enjoying myself playing video game

> enjoying myself playing video game
> remember I haven't seen all of my irl friends in months

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lmao loser

I haven't had real friends since elementary school. I'm 27 this month

don't you have twitter or fb at least freak?

>Having friends

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>irl friends

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I try to maintain healthy relationships with them, as the years go on I just get more anti-social and more alcoholic

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I havent had a conversation since high school. You have it ez

Must be shitty friend if they don't try to talk to you. You're doing God's work.

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I still try to hang out with my 2-3 IRL friends every weekend. I say 2-3 because one of them I only see like once a month.
It has been like this for like 8 or 9 years

Chain razor thin light beer in my cup
And my sweater on turtle with the neck on puff

Fuck real "friends"
Fuck real life

Its internet where I belong. I just wish to sit on ny pc and play vidya. Up until im too old and ready to suicide

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We're your friends now. The only friends you'll ever need.

And you can never leave us.

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I had dream I visited the last friend I had. I stopped talking to him years ago.

>having a twitter or a facebook

Only discord trannies don't have friends, consider to change back to normal human beings and make a profile on twitter or something

Now this is based and also redpilled

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Jokes on you, but I'm having lots of fun time on twitter rather than here. It seems to be a much cooler place than Yea Forums

This is pretty much me, too.

More comfortable as a shut-in.

dilate newfag basedboy

I've thought this too but I know I'll never actually have the balls to commit suicide

thanks(?) user

Dilate, tranny. No wonder you're a freak

Happy b-day, user.

you will NEVER be a real girl
you will NEVER pass
everybody looks at you and sees NOTHING but a menatlly ill freak

twitter is extreme trannycore

A shotgun to the mouth is faster than letting the depression set in after transitioning, consider it

What's best way to off self when done with vidya?

Think I'll go for gas inhalation myself

>calling someone who doesn't have a twitter oe facebook a tranny
>the sites literally infested with pozzed up retard 300lb "women"
I'll just stay on Yea Forums, thanks.

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which you are, stop pretending to be a real girl and just accept yourself. You don't need to be a girl to be happy, and if you think that you are a mentally ill freak

Yea Forums and era are trannycore, twitter have lots of right wing guys, nice trying to derail loser

We can be friends?

can you faggots go one thread without bringing up trannies jesus fucking christ

rent free

Explain friends to me.

dilate you disgusting tranny

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he started it

>gets banned for transphobia
real right wing website that twitter is

you started it

Finally, a based thread

You are calling the kettle black you pot faced retard.


I can't even talk about killing myself on Twitter without a warning.

Had to delete a tweet about drinking gas or I'd be locked out of my account.

We are of one and the same, you and I.

>Using twitter

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I feel really annoyed when I'm around Niggers.

>not using twitter
>be smelly twitterhater

his one goes out to them very specific muthafuckin jannies, yall know who you are

yo uh yo uh yo uh UH UH UHUHUH *ting ting*

aint no tranny I dont hate, all part of the jew plot to lower the white birthrate
wanna take a man on a date, let him penetrate, to stimulate, your prostate
but still think you're straight? sorry freak gender is innate

those hormones you ate, just made you gain weight
you're in a dress still lookin like a primate, the absolute state
we can tell you're male just from your gait, you see a real woman and get irate

got molested when you were eight, and you thought it was great
it turned you gay there's no debate, that's how your kind propagate
pedophilia is what you venerate, child abuse is what you perpetuate

don't give a fuck what pronouns you dictate, or whatever other degeneracy you advocate
a fetus you will never gestate, you'll never menstruate
a working vagina they can't simulate, all they can do is amputate
that disgusting thing you call a pussy is more fucked up than pizzagate
you get an infection just trying to urinate, it's unnatural no matter how much you obfuscate

and since you made the decision to castrate, no need to speculate, killing yourself IS your fate
but until you become part of the 40% suicide rate, please fuck off my board mate
and dilate

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I haven't seen my friends in years. They even want to see me.

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leave my safespace, normal

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This. My old friends tried to get in contact with me, I'd rather play vidya and jerk off.

or what lol

even by poetry standards (which is pretty low) this is pretty bad
making every single line rhyme the same way is boring
also you're a dumb frogposting twitter faggot

cope seething incel trany LOSER FREAK DILATE

Nobody gives a shit, faggot.
Call your mom if you feel like whining.

>Drink a bottle of vodka
>Take bottle of drugs that lower your pulse, such as propral
Easy and painless death. You just fall to sleep and die within. You can also take some bentsos to calm you down.

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I-I'll fight you ;-;

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lol bulli beats and rapes

You are me brother

Ha, I'm 37 you poser. Who needs friends? Or family for that matter!

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I'm screencapping this, thanks user

get a life
have sex

literally what’s the point of having a twitter page if you’re a nobody?

>friends I haven't seen in years are getting married, working, living real lives
>one friend pays in rent what I make in three months
>just having a job and living in a crappy studio apartment instead of leeching off someone else is an achievement for me
>I'm going to be 31 in a month


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Chad and bluepilled.


Dilate more disco tranny

You need social linka for better personas. Might as well play smt if you want to be some lonely weirdo.

>Purplepilled chad

haha imagine someone not having friends for over a decade, that would just be bonkers haha

>can't even have feel threads anymore without people screeching about trannies and spamming dilate/cringe/seethe/have sex/etc
What is the point of this board anymore honestly? Can't talk about video games, can't even have decent off-topic discussions, can't shitpost. It's all garbage. You niggers are garbage.

Stop being jealous. No matter how good you are you can always be jealous of someone, it's your choice. Just stop.

>Still implying that getting married/having children is vital and it is the only source of happiness

You're a bunch of stupid faggots, admit it

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I'm sitting at about 6 years, depends on if I'm remembering the right year I graduated high school

i didnt have friends in high school, the last friend I had was in junior high and that was 16 years ago

Implying I want, or could even handle kids
I'm being crushed by living expenses, and student loans
I go without eating some nights juat to save money

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>try talking with old friends from high school
>they just send me one word responses and always say “I’m busy”
>suddenly realise I only have 1 friend who is already engaged who I only see twice a year.

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Fuck friends.

Everyone moved away after elementary and I never made new friends.

So? My circle of friends has stayed the same since highschool, it's normal that we can't see each other for months since we live all across the country now. Do what we do and have an online network like a discord.

been a NEET for a couple of months now and i can very much empathize

too poor to hang out with my friends and wouldn't have much to do if i invited them over either so i don't even bother

Yeah it’s one thing to have friends, and another to have actual GOOD friends that are worth having by your side. I’ve been through 4 friend circles and it always ends with one of us moving away/getting pissy and leaving the group.

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I think most people only have maybe one or two real close friends

I'm a neet for 8 years and haven't seen any of my "friends" since high school, get on my level normalfag

Everyone has that "who needs kids lmao" phase, but then everyone is surprised when they feel a lack of purpose in life and drown in depression.
The one thing holding me back is being a sperg with no social skills and scrambling to make rent.

that's what I thought when I was a teenager too

That will never bother you or at least not that much if you keep yourself busy with other things you love to do. Overrated.

>From the age of 15 spend pretty much all day with my best friends
>School together, after school together, weekends together
>age 18 moved out of home together for university
>Age 22 lived together after university
>Spend all time together having a blast
>Get GF and move in with her at age 25
>Contact with friends reduced to once every few months with a few texts here and there
>Age 28 now married to GF and haven't seen my friend in nearly 2 years and haven't spoken in about 1 year

So this is life now I guess

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based and literally me.

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> married

You still have it better than 95% of this board, including me.

>tfw smoked so much weed in your youth you get paranoid around people and start to hate everybody
>tfw just want to be alone all day

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thanks, I'll remember that

Go talk to or see them then you stupid fuck, don't come crying to Yea Forums about it.

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Is this a joke?

I haven't spoken to anybody outside of family/work/business interactions in 6 years.

>enjoying myself playing a video game
>remember I’m a 21yr old KV

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>last had "friend" maybe in elementary
>don't really want to see anyone from either there or high school anyway

How do you cope with that? I consider treading the same path and always think that this would drive me insane.

Not him but they avoid me often and I'm pretty sure they despise me and only pretend to be friends with me out of pity

Man, if only I didn't have a "family". I'd have ended it so long ago.

This. Fucking summer normies.

Get a hobby for fuck's sake and ignore your instincts

It's hard to ignore your instincts when they tell you to reproduce every single day.

Do you think there have been lot of suicides by people who go to Yea Forums?
What if one of these posts here one day is a suicide victim?

Hardly a victim if you just pull the trigger

good, anyone who can go against their most primal instinct and gets out is a hero in my book. I hope this site has inspired more suicide

Get better friends then.

A little bit of it is your "fault", and the rest very well could be them. Like said. Easier said than done, though.

I erpd with a cute hyur in XIV yesterday.
Convince me it wasnt a tranny

you know it was a man

mfw the only irl friend I have made me go from doomer to bloomer

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I get this, hard, I always feel like people could do better than suffer being around me

I'm currently stuck at 4-5, have been for a while.
I think i'll wait for my family to go before I give up forever

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>enjoy myself playing video games
>realize ive been dead for months

>enjoying myself playing videogame
>dad walks in
>asks if I have any plans for my life besides sitting in my room like a loser

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