Will there be a sticky when he an heros?

will there be a sticky when he an heros?

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Some fag who's obsessed with Elliot Rodgers. Cheated on his gf with a furry pedo, and the pedo is trying to cheat on him with the kid she molested. Not vidya though.

Don't go to Ila Vista tomorrow

He probably has already killed himself since he didn't go on the dick show today.

you think the chick he's seeing is just living with his corpse now?

What the fuck even happened to him? The last video I ever saw of him was when he was on the verge of tears in front of the camera right before his channel got deleted.

Fuck off reddit

She's probably fucking it

He had a good podcast with Asterios Coconuts, but then dropped everything and is acting like a smug cunt probably because his weird new gf who he cheated his ex gf with is manipulating him.

"Now you'll look like a boy forever!"

imagine if he just dumps the furry pedophile GF and makes a rise and fall and decay episode about himself.

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I feel bad for Emplemon. Poor autist got invited into a friend group only to find out everyone involved is a sociopath

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he hasn't been on social media for 6 days.

either he's finally fixing his mistakes or he's really doubling down on them


He should go back to making YTPs and stop talking

Mumkey is probably a bad person in real life. There's a reason all his friends stop being friends with him. Manimal, the PCP guys, his troll friends who the PCP guys didn't want him to be friends with, Sheepover, etc it's kinda funny how fast he goes through people.

Why is he going out with this bitch, again? I thought the whole pedophile/ephebophile humor was meant to be satirical and ironic, having its underlying message to not be like that. Now Tyler's dating someone who is literally part of that shit while willing to throw him under the bus for an underaged cock that is bigger than him.

Maybe he's finding a real job.

Rusty Cage is a good person despite having the facade of a massive edge lord

he didn't know when he started fucking her.

after it got revealed he said he was gonna break up with her. then his shrink gave him heavy anti-depressants and now he wants to marry her.

Did you watch his video about why he doesn't make YTPs anymore? Even though he spent the entire video complaining I never heard anything I really disagreed with. He may be an annoying fucker but I agree with him on a lot of things.

Rusty's a good person too

Sheep seems like a good girl
How did she take it?

>Cheating on Sheepover

what the hell was he thinking?

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>be Mumkey
>have gf that loves you, makes more money than you and is paying all living expenses while you have the time of your life making YouTube videos
>meet a literal pedo furry at a fan meet up
>”I’m gonna fuck her”
>gf eventually finds out feels terrible but try’s to make it work and forgives Mumkey
>Mumkey immediately moves across the country and tries to be with the furry
>furry wants to leave him because she has feelings for a minor
>Mumkey thinks to himself if he fucks up here he’s gonna end up like Elliot Rodger because he had a tinder and didn’t get laid and goes on a legitimately disturbing Elliot Rodger type rant about women
>Mumkey is now marring a furry he knew less than a year
He’s gonna end up an hero

I hear he proposed to her because she wanted to leave him for a minor and this was a last ditch effort to keep her.

She refuses to talk to Mumkey and is heartbroken that Mumkey never proposed to her while being together for 4-5 years, but happily proposed to a pedo furry less than a year of knowing each other and has tried to leave him for a 15 year old.

Tbh I don’t blame her

he wants a girl whos into freaky shit and someone he can dominated. to bad for him, his getting cucked by her 15 year old toyboy.

> Be supposedly depressed and out of bad judgement, decide to fuck a furry ephebo/pedophile.
> Taking an antidepressant to not be depressed yet STILL BE on bad judgement by wanting to marry said girl that raises red flags while dumping current girlfriend WITH ALL BETTER PROSPECTS than her.

hope he takes the furry degenerate with him if he does do it