2019... I am forgotten

2019... I am forgotten

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And your suit sucks

Well Sanzaru wrote fanfiction shit
with a dead end of Sly trapped in the past, Penelope was written to be a retard, and never made a sequel. Like what's the point of having Clockwerk be in the game but not as a boss fight? 2>3>1>4 first game is the worst of the trilogy but it's slightly better than 4.

Kino games. And 2 is the bestest.

I will never not be mad about that retarded shit they pulled with Penelope

>that carmelita giant scene
I can't be the only one who tried to jump on her boobs, right?

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I did that too




As someone who played them for the first time recently, 3 > 4 > 2 > 1.


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Remember the Sli Coopter images?

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April escape above all 3

>April escape
April Escape?

How did your phone autocorrect this hard?

most kino scene in any game for sure
>mfw when her ass is so big you can stand on it

>went to go play Jak 2
>it's the most boring shit I've ever played
I can't believe I loved it as a kid

Which Sony IP has the best girls?

>Jak 2

Jak and daxter only had 1 game, the rest was some off-brand GTA fanfic shit

What is Taco up to these days anyways?

Jak 1 > Jak 2 > Jak 3
Sly 2 > Sly 4 > Sly 1 > Sly 3
Ratchet 2 > Ratchet 3 > Ratchet 1

You have the worst taste

I remember this being a demo alongside a ratchet and Clank game (?). It sucked ass

I say this as a hardcore R&Cfag

Sly 4 happened and the game wasn't bad just because it wasn't as good as the originals, deal with it.

To be fair there was only like two girls in R&C until the Future series.

Sly =/= Jak >> Ratchet

Mine would be 3 > 1 > 4 > 2

fuck off
I hated everything post Sly 1 just like Jak

True, but even then, only talwyn was decent with future onwards.

>sly 4 that high
>sly 3 that low
you disgust me

I want to FUCK Carmelita


Is there any chance his games are getting a remake and coming to PC like Spyro and Crash?

Doubt it. Spyro and Crash are PS1 icons. Sly Cooper is PS2 era furbait. Everyone just wants to fuck an orange anthro fox even though she's had different VAs and different designs in literally every game.