Why is the Smash community so fucking smelly?

Why is the Smash community so fucking smelly?

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Wow user, thanks for the breaking news
Meleefags still stink and deserve to have all manner of sea life thrown at them

I don't blame them desu, showering is a boring chore. You only need to shower once a week at max.

They banned items, deodorant and soap are off limits.

>gamers are smelly
Went to a big games/anime con and the smell was repugnant. Never again

>You only need to shower once a week at max

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>Stinky day

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You don't "need" to shower at all.

I know the post is old but I dont understand how people can hear and see these things and NOT make a change. Do they just not know they're part of the problem? Do they not notice they smell bad and think they aren't the ones everyone talks about or is there some mental block that kills those complaints in their heads?

showering is a waste of time, you're just going to get dirty again the next day so what's the point?

that's right
and smash players smell so bad, even those smelly people think they smell bad
just imagine the smell

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>tfw no smelly, competitive smash gf to sit on my face

because gamers in general have worse hygiene than any other demographic. have you ever been at any gaming convention with a lot of people? shit stinks

I can smell this post through the screen lmao

Every time I think “it might be fun to go to E3, PAX, or comic con sometime” I remember that those things smell awful. Any gathering of people is going to smell weird, but anything involving this sort of demographic is going to be miles worse. These people are oblivious to the concept of hygiene.

But why? It's not difficult to shower. Ok sure, if you spend all your time inside playing games I get it, you may not shower for a few days, but why don't they at least shower once before going to public gatherings?

Most gamers smell bad, the only difference is that Smash players have to leave their homes every once in a while

I only shower once every 3-4 days and I smell fine

>Stinky Day


because a lot of gamers are fucking autists that dont understand or dont care that theyre being a nuisance to other people

Our ancestors only showered once a year and they did just fine

How do you not feel like a disgusting fucking greaseball after literally one day of not showering

you want to know how I know you're a virgin?
a smelly one at that

do you go out with friends at all?

all this dirty coping in this thread makes me sick, always remember the first hole you penetrate is her nostrils

imagine thinking some 100 people locked together in a room for large periods isn't gonna smell
stop being fucking pansies, gamers smell and have always smelled

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Every time. I went to some con with this crazy girl I dated last year and it smelled like a fucking sewer everywhere you went, even the hotel we were at had quite a few stinky areas.

I want to know this answer too? Why is it that any type of nerds always fucking smell horrible? Is there a reason for this? Why is their hygiene so poor?

no. you dont. you think you do. thats because your nose gets used to the smell. but you fucking stink. take a shower you disgusting fuck. and then continue doing so every day until you die. at least if you see people that day. if you stay home, you know what, fucking smell al you want. but if you go out, fucking take a shower first. nasty bitch ass

It's a legitimate tactic to overwhelm your opponent with your man musk. If they can't concentrate, you have a better chance to win.

Post yfw “Stinky Day”

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B-but that's not smash
Oh no FGCbros
If memory serves weren't there like 10 Melee entrants and something like 70 sm4sh players? Also pretty sure the 10 Melee entrants were also in sm4sh

I hate this deo meme. It DOESN'T REMOVE BAD SMELLS, if anything it makes it worse. Retarded fucks.

Because as one person already mentioned, it's considered a "boring chore" to them. Why waste time doing that, when you could keep playing games or browsing the internet? Also, because they never leave their homes anyway, they don't feel the need to impress anyone, hence they don't give a shit about looking or smelling right for anyone, so when life forces them to actually be around people, they smell like hot garbage and have wrinkly shirts. Compound this with the fact that they tend to walk or bus everywhere, due to lack of motivation to get a real fucking job and a car, because their parents don't push them to do anything, makes them stink extra hard. Compound this even more with the fact that these losers sweat even more than normal because they get nervous and stressed out around actual people, you have epic levels of stink.

it's sad it's considered a boring chore, having a beautiful shower with music playing through your speaker is a great way to wind down, or even just feel refreshed after a sweaty summer day.

You realize daily showering was a scam invented by the Jews to sell bath products, right? It's not natural for humans, even Roman senators didn't bathe more than once a week.

>muh jew boogeyman!
Take a shower, you smell so bad it's starting to mess up your thought process

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, yes, even Jewish clocks

Take a shower neckbeard.

bitch you stink

I'm a trucker, so I unfortunately have lots of experience with going too long between showers. If you have short hair and are near to clean shaven, going one day is no big deal unless you're out sweating. Two days, you're going to start feeling gross no matter what, and by three days you become disgusting, walking grease.

there is a reason all historical records say Rome fucking stank you know

This is only Melee btw.

It's just nerds in general. Get into any big community where the majority are greasy, fat nerds and any congregations of them will have a few there that don't understand hygiene or just don't care because they're self-centered assholes. There's a local gameshop that has MtG nights and one time one of the girls working there literally came out and said one night "Hey guys there's a stick of deodorant in the washroom for you to use so the place doesn't smell bad."

It's fucking pathetic. Okay, you were ostracized by society growing up, but that doesn't mean it's okay to smell like a piece of shit baking in the sun all day just to prove them right.

I'm friends with two gigachad autismo-tier climbers and they fucking reek all the time. They pretty much only shower when they're planning to meet women or when I shout at them.

Melee fags are so poor they can't even afford to take showers LMAO
How pathetic can incels be

That's why life expectancy was lower and rate of illness was higher before hygiene became a thing.

you're fucking retarded AND schizophrenic, nice

The one instance where you don’t have to imagine the smell

Nah, is right. It's not just the one subsection of the culture.

did you know showering actually harms the environment? why do you showerfags like to waste water?

This is also a big thing in the gay community to have that BO smell because "natural smells" and shit. Gay buddy of mine a few years ago basically stopped using deodorant but still cleans himself, so he'll be clean but still have that BO smell regardless.


You don't shower for yourself, you shower for everyone else. Yes, the human body is just fine not showering for several days, and showering every day can actually have negative effects, but those negative effects are worth it. We don't live outdoors anymore, we live in close quarters with other humans. Part of the social agreement is we'll be extra fastidious about our grooming so that we're not offensive to others' senses.

because i dont want people to smell my two days old sweat when im out on the street, you fucking hobo

Well, why are you so fucking smelly OP?

you harm decent humans lives by existing you smelly reprobate

I find as long as I put deodorant on and make sure my laundry is clean I don't end up smelling at all.

I shower like once a week and don't stink.

for you

you're either underage or a man child

>makes it worse
Only if the user threat it as a shower in itself, which you seem to be guilty of.

Not showing is literally harmful to you. You can get diseases and growths in your crotch you fucking imbecile. Not cleaning yourself is literally degenerate. Every animal does self grooming and cleaning. You are harming the environment by being a alive as a filthy fucking faggot, just kill yourself.

Nah I'm 26.

I'm very sorry.

No problem. Just keep yourself in check next time.

>being this poor you come up with retarded excuses
Get a job you putrid fuck.

Showering is a waste of time and money and if you don't like my smell, then you can leave, but you can't force me to shower

Well the issue is that none of those Smash players are doing any of that

>it's pretty late, I should go to bed
>maybe I should take a shower before I do
>or I could keep playing Smash
>eh, showering takes up too much game time anyways
This is pretty much the Smasher mindset on hygiene

for your family*


how the fuck are these incels surprised that they don't get any poonani?

I once went an entire year only showering like twice. I haven't showered since last month

oh btw I have had sex in the past 3 months.

face it showering is a meme

You may not need to shower everyday. Like if you're sitting home alone on the couch all day playing video games then it's okay to skip 1 maybe 2 days. But no more. And if you ever have to go out in public for something other than a quick store run in your pajamas then you need a shower. You especially need a shower for social engagements where you have people who will know you by name.

You do. Everyone smells after about a day. You're just immune to your own smell and the people around you are too polite to point out you smell.

How about I punch your face in instead?
Being poor is pathetic. Being poor and not showering is even worse. I'll knock your dumbass out and throw you in thr garbage where you belong.

you stink. you do.

>showering is boring
>once a week

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Your right partially.
Your best showering every 2 or maybe 3 if you don't do shit. But not a fucking week.
People evolved

It's 99% autistic manchildren who never grew up to be normal functioning adults.

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Stop lying on the internet. Get your life in order and then maybe you'll get some actual pussy, incel

cope a little harder water slave

Are you French?

Gamers in general are unwashed disgusting virgins and that's not ok.

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Having to shower constantly to not stink shows your inferior genetics. Only filthy subhumans living in equatorial climates sweating all day need to shower constantly.

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holy based

Anyone else here like the smell of their own ass?

It's rude to tell somebody that they smell. I hope you don't do that.

You literally smell like shit and your life is such a pathetic mess you feel the need to lie about it on the internet and spout meme words. Honestly cubby, get your shit in order. No one likes you in your current state.


couldn't be french have a bathing culture, well classic french atleast the 'new sand french' don't obviously

jesus this is a hard cope

A shower takes like 10 minutes lmao

I don't think so. My roomate is a no-filter kind of guy who calls me out on shit all the time and he's never complained.

As an unironic smasher, I have no idea how and/or why smashers don’t shower everyday. I always feel at least a bit disgusting if I don’t shower in the morning.

buh-buh-buh based

I've been to conventions with 800 to 3,000 people and they never smelled bad infact most people who go out in public wash themselves and make the effort to be as hygenic as possible. but you wouldn't know that would you basement dweller.

It takes me 60 to 90 minutes because I think a lot in the shower, that's why I don't shower a lot

Nah, I usually just spit on them from behind. They've never noticed and end up walking away with my snot running down their backs.

I shower every other day but I fucking loathe it. It's a massive waste of time to wash and dry and I despise the entire fucking process.

No I mean when people are putting the "whole Smash" into it, from what I've seen and heard only Meleetards are prone to this.

>please consider shower or deodorant
>or deodorant
That's the problem right there. People think deodorant is some sort of stink destroyer.
You need to shower first and then put deodorant to diminish the bad smell that will generate through the day.
If you already stink it won't do shit.

So is it twice a week or once every two weeks?

This is why your life is such a massive fuckup. Seek help, seriously

mate one bar of soap is like 50 cents and it lasts weeks

But seriously, what is the point of Axe body spray if it isn't a replacement for taking a bath?

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what the fuck is wrong with you? why can't you just function like a human

I hope for your sake, and your family's, that this is bait.

Smashfags stink so bad they destroy the ozone layer.

Once a day in the summer, every other day in the winter unless you did something strenuous. Anything less than that and literally have no right to complain about the lot you have in life. You dont deserve shit.

Nigga, if it takes you upwards of 10-15 min. to get in, wash your nasty ass, and get out, then you are genuinely retarded.

If you have to ask that question you should probably kill yourself.

There was a time I didn't shower in a month. It was in the army, stranded in the middle of nowhere Good thing the stove that heats up tents at nights spreads the smell of burnt wood and tar on everything that it covered the body odor very well.

Christ almighty, user.

Its like toothpaste. You can't keep your teeth clean and healthy by eating toothpaste, you have to brush all the little acid-spewing bacteria fuckers from all the corners of your teeth with a proper brush.

All smash players smells like shit, no matter the game.


This thread stinks. It's hard to tell if anyone is being ironic. How do you not feel greasy, itchy or otherwise irritated after going more than 24 hours of not showering? This explains the mentality of people you see at video game conventions

Ask any dermatologist, they will tell you that showering everyday is actually harmful for your skin. Recommended is every second day. Only if you're extremely physically active everyday, you can shower everyday. I highly doubt anyone on Yea Forums is physically active even once a week. I think at these smash tourneys it's a combination of not showering, no deodorant and smelly clothes as well as shitty room conditions: too many people in the room, terrible airflow. Oh and excited nerds that start sweating

I haven't showered for 2 and a half days and I'm very itchy everywhere and my acne is raging bad. I should shower but I hate showering.

Plus being overweight with a shit diet.

Smash players are stunted manchildren and i don't use this term likely they are literally disgusting half retarded losers who would die without their parents

nooo, I think the optimal schedule is every other day. Every single day can be desirable if you work a really dirty job, but it dries my skin out to shower that much.

I hate this place

I hate you all

None of you actually put in the effort to fucking shitpost anymore, it's the same fucking thing being fucking posted repeatedly non-stop without any originality whatsoever. One one user here made mention that the pic is old as shit yet everyone just posts shit talk for the sake of shit talking. OP is a fucking faggot for not even putting in the effort to crop that out

It's the same thing every other God damn day, shitpost shitpost shitpost shitpost shitpost

I hate all of you

it takes like 5 minutes dude

>You realize daily showering was a scam invented by the Jews to sell bath products, right?

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I only shower once per two weeks or so because I only go outside like twice per month.


Who cares if its old if its still just as relevant as it was when it was posted?

Smelly Smash player detected

this kills the fgcuck

Kill yourself, you filthy fuck

Because pic related

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I'm losing my shit imagining this retard stinking up his local grocery store while snatching up pizza rolls, then stopping to brag to the cashier that the kikes can't trick him into showering more than once a week.

Even whales?!

Based and redpilled

If you aren’t a virgin then you don’t belong here

I only shower couple of times a week but each time I also go to a sauna, I feel pretty clean for most of the time.
Am I delusional or should I shower more?

Based suanachad

>daily showering was a scam invented by the Jews to sell bath products
So the Jews are selling their own ancestors?

What a piece of shit OC. Even Quentin was better.

>he doesn't spritz himself with febreeze to kill the smell at the source

for the same reason as all their other awful behavior/traits. they're a bunch of selfish autistic brats who live in their own bubble. the thought of being considerate to the people around them never occurs to them.

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Is not showering an autismo way of "getting back" at the society that shunned them? They really seem to take a kind of sick pride in making normal people want to vomit just by smelling them.

>overweight, so higher sweat production and more dank creases to accumulate stink
>some level of autism, so don't see point in the ritual of bathing/showering or brushing teeth
>also applies to regularly washing clothes, so wearing dirty crusty clothes
pretty sure that covers the bases
and then you throw high concentration in a single space raising the general temperature of everyone involved and of course it stinks

When you hardly ever leave the house or simply don't actually pay any mind to your impression on others, you forget basic hygiene a little bit.
t. neet for a year

Twice a day in hot days.

Depends on the season

Desu how much you need to shower depends on what your skin is like. I used to have to shower every day, sometimes multiple times a day, because my hair would be matted down with grease within 6-7 hours if the temperature was above 70. Then I took this acne medicine that destroyed my pores or something, and now i can go a day or two, as long as it's not hot out

>sweat like a pig at any physical activity
>still no distinguishable smell that anybody could tell

Feels blessed to be Eastern Asian.

>I hate this deo meme. It DOESN'T REMOVE BAD SMELLS

cope and shower

Whats your diet?

he's used to it probably

>Stinky week

mfw the Day of the Soap comes and ends the stinky bois

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Some fast food every other day.


/pol/ is always right.

We have an autistic guy at work who insists on only showering every other day and re-using clothes from the day before to save on water, motherfucker stinks and it's 23-26 degrees

It's always the autists

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This will never not make me laugh.

>Encouraging the sharing of deodorant.
That bitch is as disgusting as the blobs.

All of you defending stinky day and making excuses for not showering look like pic related. If not prove it by showing a timestamped photo. Let's see what the no-shower crowd looks like.

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People thousands of years ago bathed daily though. Because cleanliness warded off disease

The right can't meme.

That's a leftist comic, user, are you blind?

the right cant meme

> (((traditional))) fighting game players still salty that smash games beat them in attendance at EVO

cope, seethe, dilate, cringe, and I cannot stress this enough, have sex.

the left can't read

Here comes the shower defense squad, without fail. Why do you fucks spend your time doing this?
>yes goy, shower once a day, maybe even twice! Rack up the water bill and buy those expensive soaps!
You guys are delusional. I only shower twice a month and you know what? I dont smell a bit.
>but """""""odor blindless""""""!
A myth. That makes zero sense. If I smelled bad, my friends would say something. Face it showerfags, you've been duped.

They have tournaments twice a week? That's a strong local scene

Your friends are being nice. You smell like shit

why haven't they made contraptions that spray febreeze or something through a fan every 30 minutes throughout wherever they take place?

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your friends also smell bad lmao I just fucked a hot broad in the shower and she walked by my computer after and she said that she could smell you through the screen lmao. then she sucked me off

You think our ancestors bathed and showered? Of fucking course not, they preserved every drop of water for their survival. Our bodies know how best to regulate our scent, it’s how we can detect the health of another person, it’s in our pheromones. Deodorants and perfumes and showers are completely unnatural and just another symptom of our feminised, sissy society.

>showers twice a month
>actually tries to convince anyone he has friends he meets in person

then go live in the forest retard

The smash community is made up of literal children, and over-weight manchildren, but both of them are equally retarded, and without any real skill, and their choice of game is proof.

this is why americans need to be circumcised they are literally too dumb to wash themselves

>I just feel, like, gross when I dont shower for a day. Ugh, I feel icky and sticky without my shower. Gotta have my onions bath every hour so I feel clean and soft
You guys are pathetic

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id imagine magic the gathering players being very stinky.
i think its just a combination of wearing the same clothes, eating shit food which causes very irritable mudbut, and never using deoderant or washing/wiping properly

It’s gonna be a 95 degree day today
I already took a shower this morning
After 4 hours out here I need another
I hate this

>the kikes can't trick him into showering more than once a week
And then he goes to a Gamestop or any local gaming store and uses his NEETbox on his geek hobbies, literally showering jews with money.

>i shower

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Out ancestors lived to the old age of 35 and died to the plague

>i smell good

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sure they can shower. but still dont properly do that either ie no soap/shampoo. dont put on deodorant, put on their ol stinky clothes they wore for a few days in a row, and straight up sweat more if fat, eat shit food etc.

Eating is a waste of time, you're just going to get hungry again the next day so what's the point?
Drinking water is a waste of time, you're just going to get thirsty again the next day so what's the point?

It is a body spray. All it does is smell good. It does not wash you, it does not replace a bath, and does not kill the shit that makes you smell like shit. Take a shower/bath, wash yourself so you're clean, and the body spray/cologne comes on after when you're getting ready to head out so you smell nicer.

t. niggers

smash haters cant handle the stink

I want to believe this is just layered shitposting.

bitch you stink

Better yet, why don't they make the contraptions spray them with Zyklon B.

Eating and drinking is like filling up a gas tank. """"""""Hygeine"""""""" is like getting a paint job. You dont obsessively paint your car every day, right? You fucking autist?

how can you retards not understand this guy isnt defending these people, hes merely saying you dont have to shower like you have to eat and drink

im the only non autist on this site i swear

it also doesn't help if they started getting stinky as shit in the clothes, shower the shit away, put on deodorant, then JUST to put the same stinky shit clothes back on.

Fuck off, you smelly retard.
You're a waste of space.

>take 30 minute showers just because standing under hot running water is the most self-reflection time I get on any given day.

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To maintain a level of decency you need to shower. Unless of course, you're an eccentric billionaire. In which case you have financial cheat codes

Jesus fucking christ


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I've started to dig on google about the jewish toilet goals.

- The guy who made the world toilet organization received two award from two diferent jewish organizations.
- George soros open society has made sanitation one of their goals, Soros donated 10 million to some non profit organization in bangladesh to install toilets.
- The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance receive funding from the Bill Gates Fundation.
- One of the top 4 major toilet producers (Kohler Co) in the world was funded by a jewish inmigrant.
- Having every human on earth shitting on toilets has been declared a core goal for the Agenda 30 of the Millenium development goals of the UN.
- Jews own several of the major toilet paper producers on the planet
- Procter&Gamble 42% of it's supplier materials comes from jewish companies.
- Kimberly-Clark 60% of it's entire stock is owned by the State of Israel.
- Georgia-Pacific has a jew CEO.
- Central National-Gottesman is family owned by a jew family
- Jews developed an entire market of kosher toilet paper
- Jews also own the soap industry:
- Dr. Bronner’s soap company was made by jews that escaped the holocaust.
- Church and Dwight donates money to Jewish charities and fundations.
- Palmolive entire soap lines are kosher approved

Why is wiping your ass with toilet paper after shitting on toilets promoted among kids and among poor nations by the UN?
Why is George soros donating money to poor nations to build toilets?
Why is one of the major development goals for 2030 of the UN to have every human shitting on a toilet?
Why is toilet paper used as argument to invade venezuela?
Why jewish companies spend millions on TV advertising so we buy soaps and toilet paper?
Why the soap jew meme was invented in the first place?

Why nobody mentions how nobody talks about the jew toilet conspiracy?

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if you have ever been a smoker you will know that you adapt to that certain smell and feel like you dont stink. i haven't smoked in a few years but cracked one day and after a session and i came into a fresher environment, i fucking reeked.
i haven't showered in a few days and i know for a fact my room and clothes smell like fucking shit.

The conspiracy to make people shit in a toilet is the best kept secret of the Jews.
Yesterday I came to the conclusion that the other Jewish conspiracies are a mere smoke screen for the newbies to ignore the Jewish conspiracy of the toilets.
Until the invasion of Venezuela by the CIA is because Venezuelans do not have toilet paper, so the Jews seek to enslave them to use toilet paper and thus make millions of toilet and sanitary products for cleaning the ass when people shit .
That's why the UN is carrying out education campaigns in India so that the Hindus shit in toilets, it is clearly a Jewish plan to sell sanitary, toilet paper and soap in India.
That's why the Jews pass laws so that shitting in the bush is illegal.
That is why children are brainwashed so that they learn to clean their ass with toilet paper and shit in toilets, Jews control education globally, it is only logical that they promote this since it makes them earn a lot of money selling paper hygienic and sanitary.
There are many Jews in the toilet industry, Jews control the bathroom soaps industry, bath towels and other industries related to shitting in a toilet.
Jews also control porn, which is why in scat videos they are toilets, it is part of the Jewish plan so that people who subconsciously fap with shit use toilets.
On television we see commercials of soap and toilet paper every day to clean our asses, clearly when controlling TV and newspapers too, it is evidence of a Jewish conspiracy to do social engineering so that people buy cleaning products to clean their asses when they shit in a toilet.
Hitler knew of these plans to make people shit in toilets, that's why he made World War II and turned Jews into soaps.
Everything that has happened since then is evidence of the Jewish plan to make everyone shit in toilets.
The other Jewish plans on the NWO and the white genocide are mere smoke screens so that people do not suspect the plan of the toilets.

Anarcho Primitives should be forced to live in the fucking wilds for 72 hours and see how much they like their modern comforts before they're allowed to say stupid shit like this.

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Otherwise why the jews want every pajeet and chink and african to use toilets and toilet paper by 2030 if they wouldn't profit from selling toilets and toilet paper?
Imagine billions of people using toilet paper and all that profit that the jew toilet paper companies would have.
Why nobody mentions how nobody talks about the jew toilet conspiracy?

They are spraying onions on toilet paper to increase onions intake rates. Pajeet is the last one truly fighting the deep onions.

>proper sanitation will prevent the deaths of millions of brown and black kids on poor nations
>jews want to import millions of non whites in europe

Do you fucks actually not shower everyday? Holy shit. Even the army knows better about hygiene. How do you people even have friends to fuel you disgusting habits?

Go to bed Sanjiit, it's getting late.

Your friends are retarded

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The loo jew

this. its my go to for alcohol withdrawals. just fucking sit there in a fetal position and let the water flow. because man those sweats smell like shit. gotta wash my sheets now

>tfw can't tell if that post is sarcastic or not.

Smelling bad is peak masculinity, if you smell good then you are basedboy cuck lmao

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I don't shower because I have nobody to impress
it angers the normalfags and keeps them away and I have to do less, there's literally no downside
inb4 newfag invader replies

This. The satisfaction of seeing some roastie normalfags scurry away from my seat in lecture is immense.

Well I’d be shunned by my peers otherwise.

i only shower if i have to be around another person or just as a refresher to jump start my day.
people still need to remember to wash your fucking clothes though.

Who'll make more millions if they license adult diapers, Nintendo or Sega?

>scrub the shit out of my armpits in the shower with soap and a rag
>still smell bad when I get out
explain this niggers
