I just refunded gtaV to buy the new Borderlands 2 dlc ask me anything

i just refunded gtaV to buy the new Borderlands 2 dlc ask me anything

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Would you accept the Cruciform from the Hyperion Cantos, knowing the costs?

the new DLC was free

is it good

Why did you buy it when it was free, retard?

For a time period. It isn't anymore

didn't know about it and im still fucking pissed off that i had to buy it

i sure fucking hope so

it's not long enough for 14.99 but better than most bl2 dlc

Why didn't you just redeem it when it was free you literal tard?

BL2 is so boring, monotonous and braindead with some of the most obnoxious dialog ever written. I just don't understand the appeal. If you want a looter shooter to turn your brain off to play Warframe. Its free and atleast has some depth to it and is fast as fuck.

>i just refunded gtaV to buy the new Borderlands 2 dlc
>I quit Facebook to join Lebbit
>ask me anything
Where do you think you are?

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>trade gta5 for a borderlands dlc
are you retarded?

did you ever think that your opinion does not apply to everyone? no? you are too retarded to think rationally? what a surprise

Why trade trash for shit

>posts weebshit
back to discord tranny faggot

i said i bought borderlands dlc not bloodorne

No. Warframe is objectively better on paper. Vaster, faster, more modifiers, more mobiliy, more classes, objectively better writing, more modes, more everything. And its free and you don't finance a fucking disgusting company with shady practices with a pedophile owner. So i'll ask again, why not just play Warframe if you want to play a loot shooter.

because i played it and i didn't like the gameplay, the enemies are boring af and i didn't care for the writing

But you enjoy borderlands?

Stop projecting tranny fagot normalfag OP
You already admitted to playing a Rick and Morty gay sex simulator becasue you craved that epic l00t
OMg yes so epiccccc it has objective markers so my retarded brother can join in YESSS BASED ANTHONY BIRTH YESSSS
Ayyoo hol' up are you is be saying that the real Finnegans's Wake is the friends we made along the away?
Omg it sl like UNDERTALE 2 BUT WITH l000tth
OMG I kill aneemeieds and get new weapons wwhich make nuibers go upppp YYEREEESSSSS IM COMING

yes very much so, honestly one of the most fun games i have played in years

you sure stuck it to them refunding a take two game to buy another take two game

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