My son spent £3,160 in one game

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don't dox me

This is why parental controls exist.

Good God. It sounds like an educational game, but dont tell me that even those have microtransactions?

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Why do you let autistic people with cognitive dissonance of a 7 year old have access to credit cards in the first place

The free will and lack of responsibility act of 1945.

Pick one of the following:
>Children spending obscene amounts of money on a video game is the fault of the parents, who failed to manage and oversee their brood and finances.
>Games that make it possible for children to spend obscene amounts of money, while at the same time advertising themselves as being "for kids", are to blame and the publisher is at fault.

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can I pick both?

where do you think those disabilities came from?

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Since we are deciding if the publisher has to restore the money to the parents, no. You have to pick who is at fault.

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no you fucktard it said pick ONE

>He is unable to do any bilateral activities so relies heavily on his iPad and PlayStation for entertainment and educational activities.
The absolute state of sonyroaches

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what exactly would he do with £3k in current climate?

Love when poorfuckers think 1 months wage is "life time savings"

don't give a toddler access to your savings dumb boomer

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that's not so bad. kids used to bankrupt their parents buying Habbo coins.

No joke a 3 year old girl that is a family friend's daughter was here the other night and she kept writing out A- J on her phone because you had to buy the full game to get full access to the alphabet

What game would do that?

Yeah, people who willingly bring retards into this world deserve all the suffering caused by it and more.

>my son has autism because I smoked meth while pregnant and now he blew all my disability checks on games instead of meth

I would say his son is a retard but he's already mentioned that.

Why are these fools always trying to guilt trip normal people into caring about their potato (that is probably their fault because they waited until their 40s to "settle down" and have a kid) fuck them.

You misread the OP pic.
It was _his_ savings. The guy with the cognitive ability of a 7yo was probably working as a floorsweep at mcd.

absolutely obsessed

It's a hidden object game, you can easily get any of those for absolutely free, I'm not sure what they charged the guy to come to this amount, that would have to be an insane amount of extra hints.

why the fuck hidden object games need microtransactions? yikes!!!!!

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dont link your retards bank account and use pre paid cards then

Go buy some lootboxes my little retard

why would you give your disabled kid access to that much money? thats just fucking stupid. my brother is a potato, i love him very much, but i wouldnt put my fucking bank credentials into his tablet for gods sake

>It sounds like an educational game, but dont tell me that even those have microtransactions?

Well he learned a valuable life lesson didn't he? Sounds pretty educational to me.

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Why isn't euthanasia promoted for highly defective people?

The Jews will monetize anything, user

Besides hints game probably has a cooldown timer per level once you run out of energy, so the dumbass kid kept paying for more retries instead of waiting.

I can maybe forgive parents who leave their kid alone for a few hours only to come back and their dumbass child spent a few bucks. When a kid is buying hundreds of dollars of shit over the course of days/weeks/months that’s literally your own fault.

>disabled 22 year old son had more savings than me
based and cringe at the same time

Gacha weeaboo shitters are underage and retard manchildren confirmed

You cant prenatally diagnose autism can you?

because muh fee fees
the world needs a eugenics war soon

In the modern age the parents are completely at fault. You can set so many controls on an account so that no one can make a payment at all, or they need a fingerprint to make any purchase.

At the same point I understand where the parents are coming from, when I was young you could buy coins for a game by texting and I think I spent close to £3,000 on my dad's phone, there were no safety checks as this was before you had pin codes on phones.

We should make a law where retards are not allowed to play games.

obviously he wants to die but the retard parents won't let him, so this was to get back at them for all those years suffering.

It’s not like he earned the money, the government pays him for being retarded

Im sorry what point are you trying to make? most careers do not offer £3000 a month wages.

>whales are actually retards
Like pottery

i literally signed some papers a few years ago that in the event of me becoming a cripple i want them to pull the plug

>WoW subscribers plummet into unsustainable levels causing Blizzard to go into bankruptcy

Because you wouldn't be posting here

You can postnatally abort autism.

22 isn't a child any more. The problem is letting actual children (under 18s) gamble. If a 22 year old wants to waste their money on video games that's fine. Plenty of people his age spend more than that on alcohol, drugs, sex and parties every year.

But what would you do with your life then user?

Imagine being so mentally handicapped that you defend microtransactions.

And go to prison gj


>muh parental controls
These game companies use deceptively malicious practices to make in-app purchases in kid's games as easy as possible. Once you've used your credit card once it can be used again and again. Even smart parents might not consider how easily apps and games can drain their accounts.

Your reading comprehension is shit.
mental capacity of a 7 year old.

>congnative dissonance
I don't think you know what this means

how the fuck do you except devs to stay alive if they cant sell you half finished games with microtransactions?

If you get caught, you deserve it.

so dont link your credit card or bank account and use a fucking pre paid card

The parents, of course.
These games wouldn't even thrive if parents didn't try to distract their kids with smartphones and video games just so they could fuck/watch tv in peace.

According to his mother who doesn't want to pay his bills. If he really has the mental capacity of a seven year old he wouldn't have a bank account or £3k in savings.

Well, kind of true but his case proves that any child under 9 could fall victim to the same spending habits.

All the tech companies that have in app purchases need to give parents from the get go the ability to set limits for how much the kids can spend per month.
>E.G. you're locked out of buying more shit once you exceed $60.
If parents don't put that limit on and then kid wastes a shitload of money on a damn game that's their own fault.

>£3k a month
t. retarded American thinking he knows about other currencies

Why not just put a spending limit on the card?
Why leave an adult with the cognitive ability of a small child in possession of your credit card?

>pre-paid card
only teenagers and drug dealers use these, if I want to buy a game on Steam or PSN I'm going to use my proper details and expect to be prompted for them each purchase, is that unreasonable?

They're already protected.

I work in london, thats pretty much minimum wage here poorfag.

Neither would you so it'd be a net gain for the site. I'd prefer we both got euthanized.

All tech companies are incentivized to make maximum amount of money
if they make the maximum amount of money via exploitation of retards and children it's because they're evil like all companies are, the consumers are the victims.

look at this faggot actually paying for video games

Because the slippery slope is very real and nobody can be trusted with the power to decide where the cutoff should be.

there are also prepaid credit cards

No it isn't, London weighting is 20% more than the rest of the UK so it'd be closer to £1700 depending on age.

>Mother gives a retard access to credit card
>Retard doesn't know how to deal with money like an adult
>Retard clears out his entire savings

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user I don't think you realize just what the term "predatory" entails.

Have you simply thought about not entering in your credit card information into a device your mentally disabled child will be using at all hours of the day?

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It was HIS, not the father's.
I swear, people have no reading comprehension.
If he is truly mentally disabled, a court may find that he was incapable of forming a contract with this company.
Most seven year olds are smart enough to work a simple job and put the money in a bank. If you couldn't rake your neighbor's leaves for a few dollars at that age you're more retarded than this guy.

>Why leave an adult with the cognitive ability of a small child in possession of your credit card?
Autism might be hereditary

Well that's precisely why Governments need to put in that rule. It's simple, it doesn't kill Lootboxes, it just prevents horrid shit like this from happening.

And there will still be richfags who will put thousands of dollars into shitty games because they have money to burn.

>Create Google account or iTunes account
>No credit card linked
>No way to spend money
Huh who da thunk it.

nigger is buying magic the gathering cards gambling? what about kinder surprise eggs? lmao

when you gamble, there is the possibility of financial return to recoup your losses, unlike when you make in game purchases and you know you can't get your money back. that makes it qualitatively different from gambling.

also if your kid is a fucking retard, don't give him access to your credit card.

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will there EVER be an article that blames the parents?

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It's probably given to him, are you his equally retarded brother?

>It's ok for video game publishers to release their game as a pseudo-slot machine and employ predatory tactics on distracted parents, people with gambling addictions and children who got a hold of their parent's credit card.

Yeah bro, stupid and gullible people should totally be scammed, it's the free market! Fuck off pinko!

>If he is truly mentally disabled, a court may find that he was incapable of forming a contract with this company.
Why did he had a credit card in the first place? Its one thing to have savings in the bank but I wouldnt give a credit card to a mentally seven year old

No because articles about Hero-Parents fighting evil companies are more attractive to boomers

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You can sell MTG cards, dipshit. People like you are enablers of this shit, games are now fucking virtual casinos, AAA gaming is absolute fucking garbage. Thanks.

>giving your retard son access to your credit card
He was just asking for something like this to happen at some point

Fucking autists, of course we know better than to enter details, but we also spend 3+ hours on the internet a day. I'm saying that normie boomers should be protected by consumer law so that, by default, their details need to be entered for EVERY purchase on a digital platform.

better yet, create an account for your kid, and ask your bank for a separate virtual credit card or whatever your bank calls it which has limits and more protection to be used with that account. then you can just give your kid a weekly/monthly allowance or whatever through that card. honestly though, parenting goes a long way.

No, these articles are written for those people to make them feel better.

Except without a worthwhile potential return on investment.



After you factor in accommodation and living costs for living in that shithole we will be about even. I couldn't imagine a worse fate than living in London, Abdullah.

Nowhere did it say it was a credit card. It was probably a debit card, which is pretty standard when you get a bank account.

Fucking poorfag. That’s barely dolphin tier

Yeah bro, fuck these companies. We need the state to babysit parents as parents fail to babysit their own offspring.

>cognitive dissonance
>its a child uses a word he heard somewhere else to sound smart episode
Nice work youngin.

>I'm saying that idiots who give irresponsible people free reign to use their credit cards should be protected!
Are you also the faggot that cries about people being toxic in online games even though mute buttons exist?

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>everything I don't like is gambling
Nigger if you don't like these games, don't play them. Also don't get all your opinions from Jim Sterling.

Why not just ban predatory tactics? What about people with gambling addiction? It's a problem as bad as heavy drug use, I've seen a desperate man trying to pay off his son's debts due to gambling addiction, he was fucking dead inside, this old man was already retired and he was very well off luckily. It was sad, it's even sadder to see enablers of this fucking behavior. Fuck their profits, these companies are just poisoning society.

>Disabled person plays PS4
Water is wet

Just start a fucking Gofundme or whatever the EU equivalent is and he'll have £31600 in a week or two.

Why do parents give their children their debit/credit card information?
And even if they were to do so, why wouldn't they just give them a separate number that they just load a with a limited sum of money so that even in the worst case scenario it wouldn't be a big deal?

I'll never understand shit like this. When I was little my parents governed over my income and purchases, and my friends' parents did the same for them.

And this is why Power of Attorney and trust funds exist.


Your son is fucking retarded. Congratulations.

I don't think that's what he was saying. I'm pretty sure he was just saying what corporations are calling "surprise mechanics" is actually gambling.

Are you too autistic to read where it says “ipad game”?

>better yet, create an account for your kid, and ask your bank for a separate virtual credit card or whatever your bank calls it which has limits and more protection to be used with that account.
This works.

>Why not just ban predatory tactics?
This doesn't.

>gambling addiction
>it's even sadder to see enablers of this fucking behavior
you answered your own question

Yeah exactly, fuck these companies. You're right on that one.


Nobody is asking for babysitting. Gambling is already heavily regulated and these games use the same psychology as gambling.

So you think it's ok to exploit people, specially ones with gambling addiction for maximum profit?


Japan has the next best thing. In Japan, you're expected to keep retarded children inside so as to not be a burden on society. This is a real fucking thing. You're meant to keep them inside as much as possible until they either become an adult and mentally grow enough to function, or until they die.

>I'm pretty sure he was just saying what corporations are calling "surprise mechanics" is actually gambling.
It isn't, because there's no possibility of financial return on your investment.

>letting a literal retard to access games designed to free people from their money as effectively as possible

They really were asking for it to happen.


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If he has disabilities, why is he allowed to do something as reckless as having full access to his bank account to do shit like this? This sounds like complete parent negligence.

But both are equally applicable.
If I dig a big hole in the street and some fucktard falls into it, the fucktard is definitely a fucktard for not noticing the big hole but I'll also be liable for digging such a big hole without putting up adequate protection measures around it.

The same logic goes for developers of these shitty apps, they practically rely on dumb kids using them and buying a whole bunch of shit from them and design the apps to make it as easy as possible for the kids to do without raising suspicion (while also staying just within the law for making the purchase clear). Dumb of a parent to put in the card details in an unsupervised way, but also still scrummy of the developer.

Well that explains the hikikomori epidemic right?

For all the faggots defending companies and touting personal control, the point is that it shouldn't even be possible to spend that much on any game, much less some shitty mobile app. This shit is cancerous and as long as publishers and devs are allowed to get away with it, video games will continue to get worse an worse in quality.

These kinds of practices need to be outlawed for the simple reason that developers need to be forced to make actual games instead of shitting out these tard fleece machines.

Wait. The kid is 22 years old? Well fuck. Still though.

>drug dealers use prepaid cards
is this some kind of next-gen dealing?

There is, it's just not monetary. That doesn't make it not gambling; don't be that guy that has a 2-dimensional view on abstract concepts.

That's living wage, not minimum

>letting a retard handle money

yeah it's not exactly the same as going into a casino and gambling but the psychology of lootboxes and similar paid content is exactly the same as gambling.

>just don't play them BRO!

I don't play them, it's like saying if you don't like heroin just don't shoot it up bro. For everyone who doesn't play or buy lootboxes there is someone who will pay for it 10 times over. This is what the market is geared towards, maximum profit and exploitation instead of quality games.

>Jim Sterling

I don't watch that fat faggot.

No, people can say whatever they want. Corporations need to be honest.

>of all the fucking mobile games he could've whaled out on, he chose a fucking scavenger hunt game
I know he's mentally ill and shit, but c'mon

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>having kids
>having retard kids
>not destroying it as soon as you realized the burden it would be on you, society, and the creature itself
>giving brainlet wojak money for any purpose
>posting about your shame online

>Why not just ban predatory tactics?
I don't what the Government telling me what videogames I can and can't play. Also some people enjoy gacha games and play them responsibly, why should we take that away from them.
>What about people with gambling addiction?
That's their fucking problem. If you have a gambling addiction, learn to deal with it. There are taxpayer funded resources and charities out there to deal with you. We don't ban actual gambling because we don't make policy that affects everyone to cater to the mentally ill. At the end of the day it's your fucking responsibility, not mine.
>Fuck their profits, these companies are just poisoning society.
The technology, comfort and joys of society that you live in today is bought from profits. 100 years ago people were dying of typhus at age 12. 500 years ago people were living in shacks and mud huts.

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Just because the companies are doing harm through loopholes on the law, doesn't mean the parents aren't at fault at all.
We have no idea when and if we'll get to regulate gachashit and other borderline gambling games, but until then the ones responsible to handle the money that goes into those games ARE responsible for shit happening to them.
Just because the state doesn't hang blacks from a tree, doesn't mean you're not at fault for getting killed/mugged/raped as you flaunt your white ass in a gheto.

actually a lot of mobile games (especially Japanese) already enforce a maximum spending per month. some even ask for age and give different limits.

>load up untraceable prepaid card
>buy Bitcoin
>buy acid on deepweb

Despite how retarded the idea of a hidden object game having microtransations, if you have a retarded son, or just a child in general, you make sure they can't access your credit card.
The game might be cancer but the parent is at fault.

How about we ban alchohol and tobacco first? Deal?


She will win in a european court because her tardy son can't consent or make contracts. She won't have to pay/can charge it back

>3K pounds
>minimum wage
I fucking wish lad, 1.3K is the minimum wage, don't go spouting shit you aint informed about.

>There is, it's just not monetary.
Ah yes, that non-monetary **financial** return.

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>there's even more

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You like being taken advantage of by predatory tactics?

I gave my 6 year old son access to my finances in a bid to deliberately bankrupt myself as part of a fraud scheme.
He invested in bitcoin.
Now I am the exact opposite of bankrupt.

>childlike retard
>with unsupervised access to a credit card and an internet connection
How else was this supposed to end?

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>When you're born cognitively dissonant

Whacky stuff

They're regulated and gambling is as well and loot boxes will be soon. If you have EA or blizzard stock sell that shit

>thread full of "at least it's not the gubmint" Lolbertarians
Every time.

The living wage is a rebranding of the minimum wage for people over £25. Both are legally enforced.

i wish my parents would've aborted me

Well shit, you got me because I overlooked a specific in my wording. Let me rephrase to satisfy your autism
>There is a return, though.That doesn't make it not gambling; don't be that guy that has a 2-dimensional view on abstract concepts.

And absolutely nothing about my post changed besides semantics. You pedantic fuck.

What exactly is dishonest about a button that says "click here to buy thing"?

If you gave a 12 year old $100 to buy groceries unattended and they came back with $100 worth of candy and video games, is it the store's fault you didn't supervise your kid while he had access to your money?

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>It's only gambling if there's financial return


Ever since my step-mom coerced me into having sex with her daughter as she watched.

>activate parental control
>Apple Store gets an update
>your preferences get reset without notifying you

>cognitive dissonance
You must be thinking of some other term cause that's not accurate for this situation. But I agree in that no parent should let their kids, retarded or not, have access to a credit card.

I don't play gacha shit. The closest I get is paying MMO subscriptions and microtransactions in FFXIV. I enjoy it, so why the fuck is it any of your business how I spend my money? Why would you try to ban that shit from me, or anyone else, who enjoys the stuff they play, because you throw around meaningless buzzwords like "predatory" and "gambling", which it isn't.

And if you're someone who can't fucking control their financial impulses because you're a child, a retard, or mentally ill, then perhaps you should utilise the many fucking resources that exist to help people in your position instead of trying to ban the passtime of literally millions of people.

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>the many fucking resources that exist to help people in your position
like what?

If your kid is not a normal kid and you insist on using your credit card you walked into that one.

Even these days my neighbors set up a google wallet and give their kids allowances through it. Theres really no excuse for this now.

Alcohol and tobacco are already extremely regulated and taxed. Are you some sort of EA or Activision shill?

Seethe harder corporate cocksucker, European countries are already banning lootboxes because they are considered a form of gambling.

Here's an unrelated bonus fact: Games as a service (like you see in the US and Canada) are not considered a service in the EU, if you buy a game or piece of software (non-subscription base) you are the legitimate owner of you copy. This is how developed nations legislate and regulate new technologies and practices unlike third world shit somalia tier countries.

I'm not saying the game's not at fault, but honestly banning "predatory tactics" is really hard because of the definition and they will always find a loophole. it's much better if we can protect ourselves from those because we can already do it. it's like asking providers to block/take down websites containing viruses instead of just being smart or installing an antivirus on your PC.

>There is a return, though.
There's a return on me jacking off before bed each night, and an opportunity cost. There's a return on me buying a chocolate bar from the store, and an opportunity cost. I can be taken advantage by "predatory" tactics like advertising and sugar addiction to buy chocolate.

It doesn't make it fucking gambling. Gambling requires a financial return and the ability to recoup your losses. that's why people go bankrupt on gambling machines, because there's always the possibility they'll become millionaires and solve all their problems if they get lucky. There is no such possibility of seeing ANY financial return on gacha games. Ergo it is not gambling, in the same way any form of blindbox system is not gambling.

>Because the slippery slope is very real and nobody can be trusted with the power to decide where the cutoff should be.
Hadn't thought of it that way but it makes sense.
Every time a decision needs to be made, some person someone has to make that decision. What happens when that person is biased, incompetent, or malicious?
Need to think about that, and plan for how the power could be used the wrong way.

They're both in the wrong. It's the parents and guardians who are responsible for protecting those in their care who are incapable of making proper decisions, but the act of exploitation games like these employ should be illegal. You cannot possibly argue that some find and tap mobile game could possibly have over $3000 worth of value, but they'll gladly take that money without hesitation.

Most likely it was one of those "Buy our coins so you can continue playing," routines. I've played one game with that kind of mechanic that I'd recommend, and it's only because after spending about $30 (the cost of a sensible video game) they gave you unlimited currency.

Google "problem gambling resources [your city]"

>don't tread on me
>unless you're a giant multinational corporation
>lmao don't live in a society just deal with your own shit alone despite humans being social animal

kek libertarians are such fucking cucks, it's unbelievable.

There is a difference between buying a fucking skin or some other type of DLC and the gambling bullshit publishers are pulling these days.

yeah because that's totally what a retarded autistic guy with the cognitive ability of a 7 year old is going to do

>I don't what the Government telling me what videogames I can and can't play.
The Government here. Play some fucking Hollow Knight and Factorio. Do it faggot.

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>my son is a fucking retard and i gave him free reign on my credit card

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Never said people shouldn't learn how to protect themselves.

You're a cold bitch, Blossom.

>Alcohol and tobacco are already extremely regulated and taxed.
Yeah, but they are not banned yet. Lets ban them.

Theres probably a million and one reasons why you can be considered defective as well. You should never get to choose who has the right to live. Euthanasia should only be permittable for people who live in excruciating pain and their conditions arent getting better.

I thought I had libertarian views but god damn, the inability to see the changing landscape of the industry to integrate purchasing to be seen as part of the core video game experience is astounding. Much less defending it. That's a very extremist view. I'll give you a hint; it's the same reason vices such as drugs and gambling are heavily regulated. Because they're vices. When China was addicted to opium and the economy crumbled due to nobody working in favor of doing more opium, it's no business of the government to ban opium right?
It just blows my mind that you are defending "surprise mechanics" as if it's a part of a game people want. As if it isn't locking games behind extensive and steep paywalls - as if those very paywalls ARE the gaming experience. I can't grasp how you could possibly see it that way.

He doesn't want to legitimize the use of collective action to curtail the abuses of people in positions of power

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>regulating a certain practice or having good consumer protection laws means banning the product

ok retard

Why should parents have to monitor what their child is playing if it's supposed to be a kid's game

>unless you're a giant multinational corporation
Any association I have with corporations is voluntary based on mutual transactions. The only way a corporation can benefit from my money is if they provide a service or product that I am willing to exchange money for. Furthermore corporations cannot create laws and throw me in prison if I break them.

Unlike the Government that can take my money and my property without permission, and create laws that dictate how I live my life.
>and the gambling bullshit publishers are pulling these days.
Online gambling is already regulated in the same manner as physical gambling.
Gacha systems are not gambling as there is no possibility of financial return and every dollar put in is one you cannot get back in any capacity.

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It's his NEETbux he no doubt plowed through.
Chris-chan does this shit all the time.
Right now he's e-begging to go to bronycon

If you're a kid or a retard then your parents are responsible for you.

>Every time a decision needs to be made, some person someone has to make that decision. What happens when that person is biased, incompetent, or malicious?
>Need to think about that, and plan for how the power could be used the wrong way.

Think about this every time you elect for regulations of some sort, there are always consequences that echo from when you made said choice.

>Gacha systems are not gambling as there is no possibility of financial return and every dollar put in is one you cannot get back in any capacity.

>financial return is what defines gambling

>do this thing or go homeless
This is what "voluntary" means to retarded yellow snakes

Don't forget to take the national socialist pill when you grow out of your shitty libercuck mentality.

>had my parents cards details saved on all my shit but never once used it without asking first

who /good boy/ here?

Who are quoting, clown? I just want to ban booze. I don't give a fuck about your toddler spending your lifetime savings. You can ban lootboxes too, as long as alchohol goes down.


meme mentality

>Think about this every time you elect for regulations of some sort
I know. This is why the Paris accord on climate change is complete shite. Any time you give a multi-national entity power over a nation's industries like that, it's not going to end well.

>Any association I have with corporations is voluntary based on mutual transactions

Just like when a meth head buys meth from his dealer, it's voluntary bro, it's not a public health problem, it's his own choice to rot away from his meth addiction.

There is no such thing as social cohesion, national unity, public health concerns, just the individual and his voluntary transactions. Yup. Yellow snakes all the way.

no shit retard but you said in that retards should go seek help from unspecified "resources" (which, if exist, are usually funded by government programs btw)

like no, go get yourself check because maybe you're the retarded autist here. No child (or person with childlike cognitive ability) is able to even identify they have a problem. They'll just keep pressing the shiny colorful buttons that have been SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED to be appealing to press

>publicly outing yourself as a worthless guardian for your son
lmao nice move

>he thinks NS is the same as marxist socialism

You'll never make it bro.

Can we ban this thing too? Thanks.

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>comparing booze to gacha shit

please kys.

>It just blows my mind that you are defending "surprise mechanics" as if it's a part of a game people want. As if it isn't locking games behind extensive and steep paywalls - as if those very paywalls ARE the gaming experience. I can't grasp how you could possibly see it that way.
Not once have I defended the practice. I don't like that shit. I don't play games with that shit.
But I acknowledge there are people out there who do like it, and I don't think the Government should take that away from them simply because I don't like that kind of thing. There are plenty of people who don't like the things I like, and I wouldn't want them to take that away from me. In other words, fucking leave people and their entertainment alone. If someone is irresponsible, like they spend too much money on a game, or they spend too much time on a game and lose their job, or anything else that can come from videogame addiction, then that's THEIR responsibility to deal with, and we shouldn't ban entertainment when the vast majority of people use it responsibly simply because there are a couple retards out there who can't fucking manage their own lives.
Literally that is what it means, by definition. Gambling is a game of chance that is played for money.
People were actually homeless until capitalism made us all rich enough to be able to afford homes. If you want to reduce the amount of homelessness, the solution is more capitalism, not less.
>Just like when a meth head buys meth from his dealer, it's voluntary bro, it's not a public health problem, it's his own choice to rot away from his meth addiction.
I believe the buying and selling of drugs should be legal, yes. If you wanna ruin your life on meth, that's your problem.
>(which, if exist, are usually funded by government programs btw)
The vast majority of such programs are non-profit charities that receive no federal funding.

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>People were actually homeless until capitalism made us all rich enough to be able to afford homes

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>buying that shit online
too bad buying via deepweb never worked in European Mexico, they always confiscate the package

I will never understand Americans and Europoors dependency on credit cards.
Debit for retail transactions, internet banking for digital ones.
Less fees, more secure, im spending money i actually own, no gay credit score bullshit.
Stop being dependent on the credit jew

Do note how he doesn't address the central point in four of five posts he's replying to.
The yellow snakes learned the pilpul methods of their masters.

surprise mechanics have exactly the same mechanics and psychology of gambling you boomer faggot. Your definition of gambling is outdated. So you're saying pachinko games in Japan are not gambling just because you get a non-cash prize that you can then trade for cash?

>literal mud shacks
Yeah that compares to the average quarter acre, air conditioned, two story house.

There's no comparison, my tarded friend. Lootboxes don't cause people to rape, kill and crash their cars.

>unironically advocating nazism
Please literally kill yourself in real life, famalam.

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Advertisement for children is regulated. A better analogy would be if your son came back with cigarettes with cute characters on the box.

>So you're saying pachinko games in Japan are not gambling just because you get a non-cash prize that you can then trade for cash?
No, because you're playing for a financial return. The whole point of those non-cash prizes is they are tokens that are exchanged for money.

>what others do doesn't affect me at all!
>heavy drugs should be legal, there should be no health and safety regulations at all
>the complete poisoning and degeneration of society is not my problem!
>nothing else should exist except for voluntary transactions

No. Hikkikomori is people not wanting to go out, usually because they were mentally scarred or broken by society. Japan wants to solve that epidemic and wants them to go outside and reintegrate.

He's talking about certifiable retardation or otherwise inability to function in society.

Ancient Egypt was capitalist tho. They employed people to build niggamids and recorded their work hours.

>in app purchases are LITERALLY CIGARETTES

This is disgusting and the people who made that app should kill themselves for exploiting children like that. Absolutely no shame or decency whatsoever.

>The free exchange of goods and services just pops up in 1954 for some reason

dumb user! dumb! back to school!

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>Yeah bro, stupid and gullible people should totally be scammed
They always will regardless of wether we do everything to scam them or to protect them from being scammed.
People live their own lives and should own up to their mistakes.

Yes, it compares. The comparison result is that yeah it's WORSE, but it's still a fucking house. People weren't homeless before capitalism.
In fact, the idea of "systemic homeless" was inconceivable before capitalism.

A good example are those chocolate cigarettes that have since been banned in most countries. When I was young I still got some of those.

I dunno. Lootboxes might be considered gambling, but most mobile games actually sell "energy", or extra time to keep playing.
Im usually against microtransactions because they lower the general quality of a game, but honestly this doesn't seem the case anything illegal or even unethical by the devs, besides making a shitty game.

>I don't think the Government should take that away from them simply because I don't like that kind of thing
Stop trying to reframe shit as individual choice

I understand that's like the central pillar of your entire religion of selfishness, but holy fuck that's not how politics work you retarded piece of shit. Politics is about collective governance

Nobody is saying "*I* don't like it so *I* get to have things go my way", it's about people banding together to ban a practice that's obviously bad for the group both as individuals as and as a collective

>Could just not give your kid access to your credit card since by law, he is not legally old enough to own one because he's irresponsible and stupid
>Could also just use parental controls so if he ever wanted to buy something, he could do it under your supervision
>Could also just stop your kid from playing shitty vidya altogether
Christ do you need the government to feed and bathe you in the morning too, you bumbling retard?

The "free exchange of goods and services" isn't what capitalism means, though

Retard. I work for PWC as a data analyst in London and I don't make 3000 a month after expenses

>In fact, the idea of "systemic homeless" was inconceivable before capitalism.
This is so historically ignorant I don't know what to say. Yeah, because historically there have NEVER been homeless beggars or anything. Also capitalism wasn't something that popped into existence during the technological revolution, it has always existed as it's simply the voluntary trade between individuals.

Please use your brain, you seem to be able to use its basic functions at least. Cigarettes, like gambling, cannot be advertised to children.

I think he was joking that all hiki neet weebs are actually retarded.
Also i think a good share of hikis are people who lost all hope in society, rather than broken by it.
When you go out in japan and find out the corporate fucks want you to work 16 hours per day without benefits because muh honor, then you spend all your money on taxes, then go live in a 18sq foot room, you just go "fuck that"

There was obviously homelessness, but it was due to calamities like war and natural disasters.
Permanent systemic homelessness is a new phenomena.

I all in favor of stripping away rights from greedy corporations having access to exploiting the underage and infirmed. If you don't agree. You're just a fucking greedy jew and deserve death desu.

it literally is, tho

The whole point of in-game gambling is far more insidious than real gambling.

If I put 50 bucks into a slot machine and win 5 dollars, I have objectively lost. I can keep going, trying to chase back my money, but generally speaking, there will be days when I LOSE.

With "surprise mechanics", you can't lose. If I spend 50 bucks for a jpeg, great. If I spend a thousand dollars on a jpeg, great. It's the same feeling of relief, and you get it as long as you aren't incredibly poor.

There is no natural stopping point, and what's worse, you're incentivised to keep doing this shit to "keep up" with the other whales.

I've got no problem with this shit being legal, I have a massive problem with it being legal for children.

>Cerebral palsy
>complex epilepsy
>learning disabilities
>approximate cognitive ability of a 7 year old
>at the age of 22 years old
Why the fuck would you even want a child like this?

Who do you think reads them

>Working for any big 4 audit company anywhere outside of their management consulting team
Jesus Christ user, have some love for yourself and get into Strategy& or something

>Stop trying to reframe shit as individual choice
"What game I want to play" is L I T E R A L L Y individual choice. There's no reframing necessary.
>Politics is about collective governance
Yeah, the collective governance to take over the world and leave everyone the fuck alone.
>Nobody is saying "*I* don't like it so *I* get to have things go my way", it's about people banding together to ban a practice that's obviously bad for the group both as individuals as and as a collective
>Nobody is saying "*I* don't like it so *I* get to have things go my way", it's about *thing I don't like* so *I* have to get my way.
Plenty of people play and enjoy gacha games, how about you leave them the fuck alone?
Okay but gacha games aren't gambling.
I'm not even against the idea of banning kids from playing gacha games, though banning kids from doing anything is a fool's errand, since every teenager drinks and I'm sure all of us played Vice City and San Andreas as kids despite it being R18. Ultimately the responsibility of managing children's behaviour falls on the parents and the parents alone.
>but it was due to calamities like war and natural disasters.
Which were near ubiquitous in pre-industrial society. Notice we don't have famines much anymore in the western world. I wonder why that is.
>Permanent systemic homelessness is a new phenomena.

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Yet this borderline retarded mongoloid knows how to operate CC information.


Based and Red-pilled.

>Why should I, as the legal guardian of a mentally disabled person, be required to know anything whatsoever beyond the uninformed assumptions I make about a product he spends most of his time with which has the ability to drain money from my bank account.

Lmao, no it isn't. There is proof of homelessness in early city settlements all the way through the middle east, thousands of years prior to the industrial revolution.

Shit, there are tales of homeless people in the bible. You're so fucking desperate to set capitalism as le evil ruthless enemy of humanity throughout history you're ignoring basic common sense.

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I know American educated rotted most of your brains, but "capitalism" isn't just what you call it when there's a market or even wage labor.
Capitalism is a specific system where all production is dominated by the profit incentive. i.e. when things are being produced by someone ("capitalists") investing money in production of commodities and then selling those commodities for a (hopefully) higher price than the original investment.
That, (unlike simple barter exchange or wage labor) IS a new phenomena.

I really preferred it when you idiots would just say capitalism isn't even a thing and is just "how things are" because the concept is originally Marxist (literally - it was coined by Blanc and popularized by Marx). At least that wasn't so completely asinine as just redefining the term to mean nothing

Is giving children access to your bank account normal?

My background is in Data Science. Its what I did in college so thats what I did my internship in with PWC and they just kept me on full time after the internship.

user, this is all part of God's Plan™

Noo, we must let the Government parent our mentally retarded children by banning things from everyone, even normal people.

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>It's my choice to get pozzed and get addicted to drugs
>drug addiction and STDs don't affect the group at all


based ancap user

Nothing advertised to children should have anything that cannot be sold to children, even before the parent and child can interact with it.

>Capitalism is a specific system where all production is dominated by the profit incentive
You mean literally all trade, ever?
>That, (unlike simple barter exchange or wage labor) IS a new phenomena.
It's literally the same thing, except on a higher scale.
>I invest in product
>I release product
>You buy product
>I make profit

Simpler answer is to simply A) not store credit card info and B) not let your kids have access to your credit card in the first place.

Antivaxxer detected.

I live in a third world country and i hardly ever see homeless people. Dunno how it works in america
Most miserable people live in shitty shacks. This has always been the case. Just because you have a roof it doesnt mean you werent miserable. There is like a bunch of stories like that even in the bible

>cerebral palsy
>complex epilepsy
>AND learning difficulties
The planets must've aligned for this guy.

>American educated
stopped reading there nigga i'm brazilian fuck off with your dumb ass

If it's said to be ok for children to play, why would there be gambling?
If a show says it's for children, it shouldn't have porn in it

Based Jews stealing from retards

It might be easier to agree with you if there was even a single example EVER of in-game transactions being used in a way that felt like anything but pure exploitation.

I don't mind the concept being available to adults, but honestly, I'd take a complete carpet ban on it any day of the week. It has absolutely zero value.

>we should let children gamble

>Plenty of people play and enjoy gacha games, how about you leave them the fuck alone?
Yeah, because what people OBVIOUSLY want is to send in the Red Guard and literally take children's phones away at gunpoint.

It's about fucking up the companies who keep releasing shit that's been fucking ENGINEERED to be addictive and stop them from doing it

Just about anything cannot be sold to children, as children are rarely in control of their finances. Do you think kids are taking out bank accounts so they can buy hotwheels toys or something? No, their parents buy it for them.


It's not gambling. Gambling is already regulated. What you're actually advocating for is children's shows not having any adult jokes whatsoever.

Mobile "gaming" is literally only about praying on vulnerable people. It's pretty sickening.

In my country everyone gets €1100 per month to live on and there is STILL homelessness.

No matter how disgustingly wealthy and socialist a country is there will always be people who fail even at being a NEET.

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Sorry that your stupid smooth brain is too small to comprehend the difference between "trade" and "production".

His life sounds like a perpetual circle of pain and suffering.

I agree when it comes to adults, and using MUH ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY is not an excuse when you're a goddamn adult that should have his impulses under control, but kids are developing and don't really know this shit. Pair it with absentee parents and you have a recipe for disaster.

>Noo, we must let the Government parent our mentally retarded liberal by banning things from everyone, even normal people.

if he's that retarded, why would you let him handle his own money
arent people like this supposed to have handlers that keep them from doing this kind of shit

There's a difference between banning a product and regulating certain practices. You have to be a fucking cuck to be against consumer protection laws.

What the fuck even happens in you perfect memebertarian society of "voluntary transactions" and vague laws and no regulations? How can a single consumer have a chance to sue or go against a giant corporation with expensive lawyers on retainer? Fucking absolute retardation. The tiny individual has no bargaining power against a gigantic corporation, that's why laws exist.

Oh no forcing some companies to give refunds or making certain purchases void due to specific situations predicted by law is literally communism!

Lets ban sugar, coffee, carbs, and oxygen too.

t. corporate shill

Why not ban all micro-transactions? They don't actually ever benefit us the player. So who cares if the companies get all mad at them getting banned.

See Despite being a shitty practice that lowers the quality of gaming in general, whats wrong with the concept of selling time or lives in a game? Its the same payment method of an Arcade machine, just applied in a shitty game.
He wasnt gambling, or buying anything illegal.

Imagine you give a kid 3000 dollars and tell him to go have fun in the local arcade. He comes back 3 hours later without any money. Should the arcade be closed down? Its the parents who are retarded, even more than the son.

>mental health problems like addiction (which governments have been trying to regulate and control for thousands of years) don't exist if you're over 18


you think she wanted a child like that?

>I think it feels like pure exploitation and my feeling should therefore be legislated.
Don't think so lad.
>It has absolutely zero value.
To you maybe, but what about to others? I'm sure there are things you like that have zero value to me. Should I petition for the Government to ban them?
Most people who play gacha games enjoy them and play them responsibly. Why would you take away their hobby because you personally don't like it, and a small minority of retards can't control themselves?
I mean if you want to ban stuff that's harmful to kids, maybe you should ban those gay pride parades where they dress young boys up in drag and make them strip in front of adult men for money.
Like I've said, I'm not against a ban on it for kids, I just question how you would enforce it.
"Consumer protection laws" are often just regulations designed to remove agency from consumers, not protect them. Let people make their own decisions about what they want to do.
If you're mentally ill that's your problem you have to deal with, and I am extremely sympathetic and willing to help with charity up until the point you decide to start banning stuff other people enjoy simply because you think it's harmful to you.

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Arcades didn't give you the high score for paying more. Shitters could always quarter feed, but people would just laugh at them.

Comparing games that had to carefully balance frustration with profit to games that are literally all about paying to win is absurd.

Meant for

since the son is retarded, the parent is the legal guardian of his financial transactions, so it's their own god damn fault

there's an unironically good case for regulating nutrition, yeah

the free market has obviously failed us there too. Everything is high-sodium and sugared and full of carbs and corn syrup. Food companies are abusing the same addictive impulses that these video game companies do.

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The disorder is genetic, which means yes, you can look at the parents and have a pretty good guess.

>"Consumer protection laws" are often just regulations designed to remove agency from consumers
Good goy.

It is ultimately the fault of the parents, but the google system that allows the "convenience" of pay at the click of a button without access to account information is facilitation of theft.

No, it is gambling
You're buying in for a chance to win big, but it's stacked against you
Plus it's designed to look and feel like gambling

Why don't you go back to /pol/ lad.

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>games that had to carefully balance frustration
As if it isnt emotional manipulation to get people to spend.
The method is the same for like 50 years, it is just the games that got shittier.
If the game doesn't have actual gambling and sells a defined product "i.e: 3 lifes; 50 energy; 15 minutes of play", you really have no case and are making a false dichotomy

sugar should be heavilly regulated, it's almost the same as addictive tactics in game, except it's for food.
And there's a difference between food and a product that abuse children's stupidity

>To you maybe, but what about to others?
To anyone. The only people who enjoy gachashit are whales who spend all their money on shit to make them feel like they're the best players. It's just the MMO mentality taken to new, ever more pathetic heights.

>Most people who play gacha games enjoy them and play them responsibly.
Phone games aren't going to disappear if you eliminate shitty business practices. If anything, they'll have to become more engaging to hold an audience.

There isn't a single person who spends money on gachashit who can "control themselves". Because if they could, they wouldn't be spending anything.

I have played dozens of gacha games. They're all just awful, they offer nothing but constant updates to try and keep you on the hook, with shiny jpg garbage you don't need. All the man hours that goes into those whale traps would be far better spent on real games.

It's obviously just a case of the parents not understanding the first fucking thing about how mobile devices, apps, microtransactions, etc. work. They put in the CC info when setting up the device, never think or bother to learn anything about how it can be used/abused in the future, and then let their child (or in this case retarded manchild) do what they want because it's easier than actually parenting them.

We are long past the point of no return on technological literacy being an absolute requirement for parenting. If we can't force parents to learn even the barest minimum about how to responsibly manage technology for their children who are growing up completely immersed in it 24/7, then it has to become an elementary school curriculum thing.

Stop licking the shit off corporations' shoes

>is not an excuse when you're a goddamn adult that should have his impulses under control
My god people are retarded.

Do you know what you use to control your impulses? Your fucking brain. Do you know what the problem is? Your brain is the thing that is telling you to fucking spend another $20 on FunKrates.

These people, their brains aren't fucking working properly. They aren't being "tempted", they don't have "weak wills". The thing that they rely on to tell safety from danger, reward from punishment, is telling them the wrong thing. They have no effective way of combating this. You cannot use a broken brain to fix itself. It simply does not work.

The fucking, what, SECOND step of any good addiction rehabilitation program is to ask for help? You CANNOT do it on your own. That's the fucking problem. That's why you're called an addict. You AREN'T capable of controlling your impulses.

>No, it is gambling

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Arguing with yellow snakes on these issues is pointless. They aren't really arguing in good faith about any specific practice (vidya or otherwise).
They just want to illegitimatize collective action against the abuses of powerful actors. That's what their ideological instinct tells them to do - to mock, deride and ENDLESSLY argue (literally endlessly - if Yea Forums didn't have a bump limit this shit would continue FOREVER) against any sort of attempt of harnessing public support against the practices of individual companies.

The Freedom™ of the lolbritarian means, in the simplest possible terms, the freedom of the powerful to abuse the powerless with no fear of collective whiplash. The reason why DA GUBBERMINT is so demonized in their minds is because DA GUBBERMINT, when elected (at least nominally) democratically, represents that collective wish of the otherwise powerless.

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Finally the kike reveals himself.

>smooth brain
Chappo Fag house detected

Don't forget about high fructose corn syrup, tastes like shit, horrible for you, and in almost everything now

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>maybe you should ban those gay pride parades where they dress young boys up in drag and make them strip in front of adult men for money
how about you leave them the fuck alone?

no, because that's not how genes works.
And someone being autist isn't actually written on their face.

People who get addicted to shit shouldn't be allowed to live, though.

Your brain is broken? Great, throw yourself off a fucking cliff. Quit whining that you're retarded.

Unironically Monarchism

>And someone being autist isn't actually written on their face.
if you could manage to look someone in the eyes for more than a quarter second at a time you could tell, aspie

>The Freedom™ of the lolbritarian means, in the simplest possible terms, the freedom of the powerful to abuse the powerless with no fear of collective whiplash
It means the freedom of government (i.e. violent) coercion you dumb fucking chapo faggot

>I will never understand Americans and Europoors dependency on credit cards.
They are required to prove financial worth when being considered for essential loans, primarily home and auto purchase loans.
Note that more recently, this also applies to renting, if you don't have credit you need a co signatory who does, or proof of financial viability plus extra fees. For example, in order to continue renting my previous home, I would have needed to prove that I could afford quadruple the monthly rent.

Ugh, you're seriously going to what, a libertarian standpoint with this? Newsflash, moron, in your libertarian paradise? Casinos would be controlled as well.

These sorts of things are free money. You can't just let every random schmuck open up a worthless economic sinkhole business. If everyone were allowed to do it, everyone WOULD do it. Tragedy of the commons is like the first fucking problem any decent libertarian has to confront, and you obviously haven't done remotely enough research to have a good solution, since your solution is "lol what problem".

Thanks for not aborting me, mom, now I live a wonderful, fulfilling life.

>I literally cannot envision someone enjoying something I do not enjoy.
>Anyone who likes thing must be the worst stereotype of such thing that can exist.
Have sex.
Any corporation I associate with I do so voluntarily, because they provide a good or service that brings me enough joy that I am willing to exchange cash for.
From the river to the sea, Israel shall be free :^)
I feel like the prostitution of children is a reasonable avenue for the Government to get involved in. Sexual abuse of children violates the non-aggression principle, unlike providing entertainment to people with in app purchases.

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not all gamble are about money, moron.

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Maybe she should have had it aborted.

>muh Collectivist truths

libs are stupid, but youre even worse

>I feel

That's their problem if they're too fucking stupid to use the systems in place.

So is pachinko not gambling?
There are place you can trade skins from loot boxes for money, so it's no different


are you okay? do you want to talk?

>You can't just let every random schmuck open up a worthless economic sinkhole business. If everyone were allowed to do it, everyone WOULD do it. Tragedy of the commons is like the first fucking problem any decent libertarian has to confront, and you obviously haven't done remotely enough research to have a good solution, since your solution is "lol what problem".
There isn't enough market demand to support "everyone" opening a casino. People would also choose to go to the better casinos and the crappy ones would go out of business.
Literally both of those definitions involve the acquisition of money, smooth brain.

into the oven, schlomo.


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>shut up and let me rape kids
based liberals

How about I pick both
My parents never let me have their credit card details. My mum wouldn't even put it into Steam so I could buy a game if my dad wasn't there to overlook her, because she's a luddite retard, but the overall sentiment was understandable. I'd always get weirded out when friends would just buy stuff with mummy's credit card and say "oh don't worry about it, she gave this to me".
But still, the games know who they're targetting. They know that a lot of parents aren't technologically minded and don't really know that parental controls are even a thing.

Oh, good, we're just throwing people off cliffs because we think they're mentally defective. I hope you're prepared to be the one getting thrown off the cliff, then, because you've just handed the keys to the kingdom to whatever retarded populist group gets the most support. What'd that be right now, leftists? Hope you're not straight, white, or male, because you're a target for lynching.

There's a reason violence isn't an answer, and it's that people in large groups become retards, and retards who think killing is a good idea cause a lot of problems.

Nice advertisement, now fuck off.

>Defending micro-transactions
The parents were dumbasses but micro-transactions are unacceptable

I had a bank account with £80k in savings when I was seven.

>the free market has obviously failed us there too
Yeah, unlike socialist countries, where people are so much thinner and healthier than their american counterpparts

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As long as we're playing retard roundup I vote anyone who consumes alcohol be killed. People who willingly drink poison shouldn't be allowed to live.


The easy solution is to just drop the hammer on any company or individual that allows minors, who are legally not allowed to own credit cards, to use credit cards for purchases.

Like Norway?

> People would also choose to go to the better casinos and the crappy ones would go out of business.
lol, dude, you seriously don't understand the scale of money involved here. If even 10% of the population opened casinos or gambling businesses of some kind (cup games, even), not only would they all make huge profits, they'd cause irreparable damage to the economy as the working class (because that is what everyone else would become) became impoverished, the casino owners became rich, and a class-based system with pseudo-government in the form of oligarchy would suddenly sprang up. Congratulations, your libertarian paradise is now an oligarchical shithole ran by the mafia.

>Clearing out his savings
So whats the problem here? An adult used his savings to buy stuff online, nothing illegal happened, you dont see people blaming alcohol companies for alcoholics or cigarrete companies for chain smokers if anything is the mother's fault for allowing his retard child to have savings in the first place

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Pachinko is not gambling. Being able to trade in pachinko prizes for money at a separate place is an exploit.


Man, fuck lootboxes, obviously the disease has spread in worse ways.

I assume she had no idea how these games work and just saw him happily tapping away at the screen and thought "good for him".

Drugs are illegal and yet impulsive people find ways to acquire it, dont blame the goverment for retarded people that cant control their urges

>free market has obviously failed us
how? do you not have access to proper nutrition? are luxury foods somehow preventing you from selecting a balanced diet?

the first definition states a possible outcome where your gamble only had you fail, maybe learn to read.
as in, you take a gamble trying to do something and fail miserably, losing nothing but your shame.
Althought it's true that almost any actual gambling involves cash in some way.

>but dont tell me that even those have microtransactions?
I don't know where you came from but where I'm from I was advised to buy school books, writing equipment, uniforms directly from school now this is from my cuntry gov school with mediocre system and overcrowded students.

ackchually the free market is just about the distribution of goods rather than the production of them so it isn't inherently tied to either socialism or capitalism

>"I have a 22 year old disabled son"
Did you even read the OP?

So you put money in for a chance to win prizes that are used explicitly to trade in for money, this is somehow not a game of chance played for money though

A mentally incompetent cannot enter into a binding contract, and that includes that, at least in the US, that children are legally able to return any product for full refund as long as the product is in the original condition.
The code he bought isn't degraded or damaged.

He has the mental capabilities of a 7 year old.

>it's not even a gacha with big tits

He's obviously pointing out that he's not an adult mentally, you sperg. If your argument is that it's somehow okay to treat someone like an adult just because they're a certain age despite their mental age being much lower, simply say so, and don't hide behind this stupid pedantry.

this sort of story has been around since mobile games took off, if youre not clued in yet you never will be

pachinkos are life-hack

>things are shit but at least we're not socialists!

This is the exact reason why America is a neofuedalidt nation with dropping living conditions, people literally dying because they cannot afford basic healthcare, and corporations devaluing labor for maximum profits to soley benefit shareholders. The richest country in the world yet you average citizen can barely afford to live. But yeah socialism is the issue, not a system that perpetuates greed and profits above everything else so the already wealthy can destroy the environment and lives in the name of even more wealth.

You niggers are a fucking joke, enjoy dying poor while the rich get even richer.

>PSN I'm going to use my proper details
oh no no no

>cigarrete companies for chain smokers
that literally happened though

>you dont see people blaming alcohol companies for alcoholics
Because alcohol companies spend massive amounts of money on marketing and there's a GIGAAAAAAAAAAANTIC social bias towards drinking. But alcohol companies still make like 50-60% of their profits off of problem drinkers. It's just that alcohol companies are clever, and never let public perception turn against them, while video game companies are retarded, and act like obviously evil cartoon villains.

In certain parts of America and other parts of the world, it is actually close to impossible to find good unprocessed food.

Only when you have a retarded kid using your devices.

that's a pic of americans in the great depression

>lifetime savings at 22
I seriously hope you guys aren't like him.

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lootboxes and microtransactions ruined western games, I don't care too much about the people paying thousands of dollars for them, I just don't want games that are designed around them because I am not stupid, therefore I don't buy them, meaning I won't have fun

There was a girl on kikebook who's kid spent over £700 on Fortnite.

I don't understand why these retards have their card tied to their console/tablet if they've got little shits. Just don't attach your card details. It's as easy as that.

>rape, kill and crash their cars
Most of them are done by males. We should ban males too while at it.

>50/50 give half the money back, huge fine for the company to fill tax coffers, take child from ladies care and create further burden on the system

Excluding actual hellholes like africa where lack of access to food is both a serious issue and one where the only solution is to let the idiots starve for trying to live in places where food doesnt grow, the "murica" problem is essentially that a person in downtown detroit would have to take a bus in order to find a real supermarket which is too much work because they are a lazy nigger

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There's a reason it has always been a hotly-contested thing in Japan because it deliberately skirts the definition of gambling and is tied to the yakuza which the police don't want to fuck with. The problem is that regulations bleed into redemption games in general, such as crane and ticket games which are more grey area.

If any of this was as clear cut as you want to pretend it is, it would have been solved decades ago.

I had a total of maybe $50 in savings when I was 22. So did most of my friends.
You are talking out of your ass, or from a position of privilidge.

Lack of awareness of how those games work is at fault

I assume a lot of them buy apps/microtransactions for themselves or a limited amount for the kiddos and then don't realize the kids can use that to drain the account later.

And lootboxes are basically the same system, everyone who knows anything knows it's gambling

>Appstore nags or outright forces you to add payment information to download applications,
>Makes it difficult to remove the payment info altogether
>Applications don't even have confirmation or a security code check before making translations
This is a system created to exploit retards and semi-sentient retards.

It's a 25 year old woman with 3 kids from 2 different dads so I don't expect her to know anything.

I'm 23 and I have about 4,500$ in my bank account

That's a kind of delusion I hate seeing. People won't take a bus out of their city to buy food. That is never going to happen. It's not how people work. If you want to make people healthy, you have to stop being naive about the nature of people.
Just give them supermarkets with a fresh food aisle. Better yet, increase education about food, give out free lessons, do the food stamp thing. It's not hard. Unless, of course, you'd rather your nation remained famous for obesity because you were too stubborn to admit humans don't defy the expectations set by their environment.

user, you're poor. It's okay to admit you're poor, but you should admit it.

Kek. Other children are looking for adult penis. Get fucked boomer parents .

Hes 22 years old.

position of bitcoin
Thanks won_ying for buying billions of runescape gold from me for Bitcoin

That's what he said. You're privileged.

Right. what? I'd still hope you're not poor. I thought that was the obvious meaning behind his statement.

I sold expensive horse equipment for 3k to a guy once, he was very happy with his purchase.

Then I realized he didn't have a horse when he started dressing up his bicycle and started whipping it

Or even better:
Just give people good, healthy food.

A major reason why people buy trash is because people are short of time and life is stressful and tough, not out of vague "human nature". Give them an alternative to fast food and they will take it.
So imagine if every neighborhood had like a diner which served fresh and nutritious food... for free. You just go inside, grab a plate and and load it up with salads and steamed chicken and whatnot. When you're done you just... put the plate back and go out. Fast and free, and (hopefully) tasty!
It will also increase local social cohesion, and can be a good place for working class people to meet together and organize.
That shit would also be a great for like a federal jobs guarantee. All the cooks and deliverers and and dishwashers and cleaners can be employed for a good wage and good benefits, function as a bit of an alternative to crapfare.

It's just so much better than the current food stamps system.

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Average American Millennials (born 1981-1998) have $2,430 in savings. This is the normal level, for some of the richest people on the planet.
You are the clueless one. You need to go out. You are deluded.
Don't confuse your dad having merit with you having merit.

The guy's disabled though and has the cognitive ability of a 7 year old according to the article.

You have a chip on your shoulder. You think everyone richer than you is looking down on you. Well, some of them are (actually, a lot of them -- they think poor people are poor by choice), but I'm not. I'm well aware I did nothing to deserve my position, but I still hope you guys aren't in a bad position either. I still hope you have some actual savings, and if you don't, I hope things turn out well for you anyway.
I don't know why that's hard to understand.

and underage stops over 25
26 onwards are overages

It will not increase local cohesion, and people will act like entitled pigs, the entire place will look like shit in less than a year
Your socialist dream is just that, a dream

>America is apparently such a hellhole that buses automatically mean leaving the entire city to go somewhere else
Why the fuck don't you have a decent public transportation system?

You probably aren't richer than me, since I am 31 now, and own an apartment in a European capital, as well as my own business.
I am simply correcting your false assumption as to how much money a 22 year old has in their pocket. You are wrong. I am sharing wisdom. I am improving your knowledge of the world. No need to thank me.

>You think everyone richer than you is looking down on you. Well, some of them are, but I'm not
lol, you're not even realizing it

That's literally what I said you stupid faggot.
I live somewhere where they actually do this and it does increase local cohesion, people pay what they can for it, and everything looks fine. It's run from the inside of a church, as it happens.
People who have a naive view of humanity like to imagine everyone's a cartoon villain.

he's also mentally retarded so age doesnt truly apply there.

You said some bullshit about supermarkets and "education"

user, nobody's judging you for how much money you have. We're anonymous here. I'm not gonna think better or worse for you having an apartment in a European capital, unless it's Paris, in which case I will think significantly worse of you.
If you're 22 and you have fifty burgerbucks in your pocket, you're poor. If you're any age above eighteen and you have fifty burgerbucks in your pocket you're poor.

I was 3k in debt at that age. Your savings are irrelevant. What matters is that you have a plan, a goal and invest consistent effort every day.

How do private restaurants avoid looking "like shit" in "less than a year"?
Oh, right. They just hire people clean the place up from time to time.

I said "give people access to unprocessed food", you monger.
Don't take education for granted. The older (working-class) generation in my country truly have no fucking idea how to feed themselves, because they were never taught. They think potatoes count as a healthy vegetable. Teenagers teaching their parents to cook food that didn't come from Iceland is a cliche at this point.

Your idea is one part of the solution, but there's a bunch of other tools at your disposal too.

You questioned my wealth, and I corrected you.
Again, having no savings in your early 20s is normal. You aren't poor. Poor is relative. In your early 20s, having $50 at the end of the month is not poor, its normal. Its how much other 20 year olds have.
You are incorrect, my dear Anonymous online friend.

How the fuck can anyone write something like this and not be immediately struck by how unrealistic and naive this is? Like how fucking delusional are you?

>cognitive dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance is the feeling you get when someone says the word Islam or muslim around your retarded ass.

You're one of the first to go, 'tard.

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Cold war propaganda ruined Americans. Read . It's very, very feasible. Admittedly, in my case it's "pay as you feel" so they do get some money, but lots of poor families only throw in a couple of pounds per meal.

>Just give them supermarkets with a fresh food aisle.
ah need muh gubments for dem programs so they can gibs me a supah mahket

Where's the money coming from if everything is free?


Where's the money coming from to fund the military maintenance of our stupid global empire?

>Everyone cringing at the alphabet loot box
>Not cringing at the three year old using a cellphone

My kids 9 and he isnt even allowed to play online games unsupervised let alone use a cell phone (ill play fortnite with him but he isnt allowed to play without me)

He is more than welcome to have his friends over and play split screen though

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Explain this Burger meme to me. Why would supermarkets with a fresh food aisle be an undesired government programme?

mostly selling the weapons we make

that's incredibly depressing

He is not wrong though. What decides whether you're poor or not is the income of your household, age is irrelevant. If you're 12 years old and your parents don't earn a lot then you're poor. If you live at home and share bills with your parents then your household might be well off even though everyone doesn't earn a lot on their own.

What is normal on the other hand is that someone in their early twenties is poor.

Give him a damn phone you boomer, social media is how people coordinate nowadays. At least give him one when he turns twelve.

>While all the other kids are going to be learning and becoming familiar with technology from a young age yours is going to be stunt because you're a retarded boomer

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>It's not our fault that people spend outrageous amounts on our services! We just give them the tools to do so! Blame the parents! Blame your government! We are literally not at fault for providing the dru- I mean loot boxes
What did they mean by this?

because in order to get these people to buy fresh food you need to deny them access to literally every other possible food. people stopped selling fresh food in downtown detriot because it was rotting on the shelves because idiots were buying coke and skittles instead. go ahead and try to sell your fresh, nutritious, efficient foods, and watch them pass you by in favor of sugar and salt.

"Poor" is a relative term. You are compared to those in your group.
That is why americans making 8$ an hour are poor, even if they'd be rich in most of the world.
And when you are in your early 20s, compared to other early 20s people, you are expected to have about NO SAVINGS in savings. Thats the norm for the group.

how the fuck can someone with cerebral paralisis can even use a ipad?

That's what a poor person (or someone who grew up poor) would think, yes.

zoom zoom zoom

>Stunted because he doesn't become a mindless zombie walking into poles while staring at his phone
Kids nowadays are literal retards. Tide pods was just the beginning. They have no problem solving skills and our education systems are literally being reworked to accommodate these retards growing up on ipads and smart phones.

duhhhh bringe

Oh, my bad, I confused you for someone who wants to make an argument.
Let me correct my previous statement then, it should read: HAHAHAHHA UR POOR AND UR DICK SMALL AND IN YOUR ASS DICK IN YOUR ASS DICK IN YOUR ASS

How have parents not learned to lock this shit down? This has been an issue for nearly a decade. You'd think they'd be tech literate enough to start downloading hacked .apk's by now.

My argument is simple, so I thought you understood it. I'm saying you're wrong, factually. You think most people in their early twenties have no money, but it's not true. Poor ones might, but middle class ones have help from mummy and daddy.

>What is normal on the other hand is that someone in their early twenties is poor.
This is because nearly everyone is idiots. Go through any vanguard index fund's history, take the amount of money you spent on college, and simulate placing the money into a 500 index fund instead. With about 50k seed money you make roughly 1k a month off capital gains alone.

>social media is how people coordinate nowadays.

He is 9 all the socializing he does is at school or at hockey and he constantly has his two irritating friends over on the weekends to play ball hockey

>While all the other kids are going to be learning and becoming familiar with technology from a young age yours is going to be stunt because you're a retarded boomer
> learning and becoming familiar with technology
>Cell phone

Its a phone not a quantum computer you stupid NEET when he turns 13 and start going out on his own he gets one but until then he has no use for it

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We know that people will buy fresh food if they're educated about it and they have easy access to it.

You are vastly overestimating your average normie parent.

Based and "traditional" education pilled. My son isn't quite at the age where he'd get a phone yet (he's 4) but I've started playing the SNES Classic with him. Kids don't need phones, and I'd rather seem him "stunted" when it comes to social media, if it means him not being a zombie in real life.

Sorry forgot to tag this underage as well

still a kis

>my son is a retard, but i didnt abort him and now i dont have time to care for him

>You need to be educated about food
We can't be this stupid.

The fraud with all this games is that they should have being "free to start" and then just a "pay a fix price to unlock all the features" and it becomes a supposed real game.

But instead the market pushed the microtransactions because it makes more money

Heck Mario Run went with this philosophy and got raped for underperforming.

>He is 9 all the socializing he does is at school or at hockey and he constantly has his two irritating friends over on the weekends to play ball hockey
Lucky for you and him, I guess. When I was at that age (eleven years ago, now) everyone was communicating with MSN and I couldn't join them because my parents wouldn't let me ;_;
It didn't exactly kill me, but it did make me feel left out.

To be honest, I think it's a harsh but not unreasonably harsh policy to keep him from having one until he turns thirteen. Thirteen is definitely the age he should have one, though.

When you are in your early 20s, your parents money are not your money. You are a financial unit on your own. Your dad owning a house doesn't mean you have tens of thousands in assets.
You are being fictitious, and "ur rong" is not an argument regardless.

Hi, does anyone have that one webm of a Spanish family sitting around a baby girl singing happy birthday to her, and then the mentally disabled boy smashes her face into the candles? I remember him clapping and laughing too which was the funny part, and then the adults got this look on their faces like "Jesus Christ I want to strike this retard dead, but I can't because he is mentally disabled". Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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Savings are irrelevant as long as you don't live off your savings. Someone can have zero savings and still be considered rich.

It all depends on the income of your household and not your age group. If you have a decent income then you're not poor no matter what. It's also irrelevant how much you have left at the end of the month, everything you lost on luxury goods is still off positive income.

If you have barely anything left after taking off the bare necessities then you're poor. Yes, it's socially for young adults to be poor but that doesn't matter here.

>I should have to take care of my retarded son his whole damn life

>leaving $4k in the bank account of your disabled son and letting him link it to his tablet

Normies are meant to have lots of friends. Surely they have at least one who would help them out.

We absolutely are. We even need to be educated about sex, user. Why that would be the case when it's the entire reason for life existing I don't know, but here we are.

>Its a phone not a quantum computer you stupid NEET when he turns 13 and start going out on his own he gets one but until then he has no use for it
>He unironically doesn't understand how early child brain development works
Holy shit, you have the fucking internet and easy access to history and information and yet you're making the same fucking mistakes parents from the 70s and 80s made.

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completely abandoned in favor of corner store chains

How about she has text or email alerts for when the card is used? I don't get why more people don't use this. It allows you to track your money so you don't overspend. This is her fault and in no way the company's fault

keep up the good work user, you are raising him well

>writes three paragraphs
>ends with "yes you are right, but that doesnt matter here"

I don't believe grown adults need education what foods are bad for you in 2019. Current year fully applied here.

You should if you chose to have him. You should also pay for it by yourself.

If Congress calls Jim Sterling to testify over microtransactions its OGRE.

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>parents being genetically defective does not create a higher potential for genetically defective offspring
Any child with an understanding of that table you remember with dominant/recessive chromosomes would probably question if you're retarded and also full of shit.

How hard is it to not give your child something that has your credit card information on it? This bitch had to manually input her card info onto her account. This isn't some freak accident.

This isn't defending microtransactions but I refuse to defend stupidity either. The parent in this situation is more retarded than her son is. Stop babying retarded people, please.

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I don't know anything about American supermarkets, but according to that wikipedia article at least the abandonment was nothing to do with what they offered.

As a side note, holy shit why are American supermarkets so ugly looking.
That's probably because you were educated as to what foods were bad for you as a child. Others weren't. In my country, at least, this is mostly just the older generation who weren't taught, but in other countries there's whole regions where the schools just don't bother and school dinner = literal fucking junk.

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I don't want someone that fat representing me on TV. Also there's too much cringe material of him online, he'd get slammed by bad faith arguments from the other side just embarrassing him and implying we are all like that.

>anime post
>it’s fucking based

This is why eugenics should exist.

Why even keep your child alive at that rate? I really don't want to sound edgy, but at that rate life only seems like a curse for him.

At the end of the day we know exactly what the other one said and meant so why pretend? I acknowledged your point that young adults are not perceived as poor socially speaking so all you have left to do is to acknowledge the point that financially speaking they are still poor.

I tried to interpret what you said to avoid further arguments and you repay me with greentext scheming.

It'd be funny watching the stupider parts of /pol/ edit their opinions so they were no longer in agreement with him, though. Like the whole free internet debacle.

This. You can hate microtransactions and still think this bitch is fucking stupid and indefensible. This is entirely her fault.

>implying children raised on internet access have any interest or care for what imply they do
>implying they are not more likely to gravitate towards easy immediate gratification
>implying that access at a young age is beneficial
Never breed.
Cry more faggot.

The poorfag is cunning, and knows how to twist your every word against you. Afford him no quarter, lest they usurp us.

Did you not visit newgrounds as a kid? I feel sorry for you. Rubbing one out to a hentai flash game is a right of passage.

>the abandonment was nothing to do with what they offered
key for american lingo. when people throw up multiple possible reasons and can't specifically finger any real reason, what they actually mean is "I cant say the real reason because it is politically incorrect". The real reason is that people in detroit stopped going to delis, supermarkets, fresh isles, in favor of convenient "ready to go" preserved salted shitfoods

How is this not illegal yet?

>Internet provider monopolizies your area and starts butt fucking your area.

Totally free to not do business right. It's not like the internet is required to function in society.

My apologies, but I don't trust you over the prestigious site known as wikipedia.

>give your kid access to all your money and online stores
>kid wastes your savings in said online stores buying useless shit


What the exchange started with is one person's perception that someone in their early 20s (lets ignore its a mentally ill person) should have more than a few thousand british pounds in savings, and this is surprisingly low. A few posts in the thread laugh at how little that is in savings, commenting its not even worth calling savings.
What I brought is that this isn't abnormal, and most people have less in savings at that age. In fact most people in their early 20s have no savings. Many have no income for months of the year, or at all.
It went on from there, because this is Yea Forums, and people feel insulted when someone corrects them, and so on. But ultimately it is about the sheltered few not knowing how the world works, because they rolled lucky dice, and they confused that with being more worthy.

Thats my take. I don't want to be confrontational, it just goes with the territory of writing down text and not being able to see the other guy smiling as he types the response. We have to guess at the emotion behind the words, and on Yea Forums guessing he mad isn't out of place.

Why do that? Just regulate everything everyone buys to make me feel better!

Why would it be? When you download a free game, you're not promised anything.

IQ is tied to predisposition towards success and ability to achieve it. Poorfag calls a sentence a full paragraph and has no interest in actually engaging. Will you be shocked when OP is a faggot too?

>It's not like the internet is required to function in society.

This. Terminal illness? Euthanasia when the pain becomes too much. We're not okay with seeing our pets suffer from old age and pain, but we're perfectly fine with keeping loved ones, clearly in pain and limited function, alive?

>This bitch had to manually input her card info onto her account.

Ted Kaczynski was right

>Consistent failure to attain goals throughout life results in defeatism, low self-esteem or depression. In order to avoid serious psychological problems, a human being needs goals whose attainment requires effort, and he/she must have a reasonable rate of success in attaining his/her goals.

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>normalizing youbg adults acting like children until they're in their early 20's and have no meaningful work experience, savings, references, or enriching experiences outside of what home, free time, or school can offer.
Objectively degenerate.

this isn’t reddit go repost your shitty news articles there

Both, let me put it another way:
You gotta be a fucking retard to fall for an obvious phishing scam, but the scammer must go to jail anyway

No, stating the fact. If you want to wage slave since you were 8, go to China, where its legal to do so.

That's what you get for buying apple, dumbass

>As a child
No, not really. We ate fried foods and shit constantly. It's just easy to understand that fried foods are bad, you can feel how bad they are.

I think you just have a chip on your shoulder, really. You want to find reasons to argue with wealthy people. But fifty pounds is nothing, and three thousand pounds isn't a lot. Even if 60% of people were like that, it'd still be poor (which would make sense, because most people are poor).

This sadly
Slippery slope is never ever a meme and only evil people try to convince you that it is
For instance, we abandoned the idea of eugenics because it's cruel and abusable but merely tumbled down the slope of dysgenics instead and now we as a species will gradually die out on Earth, having never claimed the stars.

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Fried food isn't the only bad food you spacker. Hell, it's not even inherently bad in moderate amounts
Maybe you just don't know how little you know about food, that'd also explain it

I kinda enjoy being poor. It's more like a resource managing game that way. I had a time where had a pretty big income but I was overwhelmed by the amount of money I had.

I am wealthy people, you dummy. I already said that, since you already asked.
If you think early 20s guys have several thousand pounds in savings, you are objectively wrong, since this objectively isn't the case. You are stating non-facts. You are lying.

My little sister plays shit with microtransactions all the time and magically my bank account is untouched. Oh that's right, I wasn't stupid enough to put my paypal or credit cards onto her fucking phone.

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Except they do because not enough people actually know what is good and bad in a diet.
There are so many articles that have been paid for companies that so many people are dealing wtih conflicting messages.
For example, the whole "you should drink 8 cups of water a day" bullshit. That shit is everywhere from books to people who parrot the hell out of it. But overhydration exists, and it's bad for you.
Hell I can recall that the whole organics food fad had some roots in schools as I heard my younger cousins talk about how "muh organic foods are super good for you". Even though it was really just big companies finding a new way to overprice the same food and sell it for even bigger profit margins.
So yes, we need some properly cited information and studies in journals about food instead of reading articles about it online, and proceed to teach it to people because with all this conflicting information and advertisements disguised as articles, very few people know what is actually good for someone and what's bad.

>Isn't the only bad food
I didn't claim that anywhere.

>it's a retarded faux-STEMlord tries to into philosophy episode

My sides

>Summer jobs do not exist or are implied to be bad
>Promoting learning the value of meaningful amounts of self earned money and therefore savings is bad
>children should remain in childhood until through all their schooling, sheltered from the work world and positive psychological reinforcement it brings
Objectively degenerate. Cope with your less motivwted upbringing in a way other than implying it's acceptable. The less of you there are, the more of us raise kids who contribute from a young age and will perpetuate the behavior that left themselves more predisposed to success.

I always wonder why fat neckbeards sitting in their basement always dream about conquering the stars or taking humanity to the next level even though they don't contribute a single thing.

Sounds like you went down the slippery slope of being an incel

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You were raised poor. You don't just hop up the class rungs when you make more money, you know. It sticks with you. And, user, owning one apartment doesn't make you wealthy unless it's a really good one right in the middle of that capital.
Anyway, like I said, this isn't about majority or minority, seeing as we all already know most people are poor.

Because they watch sci-fi anime obviously
>wouldn't that be so cool...if only we didn't have catholicism, we could of been in the stars by now

Even a fat neckbeard can realize they're the product of a dysgenic society you numbskull, but as it is this is fine too.

>clearing out his entire savings
Why does someone with the cognitive ability of a 7 year old have over 3 grand?
Do autism bux actually exist in the UK?

Here we go again. My first "job" I got when I was 16. I haven't been unemployed for more than 3 months since, and I'm 31 now.
>why bring it up??? ur insecure!
BECAUSE YOU FAGS KEEP ASKING. Stop attacking me when I am genetically engineered to be the opposite of your strawman. Literally picked myself up by my bootstraps. Thats why I can talk about how many people die on this road, and how its a shit road that most can't walk.

Me being raised poor doesn't make me wrong. You insult my character without addressing my argument.

>Here's an unrelated bonus fact: Games as a service (like you see in the US and Canada) are not considered a service in the EU, if you buy a game or piece of software (non-subscription base) you are the legitimate owner of you copy.

That is not what games as a service means you colossal retard. Take your redditspacing ass back where the fuck it came from.

>You don't just hop up the class rungs when you make more money
Yeah just look at Notch
Money can buy you the trappings of wealth but a commoner will always be common albeit very materially comfortable

>this is fine too
This is all that matters. We don't need to conquer stars, wake up as chads or prove ourselves to society. Just don't hurt anyone and live an enjoyable life, don't ruin things for others, help where you can as long it isn't too bothersome and return any favors you're given.

EA want games as a service to be a service, so they can cancel it. If they cancel a game you bought, that says on the box you have access to X servers or something, and they cancel it, you can sue for fraud. Says on the box you can access a server, and you no longer can, they damaged your copy that you own.

Literally none of us are talking about "this road". None of us are even really attacking your character. We're just saying that you, and all your mates, were poor. That's not an insult. It's just an objective statement. We recognise it's a bad thing which ought to be changed.

So now I've been accused of being pro-STEM, fat and atheist just for stating a simple fact
You trannies really ought to dilate

>Playstation and Ipad

Checks out

Buddy my kid can use the internet he just isnt allowed to play online video games where he can talk to other adults or can he have his own cell phone because he is too young.

He is constantly on my computer playing games and shit but its supervised.

Maybe if your parents watched you a bit you wouldn't have turned out to be shitposting anime girls on an image board ridden with pedeophiles

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>So now I've been accused of being pro-STEM, fat and atheist
Maybe you should reflect on your deeds.

>cerebral palsy
>complex epilepsy
>saved up £3160

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Bullshit, I wasn't allowed on the computer for more than fifteen minutes a day when I was nine and now look at me.

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>Anime poster trying to tell some boomer its okay to give his kid a cellphone

Something tells me you didnt have very good parents

Attached: boogie.png (1023x576, 408K)

>We're just saying that you, and all your mates, were poor.
Compared to whom? Compared to other kids around us? No, they had equal savings. That is to say, zero. Its just that my parents had less savings than that other guy's savings. Thats not a difference in our wealth, its a difference in the wealth of our providers.
Stop thinking that a 22 year old man still tied with an umbilical cord to his mother, who is tied to the dad by his dick, so you can connect their finances together and declare the 22 year old owns a house, two cars and a villa. The 22 year old doesn't own shit. He owns the clothes he has, his shoes, a second hand jacket, his laptop, and 2 cans of beans. Thats what the 22 year old owns. Thats his wealth. This is the case for MOST of 22 year old. This is normal. Its not poor, its normal. This is the norm. Poor is a deviation from the norm in the negative direction, and this is not such a deviation. It is the norm.

I am being as basic as possible.

>probably an orphan
>his dead ghost parents hate him
>never saved up any money for him

>I will prove that I'm equally as retarded and weak minded by returning insults
Good job, champ.

It is explicitly stated those were his own savings.

Maybe you should find somewhere else to lash out against your own personal bogeymen lmao
Seek counseling

Look, yes it's true that parents do have responsibility for their children. But it's also true that you can't be watching your child 24/7, and some of these mobile games have means to circumvent parental locks. I think that these companies are mostly to blame, they make these horribly predatory games and market them to children, often making it easy as pie to buy stuff. Like, I can't even try and defend the companies here. With something like fast food, yeah it's bad for children but obviously most kids don't have access to McDonalds right from their home. But this stuff is right on any phone or game system, and is much more exploitable. Frankly I'm shocked that this stuff isn't more regulated, I think that it's kinda disgusting.

Okay, you were as basic as possible for me, so I'll return the favour for you.
Wealth is inextricably tied to family. Wealthy parents have wealthy children. This is because they ARE tied by an umbilical cord of babying even when the kid is in their twenties. The twenty-whatever year old uses their homes, has their first car bought for them, has holidays paid for by them, gets an allowance every month from them, gets their first job from them, be allowed to change degrees halfway through uni because their loans will be paid off by them -- you get the point.

The same is true even of the working class, although a lot less so. My friend's parents bought her phone for her, for example, and they have savings for her. But she's only upper-working-class.
You must see wealth as a dynastic thing, or else you'll be missing the reality of wealth, power, and inequality.

>But it's also true that you can't be watching your child 24/7, and some of these mobile games have means to circumvent parental locks
Just... don't save your fucking CC info on a fucking device you're going to hand your child?
Even then Google Pay makes you use a password or fingerprint.
Literally 100% the parent's fault

Yes, and? Maybe you're ESL, actually, so you don't know this, but when a parent sets up a savings account for a child, they're called the child's savings.

But are these games that are marketed at kids with no parental lock more like a plastic bag missing the "dont put on your head" sign, or more like sleeping pill missing the "dont take with alcohol" notice ,or more like a flea killing spray missing the "don't spray directly on the animal" notice?
There's a degree to this, the amount of common sense expected to get proper use of the product, its not the same. Especially when the product seems developed to facilitate "misuse", such as children overspending.

>But it's also true that you can't be watching your child 24/7,
There's no 100% failsafe guide to raising a child, it all comes down to "whatever works" but at the same time there's a ton of low hanging fruit and the more society with the brawny inept arm of the government tries to smash things down so even the most pitiful mouthbreather never has to think, even the low hanging fruit gets ignored. And the corporations will just move onto some other "retard exploit."
We're breeding actively breeding retards at this point, if you care at all about the future then start caring about selection pressures.
Hell nobody even died or got maimed here, that's what we call a "cheap lesson."

>Millennials (born 1981-1998)

Different individuals giving each other gifts is not the same as their savings being a shared pool.
When you are 22, and your parents buy you a car, thats a gift. Its not you having shared finances.

Not him, but a parent setting up a savings account for their child has to have their own name on it. T. My parents set that shit up for me when I was young, thankfully. Just wanted to add this.

He's right, though generation divides are retarded.
The early millenials "Oregon Trail Generation" are an especially different breed, there was a slight effort to distinguish themselves at some point.

That's an extremely retarded viewpoint when you can literally avoid all of those things by not saving the CC info on the device.
One tiny step and your child won't even have the means to spend any money but you'd rather bellyache about some tech illiterate retard that deserves to learn a lesson

Once again, there's a train of truth in what you say. But I remember reading a story of some kid who used his sleeping dad's fingerprint to buy games. And kids also do naughty things at times, like steal credit cards, find out passwords and so on. This is also ignoring the fact that f you slip up ONE time as a parent, you can have your underage child cost you thousands of dollars because of a video game, and yet it's the parents fault for not constantly monitoring their kid. If a kid steals a credit card and orders... something from Amazon let's say, then that's obvious. There's a physical item arriving. But a lot of times there's no evidence that there's been a purchase until it's too late.
I'm sorry but this mentality from you seems real bootlick-y

It seems like you kinda just went completely off on a tangent. This would also be the case if microtransactions were introduced any other time, genius.

>But I remember reading a story of some kid who used his sleeping dad's fingerprint to buy games
Kid needs an asswhooping or some respect, either way, a parent needs to be a parent and not some fucking dickhead that slaps a device they're not familiar with into their kid's hands

It is them having shared finances, but it's not the same thing as having shared savings, no. But that's why I'm saying only poorfags have $50 in savings even if most 22 year olds live in the same kinda places and eat baked beans with pasta.

The game literally doesn't tell you to stop using the useful automatic data fill in or however that works.
Re-read my post, I think its valid, maybe you projected the wrong emotion into it.

Well yes kids occasionally do need to be disciplined, but I think that allowing kids to spend such incredible amount of money in the first place (often on lootboxes so the reward isn't even guaranteed) is worrying and borderline evil

Wow it's almost like the parents should be doing something other than ODing
I mean at that point your bank should call you since obviously that amount of expenditure is suspicious, but then again it should never get that far, if you legit don't check your accounts daily you're fucking retarded

"Only poorfags have no savings in their early 20s" only works if you insist on shared savings with parents.
Because even if your parents are doing well, like dentist or office manager or some upper middle class thing like that, you probably have no savings in your early 20s. Most people in their early 20s don't have savings. Their parents might have savings, which is separate, and different. Different in the eye of the law, different morally, practically different if they get in a fight, too. And if you have in your own savings several thousand dollars, you can buy cocaine and prostitutes and gamble, in a way that you can't if your parents have several thousand in savings. Its not the same thing. You are separate economic units. Your rich parent's money are not your money.

No tangent if you weren't retarded
There's no fix for stupidity other than the stupid being punished by the results of their own foolishness. It's sad but that's life. You can try to brute force fix it with bandaids but you just make the retards multiply and they will always find some way to hurt themselves, while simulataneously complicating reality in a most expensive and corruptable fashion that is difficult to reverse (but easy to further complicate.)
Hell, this whole situation is a downstream effect of this to begin with. It will collapse spectacularly someday.

My 2yo niece is able to talk in complete sentences and operate a smart phone. She's able to spell the names of nick jr shows to search for them. You're holding your kids back.

And now an even bigger tangent
What are you, a moron?

If there is a line of tobacco marketed at children, with its packaging made to attract children, masked as candy for the lay parent, is the parent entirely at fault for the kid nagging them and they buying it?
We have to acknowledge the predatory practices that pray on bad parenting. The bad parenting itself isn't the sole perpetrator here, there's a shady dealer arming it.