PC controllers

Just cause it's prime day and there are sales at every store. So when you need a controller for pc gaming like emulation, what is the best controller for pc?

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Depends on the games you'll be playing

I just tried my first PS4 controller after using Xbox my whole life and my god it's shit.
Why the fuck bumpers and triggers are so tiny and cheap. Why the fuck dpad feels like trash to use.
How can anyone defend this garbage

I don't think there is a universal answer,
but microsoft/xbox controllers seem to be popular

I'm using a cheap controller with Xinput and have no complaints

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I personally like the DS4 for gamepad games, but the xbone controller has better compatibility

xbox one controller or xbox one S controller, both good.
Beware that you need to purchase bluetooth dongle separately to use it wireless.

Xbox One controllers are pretty expensive but well worth the price IMO. It's the most comfortable controller I've ever tried, and the joypad positioning is so natural it's hard to go back to the DS4

Definitely xbox.

Yeah the triggers are way to sensitive and small
Xbone has smoother triggers

It's probably built for tiny asian hands and fingers

I am literally using op's pic to play dynasty warriors gundam 2 on pcsx2. Guess what my favorite color is It's teal.

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PS4 is better for pixelshit/retro because the d-pad is in the main position and those games typically don't use triggers as much. Bone is better for 3D action games where you use sticks and triggers mostly. But either is fine, really.

Also as a general reminder, new Bone controllers use bluetooth so you probably don't have to buy any adapter if your mobo is made in the last 5 years, and if you still do it's a lot cheaper than the proprietary thing. Just make sure it's a new model.

Are you a girl or have manlet hands.
How is positioning of dpad even matters

What do you mean ? I'm using Bluetooth with my Xbox One S controller on PC and I didn't had to buy anything.

ideal for emulating classic consoles.

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really? I had to buy it for my first xbox one controller, my bad

Ara ara~! But no, I'm not. It's just more comfortable to have the main input in the the resting position than at an angle. I don't think it's a matter of hand size or chromosomes.

I actually liked the Xbox One controller with a removeable wire it came with. But now I can't find it and it's replaced with a shitty chinese knockoff.

I fucking hate the xbone triggers and bumpers. They feel like shit. Loved the 360 controller though

I like the green one with white accents. Looks tight

Most desktop mobos don't have bluetooth but you can buy a $3 adapter on ebay anyway.

I got the crimson omen controller twice from best buy, and both times the rumble died on me. Never had the problem with a ds4 controller. (though the ds4 battery life is shit and the program fucks up now and again with fighting games.)

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If the DS4 was bad then you should never ever try anything before the PS4. The PS3 DualShock was tiny as FUCK and my fingers often slipped off the sticks, it was horse shit.

The Mouse and Keyboard.

you just have to move your thumb more to the right when you use Xbox controller

Thanks but I know how you do it. I just think it's better when you don't have to.

They changed them in xbox one S, bumpers are less stiff and triggers don't go all the way down with a slight press anymore.

the first version of the xbox one wireless controller needs a dongle, the second version has bluetooth.

>got a 3k gaming PC
>original xbox controller
>purchased 3 xbox wireless adapter for PC within 2 years.
>last game I played on the PC was 6 months ago.
>game was a Russian RPG copy of Fallout
>regret nothing, because I am not poor.

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Steam Controller>DS4>Xbone>360>DS3

DS4 and pic related for me. The dpad and stick have drift right out of the box but I only use it for RPG maker games and retro stuff so it's not noticeable.

Everyone shits on DS4 controllers but mine have always been comfy. Did Sony start cheaping out on the material or something?

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I would also prefer its position like on DS4, the problem is that I absolutely despise using PS4 Dpad

a pile of dog shit > Steam Controller

i always use DS4 and never had any problems with any game, also it's comfy as fuck

>Hyaku Shiki
Based and Charpilled

With emulation pretty much everything works since you bind it yourself. So there just get what you're comfortable with. I'm using one wired 360 and one x1 wireless so I can play split screen.

But if you also want it for other games than emulation I recommend getting a xbox controller since they work natively with windows and pretty much every new game.

Care to explain why? It's the best controller I've ever used, and I've been full idort for the past 3 console generations.

In my opinion third party dualshock clones range from decent to great, even the cheap ones.

The 360 one feels like shit though
It's not as comfy as the xbone

Is the DS4 Dpad significantly different from DS3 or DS2?

I think the Xbox one controller is pretty good. I preferred the sticks on the 360, but otherwise it's an all-around improvement. Especially the D pad. PS4 controller has a pretty whack design, but it's not that bad. In fact it's what I'm using right now, because my 360 controller is falling apart.

The trackpads are fucking terrible, they never manage to feel quite right, no matter what config I set up for myself it always feels like I'm jumping with my shoelaces undone and falling over.
Luckily the DS4 has gyro aim so I can have the best of both worlds: the SC's gyro and a familiar controller layout (DS4).
One thing I do love from the SC are the back paddles, that shit is fantastic and I wish more controllers had that.

all games play best on keyboard or mouse and keyboard hence I don't need to buy a gamepad

Weird. I rarely have any issue with the trackpads unless I'm in certain games (Dead Space 1 comes to mind, it's legit the only game where I preferred my DS4 on PC)

Platformers play like dog shit on a keyboard no matter what keybinds you set up.

The SNES controller with USB is the best for retro and pixelshit. Played The Messenger with it and loved every minute.

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Probably best for retro but so much pixelshit use extra buttons so I'm not sure if it's a solid main controller.

Sturdy yet lightweight
Cheap as fuck
No bullshit
Also no rumble (710 for rumble)
Wired as god intended (710 for wireless)
Sticks kinda suck if you're looking for precision (lol you can't expect precision with any stick) but are great if you want something to hit the nautical directions reliably due to the cross-shaped deadzone
DirectInput and XInput switch, high compatibility with old games
Triggers are kinda small and stiff, takes a while to break them in
DPad is a mixed bag, I personally find it really good due to its clicky individual switches for all four directions, but hitting diagonals can be troublesome sometimes due to the big flat disc-shaped pad

Literally the only good PC controller you could get for $20 or less. Everything else in the budget range will probably fall apart in six months or less while the average F310 can serve you well for many years
If you want "quality" you'd have to go to $60 or higher controllers.

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I don't know, it's just bad in comparison to Xbox one dpad

There are buttons on keyboard too.
It's a matter of preference

Buttons and triggers strategically placed on a controller is different than 40 keys slapped on top of a plank (keyboard), retard.

you don't need 40 keys to play fucking platformers you dumbfuck

I'd like to see you try playing one with a keyboard and then compare it to a controller. It's a far better experience on a controller. I tried playing Celeste inb4 tranny jannies doe !!!! and grabbing and jumping out of walls was nigh impossible without a controller.

>strategically placed
If they were "strategically placed", I would be able to control both sticks and touch all the buttons and dpad. These dumbass things were made for people with four thumbs. Nobody has four thumbs, most of your digits are going unused on the backside of a controller.
"Strategically" put some fucking buttons back here.

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I agree with you on the backside part of the controller but you can still hit more buttons and triggers simultaneously than on a keyboard. A controller was made for games, a keyboard was not. The only time you should be using a keyboard and mouse should be for FPS games and RTS/MOBA whatever the fuck.

playing with keyboard aka hitbox is considered cheating in some competitive fighting games

I hate the sticks, bumpers, and triggers on the xbone controller. They all feel worse than the 360 controller to me. DS4 is better than both of them though

Are you talking about S or first xbone controller

>DS4 is better than both of them though
they are objectively worse. Can only be better If you're used to them.

First, I've never used any other xbone controller

Char didn't appear in neither Zeta nor ZZ. Don'5 you mean Quattro Vagina?

i have a 360 controller thats breaking down. i think i can squeeze a year more out of it, but should i just get a new one now or wait for next gen?

fix it you piece of shit
what the fuck is it with people and just going out and buying new garbage the minute something starts breaking down

Keyboard is vastly superior to a controller for platformers. All of the emulated 3rd-5th gen console games, or modern stuff like The Messenger, Meatboy, Celeste, whatever else - all of them are way easier to control with WASD or ASD-SPACE for movement and all of the other inputs bound to Left Shift, Numpad and the bottom row of arrow keys (or a five button mouse if it is something like Katana Zero or even Bloodstained with its Directional Shards).

If said hitbox is lacking the neutral switch that is present in all standard Hitbox devices, an event is likely to ban that one specifically, but few to none have banned the Hitbox outright (at least not anymore).
Daigo's customized Hitbox had two pairs of left-right buttons, and the second set would have allowed him to be able to hold left and right at the same time (without the Hitbox firmware making them register as if he was holding neither), completely invincible to any crossups.

what if i could be having a better experience with a different controller?

I have an even older Logitech controller that looks pretty much like this but lacks XInput. Otherwise it's super solid and still working, but I'm thinking of getting a xbone controller cause getting x360ce properly working every time when I want to play a new game is a crapshoot. It's simply not reliable and I'm too lazy to spend an hour messing with it for every game. For xbone, is Bluetooth OK or should I get a wired controller?

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even in realms where they're fucking nothing, snoyggers have to lie and cherrypick to feint superiority.
Don't believe in this pic, is mostly bullshit.

sony are a dogshit company and the PS4 isn't worth a runny shit
doesn't mean the DS4 isn't the best controller for PC gaming

How reliable is ds4windows, does it work with every game and is easy to setup? I have an old dinput controller and x360ce is a crapshoot.

you'll grow more fond of your controller when you fix it user

I agree keyboard can have better input, but I just prefer to use a controller near my lap, it’s a much more comfortable position.

Get a lap tray for keyboard and mouse

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DS4Windows is driver-level so it will work with absolutely every game. Xbox controller solutions all rely on .dll hooks for individual games which as you say is a crapshoot.

It still bugs me how many people on Yea Forums insist their scuffed controllers work for everything they play. I can list so many games that you cannot play at all with an Xbox controller yet will work perfectly with DS4Windows

sounds like it just switches automatically from dinput to xinput depending on the game
hardly groundbreaking stuff

you can do the same manually with just about any controller with virtual drivers

PS4 by a long long mile.
-Best D-pad on a standard controller.
-Touchpad functions as multiple standard buttons, netting you more options than any other standard controller (for example if you emulate a game that uses all buttons but you still want some extra for quick saves or fast forward you can still put them in the controller instead of using the keyboard - or to use Emu shortcuts, etc etc)
-Touchpad actually useful as it works as a mousepad if you want it to, I use it on 3DS emulation alot, for example to track a monster in MH4U you have to click the second screen, so I don't have to take my hands off the controller at all for that. Also useful for various MMOs that work well with a controller but mouse functions also come in handy, like FF14 or TreeOfSavior (played the beta, not since, don't judge).
-You also have Gyro if you happen to find a use for it, you don't pay any extra so even if you don't care, whatever.

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this particular one is also a bit bigger and fits my hands almost perfectly

>sounds like
sounds like you dont know what you're talking about and dont have first hand experience with what ds4windows actually does


The fuck you on about mate. DS4windows only imitate xinput You still got xinput prompt in almost every game.

>DS4windows only imitate xinput
>he doesn't use based ryochan7's fork

Dualshock 2 with USB adapter.