As a long time MMOfag, nothing, nothing new has come out in the past decade that didn't fall flat on its face and become f2p trash.
FFXIV is propped up by weebs, but its not a good MMO, its a final fantasy game you have to sub to, the end game itself has no purpose or reason, just like WOW today, you grind grind grind, get stuff, but have nothing to use that stuff on except to grind the same shit but on harder difficulties, or slightly faster.
This is the major problem with the WOW clone, everything is too rigid and predefined, even everquest, with its updates, tried to make the world a place to be explored, now everything is a system riddled mess of restrictions, rather then an adventure, gear matters to adventurers because you'll never know what you'll run into, but shit like BFA and Shadowbringers you know exactly what you're running into long before you even touch it, because its all instanced, predefined, and waiting for you.
And after years of being on the themepark treadmill, you begin to get jaded by the whole ordeal, and jumping on the latest WOW clone, like FFXIV, doesn't really fix anything because like WOW, the game is barely an MMO until you hit end game, and once there its the same song and dance of farming dungeons on repeat just because thats the only thing left to do, there is no next step, no new thing to do, just the same dungeons over and over again.
And yeah I get FFXIV has the MSQ, but the MSQ is not a cohesive MMO experience.
I think my biggest gripe is that none of these "Modern MMOs" have a casual group based atmosphere anymore, they're all about rushing to end game, and then turbogrinding dungeons, and the developers don't even try to create any cohesive sense of adventure or exploration, just a long checklist and connect the dots map that I bet if you took all the "go here" dots on an given questing map and connect them in order they will probably be a dong.