Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>takes like an entire month to play through just one JRPG
>can only play 12 JRPGs in a year
>there are more JRPGs that come out in a single year than possible to play

i am, playing trails of cold steel 2 and having lots of ---------fun--------

Yeah, fun times with our boy Rean, haha...

I recently restarted dragon warrior monsters
This counts as a jrpg, right?

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Maybe only a handful that come out a year are worth actually playing, and a lot of great ones from the 4th and 5th gen can be cleared in 20ish hours

this image continues to puzzle me. I get the fact that it's supposed to be fanservice but what the fuck is that pose. She's literally throwing her weight to the side for some region and what the hell is she doing with her left leg? from the looks of it she is stepping over her right leg. This literally makes no sense. Why isn't she standing up straight and pushing her weight behind the attack instead of off to the side for some reason? Why is she standing so far from the fucking training dummy? I fucking hate this image and I demand you remove it.

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DT2-2 never ever

She's unironically retarded

But I am playing one right now
not sure yet who I'm kicking out for yggdroid when I unlock them, probably the zodiac.

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even a fucking retard would know not to do the fucking hokey pokey when you're trying the attack something. Clearly the devs are intentionally trying to make me mad

Started playing XBC2 with like 5 more hours of Persona 5 left. I'm incapable of finishing games.

maybe she's just REEEEALLY dumb


When you have a social life IRL, you play online games with your friends. JRPGs are for NEET virgins who have unlimited time to escape from their sad, pathetic lives.

>get to the second area in Xenoblade Chronicles
>get fucked by a main quest with two animals

The game feels kinda hard when you don't get to have a full party. Does it happen often that you get forced to only have two party members or am I past it now that I picked up a support character?

There's one section at the end of the game where you have to do a few battles with solo Rex but besides that I don't think you're ever without a full party

t.NEET virgin

I'm playing the first game, but that's good to know if I consider getting the sequel.

because dungeon travelers 2 is fucking dogshit

Actually playing XC2, and I'm having a blast

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I want to replay .//Hack GU but I don't want to lose a week of my life playing it.

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Wow I'm an idiot. I know there's one fight where it's just Shulk and another character but it's not a hard one. I don't think you're without a full party otherwise.

Stop reminding me that the second game will never be translated

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Learn japanese

Because I'm making one

But I am. Fucking love it too.

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Takes me 2 weeks at best for a jrpg.

Alkaid is waiting for you user. She really wants to talk about romance of the three kingdoms don't keep her waiting.

Not that desperate

Hey I'm playing that too, but it's so fucking slow on my PC, it's like the girls have so much weight.

Name one GOOD JRPG (the keyword is good), and I'll play it just for you, OP.

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Because I'm depressed and contemplating suicide.

>entire month
I burned through ff1-10 last month, how fucking shit are you?

What game?

that's fine, you're not missing out on anything after shido

Death End Request?

I got to that forest, got the Elf and then just stopped. I don't know why, I've been waiting for some interesting PLOT to finally happen but the pacing is just awfully slow in this.

Play SaGa.

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Death End Request.
Try fiddling with options and resolution I guess.
Keep going. Some really good shit is coming in that forest and boss fight.

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Is there any romantic interactions between the girls and the MC?

SaGa as in FF Legend or Romancing SaGa?

Is the music good in that game? How long is it?

Why aren’t you posting her ass?

Some few stuff at the point I'm in. Unironically too much plot and mystery so far. Every girl has an ending with the MC as far as I know like Fairy Fencer and Agarest.

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Both are SaGa
Play SaGa

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>Is there any romantic interactions between the girls and the MC?
Not him but 90% of the romantic shit comes from Shina towards Arata or the IRL chick that hovers around Arata.
Varying degrees of implied interest in character endings but the true ending is very much MCxShina.

Butterfly girl is best girl and has best weapon. Best tits too.

Because I'm playing a CRPG instead.

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>Some really good shit is coming in that forest and boss fight
You better not be lying to me user-kun. I'm going to hold you responsible if you are.

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>Is the music good in that game?
I liked it, not terribly memorable but its nice enough for the ambiance.
>How long.
Ignoring extra content? 20+ hours if you're just plugging along.

I only play Hentai games from Japan. Currently playing Koikatsu party and occasionally some honey select.

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I'm enjoying the music, both the battle theme and the various VN part themes. As far as duration it depends on reading speed I'd bet. I'm a slow reader and I like to hear all the voice lines so my progress is slow. VNDB lists it at 30-50 but I'll take 60 or more.

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Playing Breath of Fire 3 and just bought Ys 8 Lacrimosa of Dana

Is that Underrail?
I've been meaning to pick that up.

But i am. Vesperia DE.

I am not. The plot progresses a lot and also has a lot of really really creepy shit in the real world coming.

>just bought Ys 8 Lacrimosa of Dana
You're in for a treat.

No, but it's sorta kinda like that. It's Shadowrun: Hong Kong. I like both games. I'd say Underrail is more difficult.

The real world parts remind me a lot of Chaos;Head but so far it's been feeling kind of half-baked. I'm going to reserve my judgement though until (if) I finish the game.

Ah yes, isn't that the one with the teeth god/demon thing?

I've been on and off playing through all the mainline Final Fantasies. I'm on 7 right now. I haven't played the game since it came out, so it has been a trip going through it again. Almost at the end of Disc 1, just need to power through the temple of the ancients so we can get to the point.

How's Koikatsu compared to Artificial Academy 2

Looking forward to it. I started playing the Ys games 2 weeks ago or so and finished Chronicles 1 and 2, Memories of Celceta, Oath in Felghana and started on Ark of Napishtim.
Oath in Felghana was fucking incredible, holy shit Ys is overlooked.

Will be released on Switch. If Mary Skelter 2 is coming DT2.2 has a chance.

Yes. I also like Dragonfall and the Sega Genesis game. Returns is pretty meh.

>The real world parts remind me a lot of Chaos;Head
Indeed. I was expecting a lighter game when I picked this up to be honest. I really like it so far though. The real world segments are intriguing and creepy when they must. They also don't overstay their welcome which is important to me.

Man, fuck Dragon Star Vanir.

I'm still playing through Romancing SaGa 2. My empress only had 2 LP left by the time I reached Wagnas, but I was still able to take him/her/it down without too much trouble. Since I was in terrible shape already, I decided to wuss out and not attack the dragon beforehand. The water dragon near Rocbouqet killed 4 of my emperors, so some caution seemed warranted.

Post JRPGs that are pure kino.

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That's a proper dragon and it's much harder than the wussy Water Dragons in the sunken tower.
You'll be able to fight another one in the last area of the game either way, they drop the Dragon Spear Gae Bolg too, which is the best spear in the game outside of the recently added Spear of Yucomb you can randomly find in the maze.

Good job on killing Wagnas, don't forget to go to Mount Chitapa and talk to the Iris tribe.

It isn't even out yet.

I know.
Fuck that game.

But why then? I'm rather curious.

Still need to try that out one day.

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Explain it to me, who is this SaGa?

I don't own it and I can't buy it any time soon.
So fuck that game.

Be patient then user.

Is it actually good or is it like the first game and people only claim it's good to fit in? Because Suikoden 1 was one of the most boring JRPGs I've ever played and turned me off of the series completely.

I'm about to play Rorona DX actually.

I can't into ps1 emulation

There are 18+ eroge that look way better than pic related and you don't have to get blue balls for 100 hours

SaGa is SaGa.

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Nice. Somebody copied my thread

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Just hack your ps3 and play them on there.

Going to start either fairy fencer f or xanadu next
or try and see if skyward sword finally works on dolphin. saw they had an update somewhat recently

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>go dungeon crawling
>see this
What do?

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Kill and loot.
Free gear.

Dive in

How can one game be so fucking good

I have not owned a console or tv in over 5 years

cool story and characters, has convenience features like autobattle and equipment optimization, interesting areas to explore, lots of interesting attacks and spells, large roster of characters

it's literally perfect, the only flaws are the shitty translation and lower budget compared to shit like FF7.

I am inept with emulators and I just use Retroarch

Emulating Xenoblade 1 on Dolphin, still amazing how this game was nearly left for dead on the Wii, what a shame.

But I am

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You don't need a TV. Consoles can plug in to PC monitors too.

JRPG's with fun boss mechanics?

Pandora's Tower for the Wii

Does the gamecube version of PSO count as JRPG or a MMO?
Either way, I'm enjoying it.
PSO2 in Europe never.

Any Valkyrie Profile chads?

You didn't hear it here, but there might be a new game announced in September.

So exactly like the first game were you just autobattle every fight except for the occasional boss? Does it at least have decent music? The obnoxiously grating town music of 1 pretty much made it unplayable unless you mute it.

Because I'm not a fucking weeb

user please dont manipulate my emotions like this

Caligula Effect OD is pretty fun

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Sick of grinding fortune spheres.

Fuck whoever thought that was a good idea.

I'm just sayin'

Is it the same shitfest as the original? A persona clone without the fucking romance?

Wasn't the initial version of that game borderline unplayable?
Or was that Akiba's Beat?
I forget which of the two but the vita versions of those games were atrocious.

you don't autobattle 90% of fights, manual is better because you can use Union attacks with 2 characters which can do shit like damage every enemy at once

music is good but not amazing

Plays just fine on my PC, main difference is a female protag in addition to the male, an alternate story route was added and you get a few more party members and the overdose mechanic


So no endings for the girls right? Fuck it then.

It's too deep for you.

I usually just lurk but figured it might be worth a shot to ask.
I'm having a specific kind of craving and wanted some recommendations.
I want a
-turn-based rpg (I really enjoyed the FFI and FFII, I also like pokemon)
-with a varied loot and equipment system, (think arpgs where you can get many variations of the same weapon, like fast longsword, heavy longsword, lucky longsword, etc) (Or Dark souls where you have upgrade paths for the same weapon)
-somewhat grindy
-with a robust crafting or upgrading system
Bonus points for
-Ragnarok online aesthetics
-Dating sim elements
-Harvest moon elements

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>-Ragnarok online aesthetics
Good luck with that, I've been looking for a game like that for years, only thing I could find that looked slightly similar was Chantelise.

>-Ragnarok online aesthetics
You mean 2d sprite-based?

-with a varied loot and equipment system, (think arpgs where you can get many variations of the same weapon, like fast longsword, heavy longsword, lucky longsword, etc) (Or Dark souls where you have upgrade paths for the same weapon)
-somewhat grindy
-with a robust crafting or upgrading system
>Bonus points for
>-Ragnarok online aesthetics
>-Dating sim elements
>-Harvest moon elements
Literally nothing combines these

I think he means like 2D sprites in a 3D overworld

So like Octopath Traveller?
Olberic best boy.

>Bonus points for
>-Ragnarok online aesthetics
>-Dating sim elements
>-Harvest moon elements
Just play Rune Factory nigga

There's something about how they translated the original art style to sprites that I find extremely charming.
I'm considering Disgaea if nothing else shows up
I'll check it out

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I really wanted to talk about JRPGs but you fucker wouldn't make a new thread so I made one myself.

Try the older Ys games, Ys: Origins might be exactly what you're looking for.

Because action-adventure is the objectively better genre of video games.

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No one ever talks about the best Suikoden game

The fact that Suikoden died and FF still exists fills me with such unimaginable anger

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I am. Meruru DX, NG+, having a blast with it. Hope to plat it before FE.

There's only one decent Suikoden games so it's not really surprising it died.

>fairy fencer f
I love FFF, I recommend it.
Remember to play the remake though, not the original.

is the remake advent dark force?

Yes, it's not that different overall but it adds 5 new routes iirc

I suggest you to try the Mana Khemia games, it's probably the closest thing to what you want.

Anyone played Xenoblade 2? I have a question. I heard there is a NG+ option and that you can transfer many things, Blades included. My question is, is it possible to watch all those story scenes with them? You know, like recruiting Theory and Praxis. I really don't want to start fresh and new, especially since I got KOS MOS, but some of those Blade story scenes were really good.

Why does Death End Request have a sexual content and gore disclaimer at the start?

But I AM! I'm going through Strange Journey and DQ5 on the DS.
I'm also playing GTA: Chinatown Wars as well.
Man, the DS is a cool system and it's a shame we won't have another dual screen console for a long while.

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Because your girl gets violently impaled and eaten out at the start of the game.
Also, every character with tits has a nice bounce to their chest. Yes, bouncing tits are considered sexual content.

just started persona 5, just finished 1st palace. But man i'm 14 hours in and just finished 1st palace. Seems like i'm in for a long play period. Its super fun though.

If I remember right the next palaces are a breeze. There's a lot of exposition stuff before and during the first palace

Any particular order I should be doing those swords in from the statues? Should I only focus on one diety?

I just got done playing Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Legend of Grimrock 2, and now I'm marathoning the Neptunia Rebirth series. This shit is pure comfort junk food for the brain, and I love it.

Continuing my pt of FF12 TZA w/ difficulty mod and it hasn't lost my interest yet.

P5 is the single longest game I have finished. Those 100h estimations I read about before playing it were way lowballing it.

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The order doesn't affect the routes, only the amount of furies you remove from the Vile God.
It's been so fucking long since I played that I don't remember the exact number, all I know is that at least 1 route is locked behind NG+, I recommend looking up a guide considering it's a really especific amount, and the endings also require really specific actions.

I played Tales of Berseria and Zestiria (in that order) last summer, I don't really feel like playing a JRPG for a couple of years.
I used to play Final Fantasy IV to IX several times a year before. Got really addicted on them. Haven't played them in years now. Funny how out interests change. I don't really play video games that much.

If there are no levels and shit I don't feel like I'm progressing, that's why I only play RPGs.

Yes, you can, don't worry. NG+ is basically a new game, but you start with your Blade and items.

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Niiiice! Thank you!

All Quests reset on NG+, including Blade Quests, so yes.
The only real thing I recommend regarding NG+ is to fill out Poppi QTPi's affinity chart now, if you unlocked her. If you don't, then you will need to re-do the entire "Powered-Up Poppi" quest, as the requirement for one of her affinity nodes is to watch a specific HtH with QTPi in it. The problem is that the game doesn't recognize that Poppi QTPi is in your party unless you finish that quest.

Finishing levels, doing side quests, killing bosses, unlocking powerups, and maybe progressing the story aren't good enough for you? That's 90% of what RPGs are. I hope you're not one of those people that just lives off number-induced dopamine injections like gachafags do.

Play Agarest

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Playing DQ Builders 2 right now and I'm enjoying it but it's making me want to play a comfy JRPG. I'll be getting DQXI when it comes to Switch. What are some comfy JRPGs for PC/Switch that have a anime aesthetic? I played through some of Tales of Berseria like 2 years ago and enjoyed it but dropped it for some reason. Should I pick it back up? Is there anything else similar?

>What are some comfy JRPGs for PC/Switch that have a anime aesthetic?
Kinoblade 2, comfy aesthetics, comfy music, comfy towns, comfy characters, comfy everything

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Played all the Xenoblade games. There isn't really anything else like them is there?

Is that the game where you play as a heroes lineage?

The thing is, I don't use Tora, so it's not something that I must do. What can I say, I like Zeke and Morag. But thanks for the info.

Which one, Yea Forums?

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But I am; Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk. Almost finished with it too, just made it to the post-game. Dronya and Mezzaluca are pretty.

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What modern JRPGs have the best stories?

>There isn't really anything else like them is there?
There aren't much, sadly. XC1 & 2 are ones of the very few jRPGs striking a perfect balance of offering big enough areas to explore, but also not *too* big as to allow the story to unfold in linear jRPG fashion. Bare XCX of course, as it embraced the full open world meme, and thus didn't deliver in its story, but it was intentional, and I'm sure Monolith can perfect that if they ever intend to do another real open world game someday. I still think bigass areas is the easiest to work with, and the most effective, but I'm sure they'll prove me wrong someday.

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Dronya is really cute, but her game is very boring. I'm twenty hours in and just auto battling through dungeons still.

4's Jeane did it for me, her tiddies even had a bit of bounce in battle when she was getting smacked around

But I'm playing Awakened Fate Ultimatum. Taking break from Borderlands TPS. Might start Kingdom Hearts III or get comfy with Dragon Quest Builders.

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Yeah, the dungeon enemies (outside of the pseudo-FOEs) aren't threatening until post-game, and even then you can nuke them with a Marginal Maze. For me, it was more about the boss fights and the story so I never got bored with it. 85 hours in right now, probably going to wind up putting in at least 10 more to finish the post-game, then I'm moving on to another JRPG.

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I always thought scenery Falcom's TitS series felt very Ragnarok-like. It won't have anything else you're looking for, though.

Wild Arms 3 is pretty disappointing so far. It's gorgeous and the music is excellent as usual, but the plot so far feels very generic and watered-down compared to 2 or even 1. 1 and 2 had a lot moments early on that set the tone for the story, but so far in 3 everything has felt pretty low-stakes. I'm hoping the real big bad shows up soon and gets the ball rolling.

Because I don't know what to play. What JRPGs have the most fun combat/mechanics?

Any Grandia

I wish they'd freeze Valkyria Chronicles series and either remake or give us a new Skies of Arcadia.

That game pisses me off so much. Not because it's hard, because it's not, but because I am so fucking close to platinum and I can't get those 2 or 3 items to fill the book. Fuck the RNG in that game, seriously. It is fun, though.

kingdom hearts final mix 2

Super Mario RPG.

It's my second roguelike and it's not bad so far. Ariel cracks me up.

Do you have any data to back that up? No, it is just brainlet tier string of insults. If anything, YOU are the sad one, you low life

Try Chocobo Dungeon. Seriously.

Is Rogue Galaxy any good?

Those games were good but just left me wanting a new Zettai Hero Project game.

I'm playing a porn JRPG right now, does that count?

any other JRPGs with this feel?

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Literally any of the dozens of Mystery Dungeon games

I played Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon until my Wii mote started dying.
I thought Rogue Galaxy was pretty good but I never got to finish it.
Zettai Hero Project looked awesome but I never grabbed a copy.

Whats a decent JRPG on the switch that isn't $50+?

Well, Vesperia is on sale now, as well as both South Park RPGs, if you haven't played them. Octopath is on sale. The Last Remnant is cheap, 20 euros, so I assume it's 20 dollars over there.

Is Skies of Arcadia worth the price? Shit's expensive.

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Eroge JRPGs are the best

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I know many people love it, but I would say no. It's a poor attempt to copy Grandia, with interesting story and characters, but awful gameplay and forced airship battles. I couldn't finish it.

Should I give .hack GU another try? I got a few hours in and dropped it because the plot seemed kind of retarded. I got to the point where Haseo meets Yata and I couldn't reconcile how he was being all vague and mysterious while literally just being some schmuck playing a video game, like everyone was treating it as a serious RP session.

Touhou Genso Wanderer

No, story is important in jrpgs and eroges dont usually have a good story

Kamidori is fucking great.

>an alternate story route
stop calling it this, literally a false advertisement

I only got halfway through the game but I really liked the characters and gameplay, the soundtrack is pretty solid too.

Someone recommend me some non-turn based PS1 or PS3 JRPGs other than Tales.

Fuck you asshole. We finally got a good main series title.

Kamidori is really good though. Sadly it's the one and only good gameplay and story ero-SRPG translated to English.

>non-turn based
For what purpose? Who actually enjoys these?

Yeah that's the one. Fucking amazing series. Loved every minute of it. Really liked the concept of playing your descendants through the generations.

This is a top-tier shitpost.

rip thulean perspective

finished all the jRPGs I want to play, waiting on the next monolithsoft or SMT game alongisde Ys 9

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Castle Meister translation soon-ish

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Tobira no Densetsu

Speak for yourself. It's an enjoyable SRPG with lots and lots of heroines and I liked the combat a lot. If you liked Kamidori it's similar to that.
Really big games too.

is there a full version of this

Because I just finished Vesperia yesterday and Berseria before that. Now I'm gonna take a break with Metal Gear while I wait for Fire Emblem.

no that is the full version

I'm actually been playing it already, since I know Japanese.

they're fun and more engaging

then whats the point of living?

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anime is gay

What's a good Saga game to start with? I feel like I see a different answer every time it's asked. I've played Alliance Alive so I'm not a total stranger to the concepts.

Nier(JP English patched ISO) and Drakengard 3 are good for PS3. Odin Sphere is also good but may be way different than what you want. google and see.

Dragon’s Dogma
KH2 Final Mix
Most SMT games
Bravely Default

Should I play Bravely Second or Alliance Alive?

Made big progress in Bloodstained.

Can I cheat the system by using Alchemic Bounty to break down gold, remake it and hope to get more Gold?

I am trying to level up in Dark Souls 2 first. I want to get through Dark Souls 2 and 3 before the end of the summer.

His channel on Bitchute is still up. Bitchute also has a Russian captioned backup too. Plus he is using Twitter now posting metaphor and addressing certain concerns and questions.

Oh and his wife still has her channel on YT.

I'm not a fan of Rogue Galaxy. It has a really promising beginning, and then a whole lot of wasted potential. Every aspect of the game deteriorates in quality as you progress.

It's not really that important, but I would go with either SaGa 2 (aka Final Fantasy Legend 2) or Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song. It's worth noting that even if you dislike one sub-series (like the three Romancing games,) you may still enjoy the others.

Waiting for the inevitable 50% off sale

he cute

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it really isn't that expensive though.

I needed to wrap up Shadowbringers. Now I'm probably going to go back and finish Berseria

lol wagecuck I feel your fucking pain

Pic related

Knocking off parts of enemies in Wild Arms 2 for extra loot, gella, and exp was nice in exchange for making their mechanics way tougher

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>PS1 or PS3
Fucking faggot play Star Ocean 3 on PS2 or through PS4 PSN

Yup. You pointed out all of the logical and historical inaccuracies of a fanservice picture to intellectually masturbate about how superior you are to an anime. This was both hilarious and original.

Yeah, but then again you just know it's gonna be cheap as fuck in 6 months. All the Compile Heart/IF games end up being permanently on sale 1 year after release.

I just want them to take a break and make a new Skies. Continue on with VC but give us a new Skies or remake.

Star Ocean sucks ass

Got Death End re:Quest on the backlog. Hoping since they patched in proper 4K support they'll add 1440p soon-ish.

atm I'm reading 428: Shibuya Scramble

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>playing the world ends with you
>the combat
>it’s not for me
Might just get the switch port because I really love the story

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cant play what has no gameplay

i loved derq and i can't wait for the sequel.

We aren't talking about WRPGs

This artist really came a long way.

it's called having an actual fucking job user

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Azure Dreams?

Obviously, those have gameplay and also rpg elements.

Not really. I'd doubt your average VN artists would be able to create any sort of composition that wasnt just focused solely on the character. He can draw that single subject well, but if you ever wanted a solid composition you will never see him manage it

>those have gameplay

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>quicksave quickload quicksave quickload quicksave quickload quicksave quickload

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>jrpg are so accustomed to selecting things in menu they think the save system is supposed to be gameplay.

>watch a movie for 40-80 hours
>and then maybe, MAYBE, you get a "superboss" that actually uses the game's mechanics and tests the player in some way
>the actual final boss is a pathetic piece of shit that dies either in one hit or really easily just like everything else in the game
>basically all that hassle for just one worthwhile fight in the entire game
and the great part about it is I'm sire different anons will think of different games while reading this because there's just so many jrpgs like that

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>cheat through a game
>complain about it

but you just described god of war if you trimmed down the time to 4-8 hours of movie

I'm playing FFX and how far into it would you say I am? Just got to the Thunder Plains

This only happens if you over-level.

I got the ending to Bravely default where you call Airy out on her shit slightly early, because it seemed like the natural first ending, but then I found out the second game continues from an ending where you just keep going along with her plan anywhere for some reason, So I'm trying to get that ending first, but I got caught up in the optional bossfights that suddenly got way harder, and I don't feel like skipping them.

...then Octopath came out, and I started playing that instead even though I have Bravely default 2 and have still never opened it.

A bit less than half way maybe assuming you don't do any side quests. It's been a while though so I'm sure I'm off.

>god of war

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>I've played Alliance Alive so I'm not a total stranger to the concepts.
You might want to start with the Romancing games or Frontier, the GB games might be far too archaic for you by now unless we're talking about the DS remakes of SaGa 2 or 3, which are also a good option if you want something on the lighter side.
SaGa Frontier is a good option to get introduced to the series proper as you're already familiar with most staple mechanics thanks to AA but not used to SaGa's multiple MC structure and more peculiar writing and progression, Frontier's also as easy as AA on average so you won't find many walls to block you like in most other entries.
Frontier 2 is one of the more unique entries in the series as it's the entry dedicated to narrative in a series dedicated to mechanical prowess, it's a great game, but decidedly different from the rest of the series, despite still sharing the same spirit, it's also extremely sad and you'll probably cry like a bitch at times, don't play it if you're depressed.
Romancing SaGa 2 is also a good option but you should bear in mind that it's also a pretty tough game all in all and the sheer nonlinearity of it all might make things worse, 3 might be better in that sense as it's less complex and easier in general.

Alternatively, you can also start with Minstrel Song, but it's really meant for veteran players due to the massive amount of systems at play AND the Event Rank forcing you to be extremely careful with your progression, if you feel ballsy enough you can play through this though.
The Last Remnant is a valid alternative and one of the more peculiar entries in the series as far as mechanics go, but also one of the most flawed in terms of progression.
If you feel you have a massive fucking dick and can handle peak Kawazu, there's also Unlimited, but Unlimited requires a different kind of brain to enjoy for most people, leave this for last as it's far too much for most people to handle.

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I don't get this over leveling meme, I see it mentioned in a lot of these threads but I simply don't understand the reasoning behind it

I play the games just like normal, walking from point A to B and fighting whatever battles I naturally end up getting myself in along the way and it's all generally pretty easy like that user described

The only game series that truly kicked my ass right from the get go is Etrian Odyssey, I mean what the fuck do you even expect anyways? To just run away from every single battle, doing a level 1 challenge run? Is that the only "correct" way to play a JRPG? Cause that sounds like some fucking bullshit to me m80

I think most of the mainstream stuff that's generally in the "public consciousness" as it were is pretty casual, and you can only really find an actual challenge in niche, more "specialized" titles

>press start
>watch movie
wowwwww, wrp"g" "game"play sure is amazing!

>I think most of the mainstream stuff that's generally in the "public consciousness" as it were is pretty casual, and you can only really find an actual challenge in niche, more "specialized" titles
That's true for every genre.

It's just a bullshit excuse. jrpgs are one of the most casual genres in gaming and anybody who can do basic math will steamroll the average title. Somehow people just get offended by this notion. There are a handful that really make you use the game's mechanics like EO or SaGa but those are few and far



Thanks. I'm enjoying myself enough that I'll probably do the sidequests

Xenoblade 2 is without contest.

But that's literally all you do in a JRPG. you wait for it to be your turn to press the play button, then you get to watch the movie a little bit before waiting to press play again.

You could at least googled wrpg to find a more appropriate insult, but alas, jrpgs are not for the brightest thinkers.

Rance 1 - 3 remake translations when?

darksouls is the hardest game ever made though and also the most popular

In ten years after Mangagamer finishes translating X.

Working through galaxy angel right now.

I'm waiting for an isometric jrpg.

it always gets me when people ask for the rest of the pic.

Thousand year door.

xenoblade 2

Waiting for it to come out

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Should i wait for Dragon Quest 11S or just play the PC version? Ive had it from a sale for awhile now but haven't started it yet.

Also doing a nuzlok of Crystal Clear after another user was talking about his and have a Caterpie with 4 maxed DV's and a Heracross with max Attack DV.
Not sure if I am gonna do any gyms in Johto despite starting there, might just get on the express to Kanto and start clearing from there.

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even neptunia has better gameplay than your sjw "cinematic experiences."

What are some good Hentai JRPgs that
(a) Are not Rance?
(b) have character customization
(c) have EXTENSIVE character customization, like Morrowind or Neverwinter Nights
(d) have different branches and endings
(e) have good porn, whether illustrated or simulated, ala Illusion

Agarest is the closest I could think of. Only problem is that there's no actual Hentai in it, but the implied sex scenes come close Now if someone can patch in some doujin H scenes.....

You're asking for too much.

You can have 2 of those, maybe 3 if you stretch your definitions but definitely not all 5.

I know I am. I should have specified "has one of the following traits". But I might stick to Skyrim & Oblivion mods.

I like the Sengoku Rance, but I don't like Rance as a character. However, a game I DID like Big Bang Age, aka Daibanchou. Now that was a game.

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What are the good Atelier games to play? I tried Rorona DX but Rorona is obnoxious and annoying, and her voice in both Japanese and English makes me wish I was deaf.

Which games don't have Rorona in them at all? I'll play those.

Fair point. Can you help a bro out with a combination of any 2 to 3? (just remember, no Rance)

I'm not into art, I'm just talking from a laymans perspective. I like his stuff now, better than his stuff before. So for me he has improved.


Play Leanne of Legitimate Crown

>a) Is not rance
>d) has 3 starting factions and 14 endings and various variables depending on how you protect/dont protect your female soldiers
>e) Simple but good artwork

Might say b) as well, but thatd depends on if you include learning skills based on using weapon types/different classes as customization

Only caveat is Its entirely based around NTR

i picked up all of neptunia from a humble bundle for coffee change. besides the grinding it's pretty enjoyable

Gonna 2nd this

I wish I could play dt2 on pc. why did leaf abandon us?

this one

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with glad and arb you have two attackers who are rather vulnerable and most efficient on the front line, I had a similar party but it's difficult to manage.

Should I play this on switch or ds?

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I thought frontier's boss was really hard. I had to cheat to beat it.

DS for sure. They simplified the gameplay on the switch.

>it's also extremely sad and you'll probably cry like a bitch at times,
Not him but thanks for the recommendation

ds, if you're interested in the extra content just watch it on youtube. simplified combat on switch is disappointing.

Was Kamidori on Steam at some point? I think it was

What are you even talking about? Have you even seen a wrpg before?

yes its fucking great (probably emulate it? its extremely hard to find a copy)

Aselia and Seinarukana are on Steam but I don't think Kamidori ever was.

My computer is asscheeks and would likely have trouble playing it emulated.
I'll just bite the bullet and buy a copy, but my backlog isn't exactly small, so it can wait a while.

>I thought frontier's boss was really hard. I had to cheat to beat it.
which one?

Are you playing them in Japanese to learn Japanese while working a full time job and raising six kids and making dinner for your wife every night?

Definitely go for the DS. TWEWY centered a lot of its mechanics and gameplay around the DS hardware and made great use of it to further enhance the experience.

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no you arent

Tales of Destiny is pretty dull so far. Are the PS1 Tales games worth playing or should I skip to the PS2 ones?

Phantasia is the only one I liked. Every game after felt off.

Same, haha...

>Playing Octopath
>Going around fighting the class bosses before starting Ch. 4 for all the characters
>Beat starseer without much issue
>Starseer makes archmagus' stat lock a non-issue
>Get to warmaster
>Shield points go from 4 to 8 to 12 permanently
>Doesn't shift weaknesses like the last two
>Attacks three times per turn
>Has a desperation attack that nukes the party

This fight's not even in the same league as the other two what the fuck.
Even casting the triple dark spell twice per turn can't keep up with those fucking 12 shield points and party-wide attacks

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In Act 1,and I hate how you need to defeat/damage boss in under x turns for extra ap. It's take the fun out when s craft spam is the only viable option to make it work

I nuked her with hired help before I got to see her 12 shields and ultimate attack.
Before that I used concoct to make my team dodge through all her attacks

>Should i wait for Dragon Quest 11S
Do this. Switch version is going to have full orchestra toggle for music and a speed-up option for combat.

the game sucks you inbred retard

kill yourself

Rorona is older in Atelier Totori, so there's a good chance you won't find her annoying in that one. I also recommend Mana Khemia and Ayesha.

no u

>unless we're talking about the DS remakes of SaGa 2 or 3
I ran into a game-ending bug when I tried playing through the DS version of SaGa 2 with a translation patch. I recommend going with the Gameboy version unless you can read moonrunes.

Beat DQ8 and TWEWY recently, currently on Tales of Graces f

Got to the High Entia fight like a year ago and I couldn't get past it and I haven't touched it since

DS, switch version isn't even close to the quality of the original

I can't figure out what I think or Persona 5. It's the first Persona game that's held my interest past like 6 hours, but the entire time I am playing it I feel like I'd rather be playing something else on my backlog.

Because I play gacha games instead of JRPGs now.

Suikoden II is nice

Xenoblade 2 would be perfect for you, then.

XC2 is a shitty gatcha game. There arn't enough rares and half of them aren't part of the gatcha system

I'm afraid to skip the awakening cutscenes because I might roll a legendary after 200 generic shitters

you can rewatch on the title screen

Most of them are garbage

Imagine making this thread EVERY. FUCKING. DAY!

Any JRPG where the girls tell me they love "me"?

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Ar Nosurge

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The combat and plot does seem sort of reminiscent of GBF, but I can't justify buying a console for one game.

But I am.

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is botw considered a jrpg?


Playing Atelier Lulula at the moment. Simple but comfy weebshit soothes the soul after a long day of wagecuckin' it.

I sure hope Sterk's suffering finally pays off for the guy.

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but it's japanese and i roleplay as link

how is it not a jrpg

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i'm too busy jerking it to crossdress porn to play a jrpg right now, as i'm sure Yea Forums can understand

How would you say 1 compares to the others you've played? I've played 1 but I think I dropped it somewhere around the point where you have to talk to the trees to activate your sword or some shit like that. I liked it well enough, idk why I never finished it

Backline arbie works just fine even if it is technically better on the front

Right now I am replaying Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 in preparation for 3.

How do we fix WRPGs.png

which is what I said, I know that arbs can still pack a punch from the back e. g.with Warrior's Might but it just doesn't compare to the boomcannon.

Spotted the NEET