>It's Google and the apps fault!
>Why should I have to monitor my kids!
It's Google and the apps fault!
Other urls found in this thread:
why are they letting young children and retarded older children have unrestricted access to their bank accounts?
the blame is 80% on the adults for being financially irresponsible
>No you racist Nazi bigot the parents can't be expected to show responsibility and engage in their children's lives. The state must get involved and regulations need to be put in place, praise the state
This is why we need big government to step in an regulate loot boxes! I can't be held accountable for my own spending habits nor can I be held accountable for my own children's spending habits!
I member when ma wouldn't give into my cries for RuneScape membership so I made it my mission to save up 10 maple dollars and I hand mailed that shit to the UK and they gave me membership. Later in life I used pre-paid visas, and that at some point you get your own credit card and since it's your own money it has value.
Isn't there a sense of guilt from these zoomzops? You have to instill the dollar god early.
Well yeah that's what Yea Forums thinks these days. It's funny how people who claim to be principled change their tune right away when they perceive government overreach to be in their interest. They never really think about the precedent.
>giving kids access to your bank account
white parents are so fucking stupid holy shit
Nail the children and the parents in public to crosses, to warn others
Its so simple bros!
If you're on Yea Forums, you parents clearly fucked up.
I’m pretty sure that moralfags that mention “MUH CHILDREN” are paid shills or dumbass parents
The 'child' was 22 and autistic
>p2w trash getting regulated is a bad thing
>how much responsibility lies with mom and dad
all of it? you're the fucking parent, act like one.
You know you can put forward arguments without being a colossal dicksucker about it.
paid shill
>I have a 22 year-old disabled son, who has cerebral palsy, complex epilepsy, autism, learning difficulties and the approximate cognitive ability of a seven-year-old child.
>He is unable to do any bilateral activities so relies heavily on his iPad and PlayStation for entertainment and educational activities.
>He has recently been playing a game on his iPad called Hidden Artifacts which involves finding various items and matching them to the description.
>He has been charged £3160.58 between 18 February and 30 May 2019, clearing out his entire savings.
Well maybe don't give the retard his own bank account then if he has the mind of a seven year old.
Serves them right. Why in the fucking hell would you give a child you bank account/credit card numbers? Those two had no right to have children if they really are the dumb.
>Child Spent Tens of Dollars From Parents' Bank Account for a Posting Subscription to an Already Free Anime Website
You really have to be dumb fuck parents to link your bank accounts to shit like this.
i fucking hate when the parents leave their kids unsupervised and with full access and then when shit goes wrong, they blame tech, not themselves
>single mothers
this is the problem with kids today parents just give them a smartphone and tell them to fuck off yet want google and other companies to watch their kids for them
The worst fuckups aren't monetary. If you think that, you might have brain issues.
Why does google.give children the ability to spend 3000 plus currency.
In fact a mentally handicapped person especially kid can't be held responsible for their actions which is why they can't sign contracts without the parent consenting. Otherwise every salesman would run their door in which is basically what these micro transaction fests take advantage of.
>all that corporate dick sucking in this thread
Imagine blaming Google for this
>Picture is of some kid
>Actual guy is 22
Burn all the statists and boomers verily much so
Go deepthroat the government more
It’s because Google can’t just quickly identify if a person buying stuff online is actually an adult, and not a kid who stole mom’s credit card
oh fuck he's probably in this thread right now
He's a literal retard though so he has a better excuse for being exploited than most teenagers.
That's not a good excuse.
maybe they should change their name to gargle
>can’t just quickly identify
This, but unironically.
I legit want the state to lay the smackdown on private companies.
Don't @ me, I don't give a fuck about your opinions.
how much do they pay you to shill on Yea Forums?
>defending EA jews
OP you're cancer
He should read Homer's book about lazy parenting.
>Sure, I'll let this game access my bank account. What could possibly go wrong?
Actually in UI and UX designs, the shorter the steps you provide the users leading them to payment, the more likely they are to spend their money.
what a loser, at least spend it on gacha anime tits
>What is two factor authentication?
40+ faggots are no better than actual boomers
True, but I'm guessing the picture was chosen so people would assume it was some kid and not some disabled guy.
2.50 a (you)
How much does the government pay you?
Except it is. Parents should care more instead of letting google babysit the little retards.
As a parent you shouldn't have to assume every game you get your kids has the potential to bankrupt you. Loot box, microtransaction ban can't come soon enough.
>throw an ipad at a kid and call it parenting
>for some reason also give them your google play account with your bank details on it
>wtf there were negative consequences to this?
Not even 2FA. Even the phone itself is enough by requiring password or fingerprint to authorize any in-app purchase. The parents are retarded, or they spend themselves that much money in-game that these security settings are a nuisance to them and they willingly disabled them.
or maybe you don't have full unrestrictive access to your bank account on a device your child is using.
As much as this is 100% the parents' problem and nobody else's...
But why, how is it even fucking possible to spend thousands of queenbucks or greenbacks on content for ONE fucking game? Is that actually what it costs to fill out the roster in FIFA? Do you just have an empty field and a lonely ball when you buy it? The fuck gives?
How would google know its a child buying anything when its connected directly and intentionally to an adult's payment details?
Those details don't magically appear on your account, you have to fill them in you know
>throw an ipad at a kid and call it parenting
>kid so impaired he can't hold a pencil at school
Behold a new generation of retards.
Except it isn't. You can't blame the parents for literally everything. It's like saying a drug dealer isn't at fault for supplying the drugs
You shouldn't assume that giving a 4 year old unrestricted access to your savings will have no consequences either dipshit
>google play
>due to breaking NDA, 0.05 cents have been deposited into your Google Play balance, enjoy!
>How would Google know
They know everything else about you. No excuses.
Literally examples from the article in the OP
No amount of intervensionism will make you a woman
They don't know who is holding the device you've authorised to make payments at any given moment
Strange that they wouldn't refund it. Gacha niggers know there's usually a once per account refund Google will do so they'll whale a lot on a limited banner and of they don't get it they'll file a refund
>Why should I ever monitor my bank account!?
Google doesn't give them that, their parents do. This is all natural selection at work.
you can 100% blame them in this case
It's the parents card / bank account. It is their responsibility to manage that.
oh no my child sliced his finger with that knife i left him play with. Must be the manufacturer's fault >:(
It is because it's one of those f2p cashless transaction, they design these games to make you anticipate when you roll for the items with the use of enticing graphics and feel good (dopamine) when you finally get the one thing. You will then justify the money used by thinking oh the game is free and I'm spending a lot of time on it might as well.
How can anybody support a market where a single game could possibly take over $1000 of somebody's money?
A mate of mine spent like 7k on that Stronghold game, where you pay for speed increases and the like. Dude had no idea till he found that Steam feature which adds up all your purchases. Dude is no idiot but even he got caught, so i can imagine how easy it would be for a literal retard or a child to get caught up. Loot boxes and speed up features are scummy as all hell but in this case it's 100% on the individual.
I don't think an epileptic vegetable should even be playing video games or getting exposed to potentially harmful shit.
>Dude is no idiot
>Dude is no idiot
Obviously that's not true.
>boomer giving their literally mentally disabled manchild son unsupervised access to sensitive financial material
I can't tell who is the more retarded one here.
I had assumed it was a mainline FIFA game. F2P is fucking poison.
There's no one party who deserves to be shit on here. The publishers deserve it for being greedy fucks. The parents deserve it for being dumb fucks. The "kid" deserves it for being a thieving fuck.
I have done this with two different gatcha games (Brave Exvius and that KH game) each for about 300$. If I spent that much and didnt get what I wanted I would get a refund issued and then just stop playing the game because fuck that shit
This is why regardless of how much public money you spend on poor people via welfare, etc., The status-quo will always be the status-quo. Stupid people spend money on stupid things. Your job in life, is to produce stupid things for stupid people to spend money on.
What the fuck sort of analogy is this? Videogames aren't meant to be dangerous, they're meant to bbe children's toys. If you're targeting children of all things with microtransaction bullshit to have characters that play above the level of a hydrocephalic retard overdosing on painkillers and fostering gambling habits from a young age, maybe something is wrong.
But you can't even expect the government to do something without their hand so far up your ass you're a muppet, because once you start doing that they'll just relocate all their shit to China. If you want to whine, making a powerpoint and showing it to your sloped forehead friends who buy this shit is the best use of your time, remind them why these faggots have power in the first place.
That's why you put parental control and autentification so ypu don't have to worry about it.
Let's just put all the cards on the table and legalize online gambling.
Negligent parents can get fucked.
Meanwhile I can't subscribe to a porn site without my bank calling me. THAT'S RIGHT, I PAY FOR PORN ON OCCASION!
>£3000 life savings
Let's be honest, that guy was already one bad hospital visit away from being penniless.
I know Google has a huge database of user information, but they are not going to hack into your webcams to see if the person buying their shit is an adult or a little kid.
And if they did, Muh Kids wasting Muh money is the least of your worries and the least criminal thing Google is doing.
Why are Americans such huge corporate bootlickers? They are being abused by big guys, you know, companies have departments of psychologists who know how to make an ad to brainwash a kid into buying useless shit and you are still protecting them and sucking their cocks because "muh freedom".
Looks like the race mixing really lowered your iq by a lot.
No ammount of corporate dicksucking will make you rich
This sorta shit is predatory, but that's how they make buisness.
Really they should've clocked on earlier. This is why you watch out on what the hell happens to the card or what sort of crap your kids play. Like how do you even let it happen unless the child stole the card?
You supervise a child with a knife because you think there would be bad consequences if they misused it. So you take it away after dinner is over, and you don't leave them with it. If you did, and they cut yourself, you wouldn't blame the guy that made the knife.
If you willingly put your banking information into a device primarily for adults, then throw it at your 4 year old and leave, you shouldn't be shocked when something bad happens. Because its your fucking fault it did.
life is not black and white
if you blame one side doesn't mean you support the other
>and feel good (dopamine)
Oh wow you're so smart
DAE le dopamine fast XDDD
Fuck off back to social media you retarded shitter
>paying the equivalent of £3000 for one (1) hospital visit
do americans really do this?
You know whats a good method to stop your kid buying 3 billion vbucks? Not giving them unsupervised access to your savings account, retard.
There are always people who do shit like that but when you design something to exploit it yes it should be regulated just as gambling and whatnot are
Is it ethical to use psychological tricks to exploit kids? To design it the same way they do it for casinos?
Not all of them, others just die.
>Why are Americans such huge corporate bootlickers? They are being abused by big guys
I’m not. Never used real money to buy any Microtransactions, so companies are actually losing money keeping the servers running for me.
>companies have departments of psychologists who know how to make an ad to brainwash a kid into buying useless shit
And it’s fine when politicians do that same, but with votes (something that does affect you)
And why are you letting your kids waste your money you massive retard?
>Dude is no idiot
>Spending 7K on vidya
>Buying ingame transactions
>Not checking their bank account
>No idiot
Tbh 3k isn't even bad for someone with no ability to work. I have friends that work full time yet still manage to have almost nothing at all in the bank and live paycheck to paycheck
a child simply shouldn't have unrestricted access to his parent bank account
this shit is just like trading card games like magic or yugioh
you nerds will eat up everything they shit out to jew you out
You say that while I'm gonna be chilling on a sweet payroll. The cock sucking got me a promotion finally after 5 years.
Fuck off, bootlicker.
>buying things should be regulated just like gambling
>Muh Kids wasting Muh money is the least of your worries and the least criminal thing Google is doing.
I don't give a shit about that. I do give a shit about google monopolizing information, controlling history, and becoming an arm of the state
>Thinking google needs a webcam to know if the user is a kid or not
The parents are huge retards if their kid has access to that much money on a game console
If jap mobages can set age limits on purchases you bet your ass jewgle can. They simply don't want to.