whats the point of updating your server twice as frequently as your game displays frames
oh shit thats right xbox doesn't exist and these are all PC games now nvm
>Has microtransactions
>"servers" that are only hosted by the developer (no community servers)
It's shit.
I find it funny that gears 5 is on steam, considering it's pretty much Epic's most popular franchise (obviously excluding fortnite, if you'd even consider that a franchise)
No, it's The Coalition.
- No cigars and cigarettes
>"Direct purchases with no RNG" is now considered a positive point in a full priced AAA game
Xbox is actually more powerful than what many of you would consider a "high-end" rig.
Both campaign and multiplayer are 60 fps right? This is looking really good.
yeah but when 60% of your CPU is dedicated to loading ads and ensuring everyone is logged in to XBL when they should be it tends to bog things down
aw thats adorable he doesn't know his whole kind is totally extinct
should we put it out of its misery
>we've reached the point where there is cause to celebrate and rejoice because the paying consumer is NOT getting fucked in the ass raw.
I love this industry.
Not really, it's about on par with an RX 580 and an i5 3570k.
So solidly low-midrange when it comes to a gaming machine.
You still post this?
Who's the woman on the cover?
Fuck red screens though, it looks like shit now.
Only available on pc
GOW lost it's touch after 3, judgement was shit and i didn't buy an xbox one either so i don't know the about the disaster that is GOW 4 and 1 remake
underrated post
Don't they always do this shit?
Like pander hard to their ESpoRtZ community and add all sorts of mundane features.
Failing to grasp GoW was always niche. And that their bread/butter was Lobbies/Customs/Forge in Halo 2/3?
To the point they had Ninja lying about how much he liked Halo 4 and the future he saw in the game, that he later said wasn't true.
it's the same as Halo, in that it's not the company's anymore.
girl on cover bad I no buy, only marcus and dom cool bring them back :)
Even better that the only reason they're doing it at all is because they literally can't do loot boxes anymore.
>i don't know the about the disaster that is GOW 4 and 1 remake
How do you know it's a disaster if you didn't play them? I refuse to believe there's people talking about shit they know nothing about.
>universal weapon tuning
What does this mean? Are they going to balance PC and console the same?
Everyone hates GOW now that coalition took the IP, it should have stayed with epic games, gears 5 is looking to be a complete dogshit aside from the multiplayer
>hey we're not complete greedy piece of shit for once, praise us
The absolute state of the the western industry.
Wtf you can shoot guns and there are maps to play on? Day one purchase!
too bad the main character is a female
4 was pretty okay actually. Only problems being the ridiculous microtransactions and the campaign felt like it was missing an act.
You can always tell when paid shills post here. They always unironically use words that haven't been a norm here for 10 years.
>gears 5 is looking to be a complete dogshit aside from the multiplayer
So it will be fine for the 1 thing that always mattered, cool.
>not being bottom of the barrel is now considered good AAA marketing
Thank fuck for indies. The only part of this industry I still care about.
No hobby grade campaign?
The plot was also really stupid, too. Even for a Gears game.
>it's okay when only one component is fine
so might as well only give 30$ for a multiplayer only edition
Yea there are very few big developers worth caring about, anymore.
I don't really like the main character of the campaign. I only played 1-3 so I don't know if she was featured in 4.
What exactly are they taking pictures of?
And Horde will be fine as well.
>he didn't get the Ultimate Edition through game pass for $1
I believe that might be Apple's $1000 stand.
fine make it 35/40 dollars then, also people like to own their games instead having a subscription to play games
>Recoil-based gunplay, Hit Markers, Kill Cams
So its CS:GO?
- no testosterone
- no smoking
- no white men
Okay this is epic
Nah man. I've been able to play a bunch of games I wanted to without having to purchase them with Gamepass. After a finish a game these days unless it's MP focused or going to have a bunch of DLC I sell it and get some money back. Gamepass has been great. Collecting a huge library of games I'll NEVER play again is pretty pointless.
>Campaign, Multiplayer, Horde, Escape and Creator mode.
You're getting a full package game, this isn't even up for debate. Whether you like it or not remains to be seen, if you can't afford $60 then you might as well look for another hobby.
I prefer the TF2 cam tbqh
>- no testosterone
Stop drinking so.y
>- no smoking
That's never been a thing in the series.
>- no white men
Pic related.
csgo but in third person with cover mechanics
gears 5 is soi
Campaign was 30 in Gears 4, don't know about 5 if it's 60 in both.
She's was one of the 3 main characters in 4 with JD, Marcus's son being the main-main character and now they got rid of him in favor of the chick.
It's 60fps for Horde/campaign on Xbone X and i imagine it will be the same in 5. No idea about the base Xbone.
GoW is shit now desu. I would rather have 1-3 on Steam
We might get a Gears 2 and 3 Ultimate edition for Steam in the future, 1 looks to be not possible.
Steam has like 100 million users, 25 of that have a 1080 Ti so that's 1.955000 million more than Xbox One X sold
>Playing Gears of SJW
Re-play 1-3 instead, back when the games were good.
People still play Gears of War?
Dude you didn't even play 4.
Why should he? they're better than nu-gears of war.
Kill yourself you street shitting Pajeet
You're right, why should you try something and be able form an opinion by yourself when you can blindly follow the commands of a random anonymous user on a random chinese forum who didn't even try said thing?
And he should listen to you? He's says "screw nu-gears of war, I'm going to re-play 1-3 instead" If he doesn't give shit about nu-gears, then he doesn't have to play it.
>not hobby-grade multi-genre blended BADASS + epic Battleborn Heroes!
Well, i'm advocating for a game i have actually played while you're shitting on a game you haven't, so yeah, i'd say my opinion is worth more than yours for that fact alone.
You don't even know If I even played gears 4 you stupid cunt, you're just desperately pulling shit out of your ass at this point thinking you're right but your not. Quit being a bitch just because someone doesn't want to play nu-gears
Then prove it and don't even talk to me if your score is below 1000.
this, but unironically
>60hz servers
Oh dear, another buzzphrase cooked up by the marketers at Redmond
now watch as coalition goes on tweeting about gender roles and smoking
>he's cares about score
Dude that's not even videogames, that's just society. Every year we lose more and more of our rights and our countries are more and more owned by rich faggots. They're never going to stop. They're never going to leave well enough alone. They won't stop until they have everything. It's nuts.
>Hes never played a competitive shooter before
i should boast in my resume that I'm not a convicted pederast, suddenly it doesn't matter that I'm unskilled and have no experience
It plays alright, purchasing weapons instead of picking them up is pretty weird but fun i hope they keep map pickups in a traditional playlist.
Fuck off, Rod
No proof at all as expected. Now piss off faggot.
Best of all? No Smoking.
gears is now, and always has been, soi dude
>gow 4 bad
Wtf are you smoking
As expected from a score obsessed faggot who cries over people hating nu-gears
this been going on for quite some time
did you somehow miss last year god of war worshipping for not having a season pass or pre order content?
give it two months after launch
- No Smoking
- No White Males
- No Heterosexuality
LMAO did you actually believe Cliff's bullshit attempt to retroactively get some good boy internet points?
Why did you quote me?
>No Heterosexuality
Which character is gay?
>Direct purchases with no RNG
WOW they're letting me buy the on-disc the items individually? BASED
no smoking allowed in this vidya fren