Start fallout 1

>start fallout 1
>get to first encounter
>this happens and I lose my only gun
Great game design

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raise your luck you drooling retard

I have 5. And It's pretty shitty game design if I need to have 10 of a stat or else my weapons will spontaneously get destroyed

just start over. Fallout 1 is meant to be played like that. It's not like your modern game where you just walk from A to B and never touch the game again

>play RPG
>complain it has RPG mechanics

wow cry more faggot

I never had a weapon get destroyed when I played fallout
Still I don't like critical failure either.

>set luck to 0
>unlucky thing happens
>"Oh muh ghurd! How could this be!? Shit game design for not catering to my needs!"
retards should be euthanized at birth

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Yeah, retards like you who can't read should

I dunno isn't Fallout 1 more of a CRPG? Either way OP is a zoom zoom tard fucker.

just get good at the game faggot

>B-but it wasn't at 0, it was 5
proofs or gtfo

>upset over having your only weapon randomly delete itself 5 minutes into the game means your a zoomer
Again, it's just bad game design, now I'm gimped.

If it is a CRPG it is a RPG, user. But when I said "RPG" I was literally referring to the fact that this genre was spawned directly from table top mechanics. Sure, you don't have to like dice rolls, critical failures etc. but it just seems weird to play games based on dicerolls and then complain about the dicerolls.

Get fucked OP. How does it feel to play an actual RPG?

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Can you actually defend this design choice or are you just gonna act elitist and say it's good because it's old? It makes no sense. The game shouldn't just throw my weapon away randomly by chance. Maybe if I let the enemy get close and disarm me or something it would be fair and make sense

>bought fallout 1 and 2 on steam sales because of good reviews.
>Loved 3 and NV.
>Start playing 1.
>hate the mouse only controls and having to push the map at the edges of the screen. Controls could do with updating. Cannot get used to it.
>Hate the 150 day limit.
>stop playing shortly after liking Tandi too much.

If there are any mods that make the controls more up to date and remove the day limit, hit me up.

>not enjoying the stupid outcomes and ridiculous unfortunate mishaps

maybe playing Nethack just innoculated me to this shit, but I love dying or failing in bullshit ways in games like these. It's funny as fuck.

it's good because it's making a fag like you sperg out on vee

that's just average luck, shit happens.
Your weapon was destroyed and it does make sense in the context of the game; you're just starting out and using shit gear from before the war. Just reload or start over, faggot

Man up and improvise, you crybaby.

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How do you function in the real world.

>Game Saved
Let me guess: you’re the type of zoomer scrub who saves before every fight in case you don’t like how it goes and can just reset it like a crybaby?

>All these seething bommerfags defending garbage game design because "muh nostalgia"

It actually makes sense to save pretty regularly in an old CRPG, user. Losing an hour of progress out of some misplaced sense of pride in being "hardcore" in a single player RPG is pretty dumb sounding to me. Not saying save scum to perfection, but nothing wrong with saving when you think something is about to happen.

>I can only spew buzzwords that I was programmed with by memes

haha, I feel sorry for you.

you barely played it. Explore, do something. You can ignore the time limit too, it's not really possible to get everything right in your first game. The more you play the more you get used to the controls and to the time limit.
Just open your mind, user

Your weapon critically missed and the bullet ricocheted off a wall came back and destroyed your gun. Get an imagination mungo.

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fallout 1 is based on end where there is a percentage chance for you to be fucked over by crits every turn

best strategy is camping in a doorway with an auto weapon, so you can't get critted by 20 dudes

the story is the main reason to play the game, everything else is mostly frustration

it's shit tier gamedesign that was acceptable at the time because there were no alternatives, there's a reason games like this died out.

ITT: angry boomers defending their childhood

>there's a reason games like this died out
Yes, it's because the hobby grew and began pandering to retards instead of a niche.

Funnily enough, games like it are still made for this niche audience, so your shitpost isn't even accurate. Go play the latest epic third person cinematic experience, user.

>zoomer zooms himself away from a good game
and nothing of value was truly lost

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Dude, all games back then required save scumming.
Can you imagine playing any of the Sierra games without saving every screen?

>Summer rolls around
>Daily "wtf the original fallouts are shit and hard" threads
Like fucking clockwork

>If it is a CRPG it is a RPG, user
Depends. Not to be semantic, but the latter has become so overused term for games that aren't even RPG in any sense, that it's started to lose any meaning. Saying "CRPG" specifically denotes that yes, this game is, in fact, an actual RPG game with classical/DND/dice roll addeed.

Peak zoomer. Why do time constraints make the zoomer scared.?

yep, it would be more acceptable in a 3d game where you control the character, because your movement and desicion making could make up for it, also 3d fallout gave you weapon condition

not a defense of the game design

you're reading a guide aren't you

not a zoomer, but most people just want to explore and don't give a shit about, saving people who are mostly faceless and mean nothing to you

get shit on nerd LOL

You just have bad luck, deal with it. The game LITERALLY has a trait for critical failures you can choose, shit like this is meant to happen and you just pulled a short straw. What did you fucking lose a 10mm pistol? Get over it, you still have your fists an unarmed is godly in the first 2 games.

just drop it.
you missed the golden era. your brain synapses are way to burned out.

The amount of time spent looking for the water chip is so miniscule compared to the time actually spent exploring and enjoying the world. Explore 5 minutes more past shady sands and you can finish the main quest within the first month.

then play Skyrim or whatever. Fallout is about exploring, but it's not about safe and careless exploring. It's what makes the atmosphere

still not a defense of the game design
it's a pointless mechanic and shouldn't happen unless you have jinxed

i would agree. IF shit like this could actually make you get hard stuck at any point in the game. but you always have ways out. even with worst luck it is easily beatable.

ITT: people who played a game in 1998 pretend that someone playing it in 2019 will view it through the same lens and get mad when they don't

in 1998 you'd play Fallout because it was the only game you had. Nobody in 2019 wants to sit down and fuck aroud with a game and not make any progress when they could have finished another game in that time.

I didn't play Fallout 1 until like 2012 lol shut up

>it's a pointless mechanic

You just saved so what's the problem?

I played Fallout 1 and 2 for the first time in 2017 and enjoyed it greatly.

making the game straight up end because you didn't give a fuck about the vault dwellers was poor game design

the game stood on its own without forcing you to help them

you could literally side with the master, so the vault wasn't important in any way to the story

>people who are mostly faceless

it is your fkn vault. what do you want !? a jewflix character drama so you can explore benedettes transgender ptsd psychology !? will that make you care more about saving your fkn home by doing the most important task you are assigned with.

But I bet you wouldn't compain if it happened to the final enemy from a pack that ambushed you lining up a shot on when you're on the brink of death with no way out.

Your deign principleis you want people to focus a a particular skill. NO JoaTs allowed.

Have a mechanic that will randomly make your build useless.

Is it any wonder they are out of business?

Play through once with a really stream lined guide. I would not beat it like that, but if you are new to this shit it will help. Also, the time limit goes away the story goes on so explore and shit afterwards (protip: sniper rifle shots to the eye with a crit build is the easiest, brain dead way to play.)

I didn't know that, I also didn't realize that traveling would fuck my time so badly

if I chose to say fuck the vault and explore isn't that a valid choice that shouldn't end your game

Your SPECIAL stats can't be lower than 1 you retards

I was born in 97 and enjoyed this game and 2 when i played them both in 2016. You have to have PEAK ZOOMER BRAIN ROT in order to not enjoy these games.
Kill yourself you're so fucking pathetic.

Fallout has never had a good game

you bought fallout 1 but you want a static and controlled experience
are you fucking retarded?

There is a much cooler way to say fuck the vault though

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Imagine for a second:
You are playing a video game. As soon as something bad happens to you, instead of reloading a save or dealing with it through gameplay, you make a thread on Yea Forums crying about it.
Imagine how much of a braindead attention seeking faggot you must be, imagine being OP.

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I simply didn't really care about my vault that much as they had nothing to offer me

I tried to save them but I explored too much

You should feel sorry for yourself. The fact that you are so blinded by nostalgia that you refuse to acknowledge stupidity is pathetic.

>No Zoomers in 2019 want to sit down and play/learn the game but would rather play bing bing wahoo game #9999 because their attentions spans are that of a mongoose
Gee, who woulda thunk

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>sets difficulty to maximum
>"i want it to be fair"
>bad things happen to you
>reload game
>"at least they have a chance anyway"

I tried to save them, I literally explored too much because traveling fucks your time so badly

yeah but without the limit you could ignore the main quest as a whole and we'd have the Skyrim problem. I think it's okay that you are bound to something, it's role-playing

The post contained 11 words. 4 were meme buzzwords (muh nostalgia boomerfags seething) and it was in greentext. Don't feel sorry for me, I'm not the mindless retard here.

Yes, congratulations, you've finally figured out what everyone already knew about every turn based game.

Only an extremely small and autistic vocal minority thinks turned based combat isn't inherently garbage in every aspect.

I know this is b8 but you're playing a literal table top RPG in the gurps system, what do you think happens when you roll a nat 1? This. You showed up expecting to play a table top game but you wanted to be protected from rolling a 1? wtf?

I was literally punished for exploring too much though, the traveling mechanic took too much time

I felt I was going at a good pace and seeing everything I possibly could

You're a brainwashed vault dweller whk listens to orders the moment you leave the vault, you are meant to fill a role in the start and nothing else. As such your CHARACTERS main objective should be to rush the water chip. As time progresses your views on the outside world change when you can properly explore with the time limit is gone. All leading up to the heartwrenching final ending when you have to look at what you've become. It fits the story perfectly

But if you SERIOUSLY can't be bothered with the time limit. Just play 2 and miss all the callbacks to 1.

>ch 1
>ag 10
imagine being so zoomer that you can't even follow a walkthrough properly, kek

>1 CH
Lol are you using a guide?

that's more of a balancing problem, not the fault of the idea itself. But I get what you mean, it could have been done better

I tried to rush the water chip as fast as I could travel time fucked me over

>10 Luck with Sniper, 10 Agility, Bonus Rate of Fire and 12 AP while using 44. revolver

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>coping this hard

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That's not the discussion or problem at hand. And 10 agility is almost required to do anything in combat

>And 10 agility is almost required to do anything in combat
if you are so smart then why you broke your pistol on the tutorial level, lmao

Because it's fucking random

>implying risk management isn't a skill
ok zoomer

good, the game is a horrid piece of shit that is the equivalent of trying to play an antique. Get out while you can and play an actual good RPG.

I thought the same when I started playing Gothic 1. The standard controls are so fucked at the beginning but I really wanted to play it and got used to the controls pretty fast. Just give it some time, it's worth it.

Please never play a tabletop RPG with other humans, and ruin their experience the first time someone rolls a critical failure.

Smart, but like weak child. Let me show the true F1 build in its simplest, unoptimized form
>Fast Shot
>Bonus HtH attacks
>Slayer eventually

You are now Kenshiro, shitting out at least ten AP1 powerfist punches a turn, more with optimization effort

FUCK Fallout2 for fixing Fast Shot

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Pure PC games are hardcore af my man

>people defending terrible game mechanics

boomer faggots need to leave. there is a reason every single dev has moved away from this shit. protip: it aint ever coming back, ever, and thats for the best.

it's okay dude, don't have to write the same post multiple times