What are the effects of prolonged gaming?

What are the effects of prolonged gaming?

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everlasting virginity

blood in your semen


If you're doing it right, you git gud

I'm about to bust

It make pp hurt ill tell u that much m8

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stop playing shitty VN """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

disdain for life

Me on the left


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getting cracks in your anal and around it from sitting so much

This is not a meme or a shitpost. It is 100% fucking truth. I have fissures now from spending 90% of my day sitting for the last several years while NEET. They randomly get opened up when taking a bad shit and I get blood (fresh, safe kind) when I wipe sometimes. Then it's fucking itchy while healing up for the next 2 weeks. Don't sit all day young anons, you will destroy your body in more ways than you can possibly imagine.


Your problem isn't sitting. It is that you take a shit once every two weeks.

Calloused wrists. If someone claims to be a gamer but doesn't have one, they're a lying nigger.

That's why you gotta move your ass to the music

You get really fed up with it after a while. Also bad sleep habits and feeling tired all day.

Only keyboard warriors would get calloused wrists.

t. clawfag
Learn to use a mouse right nigger.

Console gamers don't get calloused wrists is what was being related.


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You will become nazi don't laugh its the truth, first you start hating women then you develop a deep hatred against leftcucks then you realize religions is just a scam and finally you start asking questions about the holocaust and begin despise jews. Turn back user if you can i warned you

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but none of that happened to me

Not true, I shit every day and I have this problem from being a neet for so long. Sitting is bad for you.