Sekiro is finally playable

Sekiro is finally playable

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today i will remind them

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Pussies, the lot of you.

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lmao seething
I will play sekiro easy mode and there's nothing you can do about that
I will tell everyone I beat sekiro

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The greatest post of all time, this hurts pussy man.

That always reminds me of this but of course people had to jump on that tweet similar to this Joker "gamers rise up" stuff and post it ironically. Would love to see it in a game in an ending similar to Dragon's Dogma for example where you can sacrifice your beloved to continue the cycle.

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>not posting the liquid version


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All you really need is no fall damage from missing a grapple and a guide for the "le totes secret out of the way areas that as per usual are never given any hint of".

The only gameplay issue is the fact that controls for the grappling and the points are janky and won't ever be fixed without a rewrite of the physics and world.

The spirit emblems should only be free for the shuriken since outside of one or two uses, it's only tr here to keep enemies from losing their poise when they run away to heal it.

Terror is obviously a pointless mechanic that is "hard" for the sake of banging your head against a wall trying not to die while playing like a sperg attacking all the time.

item rate, better attack/defense/stamina, buff t ime and pupperter is pointless

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Sekiro already had easy mode. It's called not ringing the demon bell and using gimmick strats like firecracker loops.

why would you buy a game notorious for it's difficulty and remove it


Game isn't even difficult outside of the bullshit gangbangs.
99% of bosses are either: firecracker > axe > ichimoji loop
Or else "le one magic tool that is super duper against them".

The fact you have more or less infinite blocking if you can parry reasonably well means outside of you just fucking up the most basic actions, you won't die unless two more enemies decide to stunlock you


The game is not really hard but punishing. However, if you played it like this you are a scrub. Every single boss is killable by just using the katana

I really don't get it.
Sekiro wasn't even that hard
Nioh is MUCH harder
even Bloodborne is way harder

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Dark Souls, it's sequels, and Bloodborne offer challenging gameplay with an interesting world and mechanics, which is why they're all great
Sekiro has three level aesthetics (forest, castle, cave) and might as well be a rythm game

>stuck on the first boss for 65 hours
>give up and uses steam achievements manager to unlock all the achievements to not looks like a shitter

It's not like Sekiro has nothing going for it outside of its difficulty. If you make it easier, it's still a good game.

>tfw made it to the sword saint fight with all beads and memories and too afraid to play now

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>infinite spirit emblem
Should have been the case from launch but whatever

I seriously cannot understand why this game was the one to get everyone crying about games being too hard. I gave up on Dark Souls at Four Kings because I am bad at games and simply didn't have the patience for it. I beat Sekiro in a few days without much trouble. The only boss I had any real trouble with was Headless Ape part 2, and that's only because i didn't find the firecrackers until I'd already finished most of the game. Attacks are much easier to read and bosses tend to not do ridiculous feinty windups or spin around at lightspeed when you get behind them like in Souls. It's just a matter of learning attack patterns like any other game.

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No you won't.

Phase 1 or 2 if you count Genshit is the hardest. After that it's Eurobeat-time and waiting for his jump-attack.

I gave on Dark Souls at early 4 Kings (New Game +) when trying to join the Dark Wraiths. Fuckers have a lot of health.

Can somebody unironically explain why Sekiro is supposed to be too difficult?
Have there really been that many people who only managed to beat the souls games by summoning friends?

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Based and redpilled

quality post, user

demon bell was meh, pussy mod was forced your first playthrough 'cause you can't give the charm away, playing without kuros charm really felt like it was the way the developers originally intended but they ended up making it optional 'cause faggots would complain it was too hard.

it's a really cool and aesthetic fight, I legit felt slightly bad when I beat him 'cause I wanted to fight him more

Eh, when can I finally play as some naked ninja chick instead ?

Did all the pervert modders turn to RE2 ?

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Because Souls games taught you to dodge rather than block and now Sekiro wants you to do the exact opposite

But thats just a guess

You can play it as 2B already

Casuals are intellectually weak.

If you walk away from a challenge in a video game that says a lot about you as a person and tells me that I can walk all over you and you won't do shit. I will purposely go out of my way to berate you if you're a casual.

I'm so sick of hearing "it's just a game" no, it's a right of passage. This is a pathetic excuse that casuals hold onto instead of strengthening as a person. You are inferior to me in every way.

I don't think I'll have that problem, owl father waxed my ass like 100 times before I beat him

But can you look up the skirt ?

Trying way too hard there, pal

Red Ninja: End of Honor


>he brags about 'beating' video games

>being this butthurt over casuals

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