>even Yea Forums gave up on bloodlines 2 after the gameplay trailer reveal
what a glorious dumpster fire it will be
Even Yea Forums gave up on bloodlines 2 after the gameplay trailer reveal
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Please don't remind me. My hair stands up on my arm just remembering that """combat""" system. Lmao what a shitshow.
it's incredible how VTMB threads literally died after the gameplay was shown
If you're part of the TORtanic crowd and want to shit on it, go ahead.
For those of us that actually wanted a good game that PLAYS WELL, there's no point in shitting on it, it's just depressing that it looks so shit.
What the fuck is the point on being like
When it means that i lost a good game in the process?
I wanted to play a good successor to Bloodlines, not laugh at a bad game.
There's tons of bad games out there already.
I just lost an actual game i could've actually played instead of spending one more day in this shithole.
This is why i'll never understand TORtanic fags, it's like they gave up on video games and their only video game is shitposting now, so they don't give a single shit when a new good game comes out, because they don't play them anymore.
making shill treads gets hard when the truth comes out
I can't imagine thinking like you and only using The Old Republic MMO as an example of an epic failure when there has been epic failures before it. It's almost as if you joined Yea Forums and started playing video games at the time of TOR's release.
imagine still having hope for video games in 2019
Hype threads are not shill threads, they're threads made by people that are excited for upcoming games.
Is the idea of being excited for a new game just that completely alien to you?
What is the point of your post?
Honestly the game looks really boring. Which I'm sad about, I'd love a new VTM but not like this.
"TORtanic crowd" is a term used to indicate a very specific mindset that estabilished itself on Yea Forums and became commonplace around that time.
It doesn't refer to people that still play video games now and then, but to people that have completely gave up on gaming and now have shitting on games on Yea Forums as their only hobby.
It has nothing to do with the original game the term was born from, but refers to a mental attitude.
being exited for for instance having less clans and laughing when peoples fav clan isnt there deserves all the hate they get
Its shill even when they are just dumb
what's the problem with the gameplay?
it looked fine to me
there are still people on here defending it
frankly, the writing is going to have to be excellent if they are going to get me to buy it - the original game didn't exactly have stellar gameplay either, but so far yes - the whole thing looks like trash
Holy shit I just looked up the gameplay trailer. Actually looks like a generic modern day soulless game.
Post club music
someone post said gameplay I never saw it
nothing, it's like the first one
it was mediocre and lacking in personality. i mean for a 2019 game it looked passable just because it at least had some rpg elements and a non-voiced protag but for bloodlines fans it just had nothing the original was loved for. bethesda tier animations, lifeless voice acting, quest markers, drab color palette, unmemorable character design, poor sound design, combat that was total ass (the combat of 1 at least made you feel like a vampire when the people flew around the room after being hit) and other various shortcomings. people had their hopes too high but they forgot the year is 2019 and not 2004.
On the other hand you saved $60
I may go to the paradox event in berlin. May tell them there what is wrong with their game.
I went to watch the trailer. It showed tiny snippets of "gameplay" where you couldn't actually get any real idea of if it looks good or not. It showed a lot of "people being animated poorly in engine talking while gesticulating" that isn't actually gameplay.
Yep, it's gonna be shit, gotta make the game more friendly and pc for the console crowd.
Here's the gameplay.
Make of this what you will.
If this is good enough for you, then buy it.
But for me, this doesn't even look half as good as the original game (and it's not like the original had stellar gameplay, so it's especially embarassing in my opinion).
The best term i can use here is "massively unfinished, rough as fuck and no feedback for anything you do".
>Is the idea of being excited for a new game just that completely alien to you?
In current year? Yes. May as well get excited for the new Onions Wars movie too.
>scoots up a three story wall
>in plain sight of everyone
>jumps down into the middle of street
>land right underneath a street light
>street is full of people
>no masquerade violation
yeah i'm thinking fuck this
I just watched it and yeah it's a buggy janky mess but it's still in "pre-alpha" so they'll probably polish it.
It looks much worse because IGN let a LITERAL TROGLODYTE play the demo.
It looks pretty amateur tbqh. That said, VTMB has some fucktarded elements in it and I love it, so I'm not necessarily abandoning ship on VTMB2.
I never buy games on release or pre-order anyway, so I have no reason to not just keep waiting and watching to see what it looks like in the final, full release.
That said, it's a modern game so I fully expect waypoints and constantly autosaves to strip any thought from the game and minimaps and yeah, you get it.
>"massively unfinished, rough as fuck and no feedback for anything you do"
You do realize VTM1 is a game with stellar story and half baked everything else? 2 is leagues better visually, audibly, and in gameplay. But we'll have to wait to see if 2 holds up with its story.
>IGN let a LITERAL TROGLODYTE play the demo.
It was a Paradox representative who played the game.
Oh, I forgot
It will undoubtedly be loaded to the gills with questionable DLC.
the industry is fucked
the sooner you realise that and get down to laughing at the shit it has become
the sooner you'll get over your addiction of hope and then disappointment
take the plunge user, take the plunge
you'll feel better, i promise
>2 is leagues better visually, audibly, and in gameplay.
>characters have worse mimic than the original
>the fucking club dance animation
Okay Paradox representative is a LITERAL TROGLODYTE then. His aiming is worse than the that one Polygon tranny that played D44M with a controller.
Hopefully someone implements a mod to restore that. But I mean, does masquerade violations even need to be in a game? It's an interesting way to get the player involved with the world. But literally everyone accidentally right clicks, violation, take a pissed off sigh, and reload their save. It's a pointless mechanic honestly.
Pure soul
as long a ResetEr* doesn't give up it will sell fine.
>Head bob camera
I thought everyone was over this dumb mechanic. Human eyes literally stabilize our view.
Mods will fix it stop crying like a virgin pussy
only thing that bothers me is the lack of expressive faces the first had
hopefully that improves- the first has some of the best facial animations of all time
> 2 is leagues better visually, audibly, and in gameplay
Nope, gameplay is a discount version of Condemned/Zeno Clash with zero inventory, the first one the perfect gameplay for the Bloodlines setting, voice actors sounded tired and souless compared to og game, I know some of the cast is back, but they aren't coming with their A game, and the facial animation is pure bullshit, stiff characters because "muh realism".
Also, Bloodlines 2 is going to suck because it has nothing to do with Bloodlines, the world of Bloodlines was a satire, shitted on everyone, over sexualize characters, male and female, was inspired by movies and sub cultures, while B2, if the interviews hold any truth, is a serious game for a serious and boring world.
She's into Black bulls tho
>15 years later
>facial expression can't even come close to the original
Looks like eurojank I'm used to. Hyped.
People are too hype for a sequel. It could never match our high standards we have set for it.
It should focus on characters, locations, quests, character development and only a little bit on the graphics. Instead they are going all out on graphics and action
>"massively unfinished, rough as fuck and no feedback for anything you do".
You mean a WIP video game looks like a WIP video game and not a bullshot Ubisoft-tier trailer that won't look like the final product?
The only things that legit worry me in this video is the facial expressions, and the fact that this person got a job as game journalist at IGN depsite playing a game like my grandmother.
It doesnt look as bad as this thread made it out to be
Im here for the atmosphere anyways
why did Yea Forums give up on this I preordered BLOODMOON EDITION OH NO NONONONO
there is fuck all atmosphere retard
>make a dark room
>put fog
atmosphere is created with color palette and sound design, both of which are incredibly dull in the sequel. the developers have no fucking idea what made the original a cult classic.
there is tons
t. easily impressed retard with zero taste or critical thought
>look at me mom, i have 500 IQ and exquisite taste in video games
>tips fedora
vtmb threads were still strong before the announcement, user
That's it, that's what everyone was bitching about? What bothers me the most is like the top comment says, it looks like it was played with a steering wheel.
>the first one the perfect gameplay for the Bloodlines setting
Yeah if you're a Tremere or going guns. For melee it's just blindly swing with that terrible combat.
Warform gangrel
Have they released the club music yet?
It's still the clunky as fuck melee combat. I know we need to be contrarian here but no one defends VtM's combat. It's the single worst thing about the game, which is a problem when the game forces you to do so much of it in certain sections.
>Wanting shit music
Isolated already exists.
I miss these early 2000's kind of sounds