Is twitch streaming just organized begging?

Is twitch streaming just organized begging?

Attached: no mr bond, I expect you to die.jpg (1024x768, 408K)

is your nigger faggot thread video games?

I don't know, is twitch streaming a major element in video games entertainment today? no need to answer that fatty

is op a fag choking on 100 streamer dicks?
no need to answer you homo lala

why don't you fuck off to Yea Forums

why don't you kill yourself you double nigger

you're worthless, and you always will be, regardless of how many streamers you donate to

you're worthless no matter how many non-video games you'll make on video games board

kill yourself

you are absolutely retarded, you should kill yourself

this is the gayest exchange I've seen in awhile. you could've swapped cum in each other's mouths and not have been gayer.

I'm not going to accept shit from that loser, and I sure as hell won't accept it from you, get fucked

good job bumping your video games thread from your phone retard

now you're a paranoid retard

Depends on if they allow people to make donations or not. Otherwise, yes.

now you're a retard you double retard

now you're a hidden post

I would only pay for organized content. Paying to watch someone play a game unedited is weird. Same reason I wouldn't pay for a podcast. Sitting around talking and playing a game is zero effort. That'd be like going to a restaurant and paying a chef so you can watch them prepare a meal.

now you can suck my dick faggot and kill yourself afterwards

it seems so prevalent, and I'm right there with you it's strange. Out of curiosity I checked a prominent streamer for a multiplayer game and he made a couple hundred dollars less than an hour.

They're really hacking into some stupid component in the human brain.

If your stream is plastered with huge overlays showing TOP DONATOR! BIGGEST DONATION! RECENT DONATOR! then yes.
If you have a sub goal / donor goal then yes. I used to watch a guy stream a few years back and he would constantly have some donation goal on screen. Buy me a new laptop, buy me a new gpu, buy me a wiiu (yeah it was that far back) - as soon as one goal was met, a new one appeared on screen. It never ended.
Fuck those people.

It's like a guy dancing in the street. But with streaming you pay him to talk.

is it related to gambling?

They're banking off of the kids that feel the need to support their struggling creators and people that feel the need to pay money to support their "friends".

Depends if you consider busking to be begging.

It's the evolution of street busking.

Yes, it is a cancerous example of human frailty in that people will throw currency, the compensation for time spent working by someone, at others for no valuable reason.