Fallout 3 vs Fallout 4. Which game had worse writing?

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New Vegas

4, its like a robot wrote it


4, no doubt

Both are good you asshole

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man who DIDNT take joy in burning railroad to the ground? What a disaster.

>Fallout 4 is better than Fallout 3!

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Far Harbor is better than both

Pitt is better than FH

4 no doubt, because your character can’t really ask logical questions in the situation. 3 had this at least

FO4 has too many plotholes

4's story was absolutely terrible. I enjoyed joining the Brotherhood and slaughtering every other faction in the game.

3s atmosphere is better, plus the skills. But the gunplay in 4 is so much better that I played it a lot more. They’re both basically explore, shoot and loot games with little actual roleplaying, and I think 4 is way better in this regard

Both are bad, but I put over 200 hours on Fallout 3, vs my 25 on Fallout 4. Over 500 on New Vegas though.

Fallout 4 was horrible.

Check out Fallout 4 Capital Wasteland project

Purging the Railroad was probably the most satisfying thing in the game.

If I wanted to play Far Cry I would.

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Damn that looks awesome, can’t wait

Shooting in fallout 4 is most fun in third person, which far cry doesn’t offer

>Hate the railroad
>They're the only ones who have ballistic weave

Fallout 3
>character isn't voiced so there's room for more dialogue

Fallout 4
>the character is voiced and your options are only one of the four buttons which boils down to three versions of Yes and one No

Gee, I wonder

Kicking in their door while wearing power armour and a combat shotgun upgraded and with traits to one shot every motherfucker in there was the only genuinely satisfying part of fallout 4

I can at the very least remember some of the quests in FO3. I can't say the same for FO4.

This is actually why i love Fallout 76. I hated the storyline of Fallout 4 with its factions and settlement building but overall enjoyed the actual gameplay itself. The minimalistic storytelling of 76 is a lot better imo and honestly i would rather have no npcs at all than having to hear the same fucking lines repeated hundreds of times by every random character.

4´s linearity is terrible. I wanted to go on a revenge journey to avenge my dead wife, not search for my fucking kid. I just wanted to be a terrible father but a good husband

>room for more dialogue
hey retard, it's the same 2 story branches no matter which quirky responses you give
you either help or you don't
same exact shit

4 had worse writing, but 4 is a better game overall.


Beat this

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literally who cares, you are the cancer that is ruining games

>fawkes makes you die in the purification chamber
all these dumb fucks talking shit about 4's story haven't even played 3

You'd think a company which has a bunch of programmers on board could come up with some actual reasoning for disabling a sentient AI beyond retard tier logic. Get it stuck in an infinite loop or something.

Both are equally shit , play nv and fo2

>I have maintained a lonely vigil over the wastes for two centuries and during this time I have come to the logical conclusion that the only way to preserve the human race is to eradicate all life on the surface of the Earth. I will ensure the survival of an elite core that can be better shepherded over the coming decades to ensure we don't repeat the same mistakes of the past. We must destroy humanity to ensure it's survival.
[speech 81%] NO U
>[success]hmmm... I never thought of it like that.

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3 really needed an option to side with Autumn to control the purifier as the Enclave to rebuild America without that whole "genocide" business.

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The programmers aren't allowed to work on the writing. The writers don't understand programming. Welcome to modern vidya production, where specialists live in boxes and the results are always bland.

>several companions outright immune to radiation
>none of them do it for completely retarded reasons without the DLC
>if you do have it and make them do it, the ending voice over calls you a coward
Well fuck you too game

4 100%

3 had a lot of bad writing but 4 was in another league of shittiness

>playing Yikesout 4 for the first time
>finished that Cabot house quest
What the fuck was that? Why is Bethesda obsessed with shoving Lovecraft shit into their games? Almost feels like an insult that the guy is planning to go to the Mojave next.

Good writing is the foundation of RPGs and always has been you retarded zoomer

Wait did he actually say he planned to go to the Mojave?

I bet you the programmers are better writers than the writers themselves

How come in fallout 4, companions can legit take cover and shoot from it, but you can’t?

Fallout 4 only had good writing for eccentric npcs that had no quest or faction relation

You can. If you line yourself up against a corner or crouch against waist-high cover and ADS, you’ll peek around the corner or over the cover.

Yeah his says father had clues about another buried ancient alien city in the Mojave.

I believe how it works is they have invisible, hand placed floor markers for npcs to play an animation on while shooting. It's not like each object is either defined as cover or not cover. If they allowed the player to use the same system it would be incredibly inconsistent

Dear god. Just imagine if Bethesda set their next game out West

The only redeeming part of 4 is Far Harbor, which is the best piece of content Bethesda has put out since Morrowind

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I think their pride is too big to go into obsidian territory, they'd sooner just put the next game in another country

please no. I cringe every time they even glance at the west coast lore

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>The tunnellers are from Lonesome road are canon now
Of all the fucking things to make canon....

76 would've been better as a single player game instead of that massive nuclear dumpster fire of a destiny clone

Never seemed to really work for me. Best I could do was crouch and try to hide behind stuff

Fallout 4 is factually better than Fallout 3. It's a simple equation.

>Fallout 3
Shit writing.
Shit gameplay.

>Fallout: New Vegas
Decent writing.
Shit gameplay.

>Fallout 4
Shit writing.
Decent gameplay.

We can clearly see that Fallout 3 is the weakest entry in the 3D series.

At least they almost had something with synths in 4.

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They could've jammed packed 4 with alot of Lovecraftian spookies especially with all that water.

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Only bad part was killing Deacon, fuck everyone else

Fallout 3 had at least one interesting scenario (tenpenny tower), I can't really remember anything that was noteworthy in 4. So I'll say that 4 has worse writing.

People saying 4 itt have either not played 3 or they just don't remember how fucking terrible the story and dialogue were. 4's story is really terrible, but at least there's more than one faction to side with even if almost all of them suck ass.

4 is way worse than 3. What writing is present in 76 so far has been a step up, but I'm concerned about them announcing the inclusion of NPCs. If their dialogue is as god awful as 4's was then what hopes I still have for tes6 might just be fucking dead

>3 and 4 babbies trying to fight over who has the least shit game
You people are pathetic.

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>4 is way worse than 3
Go play 3 again and tell me that. Look at this shit, Fallout 4 doesn't even come close to this garbage

Fallout 3’s writing is better than Fallout 4, and these games are judged by RPG, not FPS standards.

Since fallout 3 has skills and by extension skill checks which allow you to solve quests through multiple means including dialogue, and fallout 4 doesn’t, 3 wins by default.

76 is better than 3 and 4 since it has shit writing but the best gunplay in the series, using your logic.

>tfw no low int dialogue that gets Eden stuck in a loop and fries him

3 had some good quests but the writing overall was hideous. Working with Valentine and meeting Shaun in the institute was cooler than anything in 3’s story.

The roleplaying in 3 feels so shitty and basic that 4s superior gunplay makes it the better game.

>tfw the only low int dialogue is in NV and even then it's not an entirely different playthrough like it would be in 1 and 2

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>fallout 4
>decent gameplay
>looter shooter mechanics so broken that you're supposed to grind endlessly to find that one super-special-snowflake gun so you can spend 15 seconds as opposed to 30 seconds chipping away at the health of the bullet sponge enemies
>useless bash mechanic
>useless grenade hotkey mechanic that makes grenades half-useless because of no VATS
>no power fist in power armor
>one fucking pistol the whole game
Yeah, whatever, retard.

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Atleast 4 doesn't pretend that it's a linear RPG

>Fallout 3’s writing is better than Fallout 4
Good joke.

>different dialog choices
>entirely different playthrough
I realize you kids love talking about the classic games as if you played them, but come on. There's nothing that you can do in the low-int run that you can't do in a normal int run.

>Bullet sponge enemies
Argument immediately discarded. Anybody who seriously believes Fallout 4 has bullet sponges genuinely just built their character like trash and then blames the game. No doubt focusing on gimmicky perks instead of damage modifiers.

>no power fist in power armor
Because PA punching was equivalent to power fists, "retard." Literally the same damage numbers.

Fallout 4 is too bloated to give credit to all possible outcomes. When you are level 50 and almost already destroyed the entire institute and then you go to the railroad and the main quest and your character start mumbling like an idiot "what is a synth? oh robot? scawwy stuff"

Dude, there's tons of people that straight up refuse to talk to you because you're such a fucking retard in 1 and 2, you're basically forced to do a decent amount of quests unconventionally, if you can even do them. You're severely gimping yourself with low int in 1 and 2. In NV it's just some less skill points which don't even matter that much in the long run.

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Again, none of the dialogs you miss actually matter since you can still do the quest through combat or some other form. You might not get the best XP reward, but you'll still get the quest done. You can just as easily miss out on a quest having an average int character.

>one fucking pistol the whole game
>Pipe Pistol
>Pipe Revolver
>.44 Magnum
>Western Revolver

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>gimmicky junk "pistol" that can be turned into a rifle, just like every other junk gun
Yeah man, the game totally has a bunch of pistols.

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I played most of fallout 4 just using the 10mm and pipe pistols and had a lot of fun. The pistols are good weapons if you take the gunslinger perks.

>Anything from Emil
It's my dream some eccentric billionaire will buy bethesda out and fire him and several others. Bethesda fallout has been at its best when he's not given a brown paper bag to try and write his way out of.

>i used TWO pistols the whole game! TWO! your argument is invalid!
>w-w-what do you mean those are the only pistols that exist in the game?

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Anything with a short barrel with no stock that can be held with ease at the grip in one hand or two hands with no extra support is classified as a pistol. Oh and also I forgot the laser and plasma pistol :^)

Bullet sponge enemies? Most of the enemies and humans in 4 go down pretty damn quickly. 3 was a lot worse with bullet sponges

The generic guns that can be modded into pistols or rifles don't count.

I wasn’t that other posted that listed the guns. I guess I feel that I didn’t think it was a big deal because the pistols you do have are fun to use. Most of the enemies drop ammo for these guns so o used them the most.

Besides, in F3 the most common gun the raiders used was the hunting rifle so you end up using that way more than other guns, which got boring fast

The downfall of voiced games. They'd have to double the recorded dialogue in the game to truly have a low-int play-through.

I cannot fathom how anyone thinks 4 is better than 3 let alone a good game. 3 has more agency than 4 does.

The worst hill to die on.
So much wrong with Fallout 4 to talk about yet you choose to be a retard.

You see retards spout "bullet sponges" a lot when you know for a fact this is what they do.

>Ramp the difficulty up to Very Hard when literally all that does is drop your damage by 50% and increase enemy damage by 50%
>Proceed to not level a weapon perk like Rifleman, Gunslinger or Heavy Gunner, but instead select random shit early on like Pickpocket or Cap Collector when damage should always come first

Literally gets buffed by Gunslinger, which means they are one hundred percent defacto pistols.

*most common gun the mutants used

reddit reddit reddit reddit

There's level scaling retard. No matter what you do, there's always spongey as fuck enemies.

Both games have a similar feel where exploring and shooting is more important than roleplaying. And 4 does these things a lot better. 3 feels like a game with very limited roleplaying and garbage shooting, whereas 4 has basically no roleplaying but pretty good shooting.

And if you choose your fucking perks correctly and use the best weapons, a Lv100+ Super Mutant Warlord will still go down like a piece of piss. Only a select few enemies are level scaled like said Warlord, the rest are fixed.

>Lv5 Gunslinger + Western Revolver
Enemies drop like flies.

>Lv5 Heavy Gunner + Gatling Laser
Enemies drop like flies.

>Lv5 Rifleman + Handmade Rifle
Enemies drop like flies.

With a few gunslinger perks I was destroying everything with just the pipe pistol. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

the only good point of Fallout 3 is how Dogmeat is fucking retarded strong with the DLC.
Literally can take on multiple deathclaws on very hard and destroy them alone.

Also that line before the purifer
>"I think it's time for us to say goodbye, old buddy. Take care of yourself, okay?"
>dogmeat whines

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Fallout 3 had great writing, stop circlejerking

Biggest problem with 4 is that too much of the good crafting is unlocked by perks. And since you’re want perks to make your character stronger it feels like you have to choose between a good character or having access to all the games features. Getting rid of the skill system was a bad idea. Perks should feel mostly like bonuses not totally essential

Don’t forget commando which makes automatic weapons better

76 isn't a bad game. change my mind.

>let's defend fallout 4 by talking about the basic as fuck perk system they implemented!
You people need to understand, there is no defending your game. Anyone that hasn't had their brain friend by Fallout 4 realizes how shit it is.

It honestly doesn't matter since you're essentially asking whether it'd be better to drink a bottle of bleach or a bottle of rat poison. Both are so badly written that asking which is better is pointless.

Fallout 4 is the better game though. Fallout 3 is so bad of an RPG and whatever 3 does, 4 does far better.

If you call the enemies in 4 bullet sponges you are just straight up wrong and it really sounds like you don’t know how to use perks. The enemies in this game are way less spongy than 3

faggots minds cant be changed, unfortunately


Human NPCs are the funnest things to engage in gunfights with, so that’s why I don’t like it as much.

well next update supposed to bring back NPC and human NPC enemies

You're already too far gone my friend, no point in arguing with a lunatic

>tfw i remember when Yea Forums wa hyped over fallout 4


>Sarcastic yes

>Oh fuck I got told because I'm a retard who didn't pick a main gun perk + Black Widow/Lady Killer + Bloody Mess
>Quick, just say the whole system is bad and everybody else is retarded!

Couldn't even play through the main quest in fo4 because it was so awful, managed to play through fo1,2,3 and nv though

4 because literally every conversation has 4 options which are actually 2 options at best. Not to mention that every faction reads like a parody of itself.
Also the entirety of Nuka World.
Far Harbor is the only area that makes even the tiniest bit of sense, but is also chock full of glaring errors

>Fallout 4, the first RPG where you HAVE to pick one build, and even then the game is only half-playable because the bullet sponges still exist
No, man, I only said Fallout 4 fans are retarded. Everyone else understands this except you.

>RPG aspect in one is weak, in the other it doesn’t exist
>but the other has fun shooty!

Go back to call of duty, no one should ever claim the best aspect of an rpg is shooting mechanics


yeah, no, I’ll take bad writing with more dialogue over bad writing with zero options.

What enemies do you think are bullet sponges? On normal difficulty I found most enemies went down in a few shots or less

No, you deflected because you got caught being retarded. You stated bullet sponge enemies exist in Fallout 4, you were quickly shot down because "bullet sponges" (enemies with no changing health values beyond like 10% of the total foe count) only exist if you literally don't spec into any form of damage, and then bottled it.

I can't play 3 anymore without hearing HEY LIL DONNIE first.

God, why is New Vegas filled with so many unkillable enemies? I didn't spec into a single form of damage and these Deathclaws are just unbeatable. The Brotherhood are pretty much invincible as well.

Unlike 3, 4 isn’t really pretending to be an rpg with a lot of role playing and consequence. It knows it’s an exploration and shooter game and does those well. 3 does almost nothing well except for the map

3 still has better quests and exploration than 4 does. Who gives a fuck about the shooting when combat is trash anyways?

>fallout 4
>no power armor mod for dogmeat

fuck this gay earth, I just want to make him the ultimate sidekick.

>Okay, you run the institute now.
>Kay, can I stop doing evil stuff?
This was a whole new level of awful for a WRPG.

Because they are meant to be roadblocks that force you to go another way.

At least I'm not forced to die on 4, because it's "my destiny".

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If you invested in crafting and weapon perks then enemy health wasn't a problem.
This means we have gone full circle and are now facing the issues that the original 2 games faced with non-combat skills being mostly useless meanwhile combat skills are essential.
This begs the question of what even is the point of these new streamlined systems if they do not avoid the problems of the original while also not providing the same options?

>4 isn’t really pretending to be an rpg with a lot of role playing and consequence.
But it is!
They would not devote resources to a new conversation system with a fancy cinematic camera and VO work if they did not care about it.

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And when I've reached New Vegas and still can't kill them because I'm a mongoloid who didn't spec into damage?

3 doesn't have multiple endings

I wouldn’t say it’s trash, a lot of the shootouts are pretty fun. I think it’s more fun in third person for some reason.

>roleplay in 3
You are always a character who's just escaped a vault and is looking for their father. It's up to you how important that goal is, as enough time passes between your apparently good childhood and you escaping for you to make up how much you care about your father, but it'll always be an endgame goal. Still a fair bit of room for roleplay, if somewhat limited compared to many RPGs
>roleplay in 4
You are an ex-military man or ex-lawyer(?) woman, with a child who is taken from you whilst you're locked in a vault, a child which you love dearly and like any loving parent would cross any seas to get back. Your literal only role is that of a grieving/panicked parent.

For that alone 3 is already the better game, regardless of anything else

3 has more memorable side quests by far, and has the visage of RPG mechanics by offering player CHOICE. Not every quest is solvable by going to dungeon, killing x, and bringing back y. The tenpenny quest is a perfect example of how fallout 3 offers nuance in certain cases where different actions have vastly different consequences.

Calling fallout a good looter shooter is like calling Halo a good RTS game or Solitaire a good rpg. That’s not the genre.

Fallout is NOT an FPS and should not be judged as one. And if that’s what you wish to judge it by, the looter shooter genre is already dominated by giants that have perfected that craft.

4's story is a terrible turd that felt like it was only included as a necessity seeing that the game is primarily centered around settlement building

Because you're trying to kill the strongest enemies in the game with a character who isn't good at dealing damage, also presumably at a low level. You're not supposed to be a god right off the bat like in 4

Exploration in 4 is better because clearing out buildings you come across is a lot more enjoyable, plus I think there is more environmental detail. 3s map is great but I think 4s is even better


If it had been released under a different name with more focus on combat and settlement building and general survival mechanics I'd have loved it. Under fallout, it's horrifying

>You're not supposed to be a god right off the bat like in 4
Funny, according to this thread most enemies are bullet sponges in Fallout 4 and the game is a drag because of how weak you are.

Which is it? Does Fallout 4 make you a God or does it bury you under bullet sponges?

Babby's your destiny in 4.


The point is that 3 felt mostly like a looter shooter with very little roleplaying and only a few options of choice. It barely feels like an rpg. So the vast majority of the time it’s gameplay sucks compared to 4. 3 does have better quests but I think you are really overstating the roleplay aspect of 3.

So fallout 4 fails at being an RPG. So did 3, maybe a little less. But at least 4 doesn’t fail at being a decently playable game. If I want a fallout with roleplaying I’ll play 1 or NV, I wouldn’t go to 3 for it

Funnily enough the sponginess only really appears over time. The first 30 levels everything will die in a couple of hits as long as you keep up with upgrades/perks, but by the endgame levels every enemy has levelled with you a la Skyrim but worse, so even the shittest dues take a full burst of your best gun to fuck up (unless you minmax big time)

I would argue there is more urgency in 3, in 4 a lot of time clearly passed but in 3 you are chasing your father who just left. Your character in 4 is dense and doesn’t think any time has passed, but you can easily tell.

Fallout 4 isn't decently playable though. Every system has glaring flaws that just don't work.

buy an antimateriel rifle or a missile launcher. If you are a talking character and presumably have something in barter you can buy stuff for cheap so lay out a shitload of satchel charges and harass them from afar. Take companions too.

In Fallout 4, being on level 50 is same as being on level 1. There's little difference how fast combat goes on as enemies level up with you.
In New Vegas, being on level 10 is already breaking the game and making it piss easy as you have abilities to knock people on their asses with your fists/shotguns/meleeweapons and perks that ignore enemy armor, and while enemy's HP scale, nothing else does, making them noticeably much faster to deal with than on beginning level.
In Fallout 3, hitting level 20 enables bullet sponge enemies to spawn everywhere and fights that normally took you half a minute takes five decades to complete.

In short, Fallout 4 makes you a vegetable, NV a sentai power man and in 3 a disabled person.

>Put your main weapon perk to Lv5 and use a not-shit gun with upgrades
My highest ever level in Fallout 4 was like 80ish and enemies still dropped like sacks of shit.

>But at least 4 doesn’t fail at being a decently playable game.
why play a decently playable game when you can play an enjoyably playable game?

>In Fallout 4, being on level 50 is same as being on level 1. There's little difference how fast combat goes on as enemies level up with you.
Absolute bullcrap. Your damage numbers exponentially increase as you get higher as long as you spec into damage. What game are you fuckers playing?

>validating someone's claim that fallout 4 is decently playable

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What’s a better looter shooter than F4? I honestly don’t think there are many

Fallout 4. Keep making claims and providing no evidence.

Flip a coin, you'll be right either way.

But before your character can adjust to the idea that time has passed and kid's likely dead, nick tells you there's been a kid spotted in DC revitalising Psycho parent mode

>fallout 4 might be a shit game, but IT'S THE BEST SHIT GAME THERE IS, AM I RIGHT GUYS???

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You're the one trying to assert that bullet sponge enemies exist. Show me a video of you, with a maxed out weapon perk and a decent gun, struggling to kill an enemy. Go ahead, make my day. I know you're a lying sack of shit.

Why do people even ask this question?

Fallout 4 had actual faction choices and followers that reacted to your actions and each other. They even commented on what you said to other NPC. And even the skill/perk system wasn't better. Fallout 3 "skills" were just some extra stats that you could increase each level and they didn't matter until reaching a certain threshold of 25/50/75/100, not that different from FO4 "perks" that functioned essentially the same, except this time they offered some extra options. The FO4 "perk" chart could have simply been labeled as the "skill" chart and it would be that different. FO3 had some dialogue skill/perk checks but it was really shallow and mostly irrelevant anyway. NV was better at this.

Lost the moment you meet 3dog and he forces you to go off on a big side quest before he'll send you to the next location.

Also lost if you go straight on to the vault.

Fallout 4 has artificial urgency, your character is only worried about Shaun when the main plot comes up.

Memelands beats it by a mile

The shooting in fallout 4 is legit fun


The danse/maxson interaction is better than any dialogue in fallout 3

what a fucking loon, you're the one making the claims, retard.

>250 years after the bombs fell
>people still living in houses full of rubble and garbage
It would take 1 day to clean your house up a bit.

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But you don't.
You spec into making better gear.
You spec into making power cells last longer in the suit.
Anyone that has actually played the game knows that 'just keep putting more stats in str for your melee build' is not your average build, and a build that doesnt go strictly damage every level gets exponentially WEAKER because of level adjustments.

and this is why automatic leveling is garbage
imagine, if an mmorpg would make those same level nothing monsters as strong as your endgame ones, just because of level adjustment.

The Old Republic did that. surely this must be able to convince you of how crap it is.

Fallout BoS

>what a fucking loon, you're the one making the claims
No user, a refutation against the claim that bullet sponge enemies exist is not a claim, you retard. You are the one burdened with the need to provide proof.

>he's still at it
Stop hallucinating. Provide some evidence or leave the discussion.

Saying 3 had better quests than 4 is like saying Oblivion had better quests than Skyrim lmao. It's just nostalgia talking.

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Neither had bad writing. No go fuck off and have your little circle jerk elsewhere you inbred cretin.

4 of course.

It's not even debatable.

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Fallout 3 had choice and consequence. Decisions in quests that resulted in different outcome. Example: Tenpenny quest. Kill Phillips is one option. Or you can covertly open a door and flood Tenpenny with a pack of his ferals. Or you can diplomatically resolve it by asking residents if they’d be alright to coexist, which brings ghouls to the tower peacefully until a few days later you find all the humans murdered and their bodies stuffed in the generator room

Fallout 4 not only lacks anything remotely close to these kinds of quest options, but the wasteland is completely sterilized. Where is the brutality? Where are the slaves, the Paradise Falls? It’s a wasteland, not a theme park.

Although you’re right that NV does this far better, it makes fallout 3 look like child’s play

>But you don't.
>You spec into making better gear.
>You spec into making power cells last longer in the suit.
>Anyone that has actually played the game knows that 'just keep putting more stats in str for your melee build' is not your average build
It is literally your average fucking build. Damage always comes before modifications because modifications do nigh fuckall without the damage modifiers. You need the +100% damage and armor piercing on rifles, you need +100% and cripple bonuses on pistols. These are literally the things you focus first because at early game you don't have the resources to build mods.

You mad?

This. Nobody at bethesda seems to understand clutter =/= litter. Nobody is going to keep a skeleton, radiation barrels, and a pile of rusted shit next to their bed.

>Make a claim
>That claim is bullshit
Neck yourself, troglodyte.

In 4 you can join the bad guys (and a bunch of other factions), in 3 there's ZERO choice in the main quest, you just follow the map markers and do what you're told.

Nah, I played through all the fallouts for the first time recently and 4 has the worst writing by far. Mainly because of the LACK of writing, both the protag and individual NPCs have far less to say.

And get laughed out by every fan they burned their bridges with? The only saving grace they have now is to leave west coast well enough alone.

Playing nuclear winter almost makes you wish you were patrolling the mojave

This is literally all there is though. You have four factions that you can play with all the way to the end, and then do a single unique quest at the end of the game to side with one or another.

In 3 you could at least poison the water if you wanted to, but most of the choices come from side quests, and there are dozens to be made.

Is that really all fallout 4 has to offer in terms of choice?

4 had the talky-talky waifus, including the best girl.

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Oblivion has better side quests than Skyrim. I know because I played it for the first time last year. Skyrim's main quest was a lot better however.

>4 or 3
You can go right ahead and add NV to the shit heap, because it's where it belongs. I love how people pretend it was just as retarded because muh Obsidian, then you get to the end and you have the exact same shit as Eden, with you spooking a hardass veteran so hellbent he defied even Caesar into just up and leaving.
>but muh multiple speech checks
Saying 3 extra lines more doesn't make it any more acceptable. NV is really just that, 3 in a desert with more verbal filler but at the core it's the exact same shit.

>fallout 4 doesnt have bullet sponges
>Super mutant behemoth can survive 2 mini nukes

Why the FUCK is Dogmeat so retarded in 4

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Fallout 3 remake on unreal 4 engine when

Not if you have Lv5 Heavy Gunner and Lv5 Demolitions Expert.

Once again a case of "I didn't spec into damage."

>Anyone that has actually played the game knows that 'just keep putting more stats in str for your melee build' is not your average build
What? I would bet most people prioritize perks for more damage over anything else.

>having zero nuance and actually comparing Lanius’ quality of dialogue to Eden’s quality of dialogue
MAJOR yikes

If you mod them into rifles they dont get the buff
If it has "Rifle" in the name it gets buffed by rifleman not by gunslinger

lol look at the bland fucking lighting in 4

it’s like I’m really in a nuclear wasteland

>If you mod them into rifles they dont get the buff
Well yeah then it's not a fucking pistol is it, you retard?

>If you add a third wheel to a bike it suddenly becomes a tricycle
Yeah no fucking shit.

You keep bringing up this quest as if it proves that F3 is an rpg with a lot of depth and choice. 3 just has a few decent quests but the overall game barely feels like an rpg at all.

>Loud whining
>Charges an enemy you were prepping to stealth attack

Made even more worthless given the fact you can't have another companion with the mutt unless you mod.

>very first playthrough
>heavy gunner + demo expert
>absolutely nothing survives
it REALLY felt like cheating

>depletes your ammo resources and takes 5 minutes to finally die
>another one begins crawling up your ass
These and Super mutant overlords made exploring in Fallout 3 with a max level character fucking infuriating

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You're supposed to infiltrate the Brotherhood and detonate the reactor that way, genius.

Even normal super mutants feel pretty spongy along with robots

there is a mod that kinda save it. some of the dialouge options change according to it - you can be unlreated to Shaun and find Nate and Nora corpses, and Codsworth think that you are Nate as a delusional 200 years robot.

You go to Nick because "someone has been kidnapped" when you find vault 111 with Nate and Nora being dead.

Killing them all is not terribly hard with armor piercing ammo

Never denied that. Simply stating that Fallout 3 has some rpg mechanics and Fallout 4 has none

You’re going to have to kill everyone either way because you need the key cards to detonate

3's lighting is much worse.

My nigga

Cutie best girl

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Only reason why shooting feels better in 4 is because accuracy is no longer determined by a gun skill. So it’s really dumbed down.

There is a mod that makes them tolerable by making them equal to a deathclaw.

No, it's literally because movement is less jank and hitboxes don't trail behind the meshes of enemies.

>there is a mod that use the cut content and allow you to kill Maxon and take control over the brotherhood

I honestly like Maxon, but I like Danse far too much to kill or just not using him anymore.

Fallout 4's problem isn't bullet sponges, it's bad weapons. People won't go scrounging the wiki to understand which weapons are worth using and which are garbage, and let me tell you - most are garbage.

The following are the only guns worth using.

.44 Magnum
Alien Blaster
Western Revolver (DLC)

Gauss Rifle
Handmade Rifle (DLC)
Railway Rifle
Tesla Rifle (DLC - Modify it to a charge barrel because the base variant sucks)

Combat Shotgun

>Heavy Weapons
Gatling Laser
Harpoon Gun (DLC)
Missile Launcher

This is it, this is literally the list of viable weapons that won't scale off poorly once you start going past Lv50.

fuck off caitfag

also Dogmeat is cute.

Oh and for unarmed/melee it's the Power Fist and Super Sledge, that's it.

Why should I have to grind to spec into perks for a weapon I only use to take down high level enemies that come about every once in a while? leveling heavy gunner and demo expert just to take down a super mutant behemoth with one shot would be a waste.

You need 3 keycards, and all of them are super easy to obtain with pickpocketing. Once you activate the self destruct just run the fuck out.

Nobody levels sneak in fallout

>muh nuance
Nigger you're still telling the boss to fuck off by basically flaunting the equivalent of an urban legend at him. There's no quality, it's just written with more flair so you eat it up. That actually sums up NV as a whole, an extremely basic premise, factions and characters masked by sophistry and pseudophylosophy to make it seem like more than it is. Of course it seems better than 3 but that's hardly a challenge.

>heres your assault rifle bro

Whoever designed the weapons in fo4 was a retard.

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>go into pre-war bunker
>container has jet and iguana on a stick

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My sneak level was super low when I did it user. It's not that hard.

>Why should I have to grind to spec into perks for a weapon I only use to take down high level enemies that come about every once in a while?
If you need a Fatman to take out a Super Mutant Behemoth, you aren't spec'd properly anyway. I can literally kill SMBs in about 50% of my Charged Barrel Gatling Laser's fusion core.

I never got to level 50 but I found even the basic 10mm pistol to be perfectly viable most of the game with all the gunslinger perks.

cringe and toddpilled

The reason I haven't touched the gatling laser is because it fucks up your core consumption with power armor.

b-b-b-but it's supposed to look bad!

Completely disagree. If anything, NV suffers from being too copy paste of philosophical tropes, a lack of originality.

Could you name any RPGs that are written well according to your standards?

Nuclear Physicist buffs the Gatling Laser too. In vanilla, if you have that perk at Lv3 and the Repair Bobblehead, when you spend all five hundred rounds and reload, you'll get an FC back in your inventory with 60% charge. With the Unofficial Patch, the Gatling Laser's ammo capacity increases beyond 500 up to 1100 rounds.

Although keep in mind that for this to work properly, you have to get the Repair Bobblehead before getting NP to Lv2. Reason being there's a bug where the 10% bonus from the Bobblehead if NP is above Lv1. Getting it while you're below Lv2 is fine and it'll work up to Lv3 as intended.

*Reason being there's a bug where the 10% bonus from the Bobblehead isn't applied

You forgot the Alien blaster (with fusion ammo) for decent damage and high rof in pistols. The plasma rifle modified as a shotgun pistol is also pretty decent, especially in mid game. You also have the quantum thirst zapper although ammo might be a problem and it's dangerous to use.
But honestly in fo4 you don't suffer half as much as you did in 3 and NV with enemy armor, aside from things like radscorpions, once you get the better damage perks to max you can fuck up most things with little effort, not even counting legendary effects. If you invest in the luck tree you'll also be shitting crits so it gets even easier.

Eh, I'll just stick to the Tesla Rifle.

>tfw I never realized picking up a gun also gave you the ammo in the gun
Can’t believe I was so dumb. I never picked up guns because I just assumed it would give me another gun I didn’t need.

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Both Fallout 3 and 4 were shit. I was at least able to finish Fallout 3 because it enables at least some roleplaying.

Bethesda should stick to the only thing they are good at in recent memory: Environmental story-telling which is made further good by making exploration a central theme of the game. Main story should be simple and respectable, because that is all Bethesda has proven themselves capable of writing.

Source: Skyrim, the game where everything Bethesda is actually good at came together.

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Always pick up guns and armor. Free and easy resources to scrap at your settlement.

I mean you can scrap clothes too, but you can't do that at the bench. You have to drop that shit and scrap it manually with the build mode.

4 did power armor better than 3 or NV

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the lore is also fucked up in FO 4 now.

aliens are not only a joke, they are the BASIS of early high human civilization in arabia and they created a serum/artefact that makes you superhuman

Tactics Ogre luct. It also has the bonus of being the only game I can remember playing where people tell you to show up alone and unnamed and doing it or not is an actual choice that causes or avoids a fight.

The only thing I agree with that 4 did better than anything. Even 4 fucked up power armor though, power cores are pretty much everywhere and by mid-game you have so many caps you can buy any cores to make up the difference. Even on hard, you're pretty much unkillable in power armor.

lmao what kind of retarded headcanon is that

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Doesn’t that also describe 76?

Cabot family

Not headcanon, it’s literally the Cabot house quest in FO4

>a build that doesnt go strictly damage every level gets exponentially WEAKER because of level adjustments
if you're not focusing on weapon specialization you should be focusing on skills that help avoid combat, it makes perfect sense that you'd suck at combat because you're not fucking combat specialized

>the wasteland is completely sterilized. Where is the brutality?
wherever there's super mutants and raiders
>Where are the slaves, the Paradise Falls?
in your edgelord DLC, nuka world

How the fuck is it related to aliens? It's a Lovecraft/Cthulhu reference if anything.

The real "redpill" is that the Fallout franchise is a horrible burden for Bethesda Game Studious. Not only is this taking up time and resources that could have been invested into TES games but it also brings in the hardcore Fallout fanbase (one of the worst gaming fanbases) and also unrealistic expectations that would never be met even if BGS honestly tried.
FO3 and especially FO4 could have been great standalone games within their own Scifi universe, keeping most of their mechanics and the open world formula and may even have had their own consistent lore instead of trying to re-adapt the already tired and obsolete Fallout universe (even Avellone hinted that Fallout starts to not make sense for that many games).

Even now I still hope at some point Zenimax reassigns Fallout to some other studio, ideally Obsidian, and the Fallout fags can finally fuck off.

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He literally says the artifact is some alien type of thing and at the end of the quest he says he will travel to the Mojave Wasteland because he believes there is an underground alien city there.

Cthulhu is an alien you retard secondary.

>Shit up Fallout's lore constantly with no ez excuses like Dragonbreaks or magic to let people guzzle down your sloppy seconds
>Why is the Fallout fanbase so mad with Bethesda?!

doesn't every bethesda fallout do this

>Yo Charon my main man who has to do whatever I say no matter what, go turn on the purifier

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It's sad that Fallout 4 got shat on so hard. I had a lot of fun with it. Modern Fallout to me is about looting like a mad man, making a cute goth girl, and hacking terminals to learn lore. To those who complain "WAAAH WHERE'S MY DIALOGUE!!!!" are absolutely retarded. Dialogue is essentially the same. Yes or no's with questions to expand on quest or lore details.

It's a Lovecraft reference, not the same kind of aliens as in Mothership Zeta etc.

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Also, why the fuck are modern Fallout fans pissed about RPG mechanics in recent installments? They've clearly never played original Fallout and a lot of Fallouts (((RPG))) mechanics were gutted out a LOOOOONG time ago.

He literally built the zeta gun and you're saying it has nothing to do with that?

> Shits going to be hard bro. You should just go home bro.
> OK

> Penis fingers

Are we just going to ignore NV exists?

Oh for fucks sake, why do people still think Obsidian is viable? The company is not the same one that made NV and they’ve been acquired by Microsoft.

Also Fallout 4 is a massive cash cow for Bethesda, a massive success. Fallout 4 sold faster than Skyrim did in the first week, and normies will eat up 76 through MTX for a while to come. Fallout has been put on hold in favor of Starfield and ES6, and ZeniMax’s ESO has successfully financially plugged the gap between ES games.

Bethesda is doing phenomenal in terms of business moves here. The games suffer as they appeal to a more casual base of gamers.

>implying Fallout """lore""" wasn't retarded and full of inconsistencies in the first place

Like I said I hope Fallout fags finally get their wish and Fallout is given to another studio.

>Fallout """lore"""
shit has been a mess since 3 and if you're still trying to hold on to some kind of serious investment in this series outside of apocalypse wasteland shenanigans you're better off moving on

obsidian barely improved it and I don't see it ever getting to that level again, NV wasn't even that good, it just made sense in its own setting


>shit has been a mess since 3
Yeah, so Bethesda fucking shit up since day one.

Fallout's lore had "minor inconsistencies." Not full blown fucking clear as day contradictions like the X-02 existing before the war even happened.

It’s amazing how good the third person movement is in 4.

Retard, fallout wasn’t mean to be diluted into a brainless looter shooter. It’s like not seeing the sacrifice in quality of downgrading from a prime rib eye steak to a happy meal, because a happy meal is more palatable for the masses.

Since 3
It has been a clusterfuck since 2

just gonna ignore the part where he says there is ANOTHER alien city buried under the Mojave?

4, at least 3 didn't make me want to shoot myself. Lets not forget the most empty and shitty finale I have seen in gaming.

you're probably right but I only played through 2 once and completely missed the ghoul town while I was at it

Jet was created by Myron and existed before Myron was born in Fallout 2.

Nobody has ever cared about Fallout lore.

>one subpar dialogue option automatically undoes the masterwork of characters like Graham and Ulysses

4 has better characters

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But that's always what Fallout has been since 3. Don't act like something changed. Even NV is basically the same, except worse since there's just endless fields of nothing. Whereas 4 has you exploring every nook and cranny.

Fallout 3 had a pants on head retarded way of dealing with higher level characters. The overlords, albino scorpions and swampfolk had insane high HP but the weapons the overlords and swamp folk carried also had a skill that dealt extra damage which was only active it it was held by an NPC and would only apply if the weapon was used against you.

If I remember right, you could even see the skill on the Tri Beam Laser rifle (which was what overlords usually carried around).

shit get

It never will be. Bethesda would rather sit on fallout and never make another game and collect welfare from 3/NV/4 and 76 micro purchases

And the explanation for that is that Myron is lying and taking the achievement for something that wasn't his.

Now, do you want to explain why the Enclave Hellfire power armor is suddenly a prototype developed in 2080 and exists in Fallout 76? Despite the fact that before that change, it was literally built at Adams Air Force base to counter the Brotherhood in Fallout 3?

Did you count DA BEAR DA BULLS guy as a masterwork of writing?

Were your parents related by blood?

Yes, a massive cash cow for Bethesda Softworks and Zenimax. Yes, it bring the money, but on a creative level for the game makers themselves, the BGS it is a burden. Their child is TES not Fallout.
Most of Yea Forums doesn't remember all the shit Bethesda got from NMA and other weirdos, even death threats, and this was long before Fallout 3 was even released.

>masterwork of characters like Graham and Ulysses
>2 of the worst characters in the entire game
Fisto the securitron is better written than those piles of blind conviction and hypocrisy

3 and 4 are garbage precisely because they’re piss poor RPGs.

Only NV carries the tradition somewhat with its own Western setting, and calling it “empty” is painfully laughable, the only thing empty is your head. Did your dopamine bursts decrease because you didnt have 13 useless burnt out houses to pillage after 20 seconds of walking?


The Enclave was lying and taking credit for something that wasn't theirs.

>A bad character
Ulysses is garbage but holy shit don't you dare insult Graham.

>the securitron

>being this contrarian because of your depression
Name good rpg characters now or resign your beanstalk of a family tree to shame

Except it's still built by the Enclave in 76. Apparently they've been sitting on a suit of power armor more advanced than the X-01 and X-02 for two centuries but just forgot about it.

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It's a shame that his questline ended with the crime boss being a ghoul that shouldn't exist instead of a dusty skeleton. It would really have hammered home the whole 'Nick's memories are 200 years old' thing.

So you never played 1 and 2.

He gets way more spot light in Far Harbor.

Too bad the DLC also reveals the Sole Survivor being a synth, I didn't particularly like this twist.

How would he be a synth if he was before the time of the institute?

Played both multiple times

Fake memories. Also notice how the SS doesn't even remember their childhood, only the few hours before the bombs fell in a fake idealized neighborhood which is coincidentally very similar to Tranquility Lane.

it's just a robot fucking with your head.
you go through so many scanners and lasers that synth components would have been found sooner or later

Haven’t played far harbor, but why would they implant those memories at all?

as retarded as a kid staying in a fridge for 200 years.

oh wait. it's just bethesda writing at its best. the vault is next door just because.

But then he wakes up in said fake idealized neighborhood?

>muh revenge
>muh bible quotes
protectron, my mistake

You can brainlessly chimp and boil down any character in such a matter. How about you try again and actually use some logic, what’s wrong with Graham?

>A or B
This is your brain on Bethesda.

Try playing on hardest difficulty. It is also stated in the .ini file that it drops down the damage done by player to like 0.3 of the original value or something.

no shit they don't remember their childhood
the ss also remembers stuff from pre-war when they talk to ghouls and robots

what's wrong is you can just show up and convince him to not go on a killing spree despite the white legs literally butchering the canaanites

you can convince him to fucking leave and he'll do it
the worst part about NV in general is there's always a way to win perfectly with the right setup

unironically this.
but the DLC is amazing on NV so i let it pass.

RPGs have always done this to legitimize speech builds and adding a layer of choice.

Is it really so strange that you'd be able to talk a man who's trying to turn his back on a life of wanton slaughter from going out and performing wanton slaughter? And besides, Garham's best ending is where you let him go wild on the White Legs but talk him into letting the survivors go and that requires almost max speech to pull off.

For a game that goes hard into the retro future 50's vibe, they sure fucked up by making a World War 1 retro future weapon

The population of America however is not even a fraction of what is was before the bombs. If everyone left the vaults you'd see improvement but that's not the case here, only a few vaults managed do actually protect them while the rest were meant to be tests.

If you have 500 people in Boston alone that city is going to stay in rubbles. There's just no possible way 500 people could or even would clean the entirety of a city when every square foot is a hazard of falling rubble, radiation and monsters. At best society will start in a small bubble. Only a small town size area would be clean (diamond city) you can't expect such a small population to have any incentive in cleaning shit, that's not how this works.

And although it's been 200 years, the vaults remained closed for practically 100, and it's been another 100 trying to acclimate to a hellscape.

>bullet sponge

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Me on the left
Yea Forums on the right

Nobody's expecting a small band of survivors to have cleaned up an entire destroyed city. The point is that people living in Bethesda's Fallout more often than not don't clean up at all; people just leave piles of random, often potentially dangerous shit like corpses or jagged chunks of rusted metal laying around their immediate living environments.

Was Autumn truly the best bet for survival in the capital wasteland?


Fallout 3 has a story.
Fallout 4 is a clusterfuck of poorly implemented rollercoaster rides.

Unless it's family don't expect people to to bury enemies. Have you looked at Syria for example? Also people are fucking dumb, they are living in a slum/ favala situation and exposed wires, steel rods crumbled concrete and trash is literally everywhere in Brazils slums, inside their homes even. Humans aren't Noble, you won't see them cleaning up a large area and wearing flannel and acting civil. Those people are stuck in a concrete death trap and most don't leave, seeing rubble is all they know and becoming desensitized and uncaring towards mess is what will happen. if you grew up in a shit hole you won't start cleaning, you'll just assume a shit hole is the normal to everybody.

If we simply compare the main story I would say 4 is actually better. Seeing Shaun in the institute has way more impact than meeting dad in 3. 3 never really has any feeling of climax. The ending also really sucks.

>Fallout 4 is a clusterfuck of poorly implemented rollercoaster rides.
even if you try to avoid SHAUN! you are forced to play that hand countless times.. so.. gonna THIS you


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Fallout 3 had The Pitt. Horribly underdeveloped sure, but man, it should have been the setting for Fallout 3 and not Capital Wasteland.

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Agreed, they should have made them much more scarce, to make power armor the sort of thing you'd want to save for tough segments or important moments. It would make the pressure of the ending gauge much higher as you try your best to save power. They could have even made alt options like having a solar power modification that reduces some of it's stats or health but in exchange make it lose less power (or recharge slightly if enough pieces have it) during daytime.

I would however also add that other than power armor 4 has much better gunplay than 3 or NV. It's nothing spectacular and still needs polish, but it's already much better than either of the previous entries.

The ending ain't so bad when you consider that what it tries to convey is how pointless the whole search is for Nick. He goes after this part of his memories that ties him down to his old self hoping to get some sort of meaning or closure from it, then you're actually in front of the guy and whether you let him live or die you get nothing out of it, as he himself says. It's one of the very few instances where it's supposed to feel unrewarding, because that's exactly the whole point.

Add on to this and on very hard there is only three weapons that don’t cost more to use then you can potentially earn, and they are all legendary weapons.

Doubleshot Gauss rifle.
Wounding Combat Shotgun.
Explosive Combat Shotgun.

Every other weapon eats up to much ammo to bother using.

>my side of the mountain

that brings back some memories