What's the best James Bond game since the franchise is essentially dead now?

What's the best James Bond game since the franchise is essentially dead now?

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>the franchise is essentially dead now?
What happened?

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When was the last bond game released? i think the ''remake'' of goldeneye wa the last one




Play Goldeneye: Source


You know, it's people like this that make me want another 4 years of Trump.

Can you fucking imagine the national sperg out

Not only changing James for a nigger but also for a female nigger. Awesome.


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Hames Bond is still James Bond, she just took his codename when he left, like all the fucking ucking time

You are right. I searched google after reading these news and realized that. The 007 is what is changing hands but James is still James. That's something I am cool with for now at least.

I remember as a kid I was fascinated with the torture chair scene in the movie. I got to the part with the chair in the game and I think it was my first hard-on.

Not that user but it doesn't matter. They are testing the waters to see how well a black and/or female 007 will be received.

there was a generations thing about having multiple James Bond films in one game plus Skyfall. It was shit

007 Legends wasn't that bad.

It was just unfinished and buggy.

>tfw my dad bought me the shitty PS1 version instead of this one.

i'm sorry user

You know I really am not a fan of Daniel craig as bond, but he sure beats the hell out of a woman. Prepare for a grovelling beta mr moneypenny

agent under fire. Those multiplayer options were amazing

the last good bond film was 1999

When did the dailybeast become such a bunch of sissy nonces?

Its okay man, me too. It was bad, not the worst game in the franchise though. That belongs to pic related.

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I always wanted a female bond but not like this.

>world is not enough

Wat, the last decent one was Tomorrow Never Dies. The last good one Goldeneye.

She's becoming 007, not "James Bond". It's still the "James Bond franchise" and this stunt will be quietly forgotten when they make the next film after this.

The only thing I liked about that game was the Vegas mission where the 2 super villians were having their own armies battle it out.

world is not enough was "fine" especially compared to everything afterward.

certainly the weakest Brosnan

Why aren't 007 games a thing anymore? They were super popular during 6th gen, with games like Nightfire being GOAT.

I remember there being vidya for casino royale and quantum of solace, but I don't remember anyone saying anything good about them, and AFAIK they were just your typical licensed movie tie-in cash-grabs. What happened?

Tell yourself that lol. It's basically a soft launch, a spit in the face if you will. They wanted Idris Elba but he did not want the role. They now just want to crash it with no survivors. They don't care about money. Same with nearly all western AAA games.

Is there any Bond game that lets you cook hamburgers?

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How many women do you know named James?

Nightfire on gamecube

Timothy Dalton is my favorite Bond

Movie games in general just stopped this gen, i wonder why, all the other gens were littered with them

It's no longer about James the white heterosexual male. it's about 007. It's current year, everyone can be 007 you bigot.

Its easily the 2nd worst Brosnan bond. The absolute worst goes to you know what. It had some kino moments, but overall it was bad.

They went from cash grab tie-ins with the moves, to original content, and back to even worse cash grabs. Agent Under Fire and Night Fire are peak boomercore games. They need to go back to that style again. Well written villains, decent stories, interesting and complex gameplay, secret areas, neat gadgets, neat weapons and dynamic environments. I seriously doubt anyone would do that again, some faggot is probably already working on an open world bond game.


This is the true order

>live 20 years of my life with literally nobody
talking about james bond games

i download the botched PC version of nightfire yesterday as someone who has never played a james bond game nor watched a james bond film

suddenly fucking everyone is talking about james bond games, i'm getting recommended james bond streams and james bond youtube videos and seeing james bond threads on Yea Forums

can these fucking CIA lizard niggers make it less obvious they are watching me for fuck sake dude

I find it hard to believe no one once mentioned GoldenEye to you.

007 games didn't really have a presence during 7th gen either though. Sure they technically existed, but it wasn't like with goldeneye or nightfire where they were big hits and highly acclaimed.

And yeah, come to think of it you're right about shitty movie tie-ins no longer being a thing this generation. I wonder why that is. they used to be the most prevalent things around, with all the major companies shitting them out and duping millions of retards and parents into buying them. Did everyone just wise up?

GEWii was fairly well liked


incelfags btfo

Tfw I loved golden eye
I thought launching people back with my eye was the shit and those guns that shot through walls was also the shit

Also good on PC.

>tfw no modern Godzilla game

007 Racing was worse

we don't talk about that one. That one is literally the dipping of the toes into the dogshit Craig era "super serious, epic Bond" and not the campy humourous Brosnan.

Since mostly kids/parents bought them, they have to compete with Minecraft, Fortnite, Angry Birds and other casual games. Minecraft may killed movie games...

>durr durr, we are so dumb to create a fully new character and make her movies happen in the James Bond universe.
they fucked up the chance of a cameo of the New James bond for something that will more than likely going to stop the interest of people until status quo is re-established.

no it fucking isnt dude im playing it right now im on the tropical island level and this game is dogshit fucking DOGSHIT

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Dunno about the best game but I have to say nothing beats the Nightfire menu music.

it fucking sucks on pc

its implied james bond will probably die and the nigga o seven will take over

Nobody has the license and activision made mostly bad games with the license. Only GEwii and Blood Stone were any good


>. Minecraft may killed movie games...
based notch

Oh come the fuck on, PS1 version was awesome. Casino level alone justifies its existence. Also movie cutscenes.
sorry about filters

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what use is it to push a propaganda flick that will fail?

Doesn't matter if it will fail or kill the franchise. It's just people virtue signalling and trying to appeal to a minority to stoke their egos.

it's just their to embolden certain demographics now? it SEEMS like pandering mixed with a bit of hollywood brain drain, running out of ideas, but i mean... why crash the plane?

The James Bond name has too much marquee value. Broccoli wouldn't be so stupid to allow this to stick. In fact, she's already against it.


>will reveal Lynch as the new 007 with Craig’s character coming out of retirement

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England is in a really weird place right now with "political correctness". It's like the culture Americans live in but different. Same, same, but different, but same.

that one

>making a lucrative series more "inclusive"
When has this ever been a good idea

Their tactic is pretty obvious. They're hyping up her taking over the 007 title while keeping the "clarification" as quiet as possible, waiting for an angry backlash to go viral, and then smugly posture about how the evil racists can't read.
I imagine it will go about as well as outrage culture always does for anything without a capeshit tier head of steam.

Dishonest marketing can work, but it needs an actually good product so the mislead people are fine either way.

Yeah the casino level was pretty cool. Most of the game was still shit though.

Alpha Protocol

goldeneye for nostalgia goggles
nightfire for couch co-op and multiplayer nostalgia

Any opinions on pic related? I picked it up at a thrift store a while back and was thinking about giving it a go.

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It's good. Awkward at first but once you get the controls down it's good. Also remember that the first mission is a stealth mission.

The only thing I remember about the PC version is that enemies would literally melt into the floor after you shot them. It was really fucking surreal. I've never seen any game do that before or since.

That's what made it so brilliant.

I've seen every Bond movie and read almost every book, and you know what?
I don't hate this.
I mean, I hate that it's being done purely as a marketing ploy instead of actually producing a good character or making it interesting, but the idea works for me.
James Bond represents the British ideal after the end of the Empire. Having him retire and pass the torch on to someone who isn't at all like him, but still holds true to the same ideals and does whats right, sounds like the type of shit Flemming would have done.

But Bond got ruined by two decades of bad Roger Moore movies so whatever.

>buy simpsons hit n run off ebay
>comes with 007 twine ps1 disk

So, if the article is right, at the beginning of the movie Bond has been replaced by a black woman. The beginning, not the end. Which means he'll most likely take up the role again. That or, equally likely, none of this will matter since the Bond timeline seems to reset upon every new actor who takes up the part, so even if she's 007 by the end of the movie they'll just cast someone else in Bond 26, making her redundant. Either way, this is obviously just a move to create controversy and therefore free marketing

last night i james bond hamburger your sister

Replayed Nightfire last year and holy shit how did they fuck up NPC reactions so much? Goldeneye had amazing reactions to getting shot but Nightfire there's not even a visual cue that you hit an enemy.

Still fun tho

I think it's a toss-up between console Nightfire and Everything or Nothing. I think Nightfire has the edge though with the multiplayer - EON can be praised for trying something new with the co-op, but keeping the deathmatch mode behind an unlock requirement in a Bond game seemed a bit short-sighted. Doesn't help that my friend and I were scrubs and could never get past the 3rd mission or so in co-op, fucking M Sappho

From Russia With Love gets an honourable mention, kinda wish each Bond actor got a game like that.


Another 4 years of trump is actually not that bad of an idea. The guy works. He's very far from the best but at least we didn't get the 3rd world war like what could happen with hillary

This. Only option right now. Everyone else is basically a communist and openly said they want to kill everyone who is "white". Petty racist if you ask me. They also want to increase the free stuff so poor people do not even try to work for themselves and stay slaves to the state.

Is Bandai the one with the license? Besides City Shrouded in Shadow and a fuckton of mobileshit, all we've had was the PS4 game that was just a port of the PS3 one.

It's a flex.
>marketing ploy
This is some Chompsky tier retardation.

Wii multiplayer was kino, it was great working with the enemy team trying to clip outside the map

Look, a thread filled with incels pretending to care about a franchise that they never even bothered to watch the movies so they can force their insane agenda.

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>not just using Idris Elba
I don't care about black James Bond but a Jamie Bond is more than I care to tolerate.

Hungry Hungry Hippos