Games Yea Forums never talks aboout

Games Yea Forums never talks aboout

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saw a thread about this game yesterday

Black was better

both were shit

ayy lmao

ayy lmao

I fucking loved how you could dual wield just about any gun

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>don't be using that scope to zoom in on my junk

Best part of the game was near the start where Cole was in a team. Should have stayed that way whole time

He shot his through Area 51 to an alien spacecraft and teleported the fuck out.

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So what up all the these area-51 stuff anyway.

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Some twatters want to group up and raid Area 51.

If you want people to talk about a game, try coming up with a more interesting discussion topic than, "Why come nobody talks about this?"

Facebook 'memelord' jokes about organizing a group of people to 'Naruto Run' into Area 51 so they can see what secrets it holds
A lot of people like it and decide to take it semi-seriously. Not sure how serious it is but that’s why you’re seeing a lot of really lazy Area 51 'memes'

No it wasn’t faggot
Great game. Love you when you get to the lower levels of the base

And then the threads 404 unless you post waifushit.

You wont find anything older than a year around here except if it was a really big franchise. People are fucking retarded around here and will gladly discuss in thread with "he is in" "good morning stevefags" "what are games with xy anime pic" "what did it mean by this" "sneed" and such copypaste no effort waste. Abandon this place if you want to talk about video games with actual people and not buzzword throwing simpletons

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That sound pretty lame.

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of you’ve seen the memes being made then yeah it’s pretty fucking lame, they’re all the same jokes with the same punchlines.
Even those old advice animals had people thinking of new punchlines and set ups, everything today is dangerously unfunny

What are greys? Ayys? Demons? Future humans? A schizo fantasy?

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Most "memes" I've seen form twitter are bad in general, an if it actually kind funny it get run to ground.

>actual proper model for HL1 shotgun

>Yea Forums don't talk about shit games
Can't see anything wrong here.

I remember playing this with my dad way back in the day. I would set up a PVP match and give him invincibility without telling him because he wasn't very good at controlling both analogue sticks at the same time

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