
Pokemon Go came out 3 years ago...

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wtf have I been doing with my life?

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The definition of "flash in the pan"

Dead and forgotten.

How would you have done it better?

My ideas:

>Add the ability to join a team with other people and see where they are in the map.
>Have pokemon only appear in green areas so its safer than walking in the middle of the street.
>Have turn based battles.
>Have a sort of competitive gameplay, maybe let you see who in your country is a top player.

actually produce a functioning Pokemon game instead of re-skinned garbage

that too.

would be nice if it had a story and npcs.

>>Add the ability to join a team with other people and see where they are in the map.
>>Have a sort of competitive gameplay, maybe let you see who in your country is a top player.
I could see these two in combination resulting in some physical assault of people unfortunately.
There already was occurrences of people going to known popular Pokemon Go spots and getting mugged by dudes waiting for players to show up.

Obviously you need to be able to take out your pokemon outside of battle so they can defend you.

Literally made Pokemon a Billion dollar plus franchise. Eclipsing all of the revenue from their other games combined.

how come there hasnt been a 3d pokemon kinda like the gameboy games?

Normies will keep Pokemon GO alive forever.
My brothers play it every day, a lot of my coworkers still play it including my boss, and seeing people playing it when I walk my dog is not uncommon.

My park was full of all kinds of people playing, now you only see some lonely neet playing by himself, maybe not even Pokemon, but it still died out dramatically.

>all my friends download this
>we all go out to catch pokemon whenever the game was working
>almost everyone outside is doing the same
>talk with random strangers and see each other's collections
>mfw will never get an experience like that again
I still find it surreal how friendly EVERYONE was when we all had one thing in common. I talked with people that I'd never give a second glance usually. Glad it died though cos my phone battery was raped.

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And it actually got good like a year ago

Fucking this. For a brief period of a few months the 1950s American Dream was revived. World Fucking Peace

I remember hanging out with strangers at arenas and Pokestops just having a good time talking and playing this "game".
I honestly never really cared all that much about it but it was a really cool month where everyone just came together to have a good time

I actually downloaded it a couple months ago and play it during my walk to class. Pretty fun desu

Yeah it was great. I remember how the town square in a nearby town had a literal horde of people on it, just walking around hitting the pokestops in a circuit. It took 5 minutes to make a lap and by the time you got back to the first pokestop you hit it'd already been refreshed. People were in the center fighting for the gym and it got intense too, like it seemed like a fight was bound to break out. I hope we get something like that in the future soon, but I doubt it.

I still play it from time to time, hoping the magic comes back.

I actually started playing again recently. The in game tracker actually works and you can battle and trade with other people. Also all the Pokemon up to gen 4 is cool. Honestly it's better than it's ever been and I can talk to my normie friends about Pokemon.

is this a bait thread?
the game has gotten bigger than release

>getting mugged by dudes waiting for players to show up
>by dudes

It's ok, user. You can say it here.

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The other C word, user

cunny? cops? ciggers?

Used to? There is still a lot of people at least here who do the raids nearly every day.