

Attached: Z4yCd5K.png (927x525, 634K)

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>releases the same time as doom eternal

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They should replace the demons with NIGGERS.

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Why don't they just make Hardcore Henry: Doom Edition?


The only good part of the original Doom movie was the First Person scene.

Is this an indie fan movie?

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Is the original doom movie worth watching?
Because this sure as shit doesn't seem like it is


They don’t even have demons, as to not offend the Christians.

>Foreboding line....
ill just play the game thanks

>people are genetically born good or evil

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If modern wolfenstien can discard the occult modern doom can discard the demons.

Modern Wolfenstein didn't discard it. It was in The Old Blood but TNO/TNC the Nazis discovered Jew tech that was better than their current level of occultism.


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literally what is doom without hell/demons

looks like generic american action movie

Doom is unironically the best Christian game ever. You literally go to hell to slay demons.

>25 March

>DoomGuy is really popular
>Make a movie with the same name without DoomGuy

But WHY??

isn't this straight to dvd shit

how is this being produced by universal, it looks like a fucking B movie

nu-Wolfenstein had the occult.

Modern Wolfenstein didn't discard it, it just put it to the side.
Hell, The Old Blood is entirely focused on the ocultism part.

doom is shit

This exists just to retain the rights.

Her run is pathetic, and this looks like the quality of a porn movie

I hate how this is a thing.
There are more Fantastic Four movies made to hold on to the rights than there are ones made because they wanted to make one.

It ends with her getting fucked by the two barons.

>lets make a movie about a game
>but it's a game with one fucking guy alone against Hell
>well, clearly we need to add 4-5 supporting squad members and at least 1 will be a woman

It's all so tiresome.

is this some kind of syfy original?


id say weird nazi tech is more vital to Wolfenstein than the occult considering everyone only remembers Mecha Hitler and not Wizard Hitler

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the would be like wolf getting rid of nazis

That's the only part even somehow good. The movie is just bad.

Because that would require actual effort, and Hollywood isn't about trying anymore.


>Wolf 2009

i love this fucking scene man
too bad the whole movie wasnt like this

this looks really good
know any other movies with fps scenes like this

hardcore henry is the only one that comes to mind

Please tell me it's straight-to-video. I refuse to believe that they are shameless enough to barf this into the cinemas.

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>Those shitty akimbo shots

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both dont hit as hard on nostalgia as Wolf 3D
especially not Wolf 09 wich had mixed reactions on release

Attached: Wolfenstein_3D_-_DOS_-_Robo-Hitler_Fan_Art.jpg (894x894, 215K)


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-15 QC Doom Edition mod.png (1588x826, 710K)

>Please tell me it's straight-to-video.
its a netflix movie

It is straight to video. StV action movies usually tend to be better than Hollywood shit nowadays. Just not this one.

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>nu-id gave us Wolfenstein the New Order, DOOM 2016, and soon DOOM Eternal
>but also Wolfenstein the new collosus
It's a mixed bag

machine games have gone off the rails

nuWolf is made by SWEDEN YES

Because then it would be a good movie.

die die die

It looks like shooting that BFG would blow her arms off.

fuck man this looks horrible
the shooting and cinematography alone are porn-tier
what the fuck were they thinking

>How can we take the simple premise of "shooting demons in the face" and fuck it up?
>Hold my Strawberry Daiquiri.
And that's how Doom movies are born.

Wasn't it supposed to go straight to DVD/BD at some point?

They really couldn't do another take for that line, huh?

Name a single movie about shooting demons wich isn't shit. Hard mode: not Evil dead.

>Hard mode: not the good one
Don't be a faggot.


Evil Dead 2

Rec 2 had a scene or two I think. Watch the first one beforehand for max scary

this makes the netflix's death note movie looks good

It's Dragonball Evolution tier.