Private server when?
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Who cares
>trying to grind mch in shb dungeons
>tanks keep single pulling
Why are they so FRIGHTENED
when is this game coming to xbox
Get a pc already
Only spics have just an xbox for gaming
>last updated in 2015
Ah yes, the good times before katanas
most tacos i know play on pc, and those with ps4 dont ever touch it, not even by accident
>Spics have a better brain than user here
Almost every dungeon run I've been in since starting to level my BLM has included at least one wipe to trash packs. Is this just the state of the game now?
I haven't wiped to trash in years. Maybe it's a you problem
This is standard for expac start.
How could I possibly be causing wipes on trash from the BLM slot user
>Queue as tank using cooldowns perfectly
>Healers babysit me trying to keep me at 100% at all times for some reason and never DPS, while the DPS do pitiful damage
>Queue as healer
>Tank baby pulls or pulls big but uses no cooldowns at all
>Do more damage than the DPS as WHM because people dont wanna use AoE
If a trash pack takes way too long due to lack of DPS eventually the tank and healer will run dry on cooldowns and ogcds
Tanks are just experimenting how much they can pull without dying. Having low level/gear healers as well as being in bad gear themselves means you can't just pull everything and get away with it.
Well I'm shitting out constant Flares and Fouls so that ain't on me
Any healer or tank up for 50/60/70 roulette on crystal
I dont think I can handle another full pug group
you think you do but you do
but really 1.0 was dogshit, its a bad idea. Theyd invest tens of thousands in it and people would play for a couple weeks then give up.
I always pull one group at the beginning of the dungeon, even if the healer says pull a lot. Either we blow through it so quickly we move on or I can see the healer is actually a bitch and can't handle more than one.
I still have the disc. Anything I can do with it besides empty maps?
Put it up
S.T 0110
I started playing this game to healslut but it's actually chill
Vanilla xiv is absolute dogshit.
The 1.0 nostalgia meme will never catch on. Give up.
>500 post thread yesterday
1.X pserver never, nobody has the serverside code (Yoshida probably straight-up binned the Squeenix codebase) and the game was almost entirely serverside
Yeah that was fun. Always love talking about about 1.0.
The game being so heavily server side was a large part of the reason why it was so shit.
Oh absolutely, the fucking UI (ie the settings menu) had latency problems.