Hey, incel, there's a cute anime girl living in your computer and she totally loves you

>hey, incel, there's a cute anime girl living in your computer and she totally loves you
No wonder this "game" was such a success.

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have it

That’s definitely why I enjoyed it anyways


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Buy Bitcoin

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why do their clothes tapeur to their breasts? it makes it look like their clothes have rigid pockets just for their tits to sit in

Anime is meant to look good and cute at the expense of realism wherever the compromise needs to be made

The first "act" was the best. The others are dumb, cringe and predicable.

okay but what I just highlight doesn't look good or cute, it looks really dumb

Yeah it was pretty mediocre. The lmaometa twist had been done better before anyway.

Attached: Chara route.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

natsuki is the best one!

Attached: natsuki NEET.png (775x598, 658K)

Unironically looks good to weebs

>it makes it look like their clothes have rigid pockets just for their tits to sit in
Custom-fit women's clothing actually works like that though.

Writing on that mp4 is cringey af bro

That's a webm you blind harlot.
And at least it's actually an eroge.

go back to your /ddlc/ containment thread

This new version is stupid.

but mods are fun!

Attached: natsuki neet logic.png (799x600, 677K)

I like poetry and she was the best poet

Have sex.

I have to admit she was the cutest, and somehow the least shallow character, which is really odd considering she's an otaku flavored classic tsundere archetype.

Sayorifags will always be seething

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>not following the flow of the comic
No you