>killing nazis is awesome right??
why was this game so popular
Killing nazis is awesome right??
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>why was this game so popular
was it?
I found it boring compared to doom
god TNO was fucking amazing compared to this shit
Nazis aren't really loved outside your board, you know.
i thought the new order was alright but it got really monotonous and I was pretty bored by the end of it because it felt like I was fighting the same 3 enemy types over and over again, like
said it got really boring next to the new Doom.
I assume TNC isn't any better?
>why was this game so popular
it wasn't
Literally the only good thing to come out of TNC
>youngblood comes out in like a week and there's barely any marketing for it
DOA lmao
It's cute, but the Wolfenstein level from Doom 2 was still more of a surprise. Especially since it gives you the Commander Keen level from there.
because killing nazis is awesome, sweetie :)
never understood why everyone was a manlet in that level
It actually is when they're those exaggerated super-villain nazi remnants with robots etc.
Here, that's kinda what they did, but by drawing a parallel with today's """nazis""", who are just virgins holding tiki torches on the streets once to never be heard of again. I truly don't give a shit about this outrage over useless under-achieving /pol/tards saying nigger on the internet.
Bring back robo-hitler, blimps and all the cool nazi aesthetic. They're the perfect villains.
>fight nazis
>"yeah, ok"
>fight nazis
>"yo, wtf is this anti drumpf libtard shit? Sjws at it again with their propaganda!"
I'm kinda baffled these games keep getting greenlit, they don't sell or review particularly great, they don't have as much brand recognition as something like Doom, they aren't really ambitious, no innovative mechanics or weapons, no amazing display of technical prowess. Is Nazi killing really that much of a marketing point that they will just keep making these.
who do you even market wolfenstein where you dont play as the angry nazi killing man?
>fight nazis
Killing nazis has been an American pass time since the D day invasion
Because killing Nazis is awesome.
Never played The New Colossus, but loved The New Order. TNC looks like more of the same except with better graphics and a more detailed gore engine. What was so bad about it?
apparently not anymore
I hope Youngblood has a post-credits mission where you go to Charlottesville and get to kill modern Nazis with "Proud Deplorable" and "KEK" armor. Would be GOTY.
people didnt like it because it was the same as other wolfenstein games
game where you shoot nazis
I just wish it was longer than 10 hr game
the game had high production values and it was a dry game release season
Dude a huge chunk of the world fucking hates nazis
That’s why blank-nazi is a very impactful insult like Grammar-Nazi
Because Sandy Peterson isn't very good at mapping.
>people didnt like it because it was the same as other wolfenstein games
Genuinely confused over here.
>why was this game so popular
Because killing nazis is awesome.
Story was shit, BJ was turned into Samus in Other M, having to answer to Grace, aka not Adam for no other reason than shit writers, sound mixing was terrible, combat was alright, too many cutscenes, no real improvement over New Order or Old Blood, the absolute worst choice for an ending song I have every seen in my life. Seriously, google it and see how bad it was.
Because like you said, it was more of the same. People were done with the formula.
Fuck off Nazi.
I guess they expected innovations
as if someone could reinvent fps genre and not piss off everyone
Pretty much. I'm sure it'll get 10/10 reviews because mah woman badass no need no man, then after a week no one will remember it ever existed.
>29.99 standalone
>online co-op
>denuvo drm
>bethesda drm
The absolute state of /pol/ diaspora.
>why was this game so popular
well for starters it wasn't
Is this the one where the obese ex-Nazi woman gets fucked by a nigger and the protagonist watches gleefully.
The under achievers who think
“Well I’m white so I deserve better treatment”
Don’t have the balls to round up anybody and put them in Concentration camps especially in America.
Black and Jewish neighborhoods would become “Shoot nazis on sight” central and when they get shot, stabbed, beaten and left dead in the middle of the road they’ll realize being a nazi is a horrible horrible idea
>thought NO was alright
>AssCreed twist was retarded
>boot up NC
>that twist is going off the rails
>hate the characters so much that is physically hurts
>hitler scene was so fucking stupid and pointless
>it's Venus base now
>game stops all the shooting for a solid 40 minutes just so you can walk around some stupid fucking farm and watch MORE cutscenes
It's not quite as rage inducing as DA:I but it's up there for sure.
Ill give it 5/5 for using id tech even if I dont know if its even better than ue4
With New Order it made sense that they weren't sure pure old school shooters could still work so it was a mix of old and new shooters. Then D44M released, proving there's still a market for it and MachineGames should've understood that. They should've changed some things around to get more of what D44M did so right, instead of doubling down and getting the story from "interesting warrior poet" to "retard who can't think for himself".
the writing in the new order was amazing.
I hate nazis and love wolfenstein but they dropped the ball and missed the point after Old Blood.
Play TNO and Old Blood. Never touch TNC.
How DARE they show race mixing in a game where you are fighting nazis? The nerve on these ki-... I mean, liberal persons who are equal to me in all ways.
>In actual reality
>Any year past 2013
>Fight anyone with any views right of complete Marxism and call them all Nazis
>Also have no gameplay
>People point out this out
Who said they were equal to me? They are lower than the dirt I walk on.
If you think NO had good writing, wait till you play Knack II. Its going to BLOW. YOUR. MIND.
at least it presented the nazis as being a genuine threat to the plot unlike colossus where they feel like they came out of a sitcom
you know the nazis werent against miscegenation right?
Wouldn't go as far as amazing but it was really good and I loved how they handled BJ. Tired guy who's been fighting nazi's his entire life and they just won't go away. Frau Engel was fantastic and all those moments where you're not sure if she knows who you are are really good. Bubi was a nice bitch boy counterpart. Fergus was amazing. That one scene where he argues that you should've chosen the kid was beautiful. Also Jimi Hendrix's death was kino.
>/pol/fags butthurt because you kill nazis in a videogame
I was expecting to get robot zombie hitler as the final boss because it would be funny for someone
instead I cant even remember what was the final boss in tnc
They euthanized all children of French colonial troops from the occupied zones, and even printed coins with a literal big black cock to mourn the loss of german fertility and eggs to the negro.
>Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor (Gesetz zum Schutze des deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre), enacted on 15 September 1935, forbade sexual relations and marriages between Germans and Jews.
>On 26 November 1935, the law was extended to include, "Gypsies, Negroes or their bastard offspring"
>The existing 20,454 (as of 1939) marriages between persons racially regarded as Aryans and so-called non-Aryans – called mixed marriages (German: Mischehe) – would continue.
>However, the government eased the conditions for the divorce of mixed marriages. In the beginning the Nazi authorities hoped to make the Aryan partner get a divorce from their non-Aryan-classified spouses, by granting easy legal divorce procedures and opportunities for the Aryan spouse to withhold most of the common property after a divorce.
>Those who stuck to their spouse would suffer discriminations like dismissal from public employment, exclusion from civic society organisations, etc.
>Any children – whenever born – within a mixed marriage, as well as children from extramarital mixed relationships born until July 31, 1936, were discriminated against as Mischlinge.
>However, children later born to mixed parents, not yet married at passing the Nuremberg Laws, were to be discriminated against as Geltungsjuden, regardless if the parents had meanwhile married abroad or remained unmarried.
>Any children who were enrolled in a Jewish congregation were also subject to discrimination as Geltungsjuden.
tl;dr ur rong
thats what sucks tnc had a nice doom homage boss.
Two giant robots. Game is utter crap though and ill never play it.
I'm guessing they're saving that for the next game, assuming it's meant to be a trilogy. They've already established that people can get their heads cut off and still live so I'm sure that'll be how the next one ends. Hitler's head gets attached to a giant mech.
Only the Boomer generation hate nazi's because they were brainwashed in the 70's. Nazi's are the coolest. As if you fucken don't think so baby
t. a child
>killing nazis is awesome right??
Based retard.
It wasn't, or at least it was less popular than the former entry.
As to why people were annoyed, outside of the comparative downgrade in most aspects of the gameplay, was because of the constant conflation of "Drumpf/his supporters = Nazi/s" at the time, which was also participated in by the devs themselves.
That tends to rub people the wrong way.
You are wrong en.m.wikipedia.org
The nazis had their own racial heirarchy they could make anyone aryan.
Btw way to shoot your argument down with your own cuckshit obsession.
Yeah, fuck white men and fuck drumpf