Yup, they just don't make them like this anymore

Yup, they just don't make them like this anymore

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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=ocarina of time master quest speedrun

What, bad?

Imagine making an OoT thread that isn't a shitpost thread.
Can't? Yea. Because we've squeezed this game for every ounce of video game discussion to the point where every piece of data that came from it is used to trigger people.
Yea Forums just can't have any productive discussion from this game for jack shit.

>imagine growing up with windwaker or twilight princess


Shadow of the Colossus has come the closest
> Games that have topped the most GOAT lists from Journalists & popular websites
> 1. Ocarina of Time (1998) (76 Lists)
> 2. Final Fantasy VII (1997) (19 Lists)
> 3. Shadow of the Colossus (2005) (18 Lists)
> 4. Super Mario 64 (1996) (18 Lists)
> 5. A Link To The Past (1991) (18 Lists)
> 6. Super Mario Bros (1984) (18 Lists)
> 7. Chrono Trigger (1995) (17 Lists)
> 8. Breath of the Wild (2017) (13 Lists)
> 9. Super Mario Bros 3 (1988) (13 Lists)
> 10. Final Fantasy VI (1994) (12 Lists)

When will OOT finally just be dropped?

Never. Because it's the easiest thing to use for shitpost threads besides wojaks.
The only reason it's ever mentioned on this board is to piss people off. It's overall material is completely irrelevant to this website filled with egotistical nutcases.

I was surprised to learn that the devs actually modeled the whole sword and the back of the shield/letters. You'd think they'd not even bother because it would save memory and never be seen, but they did it. Same with SM64's logo, though the back was untextured

>No Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest
How are Journo's so shitty?


OoT is but favorite game btw. It's just a shame it's impossible to discuss anymore

You can just hear this gif cant you? The opening will always be iconic.

Attached: OOTintro.gif (230x180, 3.93M)

I never played OOT

Other than the rampant putrid fanbase, what kept you from it?

Not to mention all the other 3D Zeldas.
The more assholes use games from one specific series to exploit Yea Forums's lack of thinking, the more that series becomes bait to initiate pointless bickering that has little to 0 relevance when it comes to the source material.
Then when someone who uses their brains to go in-depth with any specific Zelda game comes about, the culture surrounding the pessimistic behavior of Zelda threads drowns them out.
To anyone reading this: Take it as a lesson on the unproductive culture that's plaguing this website.
It's no longer for lulz. Just ecstasy from the adrenaline rush of destroying a culture slowly from the inside out.

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I was 7 in 1998 and while I had an N64, I was more interested in beating up the nWo with DDP in pic related. It's kind of odd, but I always liked Zelda games, yet I never actually played one to completion, since I didn't own a GC, Wii/U or switch. I have to say I've been extremely tempted to buy a switch though, and BoTW would be game 1 or 2 if I did

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Agreed. It would seem like this place has become just like the fans they wish to destroy. Eventually they will realize the ultimate target will be themselves and hopefully just die off in a mass suicide.

Yea Forums is for adults only. Please go back to playing Minecraft with Timmy and Noah, Zoomer.

So whats stopping you from just booting it up on an emulator? If you like the real deal I understand, but as time goes on the console and game is sure to get pricier. Now would be a good time to jump on it if you can.

And if the game is not what you expect it to be and just don't like it, that's cool. I grew up with the thing but nostalgia will not blind the games obvious flaws. It is CLEARLY the first 3D Zelda.

Will still appreciate what it did at the time.

This right here shows that they were passionate about the project. Going the extra mile. You don't see that as much nowadays.

Possible. If those who are aware make the right moves.
But if they don't the constant influx of new anons coming in and old anons growing sick and tired therefore leaving this fucking place will prevent that.
Because the anons who are introduced to the site will get addicted to the psychology we were trying to pinpoint.
So unless those who are aware do something, no. They won't realize. Because the moment someone is introduced to Yea Forums they'll be programmed straight into the mindset we were rightfully bitching about.
Until constructive bitching just becomes bitching. That's how they think.

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few things amuse me more than N64 babies thinking that only zoomers don't like Ocarina of Time when the most vocal critics are fans of the original games.

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>Imagine making an OoT thread that isn't a shitpost thread.
maybe try having discussions about why the game is good rather than circle-jerking over rankings and effusive praise from """game journalists""" and other shit like that.

I actually agree with you to an extent, OoT and MM have something about them that has been missing from 3D Zelda since. If you go back and look at the visual tone of the N64 games, they're very different looking, TP being the most similar by far.

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Won't work.
90 percent of the time it gets derailed by anons who consider it prime bait.

Not a good game

Someone explain to me what is good or interesting about OoT design-wise. I don't see it.

This is very accurate. Love the NES Zeldas but OoT bored me to tears. Zelda 1 and 2 are magical, OoT is mild and weak.

Pic is unrelated you fucking retard.
Ocarina of time is for the N64, not the fucking Wii.

you're missing the point dumbass

I WAS one of the old anons that left for a long time, so I 100% see where you are coming from.
The mentality that has been brewing for however long now has gone completely overboard and all that's left is either reform or a crash. Bitching will always be bitching, but this is just awful. Hardest part is figuring out how something like a good change is even possible, let alone caring enough to even do it.
Especially on a place that is notorious for not giving a single fuck.

Ok, so what's the point? You're comparing post-LoZ Zelda with LoZ.
Of course they're gonna be fucking different, the NES had hardware limitations.

>I was 7 in 1998
i was 4, and still one my fav games all time, and the GOAT to me

That's irrelevant to them as games. LoZ is a cryptic challenging and exciting game about exploration. OoT is a linear hand-holding game about strictly guiding the player and not allowing them to think or use their free will.

"Why do I have to do the levels in order?! Why can't I just play them in any order I like?"
This is what you sound like.

Actually play Zelda 1 (and 2) and you'll understand what I mean

I have played both of them.
LoZ is a good game, but it's far from my favorite.
Zelda II is mediocre.

Those more linear roots started with a link to the past. Sure you could do SOME things out of order but the focus on story is what changed that always open world. Even in OOT after you get the forest medallion, you get a choice between fire and water. After those are done, you can do shadow and spirit in either order. So choice IS there, just not as obvious.

How adorable, I think exactly the same of retarded kids like you who praise this shitty game that destroyed an amazing topdown 2d franchise.

Just know that OoT is considered by many to be the best video game of all time.
The whole world can't be retarded kids, Tommy.

>Zelda II is mediocre
It's pleb filter and for all its faults still more challenging and interesting design-wise that OoT.


The first Zelda game was all about the player working out how to navigate and survive a maze-like overworld and dungeons. The series never truly returned to that.

Tell that to the Forest and Spirit Temples.

It's really easy to pick up for nearly everyone, while yet being challenging for nearly everyone. It has a very natural flow, learning curve and strikes a beautiful balance between open world, but not so much these players that most likely take their first steps in 3D worlds are alienated. The design is practically a course in 'how to to do stuff objectively right' from the get go.
Of course, with the knowledge you have from all the games made after 1998, till now 2019, you might see some flaws in hindsight, but you still need to dig deep to find it: "I don't see it" -as you put it: is actually pretty darm hard...
Do you even know game design?

The reason I don't see it is because it probably isn't there. "Natural flow" and "it's really easy to pick up" is a weak argument for the game's greatness. You can't just say "it's objectively great" without pointing as to why. And your default to "w-well it was really good for the time it came out" is undermined by the fact that you can pick up and play the NES and SNES Zelda games and see what it interesting and good design-wise about them, whereas with OoT you cannot.

Then we're both on the same boat.
The most complicated problems often have the most simplest solutions. And those solutions are buried deep under bullshit put there by people who don't want solutions.
What you need to do is slowly, through ways that take advantage of the whole Yea Forums formula, to exploit the mentality. To make the norm seem illogical and forced. To rewrite the entire code by only editing one single line of text.
Don't go full militia on the culture that's now present. Leave hints. Turnabout threads. Break out logic that either redirects the thread in a positive direction or causes the thread to be archived because those who recognize the constructive nature you present don't want the nature they're addicted to to fall.
You'd be very surprised at how much little things can make really big fucking differences.

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True, but they had the old gaming trope of "save princess kill bad guy" and literally nothing else which gave a lot more room for that exploration. I will always say that story is what killed the franchises roots. MM is the perfect example of story and cut scenes being what makes it memorable to most. All that text and world building is special compared to the extremely simplistic story telling and samey forgettable world map of the original Zelda. The journey is what makes the original great.
MM however suffers from its segmented story bits because now if its viewed out of order, it loses the impact, just like skyward sword. Making MM one of the most linear in the franchise.

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>Those more linear roots started with a link to the past.
Yeah the thing is that even there you do have a most of an overworld to explore right from the very beginning, with lots of enemies and things to find. It's not like the original where you can find actual dungeon levels just from exploring, but it's also not like Ocarina where you basically just have an empty overworld to run around in (and no it's not just Hyrule field, almost none of the initially accessible areas have anything dangerous or exciting in them).

Also, the introduction segment in Ocarina takes a LOT longer than the first phase of ALTTP.

OoT and MM as a package works wonders. OoT is kind of a cliched Hero's Journey with time travel as the twist, amd it works exactly because of that. Rescue Sages, rescue Princess, defeat bad guy in giant evil castle surrounded by lava, done. Then MM working as some kind of personal journey/epilogue for the Hero of Time.
Fuck picking up all 100 Skulltulas again though

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ITT: "I can't do whatever I want whenever I want in OoT! Me no likey! Me wanna play in sandbox and do whatever I feel like! Waaaaaa!

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Well said.
Going full on militia only breeds resistance. This resistance can indeed be circumvented by leaving around the seeds to grow in a more positive way. As you have seen in this thread alone some have already been dropping (you) insults and just bullshitting the potential space for something better. I returned to this site not solely because of the anonymity, but everywhere else is either on that fight the militia mode or so heavily watched and controlled it is not like you are talking to people anymore.
With effort and time I believe it can go back to being a more healthy community. Just got to make sure the want to do so grows naturally.

"WAAAAH I like action adventure games where I have text explaining what to do every ten seconds and I'm blocked off from exploring or doing anything fun or rewarding"

Dark Souls

KYS Zoomer

Good thing OoT isn't like that.
"B-but I can't go to the Deku Tree before I get a sword and shield!! That mean bully Mido said so!"
Boo-fucking-hoo. It's a tutorial level. If you still think the game is holding your hand at Dodongo's Cavern than you're simply unpleasable.

What happens when you're faced with a ruthless killing machine that outmatches any pursuit of a productive future?
Throw a wrench in the gears. And it all falls apart.
Spread the word brother.

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huh pretty sure botw is more fun to pick up & play

>Good thing OoT isn't like that.
It is. Be honest with yourself.
>If you still think the game is holding your hand at Dodongo's Cavern than you're simply unpleasable.
There's nothing challenging or complex about that level.

It's the second dungeon in the game. I didn't say it was hard, but it doesn't hold your hand.

But that's one of the most obvious and player-guiding areas in the game. It constantly telegraphs to the player to use the bombs.

Play master quest. It's the superior version.

>You can't just say "it's objectively great" without pointing as to why.
Because the 'why' is generally: 'everything'? The usual nitpicking I hear is that world is a bit empty - not much to do.
-- Same guys that went through every nook and cranny looking for hidden passages, using bombs on strange structures, looked every cliff, hill, tree up and down for that golden skulltulla.
Because the world invited them too.

--That's good game design son.

Let me put it this way: If you were designing your own 3D adventure game in 1998, and were about to release it: seeing OoT would undoubtedly taught you, in every aspect, how to do it better, and then some.
Saying you don't 'see it' is either playing dumb, or you are dumb, there is no middle ground here.

>telegraphs to the player to use the bombs
What the fuck does that mean? Do you mean when you get the bomb bag the game gives a description of it? Because that's completely normal for a game to do.

In fact, the only bomb-related puzzle in Dodongo's Cavern that gives you a hint, the Giant Dead Dodongo, doesn't even mention bombs. It says "when it sees red, the way to go will open". Nothing there tells you to use bombs, you have to figure out that seeing red means throwing bombs in its eyes.

You do indeed get a much larger area that is true, and the opening is far more tolerable than oot. A link to the past is the middle ground for sure. I just cant ignore that once you enter the dark world ALL the maidens are marked on the map and numbered. Killing that need for exploration to find out what to do in this new world.
Sure it is not spelled out for you like the future titles, but come on.
After retrieving the Master Sword and fighting Agahnim, you basically got the last bit you need before jumping into another world that is just segmented stories and all to keep the world alive. The mystery is now gone and all that's left is the mission. The devs knew that.

This version screwed my mind so much
why does it even exist?

>Why is it good?
>"Because everything about it is good. I can't say anything specific but trust me. Also other games copied it".

Please, at least try to point out something smart or good about the game from a design perspective.

Replay value. Other typical NG+ add/change enemies and that's that. Master Quest inverts the entire game which funnily enough changes it all. It actually surprises me it never picked off

Spreading the message far and wide.

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I bet no one speedruns it

youtube.com/results?search_query=ocarina of time master quest speedrun

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there has been plenty of 2d zeldas after OoT.

I'm honestly at a loss if you don't get it. No jump button, but an 'auto jump' at the end of a ledge to always make pixel perfect jumps? That's pretty neat. The Z targeting so you could shoot arrows while horseback riding? Ow, and you could do horseback riding too. The way the playing the ocarina is integrated in the game?
How the game kept showing hints of 'something more' just around the corner every so often, and if not around the corner, maybe in another time? (Something under water, but too deep to reach, walls that could be blown up yet, magical seeds that grow into platforms).
The incentive to keep playing and have fun is impressive, which I believe, is, here it comes: good game design.
Now, your tun, why isn't it? Why is everyone and their moms so wrong about OoT's game design? And please don't say you'd have added lootboxes or a character creator.

>Boo-fucking-hoo. It's a tutorial level.
yeah unfortunately this tutorial shit drags on for hours until you finally become adult link.

It was a preorder bonus for windwaker which was pretty cool.