I'm going into battle and I need only your strongest potions

I'm going into battle and I need only your strongest potions.

Attached: Potion seller.jpg (1046x778, 59K)

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my potions are too strong for you traveler :(

I used this as a scene in my DnD campaign a few weeks ago.
Luckily nobody knew what it was from or that it was a popular video. They all thought it was a great moment.

I did this once too except as soon as I asked my DM for his strongest potions he immediately caught on and everyone thought we did it on the fly.

I wish I had friends

Attached: bh4j.jpg (676x432, 79K)

>ITT Rascals with no respect for knights

I wish I had strongest potion

Why have respect for knights when potions can do anything they can?

What was his fucking problem?

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HIS problem? You mean what was the Knights problem?
The potion seller was only trying to help save the knights life you idiot.

Why would you even create potions that would kill a dragon, let alone a man? Who's he going to sell them to?



Beast hunters who want to kill them by poisoning food instead of fighting them?

some kind of elite snub who thinks he is better than other people because he visited the potion brewing university his dad payed for him

dragon hunter

He was a rascal with no respect for knights

Attached: traveler.jpg (717x1024, 70K)

Post edits

Attached: Tincture seller.png (480x696, 255K)

Why does potion seller make tryhard newfags seethe so hard?

Martialcucks mad they got stabbed on by alchemybros

because zoomers can't comprehend the idea of potions having negative effects


Potion seller is for the strongest beings, and they are clearly of the weakest


Well the knights gonna die either way now

He can’t have been a very good knight if he needs potions to survive a battle

Attached: download (10).jpg (300x168, 4K)

>fortify strength to divine values
>hit a monster
>your weapon fucking snaps

Why didn’t the knight just go to a potion seller that sold weaker potions?

What's his endgame?

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In a perfect world, potions this strong would not exist.

Should have taken the Potion Sellers advice and gone to a weaker potion seller

knights are known to be potion junkies

He wanted only the strongest potions.

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Attached: 1534698552865.gif (235x180, 1.94M)

But he couldn’t handle the strongest potions

It is an art project with the goal of humbling the entirety of creation.

Especially since potion seller's potions are only fit for beasts and no mere man can handle them

I think he's just a lying cunt with a chip on his shoulder because how the fuck can you be a potion seller who doesn't sell potions to people

my theory is the real potion seller was on potty break and this trolling asshole just wanted to fuck with knight

its like walking up to a police officer giving parking cars tickets and telling him to fuck off. he will charge extra for insulting even though its not your car
