How do you feel about permabanning someone from a product they purchased for saying the n word? Should the player self moderate by muting offenders or is it the job of the devs?
How do you feel about permabanning someone from a product they purchased for saying the n word? Should the player self moderate by muting offenders or is it the job of the devs?
You dont buy games anymore
You buy licenses to play the games, and the eula you agree to says that you need to abide by x rules
If you break the rules they have the right to take away your license.
Dont like it? Buy physical single player games, or couch multiplayer games. No eula bullshit there.
Im tired of this shitty ass bait thread. But itll get hundreds of replies.
And >reddit
Go back.
The devs can do it if they want to
You shouldn't buy a game where something like that is possible to begin with.
>slant eyed nigger
that doesn't even make sense
Why don't you fucking go back and stay there.
>Spend money in game
>Join game to play
>Be insulted
What is the fucking purpouse of paying then?
>he doesn't know about nigger/gook mutts
Seems like a real nigger move
Only manchildren call people niggers in online games, they should be banned
>getting hurt by words
Why is this generation so weak minded?
Glad they get banned. Why should I feel bad that a racist can’t be racist in my games?
hon hon hon
I played Runescape back in 2005 when you could get muted for saying words like suck and crap, if 10 year old me in 2005 could avoid saying those words, an adult should have no problem not spouting racial slurs. No shit calling someone a nigger will result in a permaban.
If only devs released the server code for their games like the old days and let people decide what goes on their servers. It really does seem like the days of dedicated servers ran by the players is over.
Racism should be punishable by death.
Imagine going to restaurant and telling black family sitting table next to you that they are niggers.
Multiplayer games are a "public" place. You interact with people. If you can't behave, sucks foe you.
Most of games actually slap your wrist multiple times before banning you so you really have to WANT to be banned.
Freedom of speech is really fucking far from "being able to offend anyone you want without consequences".
It's not SJW, it's basic human decency.
>slant eyed nigger
The fuck he married and how the fuck they know his wife
How do they work? Hapa are highly autistic, but what about the blasians? What's their thing?
if you agreed that you wouldn't say nigger on pain of perma-banning, but then said nigger anyway it's your own damn fault.
if not it's the devs fault for not being clear enough
Just have a simple word blacklist, why are devs so stupid
Heheh fuck niggers
i give zero fucks
Doesn't mean shit in court.
>not insulting back and have fun
Trying too hard user, you almost got me at the start.
>Multiplayer games are a public place
I don’t really care
It doesn't matter, because you won't go to court and the devs still will keep your money.
If you have to perma ban someone ban them from using the chat, don’t take the fucking paid game away
Is that so hard to do?
it is the dev's decision and i think ultimately how i feel about it depends on the playerbase and gameplay
Time to genocide China?
Just make every word become ******* and **********
Its not fucking hard and it helps with faggots that have stupid names
Everyone makes this stupid argument like them being allowed to do it means they should do it. That's not what's being argued you holier than thou dipshit.
I don't care about racism, but the people using the n word are usually edgy underage Yea Forums or /pol/tards and im all for banning them
You shouldn't be banned for saying the n word outright but if you're being a dickhead to people, you should be.
Talk shit, get shot.
I don't care about little faggots who scream nigger repeatedly for attention. If you don't want the attention, quit crying for it.
Should be required by law to refund them for denying them access to the good that they paid for.
I got permanently muted. That really sucked and made it hard to play with friends
They have the right to ban them. That said I feel like its too harsh. Permanent mute would be more fair and also more hilarious its a win win
sage :3
Just mute then you fucking retarded nigger.
If you do it again then permanently muted
but the whole product that you purchased shouldn't be taken away entirely
Its really fucking stupid, but this is the price you pay for letting them replace servers with matchmaking. Now Madmins have a monopoly on multiplayer and you're fucked if you even step a nanometer out of line.
say what you want about valve but at least you can say whatever the fuck you want in their games
I miss warcraft 3 too, good old days of just calling each other all sorts of insults nerds could come up with and then just shaking hands after a match like men
Chinese are exotic and thus can't be racist
Can't you communicate normally?
There is always an option to play with your mates using teamspeak and be as racist as you want.
Nothing wrong with putting a misbehaving kid in time out
Battalion 1944 has community servers, they're just dead as fuck since everyone who plays it is an ESEAutist.
Idk about blasian men but blasian women are kino
>You dont buy games anymore
You never did.
Games have never been a product, they've always been a license. That's how intellectual property works. Software is not an object.
Private companies offering private services with private ip and hardware can terminate those services for nearly any reason. If you don't like it, boycott.
My buddy got perm muted cause he said "Jagex censors your password when you type it in backwords" in Mod Marks clan chat.
I don't like it. They paid to play the game, they're playing it, they're not cheating, people just don't like what they're saying.
If it's so bad then temporarily silence them. If you can't manage that system then let players mute and avoid them as teammates.
>linking to reddit
fuck off
Bullshit. There's a mute option for a reason, and it isn't that hard to ignore text chat. People need to stop being such god damn, oversensitive cunts.
>posting and linking reddit
Also, fuck off.
You're as bad as he is
>"i can't use mean words anymore mommy! i want to say mean words i WANNA I WANNA I WANNA!!!"
Hi, reddit.
Just letting (You) know that the giantess give me an erection.
>7 ft
what the fuck are your standards user, that's amazonian at most
add a mute function or a profanity filter
No no, I think user merely made a typo
He meant to say Giantesque