Just finished this amazing game

just finished this amazing game.
what does Yea Forums think of it?

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i haven't played it but it's shit

Yea Forums be SEETHING

Yea Forumsintendogaf hates it
They loved it for a month or so until the rumors of its port were deconfirmed

Best JRPG since SMT4 or DQ11 I don't remember which one came out first

God-tier intro chapter
each subsequent chapter after yusuke had something that rubbed me the wrong way.
story goes fucky (in a bad way) after sae.
fucking god-like city-mechanics and side-events. I loved just hanging out with yusuke or ryuji or not mishima on the weekends

P5 came out before DQ11

people started hating it before the ports were deconfirmed though.
people generally disliked the whole conspiracy sub-plot

I love Haru!

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Then it's the best JRPG that came out inbetween SMT4 and DQ11 this suddenly doesn't mean much at all

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I love it. It was my first Persona game, and I honestly didn't think I would like above stuff like Nocturne or SMTIV. SJ is still my favorite Atlus game, but P5 came really close to beating it. All the flair makes the game standout a ton, it makes me wonder turn-based RPGs aren't so flashy.
Really good taste. I think I liked her the most in my second playthrough, after maxing her Confidant as friends and she tells Joker he's her hero. I'm such a fucking sucker for hero shit and justice and stuff.

I love Haru better!

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Persona fans are toxic

I think you're full of shit!

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P4 is better

I mean, It's a solid window and it's still enjoyable

I'm gonna wait until emulation on the ps4 is possible. I'm not paying 500$ for a system to play one game I'm interested in. I only bought my switch because smash bros, botw, and mario maker 2 were on it.

>new game from this decade
>japanese game with anime aesthetic
>sony exclusive
of course nu-Yea Forums hates it.

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Not, you are! Stop copying me and my love for my cinnamon roll, imposter!

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persona 5 scramble is better

Will it finally dethrone Hyrule Warriors as best musou?

I don't even need to type out a witty rebuttal as I know 100% that my resolve for Haru speaks louder than words.

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good but too long

Personally, I loved it. I played P4G first and jumped right into this, loved it even more. Since then I've played every Persona game and a lot of SMT titles, I think it's a very cool series.

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Loved it. I really liked how friendly the group was and Makoto was very cute and my favorite girl

7/10 game

I was there for Haru when they were making fun of her beautiful forehead from the very beginning. Where were you?

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I was railing her like no tomorrow while she screamed for her dead father to come save her.

actually it's Yea Forums's top jRPG this gen

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I liked it quite a bit. I'm excited for Royal changing things.
I got really annoyed with a "friend" because of it. Every chance he would get he would shit on it. Never even played it just watched someone play it.
Never talk to German neets.

I was at the local autism contest where I dethroned Fuukanon as the greatest waifufag in the west.

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I'm currently at Futaba's palace and the game is starting to lose me.

I've been a fan of the series since P3 and can confidently say 5 is my favorite game of all time. Also Sojiro is best bro and i want to be his stepson.

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I did the first dungeon, I found it too derivative of P4 with a giant dose of CRAAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIIN.

I really disliked that part of the game. I don't like Futaba at all.
What does this mean?

PS4 is $300

>What does this mean?
it means that he didn't actually play the game

Started out pretty okay and I liked the characters. Even with Yosuke joining the game was alright, but once the other faggots came along it all went downhill. Futaba is the biggest joke of a character and once you hit the burger palace everything's just shit. I literally can't get myself to continue playing the game. I might even just fucking skip the palace by warping to the day after the deadline.
I loved P4 for its story and character and while the dungeons sucked they were doable. It's the exact opposite for P5. The dungeons are pretty good compared to 3 or 4, but the fucking cast just ruins it and I only want to keep playing for Sojiro and Co.'s sake.
The other characters will constantly ask you about going to the palace, reminding you about deadlines (the deadline that's at the top of your screen at all times) and repeat things again and again. They also feel the need to constantly have those annoying group chats that are a nightmare to read once you have like 5+ members. Fuck Makoto, fuck the burger bitch and everyone else. I already know the major plot twists and how it ends and if it wasn't for gun dad I'd have uninstalled a month ago.

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I played it on a PS3 I bought for $20

ho fuck, didnt even realize it was the same voice actor

>no SMT4 on the poll
kys whoever made this

then I hope you're ready for the game to completely lose you at walmart and go home without you because that's what's about to happen
let me ask you user, are you even the slightest bit interested in the cryptic bullshit the SIE director has been talking about?

It's also on PS3, though.

Is the Persona game i enjoyed less, but is still really good.

I think the biggest issue with P5 is the fact that is reused the cognitive-realm/world-in-the-TV schtick from P4.
Given how all but two of the dungeons amount to "we beat you up, you better be good now", they might as well have just made the whole game take place in the real world or something

Honestly no. It's not hard to keep up with the story. It's just the game is turning into a fucking slog. The whole dialogue up the ass with seldom moments of actually playing the game (and I'm talking about actual persona battles, not fucking studying) is taking its toll. Makoto and her bullshit almost lost me, but I hung in there, but I dont think I can do the same with futaba.

What do you mean the same?

way too much talking

combat built around guessing until you hit an enemies weakness

bosses were decent

it was ok not particularly impressed

I bought a Nintendo Switch and I hate it. Shit game

It's shit.

Well doesnt Sojiro share the same voice actor with the narrator voice who does the cocktail trivia in Catherine?

you're missing the other side of the coin, which is that the metaverse was where shido and akechi committed their crimes without being found out. take away the metaverse and you'd have to change most, if not all, of the plot.

Can't wait for Persona 6 and to emulate it in disappointment.

The best JRPG I've ever played. I don't think there's another game out there in the genre that can make 100+ hours feel like nothing. It's a hell of an achievement and worth the long fucking wait IMO.


Other Personas I finished around 80 hours so I didn't count that, as stupid as that sounds.

>80 hours
P3P is like 45 and 4 is

Yeah, he does.

It's pretty good.


Don't forget that sonyboys hated it during that same period.

>take away the metaverse and you'd have to change most, if not all, of the plot.
I disagree
The only thing you have to get rid of is the metaverse aspect. Shido can stay as a corrupt politician that you have to take down before he wins an election.
The only difference is that now the game has no overarching plot, which it didn't before but it tries to pretend it does once you get to Shido and Depths of Memento.
I think the game would actually work better that way
>Akechi is a legit detective ala L, and is genuinely smarter than the party and tries to catch them in the act. Actually smart plotting ensues, maybe even open up alternate paths that compound as you try to guess each other's next move based on prior ones.
>Futaba's mom actually did kill herself, making a darker story line and greater catharsis for Futaba when she moves past it.
>Exploration of social abuses stays grounded instead of jumping the shark and going full illuminati in the last act.
And you can keep the whole Yaldy thing

Well get ready cause that cryptic bullshit takes center stage going forward, at least when the Phantom Thieves aren't busy being dumbasses

without heavy spoilers, does something happen mid/late game that changes the plot completely? because it's starting to get old the whole ''helping the weak'', ''target the next big shot'', I'm on the bank palace guy.
Persona 4 had a mistery, there's nothing going on on P5 (except the train accidents, I think)

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Solid 8/10 at least. Tied for my favorite Persona game.

I think it's the kind of game Spoony should have lampooned but he's too much of a bitch nowadays.

yeah things get kinda rushed and derailed. i wish the last part got built up more. honestly the game needs to be longer because the change is kinda sudden and jarring.

Depends on if you're paying attention to the cryptic shit between missions or blurred out bits of the game where you don't remember stuff because you're drugged.
If you've been paying attention to that stuff, the plot doesnt really change when the big twist comes. If you haven't been paying attention, then to make a long story short, YES, there is something that happens in the late game to change things up
>(except the train accidents, I think)
Well, you'll certainly be surprised it seems

Worst Persona game by far

>>(except the train accidents, I think)
>Well, you'll certainly be surprised it seems
that's good to hear

I would recommend paying attention to that cryptic shit more.
In the next dungeon or two, you should be able to put together what the plot twist will be before it happens

Fucking cringe. You have got to kill yourself if that's true. I guess you're one of those anime nigger like Etika. Find a bridge quickly

Makoto's a dumb bitch.

you don't play many RPGs do you?

Persona 5 would be my least favorite Persona game if Haru wasn't in it.

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i like it but i have a much better connection to persona 4. the small town aspect where everybody knows each other is just lost in p5,which makes sense i suppose.

the investigation team seem more like true friends while the phantom thieves feel like coworkers. maybe the royal will change that up,i only ever played the golden version of p4 anyways.

Of course it has
All persona games have more meaning that the surface. If it gets executed properly or not is something else

this list reeks of Snoy, YS and Tales Of should be much higher and at least above Bloodborne

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Decent game but terribly inconsistent design/pacing/writing.
Fantastic ripoff... i mean homage to 90s acid jazz soundtrack.

>Aigis in front of every other Persona character, even including an off centered non focused Narukami

What are the chances he visited Yea Forums?

actual cope, literally the entire board was talking about p5 on release.

I liked it before I played the superior previous games in the series
Now I see how shallow everything was

People have been shitting on it since release, ResetEra

>>guessing until you hit an enemies weakness

Clearly a n00b. Everyone knows any new enemy's weak point from the moment they appear, since they first started using that gimmick in P3. Cry more.

Yeah, basically who the WHEELMAN hasn't fucked and had a baby with. Who's the wheelman? DA-DA-DAH!!! Find out playing the game. But, trust me -- he's a DICK and he has hands EVERYWHERE.


I think it needs a Sae romance.

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>list reeks of snoy
>YS and tales of are all on sony

It was good, but it didn't exactly go for the whole "expose corrupt adults who are steering things awry" plot, which the devs mentioned in every interview.

I was pissed at another surprise god as the big bad in the end. Especially since they picked Demiurge because you've got edgy fags going "zomg i can kill literal god" and chaos fags wet themselves. That's mostly because they didn't know what the fuck the demiurge was.

It was too long to boot, and yet for how long the game was, some parts felt like they werent' developed enough.

I think if they hadn't been so restrictive on your time schedule with morgana telling you to go to sleep on every night that's a good opportunity, then they could have squeezed in more stuff. Namely, Haru being fleshed out, etc. I hope royal can fix the problem, but with adding more characters, it only seems to be making pacing matters worse.

I never thought I'd complain about a JRPG being too long, but 115 hours is just too much. It'd be different if it was a case like FFT series where you've got mission variety, but honestly, all the mementos missions were mostly copy/paste.

Kawakami is best choice

No that's Persona 3

it's alright

will p5r fix the mistake of not having this confidant be datable?

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Another case of kawaniggers being retarded

I liked it more than 3 and 4 but what I'd really like is a Persona game that isn't so "anime-y"

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Persona has been "anime" since its inception

1 wasn't that anime

I would still consider it anime but you're right in that it's much less anime than the other games