Add coworker on Steam

>add coworker on Steam
>he tells everyone at work that I play stupid japanese games with naked anime girls

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Other urls found in this thread:

Coworkers are not your friends. In a capitalistic society they are your enemy.

>degenerate acts like a retard and has his degeneracy called out
today's a good day

I prefer to be the weirdo and say "Nah, sorry, but I don't add people from work to these things." that accept this.
Also with friends, why should I? I need to have the option to tell them "I am busy bro, can't hang out today" and then they see 'last played game today all day'.

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Establish alpha, tell your co workers you will turn them all into anime girls.

Fpbp as always

>He doesn't have an alternate account with his weebshit in it
Your fault OP.

This, desu. Reason #568 why I play singleplayer games>multiplayer games.

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>revealing power levels to normies
Biggest mistake

I added one of my coworkers on Steam who looked like a normal dude and his Steam profile had a bunch of tranny and furry shit on it.

Your fault for playing stupid japanese games with naked anime girls.
I would've done the same if I were your coworker.

You deserve it

Fuck no never do that whats wrong with you.

people from your workplace are the worst people to incorporate in your personal life

the ones that are too stupid to learn this fact take care of themselves, like OP


>add coworker on Steam
Over the fucking line, I'd say I don't do it with coworkers and if he insisted I'd call HR and have the shit fired.

100 % deserve it for playing those degenerate games

Your coworker sounds pretty based. Get fucked gookphile

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so what?

The only Japanese games I have on steam are DMC5 and MGSV. He's a retarded faggot who thinks those are anime games.

I can't even fucking go to work anymore.


Sound like your co workers are more brain dead then a corpse. Fuck them.

No, you deserve it for being stupid enough to add a coworker to anything.
That's why you make alt accounts and/or lie so you don't have to deal with them in your social media.

never should’ve befriended a normalfag in the first place.

Wouldnt of happened if you used epic games store user, you can hide games that you dont want people to see, should have used epic game store by epic games available at epic games store

>Associating with coworkers outside of work
>Allowing anyone outside of your family to learn about your online presence

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>Being an insecure faggot
I openly watch anime during down time at work

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Just go to your privacy settings and set everything to private. people cant see your library or what you're playing, they only see you offline or online

>associating your private life with your work life
You deserve to be singled out, you drooling retard. Keep that shit locked down next time and this kind of thing wont happen. Don't even pretend to like things that others find interesting; go to work, do your job, collect your pay and leave. That is literally all a job is good for; its not to make friends or actually replace any kind of social void in your life.

Why do you care so much about your coworkers opinion?

>tfw no fal gf
also, based.

Why would you ever tell a co-worker that you play Vita school dating games?

Why would you play videogames with the curtains open, ever?

Why wouldn't you hypnotise yourself into thinking you're a normie when you leave the house and install a tripwire which triggers an electronic chime to return you to normal once you come home just in time for a night of Gal Gun?

>Coworkers are not your friends

This. It doesn't matter how much you laugh and joke with them. It doesn't matter how much you trade DVDs and games with them. It doesn't matter how many times you go for a drink with them. They have to endure your presence by necessity due to the fact that you share your workplace, and they will always secretly resent you for it.

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Let me guess, gas station clerk? Overnight ""security""? Real jobs don't have down time you literal child.

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Is your job really so boring that all your coworkers do is gossip? They'll probably forget about it within a week, nobody actually gives a damn about this shit.

We're 10 people in total and work in the same room.

And here I am at work drinking out of my Idolmaster coffee cup while looking at my Lucky Star desktop wallpaper giving zero shits.

Autism story time no one asked for:

I used to maintain a fake Steam account with a couple of ultra vanilla games. When people would ask me to friend them on Steam I'd use that account. I even logged into it a few times a week and left the games idly running so it looked like it was my legitimate account. I was so beta that I couldn't just tell people "no" yet autistic enough to make an entire fake Steam account with a list full of "friends."

The sad part was that my real Steam account wasn't even full of loli games or anything like that. The worst game I had was probably Postal 2. It was just that I didn't want to talk to anyone, yet was too much of a bitch refuse their requests.

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>Add coworker on Steam
>He agrees with me that the fall of the second Reich doomed the world
Schwiizer are based af

Jesus Christ you fuckers are insecure.

>things that didint happen - thread

>willingly displaying your power level
You deserved what you got

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Always treat normalfags like you were handling chimps at a zoo, user

>neighbours kid begs me to friend him on PSN
>won't stop sending me party invites
all he does is play fortnite and other stupid shit and I don't want to deal with him more than I have to

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>"So, you like gaming, huh user?"
>"uh yeah"
>"Alright, first things first... XBOX or PLAYSTATION?"
>"i have a pc"
>"Sick bro, I love PUBG. I'll add you, what's your steam name?"
>it's uh whatever i cant remember"

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>Worst game I had was Postal 2

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I have three friends irl.
Those are the only people I can talk about anime, video game, board game, Tabletop rpg, etc. without almost any constraint. They are not coworkers, they are not family members, and they are not imaginary. Those are the only people I can trust with that shit.

I would never even DARE to THINK of talking of this kind of shit with anybody else unless I'm absolutely sure 100% they're not normies.

>adding coworkers ever

You still probably avoided a lot of unnecessary bullshit, you know.

>Allowing anyone that knows your face, address, name, or anything else to learn about your online presence
nigger what the FUCK are you doing

>Didn't pick up an easy-cruise job with down-time
>Thinks he's better for it.
The state of you. My Job is piss-easy. I'm slacking all the time and my boss think I'm his best employee because there's no chores left at the end of my shift. Only time job has no downtime is during christmas season. Otherwise there are literally days where I'm paid to open, wait 5-7 hours and close the door.

Enjoy your better salary. It's probably the only thing you have on me.

How does he know those are Japanese games? They aren't blatantly anime looking or anything. He just wanted to fuck with you and be be an asshole since he obviously knows a thing of two about games to know those are japanse.
Owning a PS or Nintendo consoles doesn't make you a hentai addict.

what do you do for a living user?

Not to sound like an edgelord, but this is just reality. Form friend groups through hobbies and shit, this is the exact sort of garbage people tell you to not mix professional and personal relationships because of.

>"I've never heard about that game. Is it any good?"

He's the only point of reference; It becomes you against him, and he's the one who demonstrated knowledge.

End him.

>tfw IT and all of us in the department (except unironic Rahul) are huge into anime/gaming and accounting is on board too
Feels good, man.

good for you man, I got shunned because I read a book in my lunch break. I hated everyone where I worked because they went into this gossipy troublemaking and I wanted nothing with it

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Its better just not to speak with coworkers especially females. I only speak to my boss and manager, screw everyone else.

Hide your fucking power level bro

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underage b&

Even outside of this career I got lucky. Back when I workedr electronics retail, one of the questions I had gotten from the store owner during the interview was "what kind of games are you into?" And that caught me off guard. Other than it being retail and generally ducking, being able to connect with some coworkers is how you can tough it through the shitty holiday seasons. I had enough of it the last year and quit before seeking out an office job and got lucky at a place my only real friend worked at.
Hang in there, you'll find a place that doesnt make you want to hang yourself, life gets better

co workers arent there to cooperate with you let alone be your friends, you deserved every last bit of it

>being insecure about your likes
>adding a coworker on steam
>not setting your profile to private
you have only yourself to blame

weird, i got that question too, even though I dont think anyone even plays games around here. Said games like red orchestra and delta force and the questioning stopped about it, i think the HR dude didnt even know what I was babbling about, it was just routine

>not playing naked anime girl video games in front of all your coworkers

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Added a coworker on Steam, dude is pretty chill and plays PoE from time to time. We sometimes talk about it at work.

Stop working at Normie Inc.

I'm 24

>being a wagie

what does his profile look like?

>Revealing your power level to Normies
You asked for this

Cowadoody pic

I wanna fuck those frogs

I added a co-worker on Steam and now I don't use steam anymore

Wagies are mad by default because they have 2-4 hours of free time on workdays; they also don't have enough time on weekends to unwind AND do administrative shit.
Whenever you bring this up to a wagie, their gonna say:
>muh disposable income, muthafucka
When in reality, they're probably a hospital bill or 2 away from poverty.

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but those are garbage anime games lmao

>two years of friendship with a guy at work
>just chating I called him a coleague
>he starts a subject saying that it was my bad for not considerin him a friend, just a coleague
This is in my native language, I always knew the difference between coleague and friend but didn't knew that amigo and colega is different.
We settled with friends.

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all NEETS I know that hit the 30 are suicidal though

i was suicidal when i was 18 too and not a neet. I'ts just the call of the void, wageslaves dont even have time hear it

>hurr if you find women attractive you're degenerate

>I am a mod of several subreddits
Line is fucking spot on perfect.

>I'ts just the call of the void, wageslaves dont even have time hear it
and that is bad because?
I also do hobbies to keep me entertained and not thinking about hen inevitable

Being suicidal at 18 is n't the same as being suicidal at 30 because at 18 you still have time to turn your life around while at 30, your body just starts failing slowly, meeting new people is harder and if you're a neet at 30 you probably spent quite some time being a neet so reintegrating into society is living hell, almost like you came out of jail.

And your comeback was??? Ohhh noooo, don't tell me you're one of those losers without a comeback, user???

Either you're fine with playing your lewd ass games or you take responsability for somebody calling you out and you having nothing to say as a return

its create bonding when your family pry you off the window when you want to jump out. I just wanted to make a squishy noise and they didnt let me.

> using steam for "friends"
> using steam
Lmao, you deserve it user.

Correct. Both sides of the coin are pretty fucking awful. Your only good options (aka where free time and income are both in the sweet spot) are:
>being born into wealth
>stardom (lol)
Being a wagie is BARELY above being a NEET.
Maybe if 6 hour work days counted as full-time, there would be a much better work-life balance for the average worker, but we all know that won't happen because "muh work loss."

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>socializing with Co-Worker Drones

its like you want retardation to enter your life

>not having a business steam account

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More like call of the incel, lol

>He told everyone I play naked girl Japanese games! But I just play MGS and DMC!

>B-but Yea Forums told me it was normal to like MGS and DMC!
You were told wrong.

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I'd say
1. job you love, even better if it is something that is effectively your hobby
2. wageslave for money
The problem with NEETs is that even though they will say I'm wrong: they have no social live. And that is natural because everyone is wageslaving while they sit at home or doing night walks.

>tfw I spend 8 hours shooting the shit with a bunch of boomers and then clock off
>they bring burgers and sausage and we have an hour long cookout during our lunch break every friday
Having a laid back job is the greatest thing on fucking earth. Imagine dreading waking up every morning

plant an audio bug in his office.

Sounds just about right.

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This is why you have separate computers and accounts for public life and private life.

>work with a ton of hood niggas
>they’re all weebs
A weird stereotype, but a true one none-the-less.

Yeah, me too.

just tell people that you enjoy watching 8 year old cartoon girls stripping and that sometimes you don't enjoy being in their general surrounding

Never interact with coworkers outside work.
Split your friends into work friends, drinking buddies, gaming pals and gym bros.

I just wish someone end it. Life is torture.

I've seen this in my work, one guy watching One Piece, I used to watch it too, but I'm not stupid enough to show it, I actually told everyone else at work that he was watching Chinese cartoons at work and he was avoided from then on.

nobody like a snitch

>he doesn't get breaks
What third world shithole are you from?


priv profile?

fucking based coworker dabbing on pedo weebs

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>having a public profile

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>actively antagonizing the people you work with is a good idea
unemployed by the way

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Would it be safe to add coworker?

You don't need to antagonize them, just know they'll stab you in the back the moment it benefits them.

And you wouldn't do the same? If it happens, know that you deserve it

is this bait or you lack any self-awereness?

Where do you work where figurative backstabbing gets you promoted?

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Is it really that bad?

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does it matter? Backstabbing is the best way to climb the ranks of any workplace.

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>tfw work weekend shift and make the same money than people who work all week long
>Nobody supervising because it's weekend and nobody gives a shit
>Get to take it easy most of the time and coworkers are great

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Lol, I'm known as the weeb of the group and I don't give a single fuck. Hasn't caused any issues. Maybe you need to stop being a lil bitch niggy

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How does this work in practice? Let's say you're a night watchman, there's nobody in the shift except you.

>He fell for the employee of the month meme
Son... they teach this is spongebob

>But user likes to watch hen tay

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Poor little wagecuck

Unless you're the ONLY person employed at a place, your coworkers will talk about you behind your back, and find ways to make you look bad.

>forgot to close sad panda tabs on work computer

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So? Just do the same thing

well, shit

How do you emerge back out into the limelight after your confidence has been destroyed completely from something like this?
>t. neet for nearly 4yrs who now has a hard time looking people in the eye

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I find wearing sunglasses makes it easier to talk to people

Because you protect your eyes from their shining personality?

Or are you hiding your glow-in-the-dark eyes?

>tfw forgot to empty the cum-drawer today
I'm so fucking fired.

I'm not the sunglasses type.

don't masturbate during the daytime

start doing drugs

>Work as a substitute teacher
>A nerdy kid comes up to talk to me
>Asks if I know what Monster Hunter is
>Say I have heard of it but never played it
>He then proceeds to go on a ten minute soliloquy about his idea for a Monster Hunter/Warframe crossover
>Never tell a single student that I like video games ever again
Fucking nerd kids are the worst.

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I feel weird looking people in the eyes, and I'm self-conscious about my own. Unironically THE VIRGIN WALK when it comes to eye contact with people on the street

You were already hated to begin with. This has nothing to do with your animu obsession

>add irl people on Steam
>treat coworker as your friend
>being ashamed of playing naked anime girl games
Three fatal mistakes, retard.

>your coworkers will talk about you behind your back, and find ways to make you look bad
Because they already hate you. You are insufferable. They want to walk over you.

>giving your coworkers ammunition to make you look bad
Stop being a lazy faggot and always be on your A game. Also being polite and respectful gives you plausible deniability when they try to talk shit about you.

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>adding people from the real world to play games with
That was your first mistake, also play better games you nonce.

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This is what I hate; retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalogue waiting to respond first. I never get yous no matter how hard I try so getting the first post is important. It's the same thing on every board. Assholes like you that make a moronic first post that aren't worthy of responses. What if I have something informative to say but can't, because of your selfishness? Imagine actually getting off by taking that opportunity away from somebody. Enjoy your "FPBP" responses, because that's all you have in life. Fuck you. Seriously.

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I dont know guys, i had a coworker that i exchanged usernames with and its just fine. We dont play the same games but the ones we both play, we play them together. Too bad he got a new girlfriend and has entirely ghosted me for the past few months. R.i.p. jesse

Why do you lie on the internet

You reap what you sow

No, it's not a zero sum game. No workplace can thrive with its employees constantly trying to backstab each other.

>Always be on your A game
"oh, Anonymous is trying to make us look bad, what a cunt! Ugh, fucking brownnoser being the boss' favourite because they work hard. What do you mean Anonymous agreed to work her shift? She should have asked ME first -- I'm entitled to it! There's going to be an event and Anonymous is going to get lots of tips what the fuck!!!"

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>add coworker on Steam
>he tells everyone at work that I play stupid japanese games with naked anime girls
God damn OP, you really dont know the sound of a cash register do you? Just complain to HR about harassment, and about how your entire workplace is now toxic to you as a result of this. Dont drop the issue. Complain about it every fucking day. Then, after a month or 2, quit and sue them at the same time.

are you sure you dont have senran in your library somewhere?

you have an anime girl propic and your highest leveled friend is named Autism.

I live in a capitalistic society and my coworkers are my friends.

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For once it's nice to live in a nihilistic society such as Finland. My friends don't give a fuck that I have games like Hatred and HuniePop in my library since I don't make a big deal out of it.

I hope this is sarcasm

There's always going to be faggots who try to bring you down using rumors and gossip, that's why you create plausible deniability by being at the very least polite and able to engage in small talk so when they try to spew bullshit, people will be far less likely to believe them.
>tl;dr stop being a huge autist that never speaks to anyone

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Friends with my old coworker. We don't work at the same place anymore, but we're still good friends to this day.

Nice. What kind of job?

Real Jobs have ALL of the downtime.
You know it, I know it.

This, they're all backstabbing bugs that will fuck you over for a chance at moving up.

Negro that's not down time that's called a "break"

Just got written up at work, im so fucked.

Please don't tell me you're actually this delusional
Get out sometimes, get a grip


>add coworker on Steam
Mistake desu. Normies aren't friends.

>work at a goverment building
>can't connect with co-workers cause they are all over 40+
>everyone else in the building is an office worker
>every time I start to get to know someone they get promoted and move to another building
I've just stopped trying, fuck these dumbass niggers telling me " oh get to know your co-workers you're together all day"
I like my janitor job tho

>he doesn't fuck his coworkers
it's so easy, you already with them everyday.

>Implying that stops them
They're two faced bitches trying to actively sabotage my job, they slack off, they can't count money for shit (Constantly over, which I guess is being better than UNDER), they don't stock the fridges, they work one day a week, they complain if someone gets a good shift, they complain if they're asked to work, they even fucking bad mouth each other when they're alone. M E A N B I T C H E S acting like this is mothefucking high school

>Be 31 employed as a backup power technician
>Never ask the other techs anything about their lives
>only give smalltalk
>only get smalltalk
>pretend to go hunting
>pretend to own guns
>pretend to vote for Trump
>pretend to like mediocre mainstream rock with too many "Oooo" vowel noises.
>bring home a paycheck and be as weird as fuck as I want at home.
I like to think of every day as a Safari.

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You're a terrible teacher and I am 100% sure that you are a teacher simply because you are a talentless hack with no future

>trusting people you work with

just get a blunt weapon and commit assault
it's not even hard to get away with it, like just beat him up and stop being a pussy

>count money
>stock fridges
Maybe get a real job

Yeah just get an Assault Dildo and shove it up their ass and keep shoving it till they jizz like a wizz

Bartending is a real job, and the tips are good too

He's a mortician.

Leave my night walks out of this. It's calm, refreshingly cold and theres no dumbfuck tourists blocking the streets.

You can own this shit up if you are not a little whiny bitch about it. Just go with the weirdo persona.

Not him but where did that come from? Other than having shitty taste in games I didn't see any red flags.

tfw work in IT and everyone in my department is a degenerate weeb

A substitute teacher replaced his father at home.

Why yes, I never judge my work colleagues on what they play. After all they're free to do what they want with their hard-earned money. What gave it away?

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What's up with IT, and being weebs?

How do you make friends when you don't go to work or school? I'm shy around groups, but want to make friends


The power of autism is what brings technology forward.

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Must be, because I'm trying to get into it myself.

based anti-wagies

I’m 43 and jack off to anime girls.

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>You're a terrible teacher
I'm a fantastic teacher.
>and I am 100% sure that you are a teacher simply because you are a talentless hack with no future
Nah, it's because I like telling stories and teaching history is the best venue to do that.
But all the good jobs are taken so I'm doing this substitute gig for the meantime while I get situated.

How are you still here? Were you one of those guys shitposting about the N64 back on Netzero 20 years ago?

I'm shy too friend. Best way would be doing a hobby where you would engage with other people. Otherwise just talk to people, and suss out what they're interested in, you don't always have to have the exact same interest, though it does help.

Is this ironic? Are we seriously reddit now?

And that's embarrassing, how? Wear your interests like a badge of honor.

>coworker catches me browsing this shithole
>"damn you go on Yea Forums too? haha i love that shit bro"
>starts talking about how he spends his time "dabbing on the jannies"
>takes out his phone and shows me his tuxedo pepe collection
>tells me he "mains Yea Forums"
>asks me if i know about sneed and bane
>dude is literally just a typical run of the mill normalfag, not even an aspie

how did it come to this, bros?

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Wear it in silence or I'll honor you again.

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>working with steamcels
Yikes. You reporting them yet


You always see it in workplaces. Two "friends" where one guy is blatantly manipulating and taking advantage of someone else to inflate their numbers. Remember seeing a dude constantly guide his "buddy" towards customers that he knew wouldn't buy shit so he could mop up the other customers that came in.

As someone who has been trying for nearly 2 decades, you don't.

You get bored googling how to fix stuff and eventually take the animu redpill

>he's a mortician
not him, but thanks user, that made my day

"best of Yea Forums" posts on other sites

but the problem is, the hobbies I have are full of awkward people who can't hold onto their spaghetti or fat jerks.

Why are you ashamed of this? Seems like you're not happy with the decisions you've made.

I'm browsing this very thread at work right now

>I actually told everyone else at work that he was watching Chinese cartoons at work and he was avoided from then on.
>Being both a snitch and a insecure faggot

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running memes into the ground was the first sign that people are reddit tier normalfags here.
everyone posting pepe, wojak or apu is guilty
even you.
And it will never turn back.

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You all need to have sex

>I can read this
Muramasa here I come!

>getting triggered over obvious bait
have sex, virgin

Way ahead of you, user

I've learned long ago to never be friends with anyone who openly flaunts the fact they visit Yea Forums. One visit from the FBI was more than enough.

I like when kids talk to me about dumb shit like that, reminds me of better times.

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The only people that know I browse Yea Forums are people I knew back in high school, of those friends I'm the last one that still comes here. They give me shit for coming here when we hang out every now and then. For reference I've been posting here since '05. I make an effort to hide my power level, I hate most meme shit anyway. Seeing internet stuff in real life makes me want to die.

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>getting busted by a glownigger
Always hide your power level.

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so how many coworkers started talking to you after hearing this?
I bet they want to be your friends now

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I was asked about my friend because he kept declaring he was a "Yea Forums hacker" and then started sending bomb threats to town hall and the police station.

Dude was a fucking lunatic.

>not finding peace in detachment and becoming a better person for it
Fixed your image.

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I just pretend that I don't like anything.

an actual redpill

>Split your friends
very useful if some stuff goes bad among some friends
then you can just cut that circle off before you get infected

I don't understand people who are friends with their coworkers. I see them 40 hours a week as is, if I saw them any more than that I'd grow absolutely sick of them and get annoyed by them AT work, which would be really horrible. Nothing wrong with being social and friendly at work but declining invitations to hang out outside of it. That's called being an adult.

I bet some of his lady coworkers thought it was cute and asked if they looked like any of his waifus.

Attached: animethumbsup.jpg (400x225, 18K)

This, but unironically

Humans are social creatures. You need some form of contact.

Attached: nigger.png (654x465, 464K)

Surprised at how many people in this thread hate their coworkers. I'm hoping this is mostly jobs with very little co op is needed. Otherwise I'm not surprised you guys only get mediocre jobs.

>implying that picture was about social contact and not getting a girlfriend

>And it will never turn back.
If we bring back /l/ all the normalfags will fuck off.

No, it'll attract vastly more attention from undesirable sources. Do you really not get how public Yea Forums and how far reaching the outrage culture we're in right now is?

The public and outrage culture already consider this place nazi pedo hacker terrorists, senpai. All posting lolis will do is scare them off from posting here to be 'cool.'

I wish I had at least one friend like that.
I realize though that the problem is me.

Nah, it'd be further fuel on the fire. Can you imagine how that would go down?
>alt-right Yea Forums dedicates board to ACTUAL child pornography!
Nobody posts here to be 'cool' anymore, either - way too many sanitized sources about for that to matter.

>work in obscure STEM field
>no women want the job or do the right training so I don’t have to deal with diversity quota shit
>no bitchy dramaqueens and my coworkers are all bros
Feels good

>Coworker has Switch
>So do I
>Whenever he brings his I bring the joycons and spend lunch playing random characters/maps/items
>Take bus so also use it on way in/out of work
I'm gonna be so bored once I get a car

>using steam
you deserve it

Oh you were talking about the picture. Nevernind then, I'm retarded.

Attached: hey barack husein.jpg (1080x1211, 99K)

Fuck up, weeb.