I don’t why people where so surprised/disgusted with the Elise kiss in 06...

I don’t why people where so surprised/disgusted with the Elise kiss in 06, I thought everyone already knew Sonic was a reverse furry, a humanie if you will.

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Google "Sonic the Sissyhog"

No one read the Archie comics that's why they're dead.

It's not about Sonic liking humans, nobody is disgusted by that because we are humans too and we understand why would someone thinks humans can be hot, the disgusting shit is that the girl was a fucking necropedofurry who corresponded Sonic's corpse

Because it took itself seriously.
No one freaks out about Bugs Bunny kissing Elmer Fudd while wearing drag.
It's because the audience knows it's a joke and not a legit romance.

You know that’s wrong.

I thought unlike Sonic he wasn't supposed to chuckle.

A: Because the game Sonic fans don't read the nasty Archieshit. B:"It's ok because it was done in the past", not it wasn't, since Sonic 1 beta. Sonic x Human was always hated outside Japan. Japanese are freaks, so nothing from there is tolerated.

Why do you think Sonic was turbo hated in the west the second they went full weebshit tone/stories since SA1 to Sonic 06?

Deviancy doesn't change if you switch the genders user. It's furry bullshit and you know it.

This is the correct answer. Every other answer misses the point. Another example, Jessica Rabbit and Roger Rabbit are funny as a couple because she's smoking hot and he's an animal. It's a joke not a serious plot point so it's not that weird. In Sonic 06 their love story is a central plot and even outside the kiss scene they try to portray this weird sexual tension between the two of them.

I never got what the problem was. They're both sapient and around the same age.

i really LIKE how EVERY word or TWO is BOLDED, because that IS how REAL people TALK

>In Sonic 06 their love story is a central plot and even outside the kiss scene they try to portray this weird sexual tension between the two of them.
This. The ending of the game that always gets overlooked (which is understandable but still retarded) is just how the bitch is literally willing to let the world burn just to fuck the blue rat's dick

It's fucking disgusting from a subhuman standpoint, which are the people defending this type of trash. Only the degenerate will defend degeneracy.

Attached: cru-sonic[1].jpg (500x374, 203K)

Remember when Sonic was originally planned to have a human girlfriend named Madonna?

Or cat/bunny-girla groupies?

Attached: Groupies.jpg (474x239, 37K)

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t. Ken Penders.

Just go and fap to your OC deformed cyberpunk waifu and leave people alone, right?

Or when he was about to have a Sister starring an RPG game a la Wonder Boy (That was supossed to be just a re-skin of Popful Mail)?

Attached: kisspng-amy-rose-godzilla-sonic-the-hedgehog-more-characte-5b1cd49a395cf6.743876731528616090235[1].j (900x800, 142K)

Mania Team, you just have one job now.

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>google madonna
>find this
what the fuck

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>those teeth
The foreshadowing!

I don't get that fetish.

Attached: Madonna_by_joeadok-d45tpgr.jpg (600x1050, 50K)

This was an official promotion for the game in Japan.

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