10k gold heals

>10k gold heals
>15 resses
>even got the POTG
well fuck you too.

Attached: 596.jpg (619x921, 79K)

be happy you're allowed to even be there, healslut.

>10k gold heals
Wow bronze boy

if you got POTG as mercy that literally only means that every other player in the game sucked ass. there literally is no other explanation. kills and damage are scaled so much higher in POTG choice than heal. this basically means nobody got three (more or less solo-) kills in the POTG time frame
or you went battlemercy. but i kind of doubt that

>caring about endorsements

You're easily manipulated sheep.

>gold heals
>dedicated healer leads in healing over people who do not heal

congrats on not being a complete drooling retard?


play stupid games get stupid prizes

Why are healers the only role that expects constant praise and gratitude?

Stop playing Blizzard games.

Kill yourself you nigger faggot

Literally suck my cock while I play video games

>Not wanting to be treated as just be a healslut who does her job without any rewards.

Attached: XTwelus.gif (400x400, 1014K)

I'm probably alt+tabbed at that point mate, why should I bother looking at that stuff?

but the post-game fuck is the reward

stop playing shitty games
play a better game with a better healer

Attached: medic.png (300x410, 91K)

Do Swiss women really do this?

>implying being allowed to worship His balls and cock isn't the reward

Well not to you

how would you know

you're ain't a heal slut if you don't suck my cock first

>playing faggotwatch