Welcome to GameStop user. Would you like to pre-order cyberpunk 2077?

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*jizz in pants as soon as she looks at me*

I would like you to get into my car, miss :)

She's getting porked by some black dude, isn't she?

Game who?

>Oh, jeez, I'm sorry, I dropped my name tag
*Picks it up and pins it on*
*It says David*
>So, how about that preorder?

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Why do chihuahuas have such great reactions?

Because they only have 2 states of being: scared shitless and raging.

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Thinking about it, wouldn’t surprise me if gamestop hired trannies now.

why are you obsessed with BBC ?

kangdum of alamuh

Thats not cyberpunk 2077 you faggot, also heres my used games

is that the girl of the blowjob video?

they do. theres a really ugly one at the store closest to me.

>living in a city that doesn't shun trannies into suicide

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>go to gamestop to buy ps4 pro and spider-man
>walk in to madness
>mom with kids are going crazy ahead of me in line
>cashier tries to handle situation
>getting extremely frustrated I start browsing while I wait
>after 10 or so minutes I talk to cashier about ps4 pro
>tells me they have one in stock
>says the price is 400
>console ends up being 50 dollars more then target across the street
>ask if they have any used ones but they aren't much cheaper
>tell cashier I'll be back as that was the last console they had
>get outside and kids are still screaming
>their van is parked next to my car
>I ignore them and drive off
>go to target and they have none in stock
>ask when they would be getting more in but they have no idea
>defeated I decide to just buy the console without spider-man
>pull up and notice gamestop bag in parking lot
>notice it was one of the kids bags
>ends up being some gift card with receipts showing there was 50 dollars on each
>go inside and buy ps4 pro with spider-man and ps plus


>go to gamestop
>just shortly after Assassin's Creed 3 launched
>Ubisoft has a massive sale on it
>only $20 despite it only being a week or two old
>wonder what the fuck is up with that and have an idea
>pull out phone and check trade-in value for AC3 at GameStop
>spend the next 4 hours driving around from one GameStop to the next buying every copy of AC3 they have and selling them to the next store I hit
>Make $600 in those 4 hours

No but I'd like to preorder that pussy if you get my meaning.


i want to fuck her silly then nut on her face while she's wearing those glasses.
after that we can play some comfy vidya together.


No thank you I already ordered doom eternal thanks for asking though

>go to gamestop
>shit in the corner

Why is there a namefag on Yea Forums.

without letting her wipe it off?

That's actually a dude. Gamestop doesn't hire women

That girl had big jugs


>be american, on my way to GameStop
>leave my house and tip my mail box on the way out
>get into car and tip the steering wheel
>so much traffic today, because everyone keeps getting out their cars and tipping each other
>half way there i run out of money because i had to tip so much
>the Tip Enforcement officers arrive, ask me why i've stopped tipping my capitalist brethren
>i have no good excuse, i should have brought more freedom bucks
>jailed for life
>also i'm black so they shoot me to death enroute

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>Fat chick at the local EB Games keeps trying to talk to me about Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
Last fucking time I actually ask them to find a game for me.

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Ask her to find you a Senran Kagura game and she'll leave you alone after that.



>Cyberpunk 2077
>in 2012

She probably has a man by now.

Hi r*ddit

Unironically that's what happened last time I went to gamestop, but it was for Mirror's edge 2

No thanks, but do you happen to have battletoads?

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No, I want to pre-order Daemon Ex Machina please

Who still goes to Gamestop?

that big dude with a blond wig who identified as a tranny

no one apparantly

>Ignore the roastie
>Search for a gamer employee
>There are none
>Exit the shop
"Looks like I'll go buy my gaming stuff somewhere else"

Oh shit I never even realized I have my own GameStop story now. This is a good one
>Walk into gamestop
>Old washed up jock looking dad with goatee and baseball cap there with his two fuckboi high school age teenage sons.
>While waiting in line the two high school sons start picking up those overpriced boxed figures that they usually keep behind figure cases now, one was a $200 Supergirl
>As the kid picks up the supergirl box the actual inside container falls through the box’s sleeve or whatever with all the art on it, causing the foot tall figure it break completely in half.
>Dad watched the whole thing and quickly rushes them to pack it back into the box and put it back while the other kid just stares and watches and I’m trying so hard to hold in my laughter
>Don’t say anything because I just want to get my game and get out, don’t want to cause a scene
>Two weeks later come in and notice the same Supergirl box, I tell the employee what I had watched and I watch as he shows his manager as the figure falls apart in pieces in front of both.
>Chuckle and say “peace” before leaving

she can wipe it off if she wants but then she gets another round if she does.

Me want preorder ur pusy and lick it

Based and redpilled

literally just search for gamestop blowjob

BOOOOOORING. Post the lolistop stories.


Why? I can just go to Good Old Games and then CD Projekt Red gets 100% of the money from the sale.

because the clerk is cute

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>Preorder DQB2
>specifically tell him the PS4 version is what I want
>he puts it in as a switch preorder
>tell him to fix it
>takes him 30 minutes somehow
>asks me to slide my card again
>"what? no, just switch it over."
>"I'm trying but it won't let me without you paying again."
>"get your manager for me"
>"he isn't here right now."
>"call him or explain to me how he left you incharge alone without knowing how to solve this."
>Finally get it resolved, don't pay them twice. Of course it was a typical click away. Don't know why he was trying to fleece me.
>month later, go to pick up game
>"I preordered DQB2 on PS4
>fucker grabs the switch copy
>"I said PS4, I had this problem when I preordered, what is your problem at this location?"
>looks at me confused
>tell him I told him PS4 when I walked in, told the other guy PS4 when I preordered
>He nervously starts making small talk all wagies make when they realize the situation is not equal, I'm opening talking to him like hes a retard.
>Finally get my game in my hands
>call them kike niggers on my way out
>fucker follows me out the door
>starts flagging me down and yelling at me
>lift up my shirt showing my holster
>kike nigger backs away slowly apologizing

Games alright.

How autistic do you have to be to LARP about flashing a gun at a clerk?

>not living in Texas

Who would want to live with a bunch of Mexicans and homosexuals?

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I wonder what that bitch is up to now. Probably drugs and black cocks.

This user is a dumb weird faggot.

Not that uncommon; I've had to show mine too. Blacks forget what state they're in sometimes.

I just can't stand service industry or clerks that don't listen to customers as they speak. They were both black people so I just assumed they were functionally retarded.
It still upsets me every time.

Man gamestop is fucking dying so hard. I don't understand why they started this prestige store shit
>if a store does well, it gets deals to give to customers, like cheaper prices on used games and 2 for 1s more often
>but the stores that are struggling get nothing
??? like what the fuck, just close the god damned store down.


No, I would like to pre-order Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition

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Post her feet already holy fuck

lol dude relax.

I remember when people could perform sql injections on gamestop website.
Better times.

Why is black cock the first thing you think of when you see a woman?

>chuckle and say “peace”


please don't flirt with my wife user

Already preordered from gog. Would you like to pre-order my dick?

Fuck off nerd

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looks literally nothing like her. The only thing they have in common is that they work at fucking gamestop

I thought this was blockbuster

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Game Stop is like a loved family member on life support. You're gonna miss them when they're gone, and you "could" stop by and see them in their final days, but seeing them in the state they're in is just too painful.

I've got death stranding collectors edition preordered at gamestop actually. For all of their other problems I've never once had to deal with a game getting to me broken, scratched, loose, or otherwise damaged like I have dozens of times from amazon.

I want gamestop to die already so we can just get more mom and pop game stores or something already

Every time I bought a "new" game there it was always a loose copy repackaged into a case. They never face repercussion for literally falsely advertising something as new. It's mostly a problem when a game comes with a DLC code and you buy it only to find it's been used
fuck gamestop

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