished ARR holy shit that was so annoying to power through. It's only going to get better from now on right?

Post her feet

Let him play whatever the fuck he wants stfu

The twins didn't really do much this expansion. :(

I want to get into this game but my friends FC is in a congested world, and almost everything is congested mow other than a few. NA btw

>completing the raid also resets all quest progress and forces you to change your character name and race to anything different than what you last had and resets your classes to level 1
>but you get a cool title

>new player. Started 3 weeks ago
>lv 66 WAR
>Ive met the nicest people in parties
>got whispered by a guild leader to join the FC after i stopped being a free trial shitter
>found a leveling buddy at lv 37
>stay in touch with buddy and FC through discord
>always getting invited to groups and conversations
bros, I'm not used this.

EVE will never be as popular as the others. Get over it, sandbox baby. If you don't enjoy a 200 hr story for 40 bucks on the premise that you just can't be chained down, what business do you have to suggest one despised themepark mmo over another? Seek help, no game is going to endlessly push the dopamine button forever.

>it’s another WoWfugee having a meltdown because he was filtered by 2.0

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>no mods
Feo Ul for Scholar and Material UI are mandatory for me desu

i'd do it.

I just ordered NieR Automata yesterday, so I hope to 100% that before 5.1 lands.
I never got around to finishing NieR Gestalt. One day....

Alphinaud did a lot, imo. Alisaie only got her friend killed and cried near the end.

We all would.
It's a free fantasia.

hopefully they fuck off back there and stay there. I can't stand it. Just yesterday a sprout in NN was complaining about this game not having an autopath feature so he can finish the MSQ quickly. I fucking hate WoW retards.

I want him to help her become more of her own person while also being a father figure. Alphinaud can keep his spot as the over eager puppy. I really liked the choice in Eulmore when he wants to do something and you can say, "You don't need my permission." as he literally waits wide eyed for you to say something.

How can i get this??

I feel like they did enough. Alphinaud played to his strengths and Alisaie played to hers, while also being the death flag bait with all the teasing from Tesleen.

yeah so get out of here so you dont ruin it foryourself. FFS

Alitra Leah is a fucking speedrun autist.

How? I have been a pretty good player and didn't get a single invite to any FC for weeks now.

>Alisaie only got her friend killed and cried near the end.
Not gonna lie, I wanted to hug her.

>a literal complaint that the game doesn’t play itself
Jesus Christ I know they’re not the smartest tools in the shed but this is beyond retardation.

Alphinaud is the reason we even got a chance at Mt. Gulg.

It's really good, I don't get Yea Forums's hate boner for the game and Yoko Taro. Yes, some lines were translated a bit too...."edgy" so it sounds weird but other than that. It doesn't really bonk you over the head with philosophy and what's right or wrong. It presents you the scenario and lets things play out.

My greatest wish for the patch quests is more adventuring with the twins, honestly.
The MSQ constantly pulling them away because reasons was frustrating as fuck.

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they need about 50 addons to even play their own game user. its pathetic.

wow doesnt have that either hes a fag that plays cheap korean mmos

I remember reading somewhere that a similar thing happened in a side story. How when separating from Alphinaud in ARR, she traveled and made a friend, who later died.

I just want to FUCK Alisaie, why do they deny me so much?

I probably would have played it back when it was relevant if that PC port wasn't apparently fucked up. Only ordered it for PS4 because it was $20.

How do I find an FC that isn't filled with people who type like wapanese girls from 2006? Primal btw

Horny catboys begone.

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you dont

I'm going to marry Alisaie and she will become a amazing housewife and mother!

You gotta become stronger than Thancred man.

Pick one
>Boomers, SORRY GUYS WIFE AGGRO :( omg i hate my job, omg guys i'm going through a divorce right now, why does my wife never have time for me :(

Don't join /shout FCs. Look for a tag you'd like by your name and check member count. Anything above 20 is guaranteed trash.

>Would you recommend Final Fantasy XIV as a good alternative for a jaded wowfugee looking for a new home to timesink into?
Keep walking WoWrefugee. Wait for classic if you are that desperate for one last hit from WoW.
Only pick FF14 if you fully intend playing the game. Dealing with WoWrefugees boosting on a new expac is pure pain.

boomer is unironically the best

What are the most noob friendly jobs for my gf? She’s WHM right now

>1 day before the 5.1 launch
>Yoshida announces a special livestream
>show opens up with Ion Hazxikostas strapped to a chair in a dimly lit factory
>camera turns to Yoshida who’s brandishing a samurai sword
>hey guys! I am producer and director of finaru fantashy fouteen Naoki Yoshida!
>eto Kyō, watashi wa teki, kono shiroi buta o koroshimasu
>translator Chan begins to speak, umm today Yoshida San is going to be beheading for he competition. Please enjoy
>just as she finishes her sentence Yoshi P cuts off Ion’s head as a faint YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO plays in the distance
>Trannies dilate with glee as WoWfags let out a collective REEEE
>camera turns to focus on Yoshida’s face which is covered in blood as he announces the live letter will begin soon

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WARbros are we getting buffed tomorrow or in two weeks

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Alphinaud is best boy.

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How can XIV fix the housing shitfest? Add more wards?

>crystal tower in the source
why does everyone keep saying this, its the same tower just from the future

its just the same shit with weeb aesthetic
theyre all the fucking same man

wowfags would be happy if ion died though

Sounds about right. Was a relaxing healer before. Is even more relaxing now.

Hopefully never.
Die in a fire, WARfag.

kinda. i'm not a big fan of them desu though. they're so boring and just talk about their kids or some other shit. it would be cool if they say something positive about them but it's always "oh my 4 year olds pulling a tantrum again, i'll brb :(" "omg i spoil him too much, he always begs me for food."

half of it is just me being salty I'll probably never raise a family

Literally who

not him but retailfags who still play the game love him

They should work together more rather than splitting up.

The Crystal Tower hasn't disappeared from the Source, because like you said, the one on the First is from the future.
The Crystal Tower still on the Source still has a pathway open to the 13th.
Learn proper English before commenting, retard.

please god give me the boomers

>WoWfugee joins your light party
>brb wife aggro XD

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I wish he would've done in that fat bitch writer they have. Fucking cat hoarding leftie lard brain

>warriors have been successfully at getting buffed every patch series when they complain
>hopefully never

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also boomers are kinda stupid. I was talking about potential nerfs and one of them mentioned they think tanks are going to be nerfed because it's too easy for them to hold mobs..

Alphinaud forcing himself to take the shortcut in the Tempest gave me a good laugh.
>If Alisaie can do it, there's no reason I can't do the same.

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so what do I get if i level my trusts to 80?

Project 1999 EQ

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>stickers so arranged I could get three lines
>need only one to get two lines
>please at least give me that sticker, Khloe
>0 lines

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Yeah but the Ironworks made modifications. It's possible they reattuned the Emperor's Throne somehow from being aimed at the 13th to the 1st.

>twin adders

You get to take them with you into ShB eureka in 5.1

a title.
and you can dress them back to 3.x style of clothes.

>user fails to understand what the word 'hope' means
The fact that they've been successful in whining their way to being the best every time doesn't mean they need to continue to be successful.
WARfags complain more than Summoners ever did about not having more summons.

Instanced. Tighten the timer to 30 days. But mostly instanced.

Oh thank god. I'm sick of Urianger giving me a case of the gay

>doing athero chemical facility
>new sprout is clearly a WoWfugee
>name is Varian Stormwind
>making obnoxious references to WoW
>haha someone should tell this boss he’s not prepared
I was laughing my ass off at the cringe

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>its a different one!!!
>its the same one but older
ok retard

sounds based

Thou cannot containeth mine abundance of flesh.

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Nowhere did I imply that it's a different one.
The fact remains that there is still a Crystal Tower on the Source, since it hasn't been transported to the First yet, and won't be for hundreds of years.

All the side chatter was amazing. Sometimes there wasn't much going on, but it was still worth it to check before each quest end.

>Ranjit becomes a trial in 5.1
>Lotus Juice sings his theme song
What's your reaction?

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Phoneposters inventing cringe should be gassed.

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So this is why Maelstrom keeps winning frontlines.

I had to hunt down and speak to every important NPC between advancing quests. It was time consuming but worth it.
And really frustrating when I couldn't find someone easily.

>no unique lines from Seto after the MSQ

FFXIV really loves Y'shtola.

They update the lines of NPCs every patch so probably in 5.1

>have listened to P3 dancing's songs countless times
>can't remember a single lyric
>it's still good shit

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So is the raid out tomorrow or what?

So what class in XIV can you recommend that won't be fucking boring to play when first playing?


Catgirl. Their only other choices for an official NPC mascot are all massive spoilers, so it's either her or generic red head used in XV.

My entire experience with BRD is just PotD but they seem like they're pretty fucking fun at 80 just based on that and the skills they get later.

No. Anything but Archer.



literally everything is terrible early game. no job is fun until 60

Start in Ul'dah, therefore Pugilist. I think its the most simple of starting jobs next to Lancer, but don't start in Gridania, or Limsa.

My fc on my server pretty much died, cool people left and the rest are too normie

Anyone got a based fc on any server? I'm on Midgard but I'm willing to move

Pugilist gets a rotation going the fastest out of the starters, otherwise maybe Thaumaturge or Rogue.
Archer is really dull for a long time as you'll be spamming Heavy Shot between applying DoTs.

Normal mode yes. Savage mode in 2 weeks.
Every single class is going to be boring until level 30 minimum, simply due to a lack of interesting skills. Consider Gladiator or Marauder to just proceed at your own pace.

all dps jobs are fucking awful. All you do is spam 1-3 buttons waiting for a random proc and then repeat. Ranged are way too boring, with melee at lest you get to move from time to time.

Bard sucks ass. If you must play dps gp melee.

>Savage mode in 2 weeks.
Meh, I don't care about that.
I don't have a static and I imagine it's impossible to find as a DNC since there's so fucking many of them.

that's how half rate vsync works. if you drop below 72fps for even a split second then it hard dips below that to try to keep the frame in sync to prevent tearing.

Is there any previews of Eden normal gear or the new tome gear?

I'm not new. I'm just thinking what would be the most pleasant experience story wise and gameplay wise that won't immediately throw people off from playing the game.

Don't fall for this. Starting MNK is a terrible idea

>the most brain dead spec
that isnt frost mage

It's best to try out Savage while it's still very fresh, as there will be pugs going on the regular.

I'm just curious. Is there linkshell "statics" in which people are chill and if someone just goes and says "yo anyone wanna do savage" people will just join and there's no salt?

>fantasia to a cute girl
>fall in love with my character

I'm fucked.

Should I be dancing as often as possible as a dancer, or just when the buffs are going to fall off?

Temoted to buy Edda's cash shop scythe for my DRG, lads.

I started off as a Gladiator and I had fun.

>should I use my 1000 potency nuke every 30 seconds or every 60 seconds
What do you think?

>1000 potency
Gee, I dunno.

>For a class whose attacks primarily consists of thrusts

t. hasn't touched Dragoon

Scythe on a DRK would look fucking retard

yeah but gl getting in because like any other static its clique central. gotta know people to get in or have a great resume (fflogs)


>I'm not new. I'm just thinking what would be the most pleasant experience story wise and gameplay wise that won't immediately throw people off from playing the game.
Probably Gladiator/Marauder for instant queues and being able to control the pace, and being able to blame the healer for anything going wrong.

after postponing it for a long time, i finally decided to lvl crafters/gatherers
i got CUL and FSH to 50 and was wondering if i should get 1 to max level or should i just level the others to 50 first
there are so many mats that i could be using to level the others from the 1-50 range that im not keeping that i feels like i should level them all together, but what do i know

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It takes multiple GCDs to go off doesn't it? Just wondering if its actually worth it.

When's the FFXIV x WoW crossover?


Yeah, that's the issue. It looks like it'll be a dream hoping for something like that.

>Bigger Poke
>Rising Poke
>Spinning Poke
>Back Poke
>Diving Poke
>Flaming Diving Poke
>Flamiest Diving Poke
>Red tele-poke
DRG has a few spins and slashes at best.


How come Alisaie gets tons of sexual tension with the WoL while Alphinaud gets none?

Still then, Pugilist. I haven't played GLA from lv1 in a long time so I don't know what it's like now.

Do beast tribes on your highest one while leveling up another to 50.
My heart tells me to tell you to level Alchemist.

Generally most people recommend omnicrafting if you are going to craft at all. It takes time but you will be godly at the end.

It takes like a little over 1 GCD, 2 tops, to go off.
Name any other Dancer skill that isn't Technical Finish that does over 1000 potency in 2 GCDs.
For the braindead answer, yes, it absolutely it worth it use Standard Step on cooldown, no matter what. (Of course excluding scenarios where other party buffs are coming in in a second)

Because the WoL is a slightly autistic male midlander like Ardbert. It would be gay.

never because blizzard only does crossovers with china not japan.

I got the whole set when it was on sale and it all looks dumb, especially WHM.

Prioritize MIN and BTN and treat them as prerequisites to crafting classes.
Level all crafters together as many crafters make materials used by other crafters.
FSH should be your last priority since its only uses are CUL crafts and desynth.

It's okay to be a comfy casual

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alphinaud is a chad who gets laid constantly

I really don't want a lore basis for pixiv to be flooded with draenei futas fucking Alphinaud.

>make rewards feel rewarding again
Everything feels so formulaic now, I think that's the problem a lot of people have with MMOs
There's such a dry and clear-cut progression now where "number gets bigger" with every new raid and you need to replace every piece of gear to stay BiS every single patch

Quests, random drops, and dungeons don't reward good gear anymore, just raids, and it kinda sucks

Odin is the best English speaking server. Phoenix is also good. Moogle isn't terrible mind, you're just going to run into Louisoix players a lot more than you'd like.

Yep that's why we should definitely institute like an RNG system where you can complete FATEs or world quests and get BiS gear right?

Fuck off WoWtard and kill yourself.

>Quests, random drops, and dungeons don't reward good gear anymore, just raids, and it kinda sucks
uh? have you played WoW recently? one reason people hate the shit is because dungeons and world quest even have a chance to become the same or better than raid gear

fuck off we’re full

I recommend the following:
>Maplestory (Reboot server)
>Old school runescape
>ESO if you dont care about the combat and want to play for the story
>FF14 if you want a better version of WoW
>Planetside 2 if you want a shooter
>Warframe if you dont care that it's not 100% a MMO

Also Star Wars Galaxies and City of Heroes

ff14 has very little timesink capabilities once you're done with the story (which is okay at best, but becomes a slog long before it gets to the good stuff), you have your weeklies, then that's it. PVP is pointless, running dungeons is pointless unless you want to cap out other classes, crafting is useless because the best gear is gotten from raids, go figure, there's just nothing to do besides play for 4-5 hours a week, if that.

GW2 freed me of my WoW addiction. It's such a refreshing breathe of fresh air.

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>hardest content in the game shouldnt reward the best items
fuck i hate people like you

> Prioritize MIN and BTN and treat them as prerequisites to crafting classes.
was thinking about doing this but wasnt sure, but now that i think about it, it seems like the most logical
also, i know there are guides and most of em recommend leves to level (at least thats how i got CUL to 50 in a day) but are gatherers grindy to level or do you also just do leves

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Am I a WoWfugee if I joined the game at launch, went back to WoW, then back to FFXIV?

Because Alphinaud is a chad.

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KYS faggot I haven't played WoW since Pandaland

Yeah but the RNG makes that a fucking garbage system too because it just randomly pumps stats, which is stupid as fuck
I want to see diversified gear with different raid fights having different requirements, and different ways to get pieces of gear beyond just "Do raids get drops" or "Do raids get points to turn in", because it feels shitty

>Why isn't this welfare gear as good as raid gear?! I don't feel rewarded at all!

A D J U S T.

>Trying to do Titania EX, have the mechanics down-pat
>Wipe because the other DPS didn't know how to handle vines
>Wipe because the MT somehow manages to forget to position divination rune away from the party
>Wipe because as the tanks debate DPS positions they never actually tell anyone what the fuck we're doing
>Wipe because the tanks are fucking up mechanics
>Tanks start arguing
>Wipe because the tank getting shit aims divination rune at the party out of spite
At the very least in a few hours Eden is gonna make the EX primals mostly pointless but holy fuck this was a dumpster fire of a PF and Raid Finder is fucking dead in Primal

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you are the reason why WoW has gone to shit

>just raids
Have you ever played ff14? Like at all?
You can get BiS gear from certian classes from craftables.
And the raid gear is truly the only thing that is put away from your averagee player.
Also the game offers more ways to experience content besides Savage raiding anyway so only if you truly want to experience that side of the game that gear matters.

>look it up
>it's just western au ra
So that's where they all came from.
Fem lizard players also have an obsession with having dicks.

What are food, potions, glamour, furniture and tank accessories?

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Bard, Dancer, Dragoon, Paladin

>tranny WoW players played Draenei
>tranny xiv players play aura
It’s not a coincidence

Didn't say that, cocksuckers.
You have to admit that even XIV's progression is boring as fuck because if you're not raiding savage content, everything you have equipped is replaced every single patch with something 5 item levels higher, every time, without fail

i remember doing zurvan ex at the end of HW, stupid fucking tanks turns the boss when he is at like 2 percent, and he cleaves the entire fucking raid. i fucking hate the people who play this game. ill never forget that stupid fucking nigger.

>it actually looks like his style

even if you raid savage its the same dude.

ESO improved A LOT.
No Shit

out of all the stuff i should be doing in the expansion besides getting top gear
is there any content i should prioritize because it will die later? like Fate farm or hunts?

Crafting in WoW is useless too apart from Alchemy for flasks because epics are handed out like candy now more than ever.

gatherers are much easier and less work to level than crafters

if you want, you can also just level other crafters to 50 for their cross class abilities and then just bring cul to 80. That way you don’t have to go all in. If you have a friend that omnicrafts you can collect levekit mats with gatherers to get everything from 1 to 50 in an hour at about a cost of 60 leve tokens per job. It is the most painless and easy way to level crafters.

But who is the artist
No, not Alphinaud, you silly cunt

No it didn't.

>Raid Finder is fucking dead in Primal
What I thought this was the Chad datacenter

No. Nothing ever dies in this game strangely enough. There are still PF groups for Diadem of all things, and there are people still grinding relics and doing bunny fates in Eureka

You could have made your point without cherry picking the class with the most brain dead rotation.

titty ex weapon gonna be bis for a few weeks minimum

Play both

Both WoW & FFXIV reach a point where all you do is raid log, personally i swap between OSRS, WoW & FFXIV, because all of them get content droughts for months with WoW being by far the worst (7 months for 8.2 lmao)

I just did the kugane ohashi trial for the first time, why was such a good trial gated behind an extremely long sidequest

because shes a lesbian user. shes not interested in you

>thinking gear rarity matters now that every single piece of gear is a homogenized stat stick

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New trials are the only thing that keeps me going through Hildibrand quests

Nothing can replace wow, FF14 and ESO are even worse.

>Playing GNB and dancer makes you partner since the SAM is a fucking idiot

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The issue is that 90% of Primal are retarded and see Raid Finder as Duty Finder and thus assume they'll be matched with shitters, so Party Finder is your only choice outside an FC or Static and a lot of people in PF are either tards or tard wranglers and you need proper communication and teamwork even for simple mechanics because they are designed to fuck over everyone for not all being on the same page

You do Hildibrand for Hildibrand. The trials are just a bonus.

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Nice try, futalizard.

>kill three nagas
>rewarded with epic raid tier gear
wow is beyond saving



I believe a heretic is behind these posts

Hivemind or MOOOOT?


cite the reasons? do you still play it?
or its bullshit to defend wow and ff14?

Fuck off Charibert.


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the benthic gear is good though & has rewarding linear progression, some of their procs are BIS for raiding so it's worth to upgrade them with pearls

Reminder that Giott is a cute girl

I've played ESO on and off for 4 years and it has gotten better in some aspects, but mostly worse overall.
It's practically P2W at this point with the next patch now.


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The third post went back in time, you silly goose

Useless for non-raiders
Useless except for the occasional ether. Admittedly, ethers that give 1000+ MP are now very useful for Black Mages to unlock a casting of Flare or Despair.
>glamour, furniture and tank accessories

Crown Store.
Loot Boxes.

the fact that world gear is so good is the problem retard. Its better than heroic raid gear because you can force sockets and the bonuses. Why bother playing the fucking game when the harder content has terrible return on investment?

Look at the timestamps of the posts he quoted.

You didn't contradict anything I said, user. In fact you seem to agree.

What are these drahn lads gonna do to the giraffelet

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I noticed, he also replied about it anyway

If you start pugging savage and you're not a shitter, you'll probably get invited to discord groups or cwls filled with other puggers. It was pretty chill in my experience and made pugging 012S bearable.

Or, he didn't update the thread as he was typing his post. Calmato.

>Weaver finally hit 80

Jesus those Dwarven fending pants were spitting out 11 mil per turn in even for levequests that was crazy

Is there a single aspect of XIV that absolutely cannot be run without extensive communication? NA players live and breathe discord while JP got through Baldesion Arsenal just fine.

still not even the highest. Armorer at 78 can turn in level 78 fending chests for 17 million

PoTD and HoH

Not really no. But MMOs are social games.

>NA players live and breathe discord
This alone makes me want to learn Japanese just so I can get out of this hellhole.


>Shared FATES
Who thought this was a good idea? It's making me want to kill myself.

It's only 60 per zone, it goes by really quickly if you stop thinking about it.

If I have a dungeon unlocked but havent actually finished it yet, can I still get it in the roullette or do I have to finish it once first?

>MMOs are social games.
That I know, but I've found NA players throwing the biggest fits over petty fights in chat. Makes me wonder how much of the game truly relies on needing players to speak.

>Double midare into senei

Attached: LRA.gif (624x335, 2.06M)

that's been an issue for a while because they refuse to remove titanforging & LFR, also even worse is no tier

Why are you trying to grind two years worth of content in the span of two weeks?

only in the 567 roulette, and that doesn't include MSQ required ones like Snowcloak. all the other ones you have to complete it first

Pretty sure you can get it in a roulette. I remember running Dun Scaith that way.

As much as I love La HEE, put on custom music or Netflix (they have a good free trial) and just do it. I recommend WHM for Holy Holy Holy and having substantial DPS to solo bosses and toss a regen on yourself.

I've been maxing out on gemstones and making bank just from NQ small stacks of crafting materials.

>He hasn't joined the local JP-language FC after being abducted by the leader for greeting them once

has this ever happened to you bros?


Not him but I'm doing it for Orchestration rolls. I really, really want Ahm Araeng's day theme and all the night music.

lol what

What do you even do in this game? Idle in Limsa in budget gear and ERP?

Does the raid roullette give good reward for the time investment? Never done it because I assumed it wasn't very effecient.

yes and my reaction was the same as his.

>people watch this
Christ. Though, I'd have kicked that healer.

>Want to use ACT to get a grasp on how much DPS I'm putting out
>Performance tanks if I go borderless windowed

Attached: okay.jpg (389x419, 23K)

Queue for dungeons.
Since I'm a DPS, that takes all day.

>WHM casting holy randomly
Yea that's a troll, though that's a good LB use. 4 people dead heal LB > sam LB, fuck whoever says otherwise.

did he make it?

sam lb wouldve killed the boss. the boss was enraging.

Then don't go borderless window. Review ACT after the fight instead.

The boss would've died to a DPS LB you brainlet.

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>look up the WHM
>male Lala
Not surprised
You are very silly and don't know what you're talking about

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No, you don't understand. If innocence is enraging then you don't deserve the clear.

That heal LB was 10/10.

A clear is a clear.

What's the problem here? The boss is dead in any case it would seem. Or did he just want to end it on a "nothing personnell, kid..." note?

I don't understand what is happening.
Can somebody explain?

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There are a lot of shit tanks at the moment. Just run with the ones you know or be the tank if you are good at it, anything else is a recipe for disaster.

Samurai LB3 would've just ended it versus wiping to enrage.

the boss enrages. they wipe. with the samurai lb instead of the healer lb they kill it.

>boss is enraging, very little amount of health left
>half party dead
>limit break 3 is up
>SAM LB3 would have killed
>WHM thinks it's better to use it to rez the party and uses it
>bugman understandably upset

>Tesleen's spilling about how fucking DRENCHED you are whenever anything remotely related to the WoL comes up

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>boss casts instant death move
>samurai limit break attack would finish him off before he finishes casting
>healer wastes limit break
>wipe to 1% hp

Maybe if he had actually LB'd instead of doing piss for damage to keep his parse up, the healer wouldn't have had time to waste it.

Should I play dragoon for HW?

has gone to shit

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Hm nah,Innocence just ticked to 2% when people were rezzed by healer LB, he'd have about 900k HP left, melee LB is doing 500k at this gear level, with 4 dead. Add in SAM not actually doing damage during LB cast, it would have been a wipe either way.

>Poeple shill FF14 constantly on Yea Forums to appeal to WoWfugees
>Not a single fucking NA server accepting any new characters except once maybe an hour on fucking Crystal.

Its like Squeenix doesnt WANT new players

a few servers on primal open during the day

>Has gone

Attached: 1563188028679.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

Fuck off we're full.

lamia is open right now

I feel like I have seen this before on youtube or something.

Arguably Arcane requires more thought than Frost or Fire, which involves just waiting for procs, and THAT is fucking pathetic.

This game did have its moments. This is basically the general level of quality all around, though.

My Viera has the worst fucking voice I'm about to blow a Fantasia just to change the voice and nothing else

If I don't give a shit about the story will I have a bad time

This one?

considering you have to go through the entire story to reach the endgame, yes. stick to WoW

where the fuck is this survey point in the Tempest? fuck this autistic ass quest


it depends if you have friends

Pretty much this. I was on wow for the same reason. The game pretty much pays itself. Until I got too fed up with BfA, then a friend told me to try out FFXIV since he wanted to play something with me, but he hates wow.

5 weeks later, I'm into the endgame stuff as a warrior. End game content is fun for all the xpacs, trials are the best and well, I'm not paying a dime for it. Feels good.

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No, it's this one

I think they changed that one, didn't they?

The story is half the content of every major patch, so yes.

I mean not caring about the narrative


where do I get ShB for cheap?

Ask mom to up your allowance

If you get into crafting and gathering you can amass huge amounts of gil (especially at the beginning of a new patch when new recipes are introduced) and sell it to gooks for a good amount of money. I pay my sub this way.

How much time should one ideally have left on the clock when they destroy the SSS dummy?

>no option to preview battle voices in creator
If they add anything, ever, I want it to be that. My femroe sounds like she keeps saying GO over and over.

People probably haven't added user scores because everyone is busy enjoying the game mr. retard.

It belongs in the trash anyway

>taking such obvious bait
is life easy when your brain is so nonfunctional?

fuck off lizard

Thanks she agreed, on the condition I give her more special hugs

there should be enough mangos and bananas in your backyard for you to sell to get 40 bucks user