When does Nier Automata get good?

I've made it to the naked Sephiroth fight in the robot orgy pit and I'm bewildered how this got such high praise? I can understand if the plot hasn't had time to unroll, though the intro mission wasn't a very good hook, but a lot of other stuff is questionable

I have two main problems:

1. Invisible walls everywhere. The visuals are completely unreliable which already has me discouraged to attempt to explore. I wasn't expecting elegant level design from a Platinum title, but man with platforming and an open world I thought maybe they'd at least make a point to not put a bunch of player-sized gaps in big buildings. There's no care at all in making inaccessible areas look inaccessible and it's seriously annoying.
2. Combat is totally barebones?? I must be missing something because all have to work with at the moment are light/heavy attack, a gun that might as well be shooting 24/7, a bigger gun blast, and a dodge. And when I'm running around an enemy I have to manually aim the camera at them because the game doesn't have lock-on outside of baby mode. I didn't expect Bayonetta or Wonderful 101 but at least something near to Revengeance?? Or at least Korra. I'm just slash slash slash, wait until an obvious tell to dodge, then knock them in the air and pummel.

Help me out here. I like the boy and the music and the funny menu stuff. The RPG elements can piss off and the character designs are retarded, but what am I missing here?

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It doesn't.
Congratulations. Your dumb ass fell for the weebtard shilling.

It doesnt

Such an overrated pile of shit

I just, I don't get how Yea Forums is so giddy about this game but calls God of War a movie game? From the first fight in that game you have dodging, blocking, parrying, throwing the axe, and two (initially small) movesets. Here it's like a prototype version of Bayonetta with barely anything implemented

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>I just, I don't get how Yea Forums is so giddy about this game but calls God of War a movie game?
Because most of Yea Forums comprises of delusional animetards with atrocious taste who suck jap dick no matter what while at the same time hating everything that's Western.

sorry user, I fell for the meme too, all the more reason to shit on weebs

>Asking for Yea Forums to change your mind about a video game because you are insecure

Who are you quoting?

NieR Automata is one of the best games of the decade and if you disagree you're a stupid pleb who should just stick to Fortnite

bunch of weebs thought it was deep too

depth of my thigh preference was more thought provoking than the games writing

>bunch of weebs thought it was deep too

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Ur mom lol

It's the sequel to Nier first and foremost not a platinum game, so it's still pretty janky. While the combat isn't great you can do some fun stuff with pod programs and other abilities later on. The charm of the game is the way the gameplay and story marry up and do weird things especially later on in the game. Things don't really kick off until route C although A is pretty comfy and B has some interesting swerves.

>Things don't really kick off until route C
how many hours in is that
>The charm of the game is the way the gameplay and story marry up and do weird things
so far it feels like indie games do it better

>it gets gud 30 hours in
fuck off weeb

after you finish it
for the first time

and it gets amazing when you play nier 1 before it. it's not necessary, but holy shit the feels
because even if it's pointless, you still have to do it

>When does Nier Automata get good?
When you get to the hentai doujins

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And in come the weebs to shit up this thread.

Fuck out of here retardera



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I have up after the intro boss fight on that big bridge.
I hated how the game kept trying to be quirky and interesting by changing up the game play constantly to cover up the fact that most of it was pretty bland.

Suck my dick faggot

No user, that's gay yo.

Because you're in the very beginning of the game.

Just gotta play enough bro the invisible walls are part of the story bro. the lock on? the camera? also part of the story bro. it makes a lot of sense 15 hours in.

>implying it gets better

why are you playing the sequel first

Life is too short to burn through a dozen mediocre things just so the plot makes slightly more sense when you work your way up the only entry you do care about.

You obviously don't care about it very much because you're only playing it because Automata got popular.

Or, now bare with me here, I enjoyed Bayonetta, W101, Revengeance, and Vanquish and I wanted more from this developer. Did you consider that? Or is this post 2deep4u?

First nier is great though. Gameplay is not much worse than automata (not like automata's gameplay is anything to be proud of, i only mean that nier is bearable gameplay-wise), characters are superior, story is amazing. Automata is pretty much first nier redone and simplified in many ways. Some of those simplifications are good, some are bad.

>Gameplay is [...] worse than automata
Glad I didn't waste my time on it then.

Sorry, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you didn't skip to the sequel in an action RPG series just because it was made by Platinum and then complain that it's an action RPG and not Metal Gear Rising.

I love action RPGs. Kingdom Hearts 2, God of War, Dark Messiah... What do you mean by your post?

This is what passes for a raid at 8gag. You can tell because of all the weeb hate in the first dozen or so posts, which coincidentally is how many people still visit that site.

Sounds like you enjoy indie games more, maybe stick to those.

And you would already know if you'd like this one if you played Nier, because it's a sequel to that and plays like it. What I mean by my posts is that I have no interest in convincing you that the game is good or gets better because I'd rather you weren't playing it at all.

None of those are negatives, excepting maybe the invisible walls. What are you doing with your life?


No, I don't care about defending the game from criticisms, just secondaries. I got done being confused at what he meant by lock-on 20 minutes ago.

Wrong. Do you have any arguments, or just desperate cries for attention? You're either too young to be posting here, or too stupid to tie your own shoelaces.

If all you want is solid fleshed out gameplay, NieR and for that matter Drakengard aren't for you. NieR has always been sold on Taro's world and characters and their depressing but entertaining interactions, with gameplay serving as a vehicle to further this. When NieRfags got excited about platinum doing combat, we weren't excited to have an in depth combat system to pull apart like dmc, we were excited to have a Taro game with its first taste of fully serviceable combat so the vehicle for the story and the world would be able to go on without any bumps

>I wasn't expecting elegant level design from a Platinum title
>Combat is totally barebones
So it's just your regular Platinum game

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>maybe the invisible walls

"maybe"??? there's like entire gaping alleyways that are blocked off by them, how blind are you to assign a "maybe" to an objectively true complaint?

Do they hinder the gameplay in any way? They're a dumb way to limit the environment, but they're rarely an issue or a game breaking bug. The reason why nobody takes you seriously is because you think taking things out of proportion constitutes an argument.

It's a game with combat depth that allows you to ignore that if you please. Whether you think that's a terrible design choice is up to you, but it does have more going on than GoW.

Yeah but the regular Platinum game doesn't get its wiener sucked by critics this hard

>Combat is totally barebones
That's the opposite of the truth. If you don't like the game that's fine, but you don't need to lie about it for replies.

It's received better by critics because the combat is easier and people enjoy the story.

It's almost like this isn't an open world game, but a series of levels that are interconnected.
The big, gaping areas are where a map change occurs later

This one was written by the guy who deconstructs the heroes journey for years and has fun ideas about meta narrative and main characters are designed by a great artist.

Platinum is really just filler in this equation.

It truly is summer.

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I’m proud of you today, Yea Forums.

This game is a 6/10 — no more — and I’m glad to see more people realizing/admitting it. I’ll admit it has a phenomenal soundtrack and it totally deserved to win Best Soundtrack at the VGAs, but absolutely everything else about it is mediocre-to-average.

>Do they hinder the gameplay in any way?
>what's this over here? oh it's nothing.
>oh wow look at these rocks over here, they look like platforms, I can-- oh nothing
>ah, a big hole in this building. now I can see what's insi- nope, okay.

what does level of linearity have to do with the complaint? the complaint isn't about how linear the game is, just that the art of the levels is terribly misleading.

>main characters are designed by a great artist.
user just because it has a titty window and near-constant upskirts doesn't make it a good design or one that serves the story.

>none of the different weapons or abilities matter at all, you just spam attack while spamming dodge while spamming your shooty robot
If you think this is GOOD combat, I’d hate to see what you consider bad.

It gets good after the Broken Wings ending.
It gets AMAZING when chapter C starts.

tl;dr: you're just autistic ADHD action fag, who's not even 1/10th into the game yet.

>Yeah I never played the game, how could you tell?

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Not him, but the combat in N:A is fluid, flashy and fun. Satisfying as fuck.

Bad combat? Take any TES game.

>Having options/different playstyles
>user is retarded
>Choses the most retarded option/playstyle
>It's the games fault

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I completely disagree.
Nier Automata is the game of the century. One of the most important video games ever made.
It is so easy to see who has played it and who's not.

I still don't get how that's hindering the gameplay, you're able to finish the game from beginning to end regardless of those walls.

good bait

i wish i could be half as optimistic as you are

Not only is the game shallow as fuck, they want you to play through the same map 3 times just to get across its 2deep4u story

i got 40 hours out of this game and liked it
so yeah i'm good thx

It hinders gameplay because it makes exploration completely unreliable. In a good level, if you see an empty space then you think you can walk there. In a flimsy level you have to rely on cues to determine what is really there to walk around. But Nier has double jumping and big hallways and whatnot that look enterable, scaleable, but are blocked off with a lazy invisible wall. Imagine if Mario 64 had a bunch of invisible walls everywhere. Imagine if in HL2 all the chain link fence models were deleted and in there place was open air and the player had no idea until they touched it that it's collision.

Damn it's like trying to explain why QTEs are bad. Why the fuck is Yea Forums so full of idiots the whole "WHY ARE INVISIBLE WALLS BAD THO" shit needs to be explained please tell me I just got baited please

It gets good when you're an ironic weeb and this is your first non-ironic anime.

the invisible walls and retarded map reuse are because Shit enix didn't want to invest money in the project. The game is optimized like shit and most texture looks taken from a ps2 game. after 2 years and 4 million copies sold they still didn't bothered to at least fix some bugs. The story and lore are awesome, the gameplay is enjoyable, at least to me. the problem it's the retarded way it has been managed

>We've reached the point where not being able to climb thst mountain in a game that never promised you could is seen as a reason a game is trash.
Fuck open world games.

The only invisible walls I can think of that don't stop you from hurling yourself into bottomless pits are the ones that stop you from fucking around in the part of the map that explodes 4 hours into the game.

Who are you quoting?

>put platform that's shorter than the player's double jump height
>player goes "hey why did they design the level like this only to put an invisible barrier here? why not make this platform taller?"
>mongoloid goes "zomg you want this to be botw, huh? you want this to be free climbing adventures huh? huh? huh?"

the japanese game got good for me about the 3rd or forth (4th) nut

I was merely starting B route at 40 hour mark.
Got to [E]nding for the first time at ~80h, and [Y] much later after I started NG+ from scratch.

Play Darkengard and Nier instead. The only reason A Tomato gained notoriety is robot ass.

>I'm just slash slash slash, wait until an obvious tell to dodge, then knock them in the air and pummel.
you've just described every action game ever, what's even your point?

Automata has plenty of different abilities, and different movesets with the weapon types based on how you time then or in what order you press them or how long, etc, similarly to bayonetta. The only thing it doesn't do is give you a movelist and a score for being stylish, but if you are into stylish fighting you can still go for it, and if you are into challenge then hard mode is pretty challenging.

Otherwise, if you don't enjoy the story, the world, the visual designs, etc. /think it is stupid then just stop playing, this game is clearly not for you. Automata is a Taro game first and foremost, the main appeal it gets is it's unique world/story/visual ideas.

as for your gow apologist post (which is I guess the real reason why you made this thread), while noone talks about this, a big reason why gow4 gets all the movie memes is in it's visuals. The series just looks more like a generic hollywood movie now with it's excessively realistic artstyle. I actually think gow4 had better gameplay than gow1-4, but a few good ideas/execution aside 90% of the the game bored me to death with how dull it looked, especially with all the padding walking/climbing sections.

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I think you mean the second time

Why do retards even play games?

IQ required to play games: 60+
IQ required to create something of value: 120+

i remember it being a bit of a slog until the story really picks up which is actually on the third playthrough.

the combat is simple, but it's fun and somewhat customisable with chips.

i think people are drawn to the game for its tone and NPC characterisation above all else.

IQ required to believe IQ actually means something: -12

quiet retard

Why do people start discussions about games on Yea Forums they've only sunk an hour into?

IQ is related to your speed of learning/adapting, not your ability to succeed.

>IQ is related to your speed of learning/adapting, not your ability to succeed.
basically the same thing

I liked it from the moment it started and it only got better and better as I kept playing. If you don't like it yet, it might not be for you. Might I suggest some bing-bing wahoo?

>IQ is related to your speed of learning/adapting, not your ability to succeed.
It's actually a very good predictor of life outcomes.