Hi. I'm just here to remind you that the reason why we will never have Sid Meier's alpha centauri HD remake or sequel is because EA hold the publishing right to the franchise and wont give it up.
That is all. goodnight.
Hi. I'm just here to remind you that the reason why we will never have Sid Meier's alpha centauri HD remake or sequel is because EA hold the publishing right to the franchise and wont give it up.
That is all. goodnight.
If Sid Meier were such a genius he'd still have his license.
its not that simple. this was Firaxis's first game, it just started out and they needed the money. EA came in and offered them a good deal - except it also included the publishing right to the franchise (common practice for EA and many big publishers). no one knew it would've been that big of a success nor did they knew about Firaxis's future in 2K.
What about Beyond Earth, wasn't that kinda the spiritual successor??
It was their attempt to make a SMAC game, without having the right for a SMAC game. which is ironic considering SMAC was their attempt at making a Civilization game, without having the right to the Civilization franchise.
That hasn't stopped EA from raping a corpse before.
EA cant make SMAC either since it only holding publishing rights but it cant develop the game without approval from Firaxis.
Isn't Endless Legend somewhat a spiritual successor to Alpha Centauri?
how? its not even similar?
Except human races you have alien ones, also the setting is a unknown planet like in ac.
thats sounds like a generic 4x sci-fi or fantasy game. I haven't played Endless Legends since it was originally released so my memory is foggy, but I dont recall it having any of SMACs cool story, or amazing techs, or the ability to terraform the fucking planet. no conscious planet...
Not at all. Beyond Earth is what you would get if you attempted a "spiritual successor" to SMAC without any of the charm and built on Civ5's foundation.
go to sleep Mandalore
Can't go to sleep if you're dead user.
too soon
Microsoft managed to get Porsche in to Forza 4, 5 and 6 while EA still had the exclusivity license for the manufacturer. So no, it doesn't mean we wont see an HD remake.
that was because Microsoft and EA came to an agreement. I find it hard to believe EA and 2K will come to an agreement.
No. It may share some mechanics but beyond that they are only similar in genre.
Endless Legend is mechanically very similar to Alpha Centauri even if the theme and setting are different. A huge part of each is sniping wonders, and customizing unit equipment. I think what a lot of people forget is really what made Alpha Centauri great is just how big it's ideas were, how well executed the philosophy of technological progress was explored in the setting.
I'd rather the IP collect dust in EA's vault rather than some other retards drive it it into the ground.
>Endless Legend is mechanically very similar to Alpha Centauri even if the theme and setting are different
same as all other games in the genre.
>A huge part of each is sniping wonders
again, same as any other game in the genre.
>and customizing unit equipment.
Still fairly common within the genre....
>I think what a lot of people forget is really what made Alpha Centauri great is just how big it's ideas were,
which I cant think of many games which did that later. name a single game where I can artificially raise mountains in my territory to alter the rainfall patterns at my neighbors causing their farmland to turn to desert. but back to the point, Endless Legends doesn't do anything that unique.
>how well executed the philosophy of technological progress was explored in the setting.
and again, Endless Legends does not do that. but I do admit I only played release version, thing might've changed after all the DLCs it got.