Dragon Quest!

Dragon Quest!
Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!
On the Nintendo Switch!!

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Where's the playable adult Veronica?

i am. can't wait. will be my first dragon quest game.

No thanks, I'd rather play the non-graphically crippled and crash free version.

In her sequel perhaps!

Good! You will not regret it!

Buy it!!! On the Switch!!

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Okay, if you insist.

I really want to play the Switch version, but I'm sure the FPS will be fucking shit.

only if you show me your cunny.

Looking at gameplay footage, they seem to have done a great job making the graphics less intensive while still looking pretty. I have faith!

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As long as it has a consistent frame rate I won't have a problem.
Either way the game has been out in japan for a long time now, I'll probably check some footage from that.

Can we get a version without that flamer, Sylvando? He's not only annoying, he can't even turn down the gayness a little. Can't wait until I can bench him again.

>hating on based sylvando
Oof, I hope you're joking.

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I didn't mind him at first, but being roped into his gay pride parade made me hate him. He ought to be disowned by his father.

Have sex.

dilate, tranny

He's my precious boy and I love him.

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he's actually very likeable character despite being absolute 200% faggot
too bad he went from badass motherfucker to comic relief in the second half

Play it in 2D mode

any way to play this on PC without fucking denuvo?

Imagine if 2D mode somehow lags

>my precious boy

this is a pretty cute and funny post user, haha

Can you play the entire thing in 2D?


Yah I did that on 3DS


Did any of the sprites animate outside of Calasmos?


No, just Calasmos

I'm playing it on my PS4. I'm not a children

>he's not a children

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I hate Mordegon.

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based fat scrooge

The enemies in battle? I don't think so
Unless I forgot some special fight somewhere

2D mode is a bit odd in that in most ways it's a throwback to like DQ5, but then you keep running into 3D-mode things (the item list with all the illustrations, the equipment menus with 3D models, the smithing stuff)
They also made 2D face portraits for the party characters like the DS games have but then buried them in the つよさ menu (dunno what it's called in English; maybe "strength" or "stats" or something) so you basically never see them.

Alright then. Kind of a shame, but I expected that to be the case. I also wish the battles were full screen like 3/6 SNES instead of the battle window like 1+2/5 SNES. It's odd to see the whole screen fade out and only get a window.

Yeah I've noticed as much from the gameplay I've seen of the 3DS version. Still excited to play the game again in 2D since even though I have a copy of DQ11 for 3DS, I don't know Japanese yet. I'm thinking that I'll play the 3DS version in it's 3D mode when I get around to learning. The 3D mode in the 3DS versions looks really cute to me.


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You're also not very smart.

I already bought Dragon Quest 11. I already played through it.
And now I'm going to buy it again on the Switch so I can marry Veronica!

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I'll buy it if I see something that piques my interest. I'm mostly interested in the cute and funny pictures of the c variety.

everyone hates him, even Hendrik is out for blood after getting BETRAYYALLLLLED by his friend

the things I would do for a crumb of cunny

I'm going to buy it again for Switch when it comes out.

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