Rainbow six siege is 9/10

>Very high skill ceiling
>Deep gameplay
>Constant updates
>Big playerbase
>Big esport scene

Why arent you playing Rainbow 6 Siege?

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Other urls found in this thread:


sit watching a doorway for 2 minutes every round and die in one shot, only braindead zoomers can find this entertaining, it takes no skill whatsoever and you'll be left in the dust when a game requiring skill comes out

>won’t run on linux
It’s shit.

>Constant updates
All fucking shit
>Big esport scene
Straight up a big minus
I like the game and play it though

>high plat gameplay devolves into pixel peeks and other such fuckery
>SJW tier operators
>hero shooter gameplay instead of slow and tactical swat-like gameplay

No thx. Game is dead


Back in season 2, yeah. Now its garbage

Because Im at work and its installing at home on my pc. I do hioe the devs stop fucking up characters with bandaid fixes.

rent free

Takes no skill yet you keep dying?

>is asked how he feels about Siege
>states fact about the game
>duhhh rent free
What did he mean by this?

It's the only game my gf and I play together

Operation Recycled Content is trash.
first year i didn't buy the season pass, i made a great choice. other then that im still having fun with it.

>it's bad because i'm getting dunked on!!

Attached: out fucking skilled.png (5000x2571, 124K)

what takes more skill hitting many bullets in well designed maps, or hitting one bullet in maps that consist entirely of hallways, when shooters that take skill and don't require watching a doorway for 3 minutes are released you are fucked

You mad cos you bad

zoomers think that watching a doorway for 3 minutes and not moving is skill, nothing in this game takes any skill whatsoever, it's an exercise in how well you deal with a lack of stimuli, which in zoomers with sub 100 iq, is pretty high, you could stare at a wall for 3 hours and be entertained because your brain doesn't work very well

zoomer with no skill detected, good thing games like rainbow 6 seige are made for you

The idea behind the term zoomer is that they're sugar high ADHD faggots addicted to constant stimuli, so you, basically.

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zoomers are actually braindead trash, that are stimulated by a lack of stimulus because their iqs are so low

being 25 years old isn't a zoomer

Takes way too damn long to unlock all the operators (unless you cough up cash)

Im just waiting for my fellow Yea Forumseaner operator to be released in a few months.

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>Very high skill ceiling
Completely neglected by lags
>Deep gameplay
It boils down to basic strategy and reflexes
>Constant updates
Those make game worse
>Big playerbase
>Big esport scene
Irrelevant and laughable
>Why arent you playing Rainbow 6 Siege?
I do.

siege maps are far better than the contemporaries with unimaginative 3 lane designs with no verticality whatsoever
if you don't want to sit in one place and hold an angle, try pressing the movement keys. i heard you can move with them (also know as the opposite of sitting in one place)

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>Asked about the mechanics of the game
Genuinely pathetic. Go take a shower.

>Completely neglected by lags
Get out of Australia

t. copper IV who doesn't know how to drone

It's a great game that is held back by ubisoft's insistence on being fucking incompetent.

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>Completely neglected by lags
come join us in 2019, we got 60 hz servers

>watching a doorway for 3 minutes and not moving
That's not how you play, lmao.

literally ever seige map is a series of hallways, at least call of duty maps tend to have lanes that are wider than 2 people

it actually is

>60 hz servers
Not in my shithole of a country.

I just want a new SWAT 4 man, and "Ready Or Not" is taking its fucking time

This is Border.
What doorway do you watch?

Attached: r6Border.jpg (1920x1080, 474K)

Name one (uno) thing, that stops you from running outside/inside and devastating enemy team with five precise headshots?

Someone dared me to say dabbing backwards and I got a ban, fuck this game, I uninstalled right then and there.

pick a site, idiot

That might be how you play, but that's not how someone with a working brain stem plays.

its CSGO for zoomers
CS is superior in every way

lmao are you complaiing about hallways existing in a building
what is even wrong with hallways

because it has none of those things


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To busy roaming about on the second floor catching idiots trying to get penetration kills

No, it's called patience, and it's a virtue.

What site would you pick?
Tell me your basic strategy for this map.

Imagine being this delusional

Its gay.

>aim literally perfectly

Oh, it's this fag posting his shit thread again. Siege is okay, but your BABBYSFIRSTFPS isn't anything special, fucking zoomer.

it is literally how the gameplays, every engagement in the game takes place in a hallway, if you don't have your gun up you lose, there is no creativity in positioning in the entire game, you are funneled through hallways

There's a reason why CS still has bigger player base and way better esport scene

the auto ban has been removed for a while now

You have to learn too much shit to even start playing
there is no skill in learning all the maps all the bombs locations all peeks all cameras etc

Get fucked, nerd.

every engagement in the entire game takes place in a small room or a hallway, elaborate on the gunskill needed to win gunfights in hallways or within 2 meters from someone

Next update so not long left

yeah because it's a F2P for poor 3rd world casuals

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>zoomers are actually braindead trash, that are stimulated by a lack of stimulus because their iqs are so low
Sounds like you just use them as a scapegoat for literally anything and everything you don't like without stopping to consider the contradictions in your beliefs. You've constructed a perfect villain in your head who embodies all extremes at the same time without any of them conflicting or influencing each-other, no matter how hard these extremes clash in reality.

>Big esport scene
Literally the worst fucking part

>>Big esport scene
fucking lmao

even OW has a better esports scene

if you don't have everything at the start of the online game (except cosmetics) it's p2w for me
even if you can earn all that ''just'' by playing 100 hours
that's why fighting games are the way to go


Meanwhile you are still waiting for that "shooter that takes skill". Sounds like its gonna be a while.

It must be a meme, a siege tournament the other day had fewer viewers across youtube and twitch than pasha biceps had just streaming esea pugs of csgo

>faggot ass loser does a research to try and explain the fact that he sucks
This is why CS is the best and will always be.

This is such a problem for me. $60 gets you a version of the game where you still have to grind out enough ingame currency to unlock a fuckton of new, very strong characters. Totally asinine.

average engagement range is 10 m
also you can find 2 m engagements in literally every FPS game. are ALL FPSs unskilled now?
>elaborate on the gunskill needed to win gunfights in hallways or within 2 meters from someone
you need to hit the enemy in the right places faster than he can
EXACTLY like every other FPS

>Honestly thinks anyone gives a fuck if girls play it

You've been in the echo chamber too long

Has it been confirmed if the Mexican op is male or female yet?

>denies facts
>i-i-i-it's your fault cs punishes good aim!!
delusional gotards everyone

I want to go through Rainbow Six Vegas first

Because it's a F2P front for lootbox gambling for brazilians and russians who can't afford a proper game or proper gambling

Game peaked in Year 1, even with all the bugs, but they weren't nearly as game breaking as the bullshit bugs and ops we have now

OHK headshots for everything completely water down the games gunplay into prefiring and twitch spraying in the general direction of people

siege - the game where your kills and deaths are luck based

Don't most fighting games sell post-release characters as DLC tho? At least in Siege you can get shit with in-game currency, even if it takes you the rest of your life to get 2 characters

are you retarded?

t. shitter

It's easier to cheat in csgo

keep playing your sad rng based game retard

>headshots kill
>first aimed shot is always right where you aim
Acquire skill, perhaps

it aint punishing good aim, bitch.
All the pros are using aks to land perfectly accurate series of headshots at 50+ meters
It punishes low skilled zoomers like yourself that play overshit\siegeshit and other games without ballistics and then are unable to do anything in a proper shooter game.
Get good.

This game is not fun past 20 hours

prefiring walls to get kills isnt luck based? keep lying to yourself dumb retard

>siege peeked
yeah dude the game peaked before 60 hz servers, weapon misalignment fix, and before bans because some bugs popped up that got barred from being used
people ACTUALLY believe this

lol low diamond is bad i guess mb

you can still use them in practice mode most of the time except in Tekken 7
it's still the best form of online competition
just 1v1 no teammates and no bullshit just don't play vs people with bad internet and everytime you lose will always be your fault

Stopped playing seriously in wind bastion and stopped completely after burnt horizon. I strongly dislike the direction they took the game and I don't have fun in it anymore at all.

it is LITERALLY CODED INTO THE GAME that you can miss your shots even when aiming at the PERFECT pixel on the enemies head
the shooting mechanics are RNG, you literally cannot prove otherwise

Based and correct. Any disillusioned player with a brain became disillusioned because they realized that OHKO headshots trivializes the game's nuanced gunplay.

The game would be so much better if headshots just conferred a flat damage multiplier.

it's still P2W by your own metric

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The burden of proof is on you.
Present us with the code.

here's the proof

it is but it is also the best option we have for online competition at the moment

I play it with some friends every night. solid game if you ignore the greasy tryhards

No, faggot it only proves that you cant aim for shit and I am not going to watch your shitty video again.
Present us with the code.

*takes away any abiltiy for players to get kills without taking damage*
we did it, reddit! we upped the skill celling!

In pretty much every shooting game you can prefire and get a lucky kill.
That's not the point.
Pretty much every time prople in R6S would never shoot spray and pray just because keeping your posision hidden is a much more effective tactics.

I tried to get into and my first game was a bunch of try hards screaming at me for everything I did. When I pointed out that if they got matched with a new player they must not be very good anyways someone shot me. Needless to say I regret my purchase.

>continues to deny facts
this isn't helping your side, dude.
the guy is on target (as you can see in the video), in any other game, he wouldn't miss a single shot, 100% accuracy. however, he isn't getting 100% accuracy, even though he is clearly on target, because of the random spread, therefore the shooting mechanics in the game is RNG
he put out his evidence, refute it

CSGO is so fucking shitty and dated
no idea how the fuck anyone plays it still
my guess is that its just retards that grew up with it that cant let go of shitty meme games like that and TF2. Kind of fucking sad to watch something that was so important to them fade away

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>bought the starter edition because i'm a genius like that
>spend 200 hours unlocking ops
>finally got all the ops i want
>lose interest
Playing hell let loose and risk of rain 2 instead now.

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>perfectly accurate series of headshots at 50+ meters
I don't believe you.
I mean, the recoil does have a certain manageable pattern, that a person could master to some extent, but CS is famed for it's random spread.

>*takes away any abiltiy for players to get kills without taking damage*
t. unironically plays the game by prefiring corners and spraying near the head hoping for an instakill

Have you ever heard of the word "strategy"? Sometimes in games you need to employ a "strategy" to gain enough of an upper hand that you execute a perfect victory over an opponent WITHOUT relying on luck or your opponent just being bad.

>still not presenting the facts
This isn't helping your side, dude.
Code of GTFO.

Let me salt that wound.
About a year ago all the basic operators and weapon attachments became free. Even for a starter edidion.

here are the facts
the game is a result of the game's code. thus it is the game's code. kinda like DNA. we can tell one's genotype with their phenotype.
refute his evidence.

Nah the weirdest thing is, it's made up of a population of a lot of younger players who never touched a CS game or even Valve game before CSGO. I think it was all the tournaments and gambling sites being promoted by streamers and you tubers because that's how a guy I knew from high school got into the game and he was never into CS before then.

>dude random lmao
This is what zoomers actually believe.
Meanwhile there are thousands of videos of pros annihilating each other with perfectly accurate shots at any distance.

But cs is not going anywhere

so then the other anons were right
its just accessible to people who cant afford the game or the computer required to run it

>no idea how the fuck anyone plays it still
poor people

They added cvars that let you see the bullet bloom in game.

Attached: inaccuracy.png (565x404, 71K)

Think I had all the starter ops 2-3 years ago, grinding the dlc ops is a bitch.

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pick a bombsite and I will tell you which doorways to watch

what, you can't kill an enemy randomly prefiring around corners? what are you, a shitter?
maybe you should position yourself better. y'know, strategy. every hear of that?

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>Why arent you playing Rainbow 6 Siege?
Too many maps, too many operators. It's just too late to get into it.

Sjw faggotry

because unlocking operators is too long

the game takes no skill whatsoever, adsing doorway isn't skill, for fucks sake

>get team killed for picking someone else's main, when they don't even ask to play them

Bitch please, this kindergarten level of logic won't work here.
Equalising videogame's code with some dude shooting in his(your) lame as video is pure retardacy, and can be refuted by the same retardacy of posting ANY headshot compilation where people are getting their shots landed just fine.
Open up youtube, type in "CS headshot compilation" and start refuting every single video that pops up.
I'll wait for the results.

there are a few coming out next year for console, yes when the shooter takes more skill than ads at a hallway, then yes I will be satisfied, your recourse is to hope shit gets even more braindead somehow

battlefield should have been a competitive game long before aim at a door was a competitive game, it just shoes you that the masses gravitate towards things that require no brainpower

The proof is on you.
Post that "series of headshots at 50+ meters", please.

Yes and then on top of that I think some people believe they will be able to make money off the skins or something. I don't really know how that shit works but like I said a guy I know got pulled into it and he claims to have made a couple hundred in Steambux.

still waiting for the code.

As for me, it was about 3 months after I've got starter edition and worked my ass to unlock about half of it.

>get team killed for not picking Recruit and doing the epic 5 recruit meme

I'm not the code-user.

The gunplay sucks balls. Game's shit.

the behavior of the game is purely because of the code. if it happens in game, it is coded. if there's is RNG spread in game, RNG spread is coded. if it doesn't happen, it's not coded. RNG spread is, therefore it is coded.
i don't even need to open one up. all those headshots are luck, or the target is close enough that RNG spread (that is provably existent) didn't matter.
refute the evidence.

then do something else other than ADS a doorway
try pressing movement keys

>what is human factor - the post
Code or GTFO, lying cunt.

Casual play is for casual play, user.

you aren't rewarded for movement in seige

Slug shorguns are cool

the behavior of the game is purely because of the code. if it happens in game, it is coded. if there's is RNG spread in game, RNG spread is coded. if it doesn't happen, it's not coded. RNG spread is, therefore it is coded. there's your code.
the video maker eliminated the human factor by zooming in the camera so that he have his shots all on target.
refute the evidence.

Absolutely based

>Very high skill ceiling
absolutely not true, people will have an advante over you if they happen to have whats broken at the moment, its literal pay to win.
>Deep gameplay
maybe in the first seasons, it turned into a overwatch press Q to win because the abilities got even more retarded.
>Constant updates
This is not something good if it means ruining the gameplay and the feel of the game.
>Big playerbase
yeah maybe BRs.
>Big esport scene
Not necesarily good or positive, if anything it means more people will be a retarded meta faggot instead of actually having fun and playing by their own merits and strategies.
Why arent you playing Rainbow 6 Siege?
Because its garbage and not worth the money at all. Also being a paid game, its pretty pay to win.

Dude, fucking roaming is a fucking meta, for fuck's sake. Not to mention how attacking works.

Yes you are. You become a harder target to hit and it is incredibly difficult to prefire you.

>there's your code
>posts no code

>human pressing buttons
>eliminated the human factor

Watch out guys, master of logic here.
Present us with the code, or fuck off.

>whats broken at the moment
There has not been a broken thing since Lion.
Well, there actually was a thing with shields and mines, but it lasted for about a week at most.

the RNG spread is proven to exist. therefore the shooting is RNG. if the RNG spread wasn't coded in the game, it wouldn't exist. therefore the RNG spread is coded into the game.
keep trying to deny facts, it only helps my side of the arguement.

>the RNG spread is proven to exist.

>No, faggot it only proves that you cant aim for shit and I am not going to watch your shitty video again.

>series of headshots at 50+ meters
We are all waiting, user.

roaming, sitting in a corner and watching a doorway, wow, great roaming, the maps aren't designed to allow any creativity in movement, the consist entirely of hallways and small rooms

you can't find a single shot in the video in which he wasn't aiming on target.
refute the evidence.

>>Very high skill ceiling
because anyone above gold is hacking and ddosing servers and ubi doesn't give a shit.

>Open up youtube, type in "CS headshot compilation" and start refuting every single video that pops up.

moving in and out of a doorway is asking to get headshotted, because someone is likely watching that doorway from a headglitch

yeah bro Overwatch is peak.

roaming necessitates movement, dude. if you're not moving, you're not roaming

you can't find a single shot in the video in which you didn't suck.
refute this evidence.

Cos it's not 2013 anymore and shooting games are for retards.

Attached: Delete_dis.jpg (1079x1158, 151K)

unironically overwatch takes more skill than seige even though it has the opposite problem

all those headshots are luck, or the target is close enough that RNG spread (that is provably existent) didn't matter.
refute the evidence.
or you can just start having a tantrum and namecalling. i guess that works to.

>watch a doorway
>maverick makes a hole in a wall and headshots you
>sledge breaks the roof and sits on your face
etc etc

I never play ranked mode in competitive games and I dont get these kind of retards in other games

but there was just a massive ban wave for people ddosing.

roaming means you're sitting somewhere outside the bombsite watching a doorway, it doesn't literally mean you are running around the map

Are you really doubling down on being an idiot?
Because that's not what roaming is.
Furthermore, every map has a great vertical design with a shittone of breakable surfaces.

>original character
>can long range heal someone 30HP, or one whole bullet's worth of damage
>can get people up from long range but that requires line of sight and for the enemy to make the bizarre decision to not just shoot you dead and let you crawl away
>also the amount of times people get knocked down instead of killed instantly is laughable even if you bring rook for extra armour
>you get 3 whole darts or not-enough-to-fully-heal-one-person AKA a whole fuck load of nothing
>new character
>free 20 (temp) HP for everyone no matter where they are
>and revive them
>3 times a match
>complete with
>reduced ADS recoil
>increased reload speed
>increased movement speed in barbed wire
>stun effectiveness slashed in half by 50%
>concussion effectiveness reduced by 70%
Piss off, I don't want a game I have to re-buy every 6 months just to be able to play at a competitive level. Stop supporting Ubishit's jewish as fuck practices, you retarded faggots.

It quite literally does.

Operation Health.
operators after japs are all terrible and unfun to play against except shorts dad
also fuck ubi for changing "report suspicious behavior" to "report toxic behavior"

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you watch one thing while your team mates watch other things, the point still stands seige is literally entirely about adsing doorways

roaming is about doing hit and run (a form of movement) tactics and trying to get behind the enemy (which requires movement)

you mean dota2. and sc2. and CSGO. you know, real competitive games.

>very high skill ceiling
Bullshit give me easy kill or annoy him operators.
broken perspective viewing e.g POV pixel peaking.
>deep gameplay
reinforce walls, destroy walls/floors, bullshit operator skills, droning
>constant updates
No clash or claymore for like 2 months, operation health, glitches stay ingame until season reinforcement or next season
>big playerbase
yeah because the game is like 15 dollars everytime during free weekends, and i bought it for 20 usd when i was in vacation in russia it netted me r6+year 1 pass i joined during operation skull rain
>big esport scene
literally a meme excuse also everyone complains about it behind ubisoft, also dogshit tickrate or it's hitreg, also who thought using a single player engine for a competitive multiplayer was a good idea anyway? the cracks starting to appear more and more after each season ubisoft can't apply their bandaid forever to that trash anvil engine

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you're fault for not being able to kill them first. if you can see their head (which if they can shoot you, you can see their head) you can kill them.
git gud.

quite literally doesn't roaming just means playing outside the bombsite, I've watched enough pro league to know that, it doesn't literally mean running around the map

It works this way:
>a party is gathered
>yo, let's get it
>no, wait, let's warm up in casual play
>lmao, I'm doing a rookie meme then
>fine, good for me

>all those misses are human factor, and there is no such thing as RNG spread (that is provably non-existent)
refute the evidence.
>or you can just start having a tantrum and namecalling. i guess that works to.
I am simply calling out an obvious liar on your bullshit.
And still waiting for that particular piece of code that creates this mythical RNG spread.

roaming is sneaking up behind, getting a kill and running away to do it again from a different angle.

>I've watched enough pro league to know that

but for the majority of that time you will be adsing a doorway, the only time you will move is when the bomb is going down, where you will be forced to run through doorways

siege has a pretty large peekers advantage, you can go around a corner and get the first shot every time because the guy sitting still will see you later than you see him.

No that was for people lagging the servers spamming &&&&&&&&&&&&&& in chat.

he aims on target for all of his shots. the only way he can miss is if there were an RNG spread that makes bullets miss. he miss, despite being on target, therefore there is an RNG spread.
refute or forfiet.

nothing is my fault I choose not to participate in games that take no skill

refusal to accept responsibility. a common trait of the gotard.

I just told you why it isn't. How do you have 5 people watch every single wall in every single direction at once? You don't, you have to get intel and have a roamer shut them down. There are too many ways of breaching a site for 5 people to sit on the bomb site holding angles, there are ops that can kill an entire team doing that without ever putting themselves in danger.

nice rebuttal

I've actually learned what "roaming" is by watching the pros play, and it means camping in a room waiting for them to plant, and once they plant you finally move to help at the bombsite

>>Deep gameplay
complexity =! good
>he thinks Siege is deep

I choose not to participate in games with a low skill ceiling, that way I can laugh at idiots like you

>high skill ceiling
not really, it has an initial curve of sucking ass to knowing how the game works, then watching a (((pro-league))) match, realizing the game doesn't change much on higher level play, and you buy arma 3 for something tougher.

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I'm just laughing because you've watched something but understood nothing.

>a roamer waiting for the enemy team to take the site so that he can attempt to 1v5 retake
yeah okay

the entire gameplay loop of seige is watching a doorway, in a small room or hallway, just because there are multiple doors doesn't make this untrue

"I can laugh at idiots like you" the gotard types. seething. teeth bared. breathing heavily. brows furrowed.

>you failed to aim on target for all of your shots. the only way you can hit is by playing a shitty zoomer game with no ballistics or physics in it. You miss, because you suck ass and there is absolutely no RNG spread in this game.

To prove otherwise, corroborate your statement with the piece of code responsible for RNG spread or forfeit the argument entirely and forever be known as a lying cunt that tries to make an argument out of ignorance and fails miserably.
Last chance.

If you do this you'll lose. The game is tailored to the aggressive side having an advantage. Sitting still on site is low bronze shit.

>All five people covering angles on site
>Fuze drops a bomb and kills everyone


All games with guns are about covering attack angles you fucking dipshit. What the fuck do you think people are doing in csgo on dust?


uh I understood it perfectly well, the roamed hides in a room, until he can attempt to get behind the enemy team when they plant

roaming doesn't literally mean intensive movement, it's usually sitting in a corner watching a doorway just like the rest of the game is

>This post is advertising or begging.
Fuck off ubishill.

Because it's boring as fuck.

yea the roamer usually comes out of hiding when he can get a flank on the attackers, nice made up scenario which in no way addressed my point by the way

why is this thread nothing but circular arguments where everyone just ignores what the other said
did i step into the fucking bizarro dimension or are you people actually this retarded

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>made up scenario
You said he comes out after they plant. You are the one that made the scenario up, not me.

you watch too much anime faggot, good thing you'll never have skill in a video game

It's repetitive and gets boring really fast... Scout with drone, run around a bit, scout with drone, abuse some shitty wall for ez headshots, repeat

Because Yea Forums loves trying to argue about games they never played and know very little about. Making it circular arguments and just repeating what you said over and over means they don't have to stop arguing, ever.

Do you know how many times I win games because their caveira is upstairs doing exactly that? So we steamroll the firefight 4v5 then she rushes downstairs after we plant cause she was off site masturbating only to get shredded the second she steps down a staircase.

Roaming is not hanging out waiting for the plant you copper retard

but i do, I just havent finished my placements yet this season because i was taking a break for the cheaters to fuck off

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>the only way you can hit is by playing a shitty zoomer game with no ballistics or physics in it
csgo doesn't ballistics or physics in it either. not sure how this applies.
unless you can find a shot in the video where he wasn't aiming on target when he fired, his shots were on target, and only a RNG spread could cause the weapon to miss. his weapon misses from time to time, therefore there is RNG spread. if something is in the game, then it must be coded in the game. otherwise, it wouldn't happen. RNG spread exists in the game, therefore it is coded in the game. otherwise, RNG spread wouldn't exist.
you have not refuted any evidence, and have even resorted to ad hominid. you forfeit the argument and have lost. and the people who have witness have come to the same conclusion.

the angles and aiming as well as movement are more complex in counterstrike, there is room for movement to shine

every gunfight in seige literally takes place in flat hallways or small rooms with about 1/10 the aiming and movement skill required

I tried to enjoy it, but playing this late in the game's lifespan is impossible. Playing with veterans is like trying to face off against super humans.

>Veteran who can hold an angle in a way where only one pixel of their body is showing
>Veterans that know exactly every single wall they can shoot through, the exact millisecond a team will pass by that wall
>Every new operator gets an even more obnoxious tool that slows down gameplay with constant traps, snares, blinds, poisons
>Over time its become less about tacticals and prowess and more about team composition like a moba

"you watch too much anime faggot, good thing you'll never have skill in a video game" he types. as tears begin the pour from his eyes. upset as he was proven to be a bad player on a mongolian finger painting fourm.

>roaming doesn't literally mean intensive movement
lmaoing @ your life

it's not
this is me

when they plant means when they are about to plant and securing the site, not when the bomb is literally going down

seige simply takes less movement skill than any shooter on the market now, it's ok to be casual trash, just accept that your ads at a hallway game doesn't take skill

>>Every new operator gets an even more obnoxious tool that slows down gameplay with constant traps, snares, blinds, poisons
People buying this years season pass would have a word with you. There has only been one good op, the two newest ones are some of the worst ops in the whole game.

if you think seige is intensive movement in a shooter, you haven't played enough fps games to know what movement is

Right because that hallway leading to b is so wide and there are so many more options to move around, like forward or back. And I can give you aiming being harder in CS because where bullets go is random so you really gotta work for it

>It's a great game that is held back by ubisoft's insistence on being fucking incompetent.
So much this

>they are about to plant
so at least half of your team are dead, and they failed at aiming down sights down a doorway. And this is when you decide to stop being afk.


I used to play it when they wanted to make a tactical FPS but stopped a few years ago when they began turning it into Call of Overwatch

>csgo doesn't ballistics or physics in it either. not sure how this applies.
And another baseless statement right out of your gaping asshole.

Let it be known that from this day onwards your name is a lying and pathetic cunt, that tries to appeal to popular support that it doesn't have.

>spending money on the game after buying the game


the thing that would stop you is someone adsing the door you want to run through

Not only that, they do it without knowing what they're going to get, that is the worst part.


>someone plays ash
Your tactic is countered.

that's what I see in pro league matches

you just pretended that the enemies getting the plant down means your team is all dead but that isn't true due to smoke grenades and such

CS has always been and still is hitscan, tho. There aren't any ballistic physics.

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He's right though, CSGO doesn't have that

You can't argue that people sit on sight holding doorways, but at the same time no one dies before the enemy team gets on site.

If a team lets the other team get a site for free then they are not a very good team. Proleague is on right now, you can go watch if you'd like.


I've watched plenty of pro league matches

your point is essentially one team wins and one team loses, ok, and

Hitscan is a model of ballistics.

>I've watched plenty of pro league matches

Buddy, this is not something to be proud of

It's a great game held back by incompetent developers and a community content with consistent mediocre new content updates

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Then Siege has ballistics too. It's also hitscan.

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not really most of the time I got shot in the back because my teammates failed to use the best strategy which is watching a doorway

if you get 5 people with the patience to watch a doorway this isn't an issue

started out a bronze shitter. decided i wanted to get platinum. spent 4 months chasing it, got it, then i kinda lost interest. game is fun it is just hard to dedicate time to when there are a ton of other fun multiplayer games out there to play

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You clearly have not. The kind of game you're describing is newcomer queue shit.

Only if you could kill all the underage players, its community would improve drastically.

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And another baseless statement right out of your gaping asshole.
Let it be known that from this day onwards your name is a lying and pathetic cunt, that tries to appeal to popular support that it doesn't have.

ok, and, am I not allowed to watch competitive matches to understand the game

way better than playing the piece of shit

You LITERALLY get the opportunity to shoot first EVERY time you peek because you will see them before your model is in their vision. It's not always a positive thing, but it's in there. It's like lag, you get hit before you even see them and then you see the kill cam and they had plenty of time.

Valve hasn't changed it in the 4 years since. I think they may have *slightly* improved it. But the first shot inaccuracy is still there

nope if I watched pro league right now I'd see the same shit

the same setups of watching doorways for each site

Holy shit, you watch pro matches without even playing the game and you think you know what you're talking about.... what in the fuck

>Why arent you playing Rainbow 6 Siege?
>made by Ubisoft
That's why.

ok and you take a different angle after they peak, the game still revolves around watching doorways

Go ahead and watch it right now and see if you're right.

I played for a bit, then watched pro league for a bit

mostly to see how new operators change the game

yea big shocker, I choose not to play games that require no skill

>ok and you take a different angle after they peak
What? You're fucking dead. When they peek they shoot you and you die.

I've watched a game within the last week it's still a boring piece of shit where you watch doorways for 1 minute 30 seconds every round

I'm so sorry your first fps doesn't take a lot of skill, I know it's heartbreaking

Ok kid.

that's assuming they know where you are and full commit, if they don't know exactly where you are then you win

ok little bud

Not really. Especially as someone like Ash who has a really slim hitbox. There is a reason everyone in high rank shits on ash players, because they just run around like headless chickens winning duels.

You're a fucking idiot

k bro keep watching that doorway, high level tactician right here folks


>F2P bad
Jewed beyond chance of salvation, continue spitting out sheekels like good goyim

1 lootcrate has been added to your account! Please spend $2.49 plus tip to open!

Keep watching and talking about games you don't play, you middle aged fucking friendless boring piece of shit

Played it for like 15 hours and it was one of the worst online experience I ever had. Thank god I got it for like 5 bucks. At least the porn is good if anything.

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CSGO is the better game just because of the simplicity. 5v5 with guns, smokes, flashes, grenades, and incendiaries. I don't care to learn what 50 operators can do so I can avoid their wallhack ability or invincible shield or rocket launcher or whatever the fuck.

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You don't care to learn the operators but you care to learn each individual spray pattern because of muh skill? Ok faggot

Nigger this game has some of the worst porn out there

I've played the game, but no longer do because it's a piece of shit that takes no skill

>pirate pic
>no need for another multiplayer FPS, ever
Thanks CS 1.6!

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It's an equal playing field vs. gimmicks. Prove me wrong.

csgo is unironically more complex because your aim and movement actually matter and you aren't restricted by map design

How does your aim matter when where your bullets go is random?

lmao what cs is way more restrictive with 3 lane maps with zero destruction or verticality

better than fighting in a hallway with 1 shots, the bullets aren't entirely random

i cant say fuck you, so fuck you

2 meters above someone, isn't exactly verticality that showcases movement or aim

nice hyperbole, even if it were true it'd still be better than cs's verticality

It started with shields being reverted to a buggy patch in preparation for a rework that never came. After that the "perspective" issue, then the Clash bug. Then the IQ bug. Then the Deployable Shield bug. Then they release new operators where the only new thing about them is character model and voice actors, everything from their gadget to their weapons recycled from year 1 operators. I've been following Siege on Twitter and it seems like they've released 5 patches now to "fix" Clash and IQ so they can re-enable them and every time it doesn't actually fix anything. I stopped following updates after that.

Games broken. I love it and I'm dying to play it but it's broken.

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not him but
>watch door
>shield peeks you
>no longer can watch door
there you go, your argument is fucking useless now,
>watch door
>buck rips the floor under you
>watch door
>get grenaded

cope and git gud BOOMER

no it simply doesn't have the variety of sightlines Csgo has, with differences in verticality, almost every gunfight in r6s will take place in a hallway or small room on equal ground

watch door, shield peeks you, continue watching door for when teammates will come behind him

watch door, buck takes out the floor, move about 5 steps in any direction and continue watching door

you will rarely and almost never die from grenades in seige shit point

what about the rappelling mechanic

Been interested to try it out but it’s fucking daunting. I don’t know where to start on the count that there’s like a million different editions.

We’re like 6 weeks if you look at the general time all other season 3’s were released

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lmao CS pales in comparison with the amount of sight lines compared to siege. not including the fact that you can blow open new sightlines through walls and floors (not from just one floor to another. *through* the fuckin floor)

most rappelling sightlines are still on even ground as you rappel to look through a window and shoot people on the same level as you

Haven't played Cs:go to compare but in the context of siege there is plenty of vertical combat. Stairs are a popular choke point and are almost always close to point, and second floor windows are usually occupied by peekers shooting at ground level. And many attackers like to approach through ceiling hatches. It's not all hallways and bombsites user.

It's not Rainbow Six

the sightlines you can blow through still don't have the verticality or variety that csgo have as you are entirely restricted to claustrophobic hallways, usually on even ground

same here, also million steel donut operators didn't help the cause

>teammate flanks him
yeah because the shield doesn't have team mates either? Or nomad? Or claymores? Or drones?
>move 5 steps in any direction
if he bucks the floor out from under you, you'll probably fucking die, and it's not about killing you, its about digging you out, you have to stop watching it if you're being harassed from under or you die
>Rarely die from grenades
T.never played a game at high plat/ diamond in his life

the stairs in csgo usually have more room to manuver, and don't have a cramped hallway at the top of them

We’re about 6 weeks away if you look at the general time all other season 3’s were released

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>the sightlines you can blow through still don't have the verticality or variety that csgo have
factually wrong. csgo has little, if anything, where you can defend a site on the bottom floor from the top floor of a 3 story building.

no I'm saying you continue watching the door even if a shield comes through because his teammates will come behind him

grenade kills are simply a rare occurrence in any level of the game

But if you're maneuvering your aim is all off, you have to sit perfectly still for your crosshairs to reset so your bullets don't go everywhere (it's still random but you get a smaller spread)

R6S reached a sweet spot and dived straight past it awhile ago. There was enough complexity and choice but global ops were fucking awful.
Wait for it to go on sale and get the normal edition. The starter edition is a fucking scam.

looking through the floor 2 meters above you is a more limited sightline, than any sightline on csgo maps

what's a better sightline, looking through a keyhole, or standing on a tower and seeing 360 degrees around you

this is why the sightlines are better in csgo, because they aren't entirely claustrophobic hallways

>Shield pushes you
>rotates cut by capitao
>now forced to 2v1 the shield and his rifler
>best case you can get is a trade
yeah bro that totally doesn't work at all, please tell me what your max rank was when you played, and give me an example of a PL game where people just stare at doors, I went to the paris major and have watched every PL game so i'll know it if you tell me.

still takes more skill than rainbow dicks

more like gaping hole that covers multiple critical positons/entries

why do you keep going to "muh hallways" as if CS's laned maps are just big hallways with an open skybox? we're talking about floors. floors. hallways. vertical. horizontal. different things.

It's literally an overwatch ASSFAGGOTS garbage. Fuck off retarded zoomer.

well since you know exactly where they are coming from you're going to trade or get at least 1, and your team can come in to help you

why do you need an ad homonim attack to feel good about yourself, I made it to Plat before I realized I didn't like boring slow-paced shooters where staring at doorways is the best strategy

and I've watched plenty of pro league as well

the game is entirely based on preaiming doorways

it's fun most of the time but also it is just rampant with cheaters, almost as bad as GTA. If you're sitting still watching a doorway the whole match, I'm the guy that keeps killing you retard, because experience has taught me that some shitter will always try to hide in the most obvious corners.

really? shooting stationary at targets who have to also be stationary to shoot back is more skillful than moving players?

nice buzzwords

multiple entries within 2 meters, not exactly an expansive sightline is it

I used to but the matchmaking kept setting me up against very high leveled players in proportion to my team and i kept getting my brains stopped in, so i quit

based on the map design yes

>entire 3 story buildings are 2 m high
gotard logic

The grinding wouldn't be so bad if you could decline your alpha packs for straight renown. From dailies alone you can make 450 renown with almost no effort.
>play 1 terrorist hunt match with X faction
>spawn in, kill yourself
>150 renown
Do that every day for a few months and it'll start to stack up.

>stationary things are harder to hit than moving things because... uhhhh map design
not sure why i expected better from Yea Forums

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were talking about distance and being able to see the map beyond the hallway you are in, which seige doesn't allow you to do, you are forced into claustrophobic situations with limited sightlines in small rooms

>Deep gameplay
Also, worst gunplay ever, only call of duty and cs go have worse gunplay than this game.

because they are farther away on more varied terrain, compared to a small room with a doorway

>responds by deflecting
>still no examples provided
>reddit spacing
>blatantly ignores what i said
your team can't come to help you if they're burned and smoked off by capitao or held by a lion, if it's a map like border you can die from multiple entry point. You also can't just sit still when the roof is torn out above you, or you're yinged or you're smoked or maverick silently pokes a hole behind you. You don't understand how the game works, watching PL doesn't mean you know and neither does reaching plat 3.

you do not have sightlines 3 stories down that are meaningful in the meta, nor are they any more complex than looking through a keyhole

>swat-like gameplay
I always cringe when faggots say this. I don't want to chug along like there's heavy emphasis on the SPECIAL in special operations unit. Unnecessarily slow tactical shooters are dogshit games developed for 15 year olds wanting to larp.

uh I answered your questions, pretty basically they weren't that hard

so you're issue is that the game is close quarters? well i mean so is cs go. and siege isn't without long sight lines

where's my pro league example then faggot

a couple of hills and ramps is more varied than 3+ storied buildings?

the game being entirely close quarters with a lack of varied sightlines and positions dumb down the movement and aiming skill needed to succeed

the same way being in a phone booth limits someone good at throwing kicks

except there are. look at the new kafe. you can defend a crucial chokepoint into kitchen on the 1st floor from christmas tree on the 3rd floor by breaking christmas tree hatch and opening the floor in train.

of what, would probably take you 10 minutes of watching if you weren't so deluded

Can't call people niggers in chat

yea your effective engagements in that 3 story building are limited to hallways, and small rooms

except there's plenty of places to position yourself in a room to hold different angles and can blow open walls to create new angles, as can the enemy. not to mention using the 3 different stances compared to CS's 2 stances

get good internet retard

haven't watched new cafe beyond 1 round

oops you forgot to mention floors, walls, cellings and windows

because it's free and the biggest shooting esport for like 2 decades?

The game stopped being skill based when ubisoft decided it was a good idea to add 12 different flavors of wall hacking operators to the game.

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engagement distance doesn't matter, a window functions as a doorway

the floor below you allows you to see 2 meters below you and you have about 2 inches to peek through metal grates

there's like 4 total

Yeah but what about the trannies

>haha theres only like 4
Wow just enough to always have eyes on people defending? What a good idea, people surely don't pick these every fucking round and spam their stupid cellphone and drone and wallhack tracking bullshit

>engagement distance doesn't matter
average engagement range is 10 meters fyi

Engagement distance doesn't matter under 100 meters, The problem with this game is that the french leaves have never used a gun in their life, and all of them weapons have damage drop off after like 5 feet.

right 10 meters away looking at a doorway down a hallway

no nigga like 4 total on attack AND defense
pulse continues to be statistically one of the most balanced ops
lion got neutered hard
jackal is probably the only one who's been relatively unscathed. but that doesn't matter because he's getting banned all the time now

>attack and defense
pulse is the only one on defense and his ability is very worthless at this point, you fucking autistic silver 1. All the other wallhacker operators are on attack and people still frequently take more than one together one. Two the initial argument is that this is a skill based game which is not true when you have operators that can see others through walls in any aspect. You are a fucking shit zoomer who can't play fps games without knowing where people are through walls.

as if cs maps are literally just straight hallways with little to no change in verticality
>n-n-n-no they're not! there's verticality!
oh, i can shoot people through floors then and drop on a site from above then, right?

That's why I love being a High Sliver/Low Gold shitter. You get away with doing the most retarded shit but with a decent team working together team based tactics can get you tons of wins.

>pulse is the only one on defense and his ability is very worthless at this point
*wins the entire round single handily from below with a nitro cell*
*is one of the most picked ops at the highest level*
lion has lost a ton of popularity and jackal is getting banned pretty much all the time now which ubi is looking into.
>Two the initial argument is that this is a skill based game which is not true when you have operators that can see others through walls in any aspect.
"the game isn't skill based because of this arbitrary standard i made up!"
keep coping shitter.

theoretically you should be able to shoot through all walls just like in real life, depending on the caliber and velocity of said gun

>Pulse on the bottom floor
>Plant on a reinforced hatch
>Lay down and laugh as he can't do anything, tries to run around but times out

Lolo so op

the defense shouldn't have reinforced that hatch :^)

>movement sounds don't play half the time

>arbitrary standard
>literally wallhacking sanctioned by the shit developers

got bored of playing ubishit and thats my personal taste I don't have to justify that
>attackers aren't all counter-terrorists
>defenders aren't all terrorists
makes me feel like im playing overwatch or some trash, its dumb

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>zoomer's cs go but you can't spam NIGGER in chat without getting banned
instead, give 1 reason to play, kek

you're bullets will actually land where you aim unlike RNGgo

>laser accuracy
>in a game that's supposed to be "competitive"

>le random recoil xd meme

>random luck, punishing you for aiming on target
>in a game that's supposed to be "competitive"

Daily reminder that Jackal, Montagne, Blitz and clash are banned on ranked not because they're overpowered but because peoples are afraid to deal with them

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>high skill ceiling
>literally anyone can brap you dead because it's so low TTK

Oh I did for a long time and enjoyed it. But if you're getting on board now, you're in the middle of shitty cosmetics and powercreep with new operators that are overpowered copies of the initial ones
It had it's time imo

>have access to the same low TTK
>still can't win fights
what's wrong? bad at videogames?

>I should be able to spray a laser until my ammo runs out
Do you even guns?

CS maps aren't limited to hallways and small rooms, being able to peek from a hole in a wall above into a small room is still a more limited sightline than csgo has

>game designed by brainlets for brainlets

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and blow up every surface on the map with explosives and breaching charges

that would actually make the game take skill

>join game in progress
>before it even loads up im already getting voted to kick

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getting devastated first because they are already aiming at that corner and need to react considerably slower than you

>no one is able to control one (1) (un) (ein) bullet being fired ever. bullets do not come straight out of a gun, they shoot off at 30 degree angles.
Do you even guns?

>hey that Siedge game looks interesting
>let's check store page
>different editions, paywalled operators, season pass and loot boxes
Maybe it's a good game, but fuck you UBI, you greedy shits.

all cs maps are de facto literally just a bunch of hallways. what even is a "limited" sightline anyways?

But the first three bullets of almost all automatics barely have any deviation, and the first bullet has first shot accuracy. Are you telling me that's inaccurate?

the hallways on CS maps have more room to manuver than seige maps

and more varied cover things to jump on etc

even when standing completely still and having perfect aim, you'll still miss

>steam store dlc being removed for no reasons,
>weekly challenges charms and skins can be obtained during their weeks, if you miss it fuck you,
>even some legendaries from alpha packs are removed from the pool for no reasons,

i like how the devs are trying to compensate their stupid decisions by making the event skins worth 50 bucks in total which is an even more stupid decision. You just know they're pissed they can't make us pay for alpha packs with r6 currency.

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>lol look at this hitbox issue form 7 year old hitboxes
You know those have been fixed right?

siege has enough room to maneuver and plenty of cover to vault over/use/stand on tho

did you watch the video? it's showing where the bullets land, clearly missing the target. only it's because of RNG, not the player or hitbox.

I never payed a dollar for a single character and I have them all. It took a year (not in hours, more like 50 to 60) to get them for FREE.

Arguably when you're shooting at a pixel on your screen 40-50% accuracy isn't bad

but it should be 100% if you're on target

But that's just how the game is set up, you're actually only 50 yards away from them but the way FOV is set up it looks like you're 100+ yards away.

Here's somebody IRL doing roughly the same thing

distance shouldn't matter. unless you're making a mil sim, which cs go isn't, there shouldn't be a chance for you to randomly miss even if you're on target.

You can plant on pool tables and other shit people can't shoot through.

You're also 20% more accurate when crouching (which he didn't rest) so at this perceived 100+ yard distance hitting 60% of your shots (80% with M4) in an 8 inch area is pretty good and reaching the highest levels of human ability.

So back to the argument, you think having superhuman ability in a competitive game is fine, that's your opinion.

nigga, wildlands is better

all i'm saying is that if you're on target and you fire, standing or crouching, the shot should land. i don't care if there's some variation in real life. cs go isn't real life, it's not trying to simulate real life. it's a video game for the sake of competition, and non player controlled randomness should be kept to absolute minimum possible in competition.
imagine if in ape hoop, everytime you made a shot, there was a chance hoop would close up and deny a score. no matter how small that chance was, people would rightfully bemoan it.

t. someone who has never played this buggy piece of shit that is literally held together by spaghetti code. Even the devs admit it.
I'll rather play mil sims like Squad or ARMA3.

Only beta virgins give a shit about this game, when the CHADS wait for Ready or Not

>play good op
>fat lesbo gridcock literally eats all of your bullets
>twelve year olds in you to partys
>alpha packs cut your balls off

God game 10/10

This is the Swat 4 sequel I've always wanted. Too bad it won't release till sometime next year.

>it's not trying to simulate real life
With that logic Siege isn't trying to simulate anything because there's no numbers involved in bullet trajectory. It's just barebones hitscan

Yeah, it's not. We've know that for a while now. Your point?
Authenticity to real life isn't a positive or worthwhile goal 100% of the time. There's plenty of good games out there being realisitic, that's fine. CS and Siege just aren't one of them.

R6S is a simulation. Like in the actual game.

I mean if you're bragging about being able to sprint through a house with 100% pinpoint accuracy you're barking up the wrong tree comparing it to csgo

Not a very ACCURATE simulation

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An 8 inch group at 100 yards isn't even marksman tier in the military.


Maverick's gadget spoils the game

You can't run and shoot in siege? Did they not show that on all the pro streams you watched since you've obviously never played the fucking game you cockmongler

What would make it a 10/10 in your opinion?

(everyone is encouraged to reply, even those who don't think it is 9/10)

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you cant run outside because you will show up on minimap

Why not compare it to CS? They're both competitive team based 5v5 objective shooters with no respawns.
The issue with CSGO is that you don't have 100% STANDING STILL for weapons beyond certain ranges when there's no reason there should be because it's not trying to simulate real life or trying to be authetic to firearms irl.

oh sorry, taking bigboy steps down a hallway and hip firing, you happy?

>Very high skill ceiling

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Shitty sound design, bad hit reg, team can't balance ops, still haven't gotten a refund for my attachments and discounted ops, some truly terrible maps that are in ranked. Lots of reasons bro

Because CSGO has systems in place to specifically stop the type of play you see in siege.
>The issue with CSGO is that you don't have 100% STANDING STILL for weapons
Show me one map on siege that's got a high traffic corridor that's 100 yards long

The military course of fire for qualifying includes switching hands while firing (pistols and rifles. Obviously not getting 8 inch groups at 100 yards with a pistol), so yes? You aren't even decent till a

You can't hit shit while hipfiring though?


Fun but esports ruined solo queue.

better map design, maybe no one shot

>you aren't even decent till a

And with iron sights?

What's wrong with the type of play you see in Siege? Moving and shooting? What's the issue with that?
I don't mind that CS wants you to shoot stationary. It's just that you don't have 100% precision when firing standing still. At certain ranges it's an actual coin toss whether you actually hit the target you're aiming at and only gets worse as the distance increases.
>Show me one map on siege that's got a high traffic corridor that's 100 yards long
Why would this matter?

i find the defender gameplay incredibly boring

Sling and iron sights. The fucking target itself is smaller than 8 inches, and you basically need to land I think it was 30 of 40 shots

I tried the Free Weekend or whatever it was a while back, and honestly? It sucks. Raven Shield was the peak of this series and it's been downhill ever since. From what I played, it's literally a 2 minute rush fest where there's no real tactics or planning. And having 'hero' type characters is retarded. It did seem like there was a few good ideas though. Oh well.

>break pixel wide hole in wall
>peek through the whole game
>aimlessly spray through the wall when someone walks by
>confirmed kill 100% of the time

this game is beyond fucking boring
also there is not a very high skill ceiling at all. good aim + camping in corners is not very hard to perform at all

but lets not forget
>retarded looking characters
>pay 2 win
>grind 100 hours to unlock an asain guy who wears shorts
>get banned for hurting a transgender communist's feelings

i have like almost 200 hours and i had more fun making fun of fags in game than i did actually playing / taking the game seriously

4-5 moa is exceptional shooting offhand, competition worthy. And they only train offhand at 100 yards, for the rest of the targets you can crouch and prone. It's not a big achievement to get the marksman badge, something like 90% of people get it.

it's comfier than the paranoiafest that is attacking

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>20-inch-by-30-inch target from 100 yards
What's your sauce on the 8 inch target?

>break pixel wide hole in wall
>get prefired and domed by some guy who droned

Boring game that lost its only appeal a year ago

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>shitters in this thread who've never been past bronze complain that all you do is sit in a corner/watch a doorway
come back when you go against a defensive setup that had anyone playing lurk/roam

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The navy range I shot at had simulated ranges, so a small ass target closer since we were broke as fuck. Simulated 300 yard shot by having you shoot at a small target 100 yards away. No idea how big it actually is.

mad that your shit game takes no skill to play

pro league ruleset/maps in ranked
current ranked ruleset/maps in casual
recruit buffed with 2 rein and attachments
a separate solo queue
a replay system
lots of bug fixes and better sound
ash getting her acog back
a dm gamemode or improved thunt for practice

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t. copper mad when he got prefired by someone who droned him out and didn't try to reposition

>It's not a big achieve
Exactly. The vast majority of highschool dropout dipshits in the military as cooks and motor pool can shoot better than black ops counter terrorist units

I just looked it up and the standing shots are from a standing braced position with optics with as many shots as it takes to take them down. Are you guys pulling my chain, that's nothing like what you described. Any dickhole can shoot 3 moa standing supported with optics

>learn every inch of map like an autismo
>aim at head real quick
Woah truly a deep game.

>camp in corner
>drone catches you
>move to a different corner

Wow that was some complex gameplay with a high skill gap!

>gets droned out
(You): Easy, I'll just move to another corner
>get domed by the enemy setting up a ping

Attached: laughing chinese.jpg (271x400, 34K)

Maybe it's optics now, I've been out for almost ten years. I was on iron sights with m16a1s though.


It also not forcing you to play as terrorist. 10/10

also featuring best girl

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except you miss the part where my team won the round bc we all camped in the correct corner

Wow, sitting in corners seems like a fool-proof strategy! Surely all the top players are doing tha- Oh, nevermind.

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only thing I would add is if someone is aimbotting you are basically fucked

have they even fixed the laundry machine oregon bug yet? its been like a billion years and the same dumb bugs are still here

fixed ages ago

probably a much smaller and more focused roster of characters, remove 90% of wall bangs since they are mainly used by cheaters

ur a liar because it happened to me last game

after 2k hours and as a ex semi pro i can safely say this
dont buy this game
dont play this game
garbage devs
garbage game

Sounds about right, apparently you only need to shoot 8 MOA from a braced position to qualify

CSGO and Overwatch retards could learn a lot from this man


And you only need 57% accuracy

Everyone has too much ammo. Give everyone 2 full reloads tops. After that either use a pistol or pick up a gun.

It's because they're all CoD kiddies and mag dump

And that's still better than a counterstrike operator

Ubishit turned the slow paced, hardcore, realistic Rainbow Six into Overwatch garbage with heroes and stupid abilities. i prefer Raven Shield

You can qualify by only shooting the 50 yard targets and missing everything else. 8 MOA with 57% accuracy is not better than a counterstrike operator.

The point of cs is to learn the spray patterns and get comfortable with moving your crosshair along with it. Which is 100x more entertaining mechanic than camping in a corner peeping through a glory hole in the gay bar bathroom

>casualised operators for mainstream and MOBA audience
>unrealistic abilities and weapons
>you can only fight other special forces in PVP no terrorists
>playerbase full of annoying zoomer tryhards that get an aneurism everytime they loose a round
>instead of fixing/balancing operators they add new ones every few months

>the boomer (pretending to be a zoomer) who still plays esports trash games

Attached: 1562838384018.png (1000x432, 165K)

>The point of cs is to learn the spray patterns and get comfortable with moving your crosshair along with it
A lost cause when the game still decides you miss even though you stand completely still and aim perfectly on target
>camping in a corner peeping through a glory hole in the gay bar bathroom
Good thing you don't do that in Siege because you might as well just directly ask the enemy to come to you can blow your brains out

>strafes and prefires through a wall with 100% accuracy
Nothing personnel kiddo

Exactly. If you sit stationary looking through a hole you'll get your brains blown out.

I thought it was about watching the RPG mechanics tell you if your hits were actually misses and pretending that when the dice roll in your favor that it was all skill. After all, there's a reason the game blew up in popularity in the first place, it crushed the skill ceiling down the point where any chucklefuck could break even.

Attached: f0rest.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Fucking this

Attached: shook chirico.png (500x357, 141K)

>A lost cause when the game still decides you miss even though you stand completely still and aim perfectly on target

the bullets arent supposed to go to the center of the crosshair dumbfuck they have a pattern that you are supposed to learn.

RNG was a mistake
Unironically bring back CS1.6 or sources shooting

Attached: 776px-Horsecock_crossed.jpg (776x600, 101K)

>closed alpha

Wow, even the first shot? Sounds like anti-fun bullshit that shouldn't be in the game

>unironically overwatch takes more skill
unironically your opinion is garbage.

Attached: 7c56436f1883a6d8cb4f93df83925eb149262836d9c3bda59c522ce24b063f47.jpg (600x753, 92K)

Uh oh, somebody posted a bug that's been fixed


Attached: DxEEsHqUYAMBHpw.jpg (208x326, 10K)

1.6 had more RNG and a lower skill cap as a result. Instead of having just random spread like CSGO (static recoil patterns), 1.6 added more randomness to the mix by have SEVERAL recoil patterns on each weapon that would be chosen at random after you started to fire. Truth is, the entire series is casual bullshit, but 1.6 was by far the worst offender.

Attached: ak47 recoil.jpg (1600x600, 197K)

no retard you have first shot accuracy but then you have to move your mouse according to the pattern.

>something that's not intended isn't a bug

>you have first shot accuracy
Nope youtube.com/watch?v=v0rlCJ047Ds

Uh oh, didn't know we were starting!

Attached: valvedronebingo.png (1500x1941, 178K)

First shot accuracy is a myth. See 2019 and these kids who have spend thousands of hours in this garbage game still don't know anything about it lmao


It's close either way

Isn't it 100% accuracy if the first two bullets are always within the head hitbox?

>still posting old models
You're not even worth the replies at this point

Immediately kill any fun gameplay the moment you run into them.
>Spawn peeks
Lol you died in 2 seconds of spawning, isn't that hilarious. HARDCORE SKILL games like siege means you have to be aiming at the doorway the moment you spawn.
>Bullet reg
Turned to complete crap recently.
Which by itself is normal, but for a game that relies on quick headshots, it means you get fucked over extremely easily.
>Anti-fun Gadgets
lesion is fucking cancer, not even OP, just fucking cancer. Same with shit like gridlock, echo, ela, zofia, etc. Just shitty ops to play against.

>it's close
>8 moa
Are you retarded?


Attached: file.png (203x59, 5K)

it was, two years ago

>>maverick makes a hole in a wall and headshots you
You can hear him you dipshit, buy better headphones
>>sledge breaks the roof and sits on your face
And you can fire his feet instantly

Fuking bronze

no I have less than 150 hours in cs go but I know more than the faggot with literal 0 hours who doesn't know what hes talking about

depends on the distance the further away the more likely the spread will cause you to miss

going out
>Shields and enemies watching common spawn peak points via drone and attackers having acog scopes
going inside
>TRAPS TRAPS TRAPS also roamers covering entrances or stalking players
legit you are a retard that hasnt even played the game

was platinum with like a day of gameplay, keep preaiming that door, show us how skilled you are

Oh it's because he jumped, it takes two seconds for your accuracy to recover after you jump.

>5 year old video that doesn't hold up to the current game

kill yourself seething rainbow fanboy

yeah they suck
>Spawn peeks
>HARDCORE SKILL games like siege means you have to be aiming at the doorway the moment you spawn.
This but unironically. It's not the game's fault you aren't making yourself ready.
>Bullet reg
>Turned to complete crap recently.
webm or gtfo.

it literally does, rainbow six seige requires no aiming and movement skill, even though overwatch is pure trash it still takes more skill than seige

Sure you were, kid. And I'm the King of Saudi Arabia.

>get shot while approaching a building full of people with guns

Not a very competitive game if one side clearly has the advantage

>rainbow six seige requires no aiming and movement skill
Wow, I didn't know I could shoot off in random directions and the bullets would magnetize to the heads of enemies behind me. Is there a setting for this?

The other team just needs to run outside and spray in your general direction.
Meanwhile if you start spraying you shoot your retarded teammates in the back of the head.

And that's all you have to do when defending, because you have the angle and the advantage every single time. As an attacker you just have to prefire and hope they were there.

Its a mechanic that easily kills the fun of the game. Its one thing if you do something thats absolutely retarded, like rushing mid against awpers in CS. Its another if all you did was literally take 2 steps and aim at the wrong window. And now you sit for 3 minutes because you team is going to be slow as fuck and wait until literally the last second to push.

just because you need a low skill game to prop up your lack of skill, has no bearing in the fact that if I gave a shit about this slow boring piece of shit I'd easily be diamond, I just have no desire to play something so boring

>prefire window

They don't have an advantage tho lol you can just shoot their head

Have you seen csgo operators?

Attached: 143225313461.gif (636x329, 2.32M)

>Prefire window
>They see you before you see them
>They know exactly where you spawn and you have to guess which of the 10 windows they're peeking from
>They can just rush out and kill you
Siegefags are just as retarded as CSfags.
Is it just FPS players in general that are completely braindead?

just hold your shooting button on your respective platform and the recoil will get you a 1 shot headshot

I'm sure if you say it enough times people will believe you lol.

>Yea Forums thinks spawnpeeking is uncounterable
lmao I knew this board was full of literal coppers

>first shot isn't on the head
>enemy doesn't dome you first before the recoil gets a chance to give a head
yep, def a copper lol.

>siege hitreg is broken since release
>cs has shit rng recoil

Why live

if you believe seige takes skill it was your first shooter, you don't need to aim or move

it's so basic toddlers can grasp it

>something is stupid and unfun to play against, and unfairly gives the advantage to one side
cope harder. There's a reason nobody takes siege seriously.


Attached: 1562623829655.gif (360x360, 25K)

>actually saving csgo bugs
Kill yourself

>you don't need to aim or move

R6 hasn't been good again since this game. Please, try and prove me wrong.

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>Lay down watching door
>Guy blows up the top floor and shoots me in the back of the head

Wooowww how was I supposed to know he was up there

hey bro you might be shit at aiming but the recoil will save you, like I said I was platinum with 1 day of gameplay, if I had a brain that rewarded inaction and doing boring shit I would be diamond or pro right now, I just have no desire to do boring shit

>sprint into the open
>get shot
The advantage is your retardation.

>Being this new

Go back to overwatch you fucking newfag Jesus Christ. Have you even played either game?

>Stand still
>it hits the floor behind you
>w-well you moved 3 seconds ago so its your fault!

>already dead

Where's did all the fun shooting games go?

>They see you before you see them
When peeker's advantage exists like every online shooter? Not buying it
>They know exactly where you spawn
But not where you'll be peeking from, nor if you've spawned there at all.
>They can just rush out and kill you
And you can do the same to them. Ez 5v4

>planting a bomb displaces your hitbox
>not a bug
Kill yourself

yes I've played games on multiple platforms

console was my first exposure to multiplayer fps

>sprint into the open
do you even play the game you're defending?

shooting off in random directions is actually a viable strategy in seige because you can get a one shot headshot, not the case in other games that require you to aim and hit shots

Post screencap of your rank

Keep telling your stories of how you were the bestest siege gamer in just a day, kid. They'll be real eventually!

Yes and I drone out spawnpeekers and avoid them all the time. Its not hard.

Wow, I didn't know bullets would magnetize to the heads of enemies behind me. Is there a setting for this?

rarely happens, just find another angle to watch the one doorway or hatch they can come from problem solved

>Intentionally making hitboxes smaller compared to cs
>A bug


>peekers advantage
angles take precedence. And most maps give the angles to the defenders. They also get peekers advantage if they jump out and rush spawn, which they can do on multiple maps like bank, border, plane, yacht.
>but not where you'll be peeking
but you have the watch the entire building, they only need to cover 1 angle and be safe from all other angles. If you go to that angle I win, if you don't, well it just becomes a normal game I didn't get a free kill. Its low risk high reward.
>And you can too
and its still shit. Its shitty mechanics regardless of which side you're on.

I've never seen so much shitter COPE
What's the matter, Yea Forums? Bad at videogames?

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>Blows up wall next to you
>Get shot in neck

Wooowww but I was watching the door!!?!

>They see you before you see them
>what is peekers advantage
>They know exactly where you spawn
attackers get 3+ spawns and plenty of cover. defenders can get shot from anywhere outside at any time while attackers only have to clear a few windows one by one. attackers can use their prep phase drones to spot defenders breaking windows
>They can just rush out and kill you
They will be spotted long before they get to you and if you can't kill them with free wallhacks you're actually trash

cry more copper

>Intentionally breaking the game

Attached: 155867543325.jpg (960x960, 78K)

>and unfairly gives the advantage to one side
which is why it's almost never done in pro league because it's so good

its not really low risk because the attackers have drones so they can find where you're looking from without exposing themselves all the while you're stitting at the window with your face poking out ready to get prefired

The biggest shame about talking about Siege on Yea Forums is that you can't critique it without level 10s trying to defend it.

But I thought csgo was the most complex and competitive game of all time?

>running on a shit engine
>hit detection is fucked
>getting DDOS'd in gold (first rank that i got put in solo and i had already encountered cheaters in placements)
>new operators are mostly just powercreep of a year 1/other operator
>skins are shit
>stutter may randomly start and ruin your experience for whatever amount of time for no real reason with no real fix

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>complaining about a cheese strat that doesn't work past low gold

What, by complaining about shit even level 10s can counter?

The one advantage Siege has is that recoil makes sense.

That's it.

Attached: recoil.png (1920x1440, 163K)

I mean if I can just plant a bomb and eat a full mag of rifle fire it can't be that good of a game can it

>be plat
>see it happen every round
>i-it never happens, really! I'm a pro player so I know!

no you cant

Explain the gif then

is next to unbreakable wall you can't shoot through, oh no

the gif is at a minimum 3 years old and that certain bug has been basicilly fixed to 99% with it rarely ever happening, but with rarely i mean that you had a higher chance of unboxing a 10k $ knife

the game doesn't take skill, it takes having a brain that hates action, or actually moving in shooters

>They also get peekers advantage if they jump out and rush spawn
and attackers get free wallhacks on them when they do
>but you have the watch the entire building
check one window at a time dumbass, don't run out into the open
>they only need to cover 1 angle and be safe from all other angles
there are almost no places where defenders can hold a pixel angle on the attacker spawn. Attackers will see you broke the window and prefire your dumbass.

You know there isn't a single spot on a single map that has a room that's made of entirely unbreakable surfaces

I'm sure that's why you're not the bestest now. It just takes no skill! That'll show the tryhards!

well you have to be looking in the general direction of the enemy but don't need to aim

Yeah, dude that's how that guy domed you. He just used randomness to his advantage, even though he one tapped you.

I have no desire to play shooters where the majority of the round is inaction, picking characters and staring at their potraits in between rounds

the ratio of sitting and doing nothing to gameplay is about 10 to 1, the game is for retards to feel good about themselves when they're playing on Fischer Price maps a toddler can figure out