How do you deal with a backlog anons?

how do you deal with a backlog anons?

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Do you actually WANT to deal with it?
If so, one game at a time. Just have one game installed, the one you want to play.

but what about my 30+ chrome tabs

close them

I never understood this meme. Just play the fucking games you mongs.

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I just play the games. Currently i am at darksiders 3. Its legitimate my candidate for GOTY.

I can't
I don't have the motivation to

I just buy 1 or 2 games and play immediately.

>buying jrpgs faster than I can beat them

Start NoFap and you will get motivation back after 10 days guaranteed.

I play max. 1-2 games at a time. After I finish one, I pick a few games from my backlog, narrowing it down to a couple titles that I actually feel like playing at the moment, and pick one randomly from among them or put them up on strawpoll and ask anons to vote on which one I should play next.

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Well, once in a while I buy lots of junk food with my sister and we just pick a random game and do an all nighter, we found Obscure II, Bloodknights and Fight the Dragon like this which are really good games

I haven't cum since the first
your meme is retarded

Oh yeah almost forgot. Stop with the HRT as well.


I don't. I get more joy acquiring games then playing them.

Help me, anons, what should I finish next?
>nu-Tomb Raider
>Asscreed: Black Flag
>Valkyria Chronicles 4
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Dark Souls: Remastered
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Fallout: New Vegas

Read plot summary of the game. Congratulations, now you don't have to alternate attack/heal in menus for 200 hours.

Dark Souls

New Vegas or Asscreed, don't bother with anything not story related in Asscreed.

Just use DuckDuckGo

It's literally the best search engine I've ever used

I no longer worry if Google is spying on me

Just skip Horizon, it's one of the most boring AAA games I've ever played

>pick 10 games I want to play
>use RNG to pick one
>...nah, not that one

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