Comfy iceborne thread

Well bros, looks like everyone in the anniversary art is getting in. Who are you hoping for?

Glavenus and Brachy confirmed last trailer.

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Other urls found in this thread:

why do we pc bros have to wait a few more months for it

I'm just hoping i feel like playing the game again once Iceborne drops. I completely burnt myself out on PC. 3+ hours every day will do that no matter how much you adore the franchise. I'll probably get on again with the returning season events, but only to cheat in all the items I've missed. The game is just a chore for me at this point.

Lagiacrus is not getting in.

Because Japs can't into PC and delaying console for PC isn't worth it in their eyes. I think it would be a bit more fitting to release Iceborne in Winter but what do I know.

Why would you wait for the seasonal event to cheat items in if you could do so anytime you want?

There are some quests that need to be completed for certain things to unlock. Having access to those quests (and not just the items) is key. There are probably ways to access any Event Quest at any time, but I'm honestly too lazy to look it up. Again, I'm completely burnt out, but I did promsie myself this would be the MonHan I'd finally 100%.

Honestly I'd prefer him not to be in, quite a boring fight without underwater but they still might surprise us.

I want Ukanlos/Akantor though

Well, my favorites - Gore and Zin - are already "confirmed". Realistically, Gigginox would be nice to see after such a long absence. Unrealistically, I want Seltas Queen and Nerscylla in 5th gen, but if they're ever getting ported, that won't be any time soon.

I have a funny feeling they'll keep all crustaceans and neopterons for World 2 to mix the roster up next time.

So Iceborne only has one map specific monster reveal left, it's most likely going to be Zinogre, right?


>Expansion titled Iceborne
>Takes place in snowy tundra area
>No Khezu/Gigginox

Save your money, kids. This shit ain't worth $40.

Gore Magala. Did you skip the 4th gen?

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Zinogre or we riot.
I also want to see more bird wyverns, Qurupeco would be perfect but unlikely.

Khezu was leaked by Gameinformer and is all but confirmed.

No, I mean what hints at it being confirmed.

Khezu is most likely in. Game Informer seem to have accidentally leaked it.


>be a bit more fitting to release Iceborne in Winter
Releases in summer for me because Australia. Delay and thematically wrong, I can't win.

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Fuck Khezu. Shit monster, shit design, shit fight. I hope it never comes back.

>more different/new monsters bad
>more rath reskins good

Are you ready for Pale Fatalis?

>Rath reskin
I think you're missing a few chromosomes

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>Doesn't like mysterious niggas

Get outta here, bug bitch.

If it actually ends up with all these confirmed, World will easily be the best MH. The graphical improvements already won me over, but this will definitely make sure.

Not that user but pretty sure he's saying the exact opposite

>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it.

Not everyone in that image is getting in.

At this point it seems far more likely they'll all get in than not

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>all he does is REE at you 3-4 times in a row, do a single attack, REE 3 more times, does a lightning attack, repeat
he's boring, tedious, and has a lame design
>just get earplugs / use a ranged weapon
I didn't make an optimized set I liked just to be forced to un-optimize it to use a specific weapon or skill that I don't want to

The Roster was only one of World's many issues. This would suddenly make it the best in the series.

stop being an incel, literally noone gives a fuck if youre a virgin besides you.

I wouldn't take any as confirmation just because there's been a lot of overlap so far. I'd expect a few more of them to make a showing though.

>caring about graphics and not gameplay
there are a few worth-while improvements, but generally the overall gameplay feels much worse than previous entries for me
3U, 4, 4U, Gen, GenU all caught me for 200+ hrs each; while World only got me for maybe 50-75
the absolute pantsu-on-head-retarded rotating event thing is one of the worst decisions ever made for the series

Yeah, considering the reveals have all been in line, the one I would suspect necessarily bucks the trend would be lagiacruz, because they had so much trouble with leviathans - so if it is out, that makes gore and valstrax suspect, since we haven't seen anything to indicate their skeletons are in game.

Sergios is probably a sure thing at this point, and probably Zinogre.

I've seen thick snow and literal caves of ice, and those monsters suck ass

Honestly there's just not much reason to be skeptical. Zinorge and Seregios are literally locks, we know Fatalis has to be cause of the new model they kept showing off. Plus Gore's skeleton is already in the game I'm pretty sure through Nerg, and Vastrax uses his skeleton so that increases it's chances dramatically. For Lagi as long as there's a appropriate coastal area in Hoarfrost i don't see why it would be a issue

Because pc bros most likely double dips for muhh graphic


Why the world of Monster Hunter so damn comfy? The whole game revolves around grinding yet I can play it forever and still not feel bored.

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I think lagiacrus would probably show up in the ancient forest. It's near the coast and has a bunch of riverways. Plus if lagicrus is in we can expect more leviathans.

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This is the kind of world I want to live in, but I'd probably be shit scared of being a hunter. I can see myself being a Smithy or something.

FUCK I thought we were getting it at the same time

So comfy and hearty.

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What about the weapons being boring and the game being the most easy in the series since 3rd ?

At this point, i don't even care about the former, but for the love of god make the game hard again

I can't wait for more hunting horns! Hunting Horn mains, where the fuck you Chads at? Report!

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Paid exclusivity. It has nothing to do with them not being able to do it or not, if that was the case, the series would have the same date for the post content/events instead of being delayed too

Too big, and it would only fit about 2 or 3 zones on that map.

I wish event quests were just added like in Generations. It sucks so much not being able to get certain sets because I wasn't able to play during the event.

"Later than consoles but not as delayed as last time" So who fucking knows when exactly.

Lagi and Val are my biggest doubts but I wouldn't be surprised for the rest. Fatalis has pretty much been a shoe with the stuff they'd be showing, yeah.

ATs and other post game is on par with most HR games in terms of difficulty.

Don't even cite shit like refilling potions, if you EVER ran out of potions you were dogshit and don't deserve to discuss the games.

Well if it's a regular Lagiacrus that won't happen because it hates the cold.

I meant wouldn't, not would. My mistake.

this is your new flagship bro

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I have no strong feelings on this one way or another.

Reporting in. Although when Iceborne comes I might try and balance my weapon usage, and then rotate between every weapon each hunt to keep it balanced forever, I'm quite autistic about that shit.

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I'm so happy mhw is getting balanced for 2 player coop. A major problem has been the fact my gf and I have stumbled through most of the campaign due to cutscene restrictions or increased difficulty for reduced rewards. It's been the only major gripe so far.

I just want Gammoth. Elephants are cool and it’s an ice based expansion

>Another Alatreon
Getting bored of him to be honest.

Amazing world-building, more show than tell.

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>ATs and other post game is on par with most HR games in terms of difficulty.

LOL This wasn't EVEN CLOSE to being hard as the deviant shit in X. I can solo AT kirin in less than 10, and the hardest thing about AT and all the endgame content of world is doing them in multiplayer and having drooling tards carting

>don't even cite the thing that makes the game even more casual effectively letting any shitter beat the game

I'm secretly hoping they turn off the item box during master quests, until the supply arrive AT VERY LEAST

>I'm secretly hoping they turn off the item box during master quests, until the supply arrive AT VERY LEAST
Honestly this. I love World, but the mantles alone give the player way too much of a handhold. I was going to say I hope they don't allow mantles in G but it's already confirmed they're available AND with an extra slot.

I finally ran into my first hunting horn player yesterday.
Holy shit are they great. Keep rockin

T. Charged Blade player


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I don't know why people bitch about mantles when GU's hunter arts exist and were much more broken. Despite this, both are optional so the only casual is those that use it. Thunderproof mantle is mandatory for Kirin. Fuck that horse



lagiacrus soon.

>Jumps back
>Jumps back
Amazing fight you faggot. Why would anyone prefer this over Gigginox?

I can't think of a deviant that's significantly harder than extremoth or AT nerg desu.

Again the item box makes ZERO difference for competent players. At all. And changing the game for noobs shouldn't affect your experience.

Oh ye i even forgot about the carry mantles, i don't mind most of them, but rocksteady and temporal shouldn't have existed in any shape or form. As much as they are essentially a turning god mode on, they are at very least an endgame and optional thing.

It is scary, i want the game to be difficult again, and lunastra kinda gives me hope they can do it if they want, but all the handholding this game has, it is realllllllly hard to believe they won't handhold people on hardest content too.

i started to toot last week for the first time
now i want to become orchestra master

I bet you want Lagombi too.

>Attack +20%
>Negate Stamina Use (Long)
>HG Earplugs Effect Activated
>Wind Pressure Negated

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you mean no >blangonga >snowbunny >bulldrome >rajang >zamtrio
theres also that ice version of agnaktor the superior version of plesioth

Probably. We’ve got Nargacuga in Ancient Forest, Glavenus in Wildspire Waste, Tigrex in Rotten Vale and Brachydios in Elder’s Recess. Nothing for Coral Highlands yet, and it’s the closest thing to a peaks map in World so Zinogre has a good chance of being the pick for that area.

>Weapon is so bad that not even a collective 80% increase in party attack damage is enough to make the clear times higher than having a non-meme weapon over you.

Man, I love HH in groups.

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Lagiacrus has more chance than Gore at this point. He already has a skeleton and model since 2015.

>Hey guys let me just remove all the challenge for you :)
only thing more degenerate than horns is bowgunning

and if gore is in wouldnt that mean they need to shove in the frenzy/apex mechanic too?

Normally the case because the rest of your team is usually shit unless playing with your hunting buddies. I only main HH when I'm with veterans, or when I'm in chill-mode and only playing for fun with other randoms.

If I'm farming, it's just pure solo because nothing will ever beat solo times.

you know gore was in gen without frenzy needing to be brought over as anything but a status ailment right?

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Don't gore just use a elder skeleton? The ones least likely to get in from the list was zino and lagia. But since lagia already got a skeleton

Also what happened with that previous leak list, the one where it had oroshi kirin and alatreon, and what else again? Was rajang on it?

gore was in GU without that so no

generations wasnt cannon

It's just Alatreon, but now it only uses ice.

can I have fatalis that uses ice too?

>ATs and other post game is on par with most HR games in terms of difficulty.
Kek, this is absolutely not true.

>the absolute pantsu-on-head-retarded rotating event thing is one of the worst decisions ever made for the series
this, why the fuck would they do this? I can't think of a single reason. When the servers go down will they just be inaccessible?

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Rajang wasn't on it, but Alatreon and Kirin were yeah.

"Good job we killed it before everything got aids let's go home and listen to Ace Cadet ramble about shaggyroos."

drives player retention



World is the fanged wyvern monhun game so they kinda have to

Yeah and the skeleton didn't work at all in the game and Lagiacrus doesn't really fit anywhere in the game as far as maps are concerned in regards to his size and skeleton and the lack of underwater combat. e would only really work if Lagiacrus got an underwater zone alone the shore of the Ancient Forest map but we know that isn't happening.

It doesn't, it just makes player only return for the big events where they post every event quest.

there should be an event quest that lets you swap your handler for ace cadet's

Wish they at least gave him a better look, and not made him alatreon but with ice glued. Maybe more piscine like?

kept you waiting, huh

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Here's your daily dose of "concept art looks better than the finished product"

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inst he thunder?

Is this an alt version? He did look birdy in some screenshots with his wings out

When the fuck are the collab events starting up again?
I fucking hate how this shit is on a schedule.
PC btw

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man, a griffin-like would have been so cool

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In the ocean, but no one in World can swim. Tough luck. Maybe the next game will have water combat.



Thanks bro

The design when armoured is kinda generic but unarmoured it’s neat I guess. The fight has potential from what we’ve seen in trailers though, it looks like it uses less physical attacks and more ‘magical’ elemental attacks which is a nice change of pace from recent new Elders.

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I swear to god if I can't waste my December grinding mantles I'm going to cry

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There's literally nothing to suggest Gen isn't canon. Ace Cadet mentions a Astalos in World and now Glav is back. Why do so many people insist that Gore coming back means they need to implement frenzy for other monsters? That makes zero sense, if anything they'll make his turf war enrage the other monster or something

Normally I'd agree with you, but Capcom devs are notoriously shit at PC, so I wouldn't be surprised if they need the extra time to wrap their brains around how to use a fucking computer

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or put him in a special map, something like xeno arena

user... don't you dare give me hope for best boy

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Only problem I see with gore getting in is that if gore comes in they might feel like they have to include shaggy as well so in that sense he comes with some baggage

I just want best boi and I can die happy.

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The alpha build showed that he works in the alpha build of the ancient forest even at twice his normal size. If a model cannot work, you just make it work. They did it with all the 4th gen rejects with all the slopes by just restricting where monsters can and cannot go.

this lad looked like a fun fight, very unique and like gogmazios, a big monster that actually acts like a monster rather than a whack-a-mole

That's not a problem it's a plus. They've flat out said they want to get the most out of skeletons they add. Adding Gore also brings Shaggy, Chaotic Gore and Valstrax to the table

Oh so valstrax uses the same skeleton? That's interesting.


black tigrex > tigrex > molten tigrex

I want them to add more skeletons instead of copy pasting them. It's early on in this generation of ManHan, the less copy pasting you do now the more unique assets you have to copy paste later

He's in!

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I want a new siege fight on the scale of Lao or Jhen, but I guess the Iceborne biome really doesn't allow for that - unless maybe they use the ocean? Zorah was pretty shit.

its never too late to make another rath variant

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>siege fight

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Nothing's stopping them from making a area just for the fight ala Kulv

I hope we never get your wish.

"It's just the reality of game development"
- Fujioka

You know, vajra and garm would fit right in design wise.

this white gore magala looks awesome

could still become a subspecies
did chaos gore count as a subspecies?

phase A - boat scene with some glaciers in background
phase B - boat landed on glacier
totally doable, all you need to make for the area is some ice, water and sky
its like you take the jhen mohran fight and paint sand white or blue

>Seething Legiana
>Ebody Odogaron
>Fulgur Anjanath

>??? endgame mystery elder

Is this all the confirms?

It's considered a Variant i'm pretty sure

I think they're a nice break in-between hunts. Although, I agree the first time you do them they're pretty great but after that they suck.

>all these "valstrax"es itt
I never understood the change, it just sounds dumb af, valfalk was fine.
And "ahtal-ka" is aspie-tier, the original name had an actual meaning, idk what the fuck an "ahtal" is
Chaotic gore is a "variant'', basically a normal gore that went through a special event that made it the way it is, in chaos gore's case its because it was interrupted or "traumatized" during its transformation into a shagaru

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And valphalk

Attached: Valphalk.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

You missed Glavenus

isnt that supposed to be shagaru magaru or are you meming me?

They will add more base fundamental skeletons as time comes.
World 2 will most likely see the return of the crustacean monsters, leviathans en masse and fanged beasts with some new stuff
World 3 will then reintroduce insectoid creatures, and new types of creatures


>for muhh graphic
More like muhh 60 fps.

>Narga armor finally available in World
Is it time to re-roll Female Hunter?

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Its a good thing no one cares what you really think.

more like muh loading times

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I want the crabs but I doubt they will be. I'm hoping for at least one new skeleton in Iceborne but no sign of it so far.

male uragaan the best

I think you're entirely welcome to your opinion. And hopefully that it never happens.

iceborne has 2 weeks worth of content

>Consoles: 1080p 30 fps with 1 minute loading time
>PC: 4K 60 FPS with 12 seconds loading
It's baffling

A whole 336 hours? Neat

Nothing new there then....

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Nah it’s a variant, which are basically the same monster with an extra or altered mechanic and are still considered the same species. Like a Rusted Kushala or Savage Deviljho. Chaotic Gore is just a Gore that failed to moult correctly and not a different species like subspecies are.

so just like every other G-rank? neat

not baffling at all, new consoles come out and instead of releasing games similar to previous gen's end-gen games but at a higher performance they just push the new console beyond its limit all over again to awe the consumers with shiny trailers and realistic looking dogs

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were they called twin swords, dual swords, dual blades or twin blades?

>haven't played mhw in months
>hear expansion is coming soon
>pc in winter
what the fuck happened to "accelerated content"?

Why is that Lagi so fucking big?

A common mistake. Accelerated actually means going backwards in Japanese.

This. Valfalk was a pretty cool name, but the fucking localizers had to force in an ECKZ to make it sound epicer.
Also, fuck """"""""""lavasioth""""""""""

Which mon is the cutest mon?

Bosses with tons of hp and one hit kills are bad design.
Prove me wrong

accelerated emptying of your wallets content

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They're called 双剣, smartass.
Lit. Dual/twin Swords.

>caring about graphics and not gameplay
But MHW had the most and best weapon moveset improvements since MHP3rd?
And IB is adding even more improvements on top of that? And no I'm not even talking about claw yet, just the added moves and strings.

Not sure where the fuck your brain is (probably destroyed by Gen's shit gimmicks) when you say MHW weapon movesets aren't 10x better than any previous instalment. I've been emulating 4U lately since I didn't dully complete the game back in the game and oh god does the SwitchAxe feel especially shit compared to IB.

>Consoles: 1080p 30 fps with 1 minute loading time
not even stable 30fps
pure cancer w poor console retards

these kinds of people tend to can't compliment World due to some mental issues

>tfw will never have my grandmother's pot roast again
I miss her

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Some of the weapon changes are great and some are retarded. CB has the potential to be a really technical weapon but because they took the limiter off the SAED it's just braindead now.
Also I hate how they're running with gen 4's verticality , always disliked it.

I don't know man, I really don't like how most weapons only have like 1 defining move for their movesets, and you really don't have to use other moves now, for example like GS with it's TCS, CB SAED, LS helmsplitter and bow for literally spam 1 button, which is somehoew even worse than Kelbi bow.

they neutered the SAEDs on Iceborne

I hope the raw damage multiplier system goes back to p3rd

>CB gets nerfed 3 times, and a 4th one coming
>still the most OP weapon of all
They hate us cause they ain't us

Attached: CB MASTER RACE.jpg (395x343, 44K)

Bow is the most OP weapon. Followed by LS, then DB. As monsters get faster, CB's SAED's begin to lose their effectiveness.

I'd rather have shit like Lavasioth instead of


We need pet monsters that we can showcase like the wildlife

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*unzips it's massive DPS*
Out of my way, weaklings, I have monsters to fuck up.

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I did this and it really wasn't fun because certain weapons are just more my style and using others is a downer, in the end I just went back to using only the ones I like

how so?

I'm fairly miffed at the fact that gunlance hasn't gotten anything useful. Oh well.

>LBG now plays like some mid distance melee weapon because of the god awful critical distance and mines
But why tho?

God forbid we get a crossover monster from an actual hunting game

I'd rather have nothing if the alternative is another behemoth or leshen

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Should I emulate the PSP/3DS games, or play them on their respective handhelds?

if you have comfy grips, handheld can be absolute kino. though emulation is p. good

SAEDs don't do billions of damage anymore. Probably added some cap

I actually like how that works, once monsters start becoming really fast and strong only the real CB players remain and all the meta bandwagoners can just go play bow or whatever.

sheeeit brachy is coming? i haven't touched the game on ps4 since tempered vaal was a thing, dumped like 300+ hours into it. i'm afraid of returning though. might have to get it on pc now though and start from scratch.
is iceborne just an expansion or does it come with the full game too?

It would be cool to fight a Vajra or Quadriga in MH.

What? it went from absolute shit from GU to optimal in World

it's an expansion but they're selling a version with the base game
don't know if they're doing that for the pc version though

If I'm gamesharing MHW from a friend, would I be able to buy Iceborne underterred and play it just fine on PS4? I'd assume so because I'd own the license for the expac, but I want to make sure since I don't know the full details of how expansion purchases would work.

>what is mind's eye
>what are mods

>play hammer
>these fucking slopes everywhere
How can anyonne enjoy this

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>does it come with the full game too?
Master edition that contains both is a thing. Presumably it'll be when PC releases happens too.

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>Paid exclusivity.
You retards know an xbox version exists right?

Dromi's pretty much already a brute wyvern

shit it's very tempting to start playing on ps4 then from all the decals i've accumulated and gold weapons.having to redo story mode doesn't sound fun either.

I play my games on a non-american account cause I only came to US just recently and usually DLCs will only work with matching region (aka DLC from US store will work on US region game copies). I buy my games from my US account, but play them on my non-US account and the DLCs work just fine so it might work on your case

Only issue with my situation is that I can't buy microtransactions or lootboxes since its tied to account, but I don't buy these so I'm set

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Ok, good. The biggest downside is I wouldn't be able to refund it since I downloaded it to see if it'd work. They need to change that shit, but I doubt they will.

The 3DS games were shit


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Ain't nothing comfy about the Tigrex.
Never before have I been fucked so raw.

thanks ill look into this then. too tired to figure it all outright.
confused on the decrypt save and jailbroken ps4s at the moment

same person

I like the games. I hate the platform.

>added an S/AED GP cancel
>added a 3rd way to buff your CB
>new mode is going to make elemental CBs way more viable
I'm feeling it

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thought id enjoy them more with the newer 3ds nubs but that got debunked quick

Is every constructive criticism of bingshit just going to be durr same purrsuum now?

Only people with room temperature IQ enjoy World.

>"The 3DS games were shit"
>constructive criticism

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playing on it was just as painful as psp but it still managed to look worse
btw, psp games were shit

No, because this is not the first time you shitpost yourself in both sides in order to derail threads

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It’s super irritating that I picked bow for the first time, fell in love with it, only to find it’s the OP shitter/timerunner weapon.

Oh hey, he's back, but now without any images to spam

I wonder why

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hows hammer lookin now, bros? i use variety of weapons aside from bow/lbg/hbg though but i always mained hammer, but last time i played i was using IG a lot.

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Dromi is honestly the shittiest monster in the franchise, like HOLY FUCK I hate him.

Now I'm glad I was never good enough to get attached to the bow. I used to just fine in previous gens but I'm not good enough to survive with halved defense.

I never used ranged at all in any MH game because it was extra micromanaging items and extra grinding to get ammo. Didn't want to deal with the headache

Am I autistic?

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I don't know, it's pretty hard to be worse than Sariel or Borg Camlann

I love that's it's on a schedule.
It has the best of both worlds: Players with time limited items get to feel special and show off yet no item is ever out of reach forever. It's the best system i've seen.

no thats almost exactly why i never liked using them. i like to keep shit simple and minimal.

japs can't into PC optimization

That pic was the retardest shit ever, so glad they fixed it in World


Also I know people hate him but I want Rajang. There's monkeys in hot springs so it seems criminal not to find Hot Monkey Dick in there as a rare spawn.

Don´t bully Dromi pls

That is the opposite of being autistic. I use guns because I love the extra micromanaging and inventory organization and crafting because I am autistic. Plus, large artillery guns held by a single person are one of my favorite aesthetics

Sariel and Borg have weak points, Dromi is a walking shitzone that has way too many shockwave slams.

Did they? I thought i was still getting poisoned by it but i hardly pay attention

>fuck """"""""""lavasioth""""""""""
You prefer Volganos/th instead?

LBG= Normal LV2 in RF
HBG= Pierce LV2 and the highest raw you can get

Both can be purchased in huge amounts and it won't cost that much, it will last for several hunts too, additionally the materials to make normal LV2 can also be purchased at low price, not in world tho, fuck the stupid ass gunpowder shit.

Only specialized ammo requires materials and unless you are attempting to do status gunning isn't worth it, element in LBG is better but is just more practical to use Normal LV2.

>he hasn't felt the joy of shotgun HBG
I pity you

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You lads excited for the 1hour conference this Friday. Will we get more monsters?

We will get the only monster that matters.

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LBG is honestly a lot comfier for all lvl 2 ammos (normal, spread, pierce).

>1hour conference this Friday
Wait what?!

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hows ps4 community lookin? is it active or does pc have the more thriving population?

Automatically better since there are no hackers, but you have to deal with people that don't have SSD cause you'll deal with long ass loading times

PCs full of cheats, there's a shitton of people on PS4.

Didn't know anything about it. I imagine if it's going to be a reveal it'll be something like Barioth, not a flagship maybe to save them for the trailers.

Both are quite active but PS4 will get a big shot in the arm come Iceborne obviously.

PS4 has the entire Japanese community to play with, which is usually a good thing in a PvE game - the lag isn't even that bad considering i'm in Europe.

The game runs much better on PC, though.

I hate world

59 minutes dedicated to the shitty movie + 1 minute dedicated to the Plesioth reveal.

t. didn't played world.

Ah good. Forgot about the higher chances of Hackers. I really don't feel like pumpin more money to play the game on my new rig when I can just easily come back and play a bit of catch up with all the stuff I have got with the hours I put in.

I have

This and gamescom are the only events left before release right?
With the previous info drop being so close i guess they will show mostly gameplay and maybe tease 1 new monster and thats it

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World does need far more Water Monsters. A decent Plesioth without the hitbox issues would look far more visually exciting than Jyuratodus and play far better than Lavasioth. It'd be an easy an obvious inclusion on Capcom's part. I wouldn't be too peeved by its presence in Iceborne.

>PCs full of cheats

There isn't actually much of it. Even less so if you never join a Chinese name in SOS.

Nex expansion is named Deepborne.

>Water/insect based expansion
>New island area with tropical forest, large lakes and sandy beach area.
>Area made for leviathans sice they are fucking huge and needed more space.
>New insects are a poison based butterfly on the forest area and a pistol shrimp that powers water shots with blast element.
>Seltas goes to wildspire, carapaceons to corals, Nerscylla to rotten valle.
>Recess receive Gore and Shagaru
>Ancient forest receives Rajang and Hoarforst receives Zamtrios.
>Island is called "Deepblue Atoll", Lagi, Ludroth and Nibel are all back
>New elder is a leviathan covered in coral armor like a samurai, uses coral on his back like a sword, see sif.
>New moves for each weapon, not tied to slingers this time.
>New town, it's above water made with wood near the sands of the atoll, really comfy.
>New level of difficulty, not a new rank, like extreme tempered monsters.
>Weapons for new and old monsters are designed to be unique again, new orld monsters receive new unique weapons as well.

Hope you guys like it.

>Plesioth without the hitbox issues
But would it really be Plesioth then?

If you have issues with loading times, just get an SSD. If you have a PS4 without a SATA III connection inside of it, use a USB to SATA III cable since even USB 3.0 is faster than SATA II

They are saving all the water monsters for MH6, who will bring underwater combat back
This would be neat if Ryozo didnt said that Iceborne is World's first and last expansion

More monsters means more weapons, here's to hoping they actually design shit.

I guess they could just give the Plesioth... massive hips, to compensate, if you understand what I'm trying to say... big, wide, voluptuous, spine shattering hips...

>World's first and last expansion

The devs also said last year that they weren't working on a expansion, only to announce one few days later.

In the gameinformer interview they said they want to make IB harder

>plesioth will never smother you with her massive heaving hipchecks

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Reminder that Plesioth hipchecks are a shitter meme. It was consistently iframable since the beginning, and it only got easier with later gens due to crutches like Evasion+.

Attached: 6.5.jpg (486x1103, 177K)

But thats GRank and the Ultimate version, everyone knew this shit was coming feom day 1

double dipping motherfuckers and paid exclusives

or just plain incompetence, they did "forget" to include full resolution textures on pc and didn't include them for 9 fucking months so yeah

im pretty sure this fucker is behind nigga odo

i'm a brainlet but ill write this down. i got my ps4 around when bloodborne came out. usually loading times don't bother me but i honestly cannot remember if they were terrible back when i played around tempered vaal release

Pretty sure Ebony is just a Odogaron who took a bite out of Vaal Hazak and survived.

>fucking WoW griphon
thank god they scrapped that
Based Capcom

This would be an example of the cable I'm talking about:

>The game runs much better on PC, though.
That sounds dangerously close to "the game runs well on PC", which it definitely doesn't.

if khezu got in we better get some giggilove I sear to fuck

Attached: gigginox.png (679x618, 319K)

Prepare for disappointment.

stop playing games on an e-machine user

What, it runs great on consoles ?

Why do you run from thread to thread trying to convince people that the ps4 is better? Also why do you call visual mods "pccheats"?

>the game runs much better on PC though
>trying to convince people that ps4 is better

Where's Valstrax?

These caves looked like a good place for it.

Look behind shiny #1 for shiny #2.

Between Kushala and Velkhana.

Why have they continued to make hackey english names when the monster names are already cool enough? Valfalk sounds way more cool and jet-dragon than valstrax.

Oh fuck, you're right.

He's in.

Attached: 62253578_p6.jpg (1399x953, 347K)

I really hope Valstrax isn't in. Please stop adding 4 / X retarded monsters. Brachydios is already pushing it.

the trash bin

Brachydios isn't from 4 or X

Yes. Volganos sounds fucking cool.
Lavasioth is fucking shit.


get bent

Attached: kick.gif (500x281, 1011K)

Don't bully shovelface, he dindu nuffin.

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Oh he's from 3U? Only a retard would buy a Wii U. All the Nintendo games were shit. Only the PSP and PC games including Frontier RIP are good.

Oh yeah, because World's base monsters have shown to be fun fights.

Oh wait, they're all absolutely boring and that's why we get Psycho crusher Anjanath and Emo Dodo.

Khezu is total trash. The only reason it keeps coming back is because the asians love their silly penis dragon
Have better taste

Can someone help me with this question
Iceborn just have 1 new map or multiple one? Because just 1 new map seems kinda week for a whole new hud and new amount of monsters.

>The PSP games

Wat. 3U was better than all of them in every way. 3U was the reason people kept demanding more MH on consoles.

why is he a flying wyvern again?

Has Capcom ever added new weapon types on expansions?
I would want to try something different

He has tiny little wings like Agnaktor

Gigginox is far too complex for them to rig to justify one creature unfortunately. Khezu meanwhile is essentially a retarded gay rathian.

I expect Zinogre and hopefully Stygian Zinogre to be based solely on my opinion that Behemoth's skeleton, posture and roars are very similar.

not this one though


Dude, they only added one 4th gen monster: Glavenus.

Giant boomerang when

He dreams. One day he will soar.

That's it.

Agnaktor is spicy chill longboi isn't it?

Every gen needs a basic western style dragon (and sometimes they need a couple of them per gen)
Shegiru megala
And now this guy

Damn, I wonder which game this guy started with...

Gigginox is just a Tigrex skeleton though.

Any news for rank G or any harder difficulty?

He's in.

Attached: Dire Miralis.png (886x750, 912K)

Bring back Great Jaggi! And Wroggi would be nice 2

Zinogre was getting compared to behemoth way before World

Attached: MHXR-FFBE_Zinogre_Render_001.png (877x857, 849K)


Shagaru is far from basic, and I'd argue Nergigante already fit the bill for fifth gen.

There's gotta be more elder dragons than Ice Horn Alatreon in IB. They're the big dogs, the end of the end-game.

Velkhana and potentially Alatreon asides, I think there's potential for Akantor/Ukanlos (flying) to make an appearance. Maybe Chameleos to finish off the traditional trio with Teostra and Kushala. Fatalis, some other new Elder and perhaps some unexpected siege beast too.

Stop spreading lies. He was talkiong about monster hunter stories

>I don't want to acknowledge that you might have legitimate arguments

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the retarded floating vacuum cleaner is probably the most special monster in the series
I cant even tell what is its spirit animal.

>Legit arguments

The best 3rd edition game is completely and utterly subjective. 3U is a good contender for how much content it brings.

But you never presented arguments as to why 3U is bad, you simply got antsy because "Muh nintendo"

What could it be other than a bloated octopus?

>Here's that ice cave environment. That's where that blind bat thing was going to show up, and I'm sure the Monster Hunter fans are going to eat me alive for not remembering the name of that classic monster, who I also used in Monster Hunter Story as one of my big dudes.

>The best 3rd edition game is completely and utterly subjective.
When was this up for discussion?
>3U is a good contender for how much content it brings.
More is not necessarily better.
>But you never presented arguments as to why 3U is bad, you simply got antsy because "Muh nintendo"
Neither have you presented arguments as to why or how 3U is better than the PSP games. What part of your mind thought you could call me out on this without looking like a hypocrite?

>How or why 3U is better than the PSP games

Well for one, you don't need to mangle your hands to play it.

And when it has more without sacrificing anything, that's always a good thing.

>thunder: anja sub, zinogre, khezu, possibly lagi
>fire: glavenus, silverlos
>ice: legia variant, barioth, velkana, banbarno, beotodus, kirin sub
>dragon: odo sub, alatreon, fatalis, gore, valfalk
>water: ???

Do you think it's fair to criticize a game for the limitations of the console it is on, rather than the game itself?
Beyond that it sacrificed quite a few things, like trample damage for starters.


secret monster
red plesioth, green plesioth and blue plesioth
and bunch of crabs, snib snib

Metal raths are as likely as can possibly be.

The removal of trample was huge. Not him btw.

metal raths have always been in g rank games, they’re piss easy to create too, just slap on a recolor and change the ai and you’re golden. basically at levels of laziness, so they’ll be in for sure to pad the numbers

1 map but a big one, you can mount wildlife creatures to traverse it

Giant zoomerang

>have Glam Rock Anjanath and OW THE EDGE [EXTREME] Odo, two really well made subs from the looks of the trailer
>but also the laziest of lazy shitrath clones

He's in.

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4U would have been perfect without mounting and vertical levels.

it’s a monster hunter tradition you zoomers wouldn’t understand

Probably at least one water subspecies of a base World monster (Pukei Pukei, maybe) and a couple of returning monsters. Plesioth seems like a shoo-in.

Why are the mods such butt hurt World fans they ban everyone that posts a list? They can't accept good criticism.

No one likes the mentally ill.

>no transmog
>PAY MONEY to change character appearance
lmao fuck capcom

>he doesn't just mod it on PC

It dosen't matter the game has a 90 on metacritic, it's still fucking trash.


Mods should never excuse the devs being dickheads.

Graceful design losing to something that looks like it was drawn by a spastic 4 year old yet again sasuga mh team

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Iceborne is being done by B team, they love their retarded spikes

I just want to see Yian Kut-ku again. He was my first hunt from MHDos. I don't care if they put him like a stupider Kulu, Yian is way cuter

Is this ufotable?

stop confirming shit that you have no evidence for. lagi, zinogre, alatreon, fatalis, gore or fatalis arent near being confirmed

We need a technical hammer that has moving parts like pistons and shit

Jack hammer/pile driver? would be fun
even better as gauntlets
>mechanical transforming weapon
pls no, i dont want another 3rd gen SA or 4U CB

GS befora was hit & run critical draw and NOTHING more. Now you have to dedicate more time into it, tackle spamming is still way better than running full speed, drawing your weapon for 1 attack, sheathing and moving on. Now at bare minimum you have to tackle 2x then do your big attack, which takes much longer than just a normal charge, that or in IB uncharged attack, slinger burst into charge.
Any and all new moves to GS would be an automatic improvement, hidding the real damage behind a 3rd charge was a good idea. Btw aerial ledge hop spam was nerfed by 50% in IB.

CB was always SAED or spamming X>A, MHW's moveset added the sword slide which is useful sometimes, vastly improved controls (for example unsheathing into Axe is just an R press, rather than R+A+X like before - this applies to SA too) and IB is adding empowered Axe, which by all accounts seems just as good as SAED (I couldn't care less about a few secs difference in TA runs)
LS helmsplitter is more depth to the weapon, before you did nothing upon reaching max charge, now you have a way to use it and waste it, being in a constant game of expending it to yellow then wanting to earn it back. IB adds Iai moves on top of that so now you have so many options to reach and once you reach Red bar.

It's clear you don't understand Bow's mechanics, MHW's Bow is so much better than old Bow I don't even know where to begin. Maintaining stamina through the whole fight takes a lot of time to train and understand, there are many tricks to do so like delaying attacks for milliseconds and knowing what each and every shot/move consumes. Stam drinks so longer grant you infinite stam, granting the Bow much MUCH more depth now. Of course if you're one of those people who attacks until your stamina depletes and then just waits for it to recover you wouldn't need to know about Bow's vast improvements in World - but you're also wasting half your damage, like using a LS with no bars and saying the weapon is braindead.

What won the weapon contest for Iceborne?

3rd gen was the worst due to underwater. MHP3rd was the best but suffered from being wasy as fuck and no G-rank.

4th gen was pretty neat with 2 amazing new weapons. However level design is fucked, mounting too OP, IG's kinsect leveling overly complex and bothersome until end-game.

X/XX are absolute trash, better forgotten.

In general yeah, 3DS games weren't that good, and the system is shit.

A CB Design

>IB adds Iai moves on top of that so now you have so many options to reach and once you reach Red bar.
The best part of Iai for me is that you can continue your assault after a Spirit Round Slash and are not forced to sheathe.
I guess you techincally still sheathe with Iai but you get what I mean

>Nerf Blade
Into the trash

Din't the robo-fist gunlance win?

>Still no claws/gauntlets
Why even alive

>World has a huge roster shortage
>Iceborne is already bringing all the favorites back along with a solid suite of variants
I’m fucking pumped my dudes. I just wish we had another new zone besides hoarfrost.

Just imagine the LS crit draw builds now that Iai attacks actually count as unsheathe attacks.

Say something nice to her

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>LS helmsplitter is more depth to the weapon
How can you be so wrong? How does mindlessly repeating helm breaker, foresight into round slash and then using filler spirit slashes that you got just for landing helm breaker have more depth than optimizing the balance between basic slashes and spirit slashes? The new attacks that World added have made basic LS attacks close to worthless, and spirit slashes braindead fire-and-forget instead of your strongest attacks that you had to aim carefully after earning them.

Attached: u wot.png (719x717, 690K)

We haven't seen 2/3s of the map supposedly.

Now you have to aim Helmsplitter carefully after earning it.

Someone post the list. This game is fucking trash.

World only had a shortage compared to 4th gen.
-Has way more than 1st (not a fair comparison but still)
- Has almost exact same number as 2nd (Dos), I think only 2 or 3 monsters less.
- Has WAY more than 3rd gen (Tri) exactly double the monster count.

It only starts lagging behind 4th gen because 4th gen is recycle central and makes good use of the last decade+ worth of already existing copy/paste content. Considering everything in World was made from the ground-up, including old mosnters, the workflow is actually impressive.

Different dude here

GS has issues for sure but they went about fixing it poorly, you just traded out draws for tackle spam to lvl 3 charges. Same problem different coat of paint, albeit one that requires more effort. There needed to be a middle ground, backloading damage to lvl 3 will mean you just slam slinger shortcuts to 3 charge all fucking day in IB.

You are correct on the rest of your assessments honestly. I’m a CB fan and I’m really exited to see the axe get some serious buffs to compete with SAED spam, I’m also pleased they didn’t pull a MHX and rip it’s movechart apart in a knee jerk reaction to SAED being bullshit strong.

I want her to make me loving meals and tell me bedtime stories.

tootbro here

Attached: 1537353045553.webm (410x664, 2.94M)

>How does mindlessly repeating helm breaker, foresight into round slash and then using filler spirit slashes that you got just for landing helm breaker have more depth than optimizing the balance between basic slashes and spirit slashes?
Because before you had nothing, all you wrote in an additon, not subtraction. Also Helmet breaker animation-locks you and can be a detriment if you miss it, wereas spirit+normal combo spam once at red is more modular (can dodge at any time) and safe to spam.
With IB you simply have no excuse not to call World's LS vastly superior with Iai. I guess I'm sorry that you only want to have X>A>X>A>X>A attacks and R somewhere between at all stages of LS forever. I'm sorry that MHW:IB is more focused around parrying, discharging and recovering bars more frequently through more complex risk/reward attacks.

By all means, you're still free to only use R>X>R>A>R>Etc

I really hope there's more to Velkhana than meets the eye because it looks boring at best and downright idiotic without the ice armor

>everything in World was made from the ground-up
>including old monsters
>STILL saying this when they admitted to only make new monster or bring back old mons with the most used skeletons in the series

Attached: Mmmmmmmmooooohhh.png (620x372, 289K)

We didnt see the fight itself, could be great honestly. Inst the same team who made valphalk and atal-ka?

>you just traded out draws for tackle spam to lvl 3 charges
Of course, you'd trade anything new for that. The alternative was doing nothing new. Not sure what your point is. Whatever the new mechanic would be, it would replace the old one.
Doing 2 tacles followed by a charge still takes double the time of a critdraw+focus build of days old. It's still an improvement, GS is meant to be a simple weapon at the end of the day.

>backloading damage to lvl 3 will mean you just slam slinger shortcuts to 3 charge all fucking day in IB
Even still, takes longer than the previous meta since gen2.

>I’m also pleased they didn’t pull a MHX and rip it’s movechart apart
That makes me hate Genshit the most. Not only did they add overfocused gimmicks that fundamentally change the feeling of the weapons into something entirely different, they also had to butcher the standard moveset on top of it. Even though aerial IG was fun, for example, they reduced the ground combo in that style into a single button press spam, not that IG's ground combo was ever hard to manage, but did they seriously have to reduce it into a 5 press single button loop? So forth for the rest of the weapons. And fuck me if I go Guild style against Grank variants. I'd rather just play any other MonHun at that point.


Attached: Rafalga Sandraider.png (136x210, 28K)

>everything is drag and drop u guys Capcom is so lazy le old guard rise up xdd

not really, iirc. only part of that team
and from all the trailer footage, Velkana fights like a remix of ice form Alatreon
which is looking annoying as fuck

Is this supposed to prove him wrong? If you have to remake everything, why wouldn't you focus on the ones that get the most use?

>GU team
>Nakarkos had a twist
>Ahtal-ka had a twist
>Valphalk had a twist among winged dragons
I hope she has a twist of sorts.

i understand the hate on XX, but Valor GS/Hammer was stupid fun, and HH with double notes was great
Valor LS and DS with all the instant counters were a bit too excessive tho, true. but if anything the Valor movesets are all great, and could be even greater with some tweak

You really don't. There's very little aiming involved with it considering how lenient hitzones and monster animations are. I also wouldn't call intentionally getting in the way of an attack much of an earning process, frankly.

>all you wrote in an additon, not subtraction.
More is less, like how I wrote that helm breaker and foresight slash devalue basic attacks and spirit slashes.
>Also Helmet breaker animation-locks you and can be a detriment if you miss it
Yes, like any attack. You can also decide which direction you move with the leap, and where the slash goes. 360 degrees.
>wereas spirit+normal combo spam once at red is more modular
Yes, I thought more depth was better?
>(can dodge at any time)
Not a single attack lets you do this.
>and safe to spam.
It's probably less safe to spam than helm breaker since it doesn't have nearly the same stagger potential, tasks you with staying at a good hitzone for the entire duration (unlike helm breaker, which deals all of its damage in one short burst) and keeps your hitbox on the ground.
>With IB you simply have no excuse not to call World's LS vastly superior with Iai.
Yes, more braindead counter shit please.
>I guess I'm sorry that you only want to have X>A>X>A>X>A attacks and R somewhere between at all stages of LS forever. I'm sorry that MHW:IB is more focused around parrying, discharging and recovering bars more frequently through more complex risk/reward attacks.
I'm sorry that MH lost its risk/reward mechanics that were inherent to the monster fight and simply staying at a weakspot, and you now have to delude yourself into thinking that extremely lenient counters that do what an entire combo had to do somehow is the peak of complexity.
>By all means, you're still free to only use R>X>R>A>R>Etc
No? The moves are baked into long sword now, they're clearly disproportionately strong and you're only gimping yourself by not using them.

They're literally the same species

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Dude Helmsplitter is super unsafe to use, the monster just needs to fart at you and you get blown out the air.
The damage also comes really late for that long of a animation.
You also can´t Foresight Slash willy nilly anymore in IB, you need Spirit for it. On top of that the frames got cut (although I don´t think they are as harsh as they were in release World)

>butterfly wings
tacky as fuck, but hell isnt it cool
guess this is where his scale/"hair" concept came from

>Dude Helmsplitter is super unsafe to use, the monster just needs to fart at you and you get blown out the air.
I guess if you can't even handle that there are a total of four tools that will give you a helping hand with landing those helm breakers.
>The damage also comes really late for that long of a animation.
You mean like great sword and CB?
>You also can´t Foresight Slash willy nilly anymore in IB, you need Spirit for it.
Good thing it's in steady supply from helm breaker.
>On top of that the frames got cut (although I don´t think they are as harsh as they were in release World)
If it's not base dodge iframes (and it isn't) it does not matter, a few hours of muscle memory will make you consistent at it.

The magalas were based on moths, apparently

Attached: Image039.jpg (2607x1863, 1.25M)

Yes because this imply that Capcom can't reuse the most used asset in the series to make new monsters which is obviously wrong since we got new flying wyverns with the same old basic moves/animations, of course I'm not saying they copy pasted monsters like said but it's exaggerated to say everything was made from scratch.

I really want to see Rajang and Chameleos
But who I REALLY wanna see is pic related

Attached: Gear-rex.jpg (640x480, 194K)

Such a cool design

>gunlance winning anything good


It was made from scratch, it wasn't designed from scratch.
I hope you understand the difference.

So Tri was made from scratch too?

please capcom bring gore, steve and val

Will we ever get him back guys?

Attached: Shen_gaoren.jpg (800x600, 71K)

Brachy and Barioth were my two big picks and they're both already in. Gore would be amazing though, really hope the full anniversary flagship poster is getting in. Though if we're talking totally impossible wildcards I really, really want Nerscylla.

Sorry bro

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I know it won't happen but I still really want it. I loved the fight and the weapons.

just make him a 3 quest post release assignment.
Quest 1 is a weird Tobi Kadachi or something where they suspect him to not be an ordinary tempered monster to be something else instead. Ace cadet talks about how this is really familiar to him and suspects a Gore could be behind it.
Quest 2 has you fighting the Gore after they find him.
After fighting him, they note that he escaped which leads to:
Quest 3 where you're fighting Shagaru Magala, maybe at the same place as Xeno Jiva

>- Has WAY more than 3rd gen (Tri) exactly double the monster count.
And it still has less vsriation between monsters despite this. Tri > World.

Maybe Anjanath used to be smaller

Factually incorrect.

Maybe, but that Lagi is definitely bigger than average too

I could go for some flavorful stew right now.

Attached: it's coming jon.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

If you think that statement is incorrect, then you never played Tri.

My girl Mizu

Reminder that theres still only one water monster

Iceborne is adding the Plesioth, Green Plesioth, Orange Plesioth, Blue Lavasioth, Purple Plesioth and Purpler Plesioth though.

That's 6 entirely new water monsters. And that's great.

Would not-so-large monsters have variants?
I'd like a sanic-fast Tzitzi.

Tri has:
Tigrex class skelly
Wyvern class skelly
Dragon class skelly
Brute skelly (new)
Leviathan skelly (new)
XXXdrome class skelly

MHW has:
Wyvern class skelly
Dragon class skelly
Brute skelly
Zinogre class skelly
Piscine skelly
Prowler skelly (new)
Leshen skelly(new)
XXXdrome class skelly

MHW factually has more skeletons. Missing Tigrex-type and Leviathan, but makes up for them.


Are we sure that the -ggis aren't actually running on the brute skeleton? They're still bipedal theropods, not as skinny as the dromes, and people have pointed out that great jaggi and deviljho have largely the same moves, just a difference of scale.

Attached: 1526936069801.png (589x458, 227K)

Tri is the worst game in the series, not even him.

WHAT'S UP. Can't wait to spin2win some monsters, man.

Animations aren't directly tied to skeleton, although commonly they are. For example there's a webm where Jho and Bazel are facing each other and they trigger a taunt animation + forward thrust/smash animation at the same time and they look exactly the same bar the front arms/wings, despite them using 2 different skeletons.
Brute is still a new skeleton despite closely resembling 3rd gen dromes or we could argue Piscine wryverns too.
Just as Zinogre/Behemoth don't have the same skelly as "prowlers" like Tobi/Jagras/Kulve despite them all being quadripedal.

Just to be clear I find skeleton types irrelevant to the amount of effort a monster takes to create. A monster like Kulve surely took a lot of effort to design/implement/animate than Leshen, despite using an existing skeleton. I was proving the guy wrong in the skeleton count department, but I think it's an irrelevant number in the first place

>five digits

>Capcom devs are notoriously shit at PC

the Osaka team isn't experienced with PC and that's why the MHW PC port is such a shitshow. However what you said about Capcom devs being shit at PC is dead wrong and proves that you're an uninformed zoomer

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>tfw no Lagombi
I just wanted my snowbunny outfit


>"Quadrupedal Belly Dragger"
Great Jagras, Kulve, Dodogama, Great Girros
Jyuratodos, Lavasioth
>Bird Wyvern
Kulu Ya Ku
>"Rath bodied Wyvern"
Rathalos, Rathian, Pukei Pukei, Paolumu, Legiana, Diablos
Tobi Kadachi, Odogaron,
>Brute Wyvern
>Roller boys
Uragaan, Radobaan
>Basic Theropod Wyvern
Anjanath, Deviljho
>Noble Wyvern
Vaal Hazak, Kushala
>Lion shape Wyvern
Teostra, Nergigante

And Leshen, Kirin, Behemoth, Bazelguese, Xeno'Jiiva

All somewhat unique skeletons?

good, i got 3 ko in multiplayer

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Reusing skeletons was never the ppint, you dumb ass. You can use one skeleton but if the fights are made enough then it doesn't matter. Agnaktor and Lagiacrus share the same skeleton but the fights aren't copy pastes like they are in world.

Lagiacrus won't happen. They've already discussed at length how many issues trying to implement him caused, plus like half his kit would be missing since there's no water.

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they're releasing it earlier because there's a good amount of titles they're scared of in later q4 and q1 2020. Also maybe an attempt to answer to dauntless totally swallowing up an assload of the market for this type of game.
I know they're not similar much at all, but people who were interested in MHW are now playing dauntless. That's just how it is.

>people who were interested in MHW are now playing dauntless

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>Dauntless totally swallowing up an assload of the market
>source: my ass

I am 100% certain Dauntless is not on Capcom's radar.

I wish I were this good at creating (you)'s bait

His closest relative is Tigrex, a flying wyvern

Agnaktor is clackboi from the volcano in tri

I really hope Dauntless sucks all of the normalfags out of the MH franchise

Capcom was wary of Dauntless in its fledgling days because it had untapped potential. But just like most children, it grew and reached its maximum potential disappointingly early.

guys my pc case gets hot when playing world send help

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Rolly boys, basic theropod, and Barroth are all the same skeleton, as are Nerg and Behemoth. Bazel also uses the Rath skeleton, and Tzitzi uses the Jaggitype skele alongside Kulu, and I think the Leshen skeleton is just the NPC Hunter skeleton.

>plus like half his kit would be missing since there's no water.
There's also no water in Generations, but you can hunt him there. I've never fought him in gen tho, so his fight might suck on land. Isn't it just the Ivory Lagi moveset?

Question about hammer:
Does a charge attack does more KO if you time it just as it shines in the fashion of the GS charge or can you hold it indefinitely and it does the same damage ?

>I've never fought him in gen
The absolute state of MH threads

>totally swallowing up an assload of the market for this type of game
I think anybody with a mind can see Dauntless looks like shit from screens alone, i sure can.

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"Quadrupedal Belly Dragger" = prowler. Just different animations as a base

Brute Wyvern = Roller boys = Basic Theropod Wyvern. All brute skelly

Lion shape Wyvern / Noble Wyvern = Not a thing, a skeleton base can be wrapped beyond belief (Gobul is still a leviathan skelly for example). Those are still Dragon skellys, they all have 6 members.

Wyvern AKA Rathalos type skelly

Dragon skelly, same as Vaal, Kush, Teo, Nergigante

Same as Zinogre

Yes those are unique, unless the madmen did something HORRIBLE to Arzuros/Lagombi/Volvidon's skeleton to create Leshen, I doubt it however.

I don't get your complain then. I don't see how fights in World are any more or less same-feely as any other Monhun. Just seems like blind hate from your part. In fact, people often complain that some fights in World feel TOO different (butthurt over Teostra's flames, Behemoth, Kulve, Leshen).

I don't own a switch, the last Nintendo console I owned was a Wii U, which was my MH3U machine

What do you think they are changing? It's just making monsters weaker 2p. You still will both have to individually watch cutscenes

Every single enemy in world that shares the same skeleton feels the same to fight, you illiterate fuck.

I didn't realize how similar Dodogama and Kulve's fight were, huh, you're right.
Also Bazel is totes the same as Diablos, sometime I can't even tell who I'm fighting lest I hear the roar.
And yeah Nergigante and Xeno'jiiva, I mean, who's who am I right?
should I stop now?

Gen 4's verticality was one of the best things to ever happen to the series. All we need now is for underwater combat to come back.

meant to quote but felt so lazy to do so that my hand wandered to a random post.

You didn't own a 3DS?

Nope, I played 3U until I got World for PC.

not him but thank god you didnt have to suffer through 3DS's shittiness.

Monster who share the skeleton the same skeleton usually share the same base moves which make their fight very similar, this problem was and is still apparent with flying wyvern reskin and kush reskin since they're the oldest reused movesets.
Of course moveset get more diversified and unique over the time but some of these moves are old as fuck and it's only disapointing to see yet another new flying wyvern doing the same old attacks, especially when you know they could way better and already did.
Why did you think people hate gen 1, 2 and monsters? Because of their looks?

>not everyone in that image is getting in
>literally every monster in the image except 2 are already confirmed
based retards

SnS needs a buff

Its very tiring having to manually edit the weapon values so that they actually deal damage

>Those detailed Gore model and textures

>except 2
I don't think you know what "confirmed" means. There are 6 unconfirmed monsters in that image.

Bazel and Diablos don't have the same skeleton dumb ass. Dodogama, Great Jirros, and Great Jagras are basically the exact same fucking fight. Same goes for the Lavasioth and the Jyratodus or almost any fucking monster that uses the Rathian skeleton.

>and it's only disapointing to see yet another new flying wyvern doing the same old attacks, especially when you know they could way better and already did.
But World changed their movesets the most out of any game. No monster does the 90 dregree turn anymore for example, which was commonplace in a lot of different skellies, especially wyvern (rathalos) and roaring (tigrex) types all the way up to MHGU.
Barroth's mud mechanic was turned into something new, Diablos now has the wall-sand burry attack, Lunastra is far from just a Teostra clone for the first time, she was much more simple and akin to him in previous games. Jho still attacks you even when trapped, etc. Even Rathalos has new tools and new anti-abuse mechanics with his G-rank version. We've also seen new moves with IB Tigrex-skelly monsters, for example Nargacuga has Odogaron's tail flip and her spikes stay on the ground and cause bleed if you step on them. So on and so forth. Also remember that MHW is a HR game so we didn't see the full moveset of any monsters outside those that appeared in the beta, since G-rank adds the full moveset and behavior.


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Lava and jyra dont play the same

Rathian filled a restraining order, sorry pineconebro


>Bazel and Diablos don't have the same skeleton dumb ass
Care to explain how they don't?

>Dodogama, Great Jirros, and Great Jagras
Well yeah, they are the Drome/Baggi monsters of MHW. Every Monhun has that trio.

>almost any fucking monster that uses the Rathian skeleton.
You know that Diablos and Bazel DO share the same skeleton right? And that the Rathalos skeleton is the most used in the entire series and one of the most diverse by nature of being used so much. Bad call on this one my dude.

Pc nigs are second priority as always. The only reason your getting any releases (including RDR2) at all is because of your money.

>jelly rathian cant handle based self sharpening weapons
>putting a restraining order on basedcone
you slut, i fugged rathalos and he liked it

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So what because Frontier's shutting down they're porting their bad designs over into the main games?

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>You know that Diablos and Bazel DO share the same skeleton right?
I'm not talking about their species you fucking retard, I'm talking about their animated skeletons in the game tied to their model. Diablos and Bazelgeuse do not have the exact same skeletons like Diablos and Rathian do. Bazelgeuse is more of a Sergios ripoff than anything in regards to their skeletons.
>And that the Rathalos skeleton is the most used in the entire series and one of the most diverse by nature of being used so much.
That's fantastic, but i was specifically talking about nothing but Monster Hunter World, and I even specifically stated that just using the same skeleton is not the issue here. Maybe you need to learn how to read properly before picking fights with people.

>Well yeah, they are the Drome/Baggi monsters of MHW.
That that isn't even all of it. The pukei pukei is basically just a scaled down Ratian and fights exactly like it. The Legiana is extremely similar as well The same goes for the Kulu and the Tzitzi, the Piscines, The Radobaan and the Uragaan, as well as the Anjanath and the Deviljho. These fights are all basically the exact same fucking fight. There's hardly any variation between them other than how the monsters; the fights are essentially identical. I even stated that just using the same skeleton was never the issue here you stupid fucker.

so fighting behemoth feels like fighting nerg? fighting rathalos feels like fighting diablos? thats retarded

Wait, we're getting RDR2?

hello, hunters

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>The only reason your getting any releases (including RDR2) at all is because of your money.
Unlike console versions, which Capcom does as charity work. That's why I'm getting Iceborne for PS4, where they just hand it out for free.

VERY pink coral. Also go grab those Herbs, can never have too many Megapotions

>he never fucked up a Kushala with its own revolver
It's a joy I'd like to experience in World, but Capcom had to be assholes and not include it in the game. Seriously how can you not have Kushala's HBG? It better fucking be in Iceborne and look the way it's supposed to at that!

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Why do people hate this guy so much?

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I don't know. I main HH and I loved fighting this guy for head sniping practice

>rubber tail
>Bird Wyvern with wings
That's why

I fucking loved critical draw hit and run. fight me.

Did they uncensor the Nargacuga armor yet or did the west manage to ruin another series along with it's autistic damage meter mods?

Because it's a pain in the ass to deal with. It has two ways of poisoning you, the ability to blind you, can steal your items, has a tail that can't be cut off and can be used as a way to protect itself, when enraged can combo pecks into the flash or poison, also it can feign death and if you've broken the crest have no way of telling if or when it'll start to rise. Fuck and this is only a 3* in every game it's in; why don't World monsters have this much versatility?

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stupid question but can i play this game solo?




You can play solo fine, only problem are some post launch monsters like Behemoth or Kulve that are only balanced for MP for some fucking reason.

have sex, maybe

>implying that will make video games fun

I mean, having sex will lead to children, who you can teach and live through their joy.

well thats good. im glad im not forced to play with other people

Why can't you pause in MHW anyway

It's such a basic thing

Because Capcom fell for the always online meme like a bunch of idiots. It's why I can never abandon the older games, I can pause my hunt progress if something unexpected comes up that I have to deal with then continue where I left off afterwards. It's so nice to have, but hey at least I can see shmucks enter and leave the room I'm occupying and never interact with any of them ever.

>for some fucking reason.
Because they aren't balanced for multiplayer, they're designed for multiplayer. Behemoth is meant to resemble an MMO boss as part of the collab and Kulve is supposed to be a whole raid event. You can get all the parts from Behemoth solo anyway.