It took Nintendo 7 years to realize Vita was peak handheld design and copied it.
It took Nintendo 7 years to realize Vita was peak handheld design and copied it
The Switch is already the Vita 2.0.
Get a Switch you dumb subhuman weeb.
It doesn't matter if you get a standard or lite, whatever the fuck you want, but get one.
We need your dumb, retarded pantsu addicted wallet to inflate the sales numbers this christmas.
Get assimilated into nintendo, you bitch.
What else are you gonna do, sony is treating you like an unwanted tumor they're desperately trying to cut off from their body.
You've got nowhere else to go.
Sit your ass down, get a switch, and play your shitty ass weeb games, you weeb trash.
What weeb games? Xc2?
Vita was better though
>sold for half the price with 16GB memory bundled
>great dpad
>cheap games
>free online
Switch is way inferior.
With sub par ergonomics, joycons are made for women hands
>Vita was peak handheld design
It doesn't matter, Sony doesn't want you.
Eventually you'll be broken and give in.
You all do, it's just a matter of time.
>copie it
you meant, improved it
switch has actual triggers to begin with and a universal format for memory cards
But overall design is cheaper without OLED and a most likely worse d-pad. Also paid online for a fucking handheld which is just absurd.
>Zoomers think Sony invented the GBA asthetic
Zoom zooms say the darndest things.
nice coping, enjoy your dead console
i will be playing cyber sleuth on my switch soon, thanks for beta testing it for me
>no Next 0rder
>Cyber Sleuth is still playable on Vita
>Switch doesn't have P4G or Trails of Cold Steel
the vita was just a gba with analog sticks
damn, how innovative
Form factor, you ESL third worlder.
>But overall design is cheaper without OLED
>and a most likely worse d-pad
Really coping here
>peak design
>assymetrical joystick placement
You can only choose one.
Why the fuck would you want the d-pad in the primary location?
If you don't know that both are different and valid then you need to hit the books, junior.
Vita copied GBA.
It took Nintendo to show SONY how to do things right.
Nintendo started with the design trend you snoy zoomer
There was never a bundle with a 16GB memory card until way, way later in its life and only in Japan.