Will it have 60 fps?

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you'll be lucky to get consistent 30fps considering modern consoles can barely do that shit...

I want 1080p at 60+fps

No. You will get forced VR gimmick and streamming hard push.


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PCbros will be in denial and foaming at the mouth, but yes, easily.

It'll have the ability for sure. I would say that this gen will have the highest number of 60 FPS games on console ever. No AAA game will have the 60 FPS. Maybe just Death Stranding. I think Death Stranding will be 60 FPS. Bite me


Are you people just pretending to be dumb or honestly think there are no 60fps games on ps4?

Why do people think they're going hard on streaming? They totally fell back away from streaming in the back half of this gen, what with allowing you to download games from PS now instead of having to stream.

Chiefly because they've recently partnered up with Microsoft to imrpove their streaming service.

Name 5

What about 4k

literally who cares? if you game on a console you're legitimately stupid.

Will it have games?

That doesn't mean they're going in on it, it just means they want to improve the shit they have. The entire western world still doesn't support streaming, the infrastructure isn't there yet. It probably won't be for decades considering just how much cable/wire needs to be laid down.

most of them are ports tough

The real question is whether devs optimise their shit and opt in for balanced visuals in 1080p and 60fps or dynamic resolution and retarded amount of shaders, bloom and blur that do nothing to improve presentation of the game but drag performance down to hell.

does it matter? if you're dumb enough to buy a DRMbox with constant subscription requirement for internet that you already paid for you likely can't tell the difference between 30 and 60.

"Sony will reportedly target 'hardcore gamers' as its primary segment after dominating the current console generation."

Considering how big fortnite is and how it doesn't require a ps+ subscription I wonder if they'll rethink the requirement instead of just upping the quality of titles they offer through PS+ and removing it's requirement for online play. Or bundling PS now and PS+.

It can output in 4k but no 400-500 bucks PC will play AAA games in 4K unless highly optimized.

Certainly 60 fps with dips.
Embarassing enough, those games that runs 60 fps on ps4 gets constant fps drop and they're not even something that requires a gaming pc to run at stable 60 fps on high settings.

Why is this the case? I understand the walled garden argument and it does suck, but at the same time it isn't going to change as the economics - consoles are cheaper. Also getting plug and play consoles distributed is simply easier than a tower that needs a mouse, keyboard, monitor, speakers, etc. Not every home owns or has space for a PC. Most already have televisions however. If you enjoy games and new games being made, you kinda own that to consoles for the most part.

I don't disagree, but it just seems to be the way the whole industry is heading. There's more money in monthly subscriptions than one-off purchases. If they can get it to the sweet spot of price/perfomance, it will do well, I think. But who knows! Maybe the hype around streaming is just that, it might be the next kinect and it'll all lose steam in a year or two and they'll all move on to something new.

>consoles are cheaper
Not true. Consoles are cheaper upfront but PC gaming can be cheaper long term. That of course depends on what kind of gamer the person is.

if they are talking 8k 120 fps then it will end up as 4k 30 and then as the time goes on fall down to 1080p 30

>why is this the case
because the whole "pc gaming is expensive" meme is touted by parrots like you all the time. You can build a decent rig for the same price and add on to it as you go. Also, you don't have to deal with paid online and san fransico faggots censoring your games.
>PC needs a ton of peripherals
If you're arguing that most people already have televisions, most people have a fucking keyboard, mouse, and monitor. You in the 3rd world or what?
>if you enjoy new games
PS4 and XB1 are not the destination for "new games". Every single 3rd party game gets put on PC and the few games that are exclusives are boring as fuck. This doesnt apply to Nintendo though because they actually put effort into their exclusives. By the way, I have every single console this gen and my xb1 and ps4 have been sitting there collecting dust.

Choose one. I genuinely hope the remasters/ports of PS4 games can at least be 60. Would be nice to play BB in 3 times the framerate it currently is

this holy shit lmaooooooo

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Nioh, shadow of collusus, gt sport, wipoeut omega, doom, borderlands handsome, yakuza 0/k, dark souls, gow3 remastered,tloud, phantom pain


No matter how strong the hardware is, the developers are gonna focus on making the games as "pretty" as possible. So there will always be games at 30 FPS on consoles.

>Bb remaster
They disnt wven bother patching for Pro

Never forget

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>B-but ps4 cant do 60fps
>Prove wrong
>B-but ports reee

We all know the Bulldozer arch was pretty bad for gaming. Zen 2 is different. You cannot sit there and pretend the PS5 is just a minimal upgrade to to the PS4.

>You can build a decent rig for the same price and add on to it as you go
Sure. Vast majority of people don't have the time/patience for that though and just want to play their games. You can argue it which ever way you want, the distribution advantage is inherent to consoles.

>most people have a fucking keyboard, mouse, and monitor. You in the 3rd world or what?
No, I've got a decent PC and a PS4 pro myself. Quite a lot of homes don't have desktop PC's though and instead just opt for tablets/laptops.

>No one does good exclusives but nintendo reeeeeeee
I don't even need to respond to this shit.

there are 5 call of duty games alone that run at 60fps on the ps4.

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>60 fps at 720p
>while pc can easily do 1440p/60 with a 100$ card
the absolute state of consoles

No, enjoy checkerboarded 4k at 30fps.

God I hate consoles. Actually, I hate modern graphics entirely. Just give me PS2 graphics at high resolutions and framerates. I literally don't care about anything else.

ofc not

>p-people are lazy!
Well I'm glad you agree with my point, the only way anyone would game on a console is if they were stupid.
>Alot of homes don't have a kb+m
Lmao. Even if I were to concede this point that's literally like $20.
>how dare you not like Sony exclusives
Yeah I'm real sorry that I'm not appreciating the same 3rd person movie games over and over again.



Wait wait wait, are they actually smart enough to push VR? I thought they were just going to sit on their hands and keep their current model except maybe make it work a tiny bit smoother on the new console or something. What have they said about PSVR2?

You can get 4k 30 fps on a fucking rx 470, shut the fuck up consoletard.

With dips.
He said games from this gen, not ports from the ps3.

𓀣𓀤𓀥𓀦 𓀧

What is your point? Was the RX 470 released before 2013? How much money did it cost when it released?

It's a good thing you don't care, because your one sale will trump those millions they got not making it look a decade old.

At 720p

Most movies are 24fps anyways so it doesn't matter

>rock solid 30 fps

No it won't and it doesn't matter. Specs only matter when you're comparing it to other consoles like the Switch.

That's like saying your phone can run NES games with smooth fps.

>all these ports

literally just put graphics sliders in and this isn't a problem. I have no idea why this isn't standard, it's the worst part about playing on console.

>I have no idea why this isn't standard
Because it's a waste of development time and effort. Why bother with multiple graphical options and make optimization a bigger hassle than aiming for one goal and polishing that? It's just a waste of money which is why they leave everything up in the air for PC because it's ridiculous to optimize for it.

>What's highly optimized, retard?
Have you played MGSV? That's highly optimized.
Have you played any Assasins Creed game? That's not optimized. At all.

>It's a waste of development time, that's why even the cheapest, laziest and most broken PC ports have it any way

I couldn't even pretend to care. All I care about is it will be 4k.

>PS2 releases, DVD media takes off and now we're enjoying entertainment in 720 x 480
>PS3&4 releases, Blu-ray media takes off and now we're enjoying entertainment in 1920 x 1080

PS5 comes out, and 4k will be the new standard. The TVs are already pretty affordable, but we're severely lacking 4k media. PS5 will make it standard just like it has since DVD.

Yeah, they have it and then leave it up in the air, like I said. On console they have a certain standard they want to adhere to with the specific set hardware at their hands. Offering the shittiest options means having to plan for people playing on those shittiest options and building around them accordingly. On PC you could have any number of builds and PC players expect that shittier hardware = worse graphical quality and worse framerates, but on console unless you have the higher tier models they expect a certain level of graphical fidelity and framerate, any errs there leads to complaints, docked review points, and a whole bunch of other shit. There's nothing wrong with adding a lot more settings, but graphical settings makes no sense in the console market because it's not even remotely the same as the PC market.

It will get 4k at 30 fps at best. Xbone one x already has native 4k already.

4K isn't going to become the standard though when 1440p content is still scarce.

>but on console unless you have the higher tier models they expect a certain level of graphical fidelity and framerate, any errs there leads to complaints, docked review points, and a whole bunch of other shit.
Do you think having graphics sliders means they just won't just default to the same settings we have today? Dumbfuck normies can have their cinematic experiences if they want.

No they didnt. They had a memorandum of understanding stating that in the future Sony may be able to strike a deal with them on their azure platform. They didn't actually do anything and the contract isn't legally binding.

Again, why would they go through that effort? They still have to QC those options and see that nothing gets broken or see that they cause issues.

Sony has never made a good game, prove me wrong

As I said, "the effort" is clearly minimal otherwise bottom of the barrel PC ports wouldn't have it.

>With dips.
??? No?

and as I said PC is the afterthought where they don't need to care because there is too much build variety to account for. They don't need to care as much, look at how Dark Souls 2 had problems until SotFS came out, Dark Souls 1 breaks if you use the 60 FPS patch, Yakuza 0 had major problems if you went above 1080p or above 60 FPS, Yakuza Kiwami 2 breaks ragdolls if you go above 30 FPS, and so on. You don't need to care as much on PC whereas on console you have to work way more and work QCing stuff so you don't get docked points by the people who are doing your important reviews and guaranteeing your sales.

I can't even tell what your point is any more. First you say that implementing sliders is a significant effort, then you say sliders exist because they don't care. So which is it?

Sony inspired the greatest pastime of all
shit-posting on Yea Forums

Tekken 7, MGSVTPP, SOTC, All COD's, All fifa's, all sports games in general, Multiplayer modes in Sony games, All VR games run at 60-120fps (120 fps is excluding games that are running at 60 with reprojection to 120). So you are just flat out wrong.

>720p with many many drops, unless on ps4 pro
>ps4 pro only also a ps2 game
>many drops
>many drops
>ps3 games
>ps3 games
>ps3 game
>ps3 game
>ps3 game
>ps3 game, but is one of the only 60 fps with virtually no drops game on ps4

Sliders on PC aren't an effort because they can just let loose due to the PC community already being used to dealing with upgrading their machines and manually tinkering with settings.
Sliders on consoles are an effort because they need to QC all of the things they change, all the problems introduced by higher framerates, if the system can even handle the higher quality without major problems, how low in graphical quality do they want to go, etc. If they don't, this affects their scores, their reputation, and a whole host of other shit because the console market's reviews and impressions are far more important to the general public.

Nioh for example had not only PS4 settings but PS4 Pro settings to account for and build with whereas on PC it has loads of options to work with. Same deal with Final Fantasy XV. The point I'm making here is that sliders on consoles require extra effort to work with and implement while on PC they can just do it without worrying because they can easily use the excuse of the millions of part combinations they can't optimize for, and the PC market isn't as important to the sales and reception of a game when it amounts to the general public.

Wipeout omega has drops? How? The game ran on a PS3 at 1080p (variable) with a decent framerate
How the fuck does the PS4 not do 1080p60?

the cpu will be much stronger than all previous gen by a huge margin, assuming they don't clock it to 1ghz. so at the very least it should have 60 fps option for every game, with reduced visuals/resolution (1080p) but I doubt they would enforce that

With how faggy and cheap sony has got lately you will have to sit on a electronic dildo that has to be bought separately in store just to turn on the ps5.

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oh nvm in that case
>ps3/vita game

I was thinking of redout

>Sliders on consoles are an effort because they need to QC all of the things they change, all the problems introduced by higher framerates, if the system can even handle the higher quality without major problems, how low in graphical quality do they want to go, etc. If they don't, this affects their scores, their reputation, and a whole host of other shit because the console market's reviews and impressions are far more important to the general public.
This is a joke, considering how many AAA games release on consoles in broken states.
Fallout 4 can have mods on console that completely break the game but sure, QC is something the industry is super duper committed to.
The funniest part about that example is that Fallout 4 on console actually has mods that trim away a bunch of graphical effects to buy additional FPS.

Ah yes Redout does have drops. The drops are pretty bad sometimes. Runs smooth as butter on Pro though.

Yes but actually no.

Who gives a fuck, I have 144fps on my computer.

Typically experiencing higher quality should heighten your standards, not cause them to them plummet.

>This is a joke, considering how many AAA games release on consoles in broken states.
Yeah, and the thing here is that it's doing that on one, maybe two graphical settings. Imagine like twenty different graphical settings they need to work with. Japanese games are even built around 30 FPS engines which break if they go any higher.

No, they will just up the graphical fidelity while maintaining a 30 FPS target because it gives the game a “cinematic feel”

Honestly I don't see why you can't just have a "here be dragons" message same as what happens when you enable mods in a Bethesda game.
There are a few console games this gen which have very coarse graphics options (TLOU and Nioh come to mind) so I hope the trend continues.

1080p 60fps should be achievable by every single game, no excuse, native 2k and 4k with 60fps might be hard and only achievable by the optimization wizards like id Software and Naughty Dog
also are the graphic settings going to be mostly medium like current gen or actually high/ultra compared to PC
not to mention some companies like Insomniac said they won't be doing 60fps anymore because its pointless so there's that, don't expect 60fps across the board

1080p is 2k, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


1440p is 2k

>2K resolution is a horizontal resolution of approximately 2,000 pixels on a display device or content.[1] Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI) defines 2K resolution standard as 2048×1080.
Did you even google it before you said something retarded

>that feelings when you have a 1440p WQHD screen :)

2k and 4k are just normie marketing terms anyways, use vertical resolutions like a real boy


Everyone played ps2 games at 20-30fps all the time. No one was bitching. No one cares about fps but pc cucks trying to pretend they get higher framerates on their toasters playing ports of AAA ps4 games. Ps4 already gets many games running at 60fps, Ps5 will be even better, but even if it was 30 it would still be fine. And it will still btfo the shitch and 100% of PCs, like ps4 does currently

>Why do people think they're going hard on streaming?
Never said hard, dipshit. Yet it will be the system when streaming will become the norm, enjoy!

Eyes of console player cant see more than 24 frames per second.

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>No one cares about fps
Tell that to all those people jerking off when Snoy and MS were saying how powerful PS4 and X1 are and how they will run games at 60 FPS. You only "don't care" because you're too stupid to use a PC so you have no choice.

But it does run games at 60 fps. And I didnt care about fps then either. I was jerking off over the graphics which they still deliver on

>plastic underpowered shitbox
>doing 60 fps
Fat chance.
They already announced "8K" capabilities so expect the usual sub 25-5 fps.

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this is true user but there is no need to yell.

I'd rather they just skip the charades and go the kino 16k 8 fps experience

I'm still waiting for 1080p with 60 FPS. PS5 is THREE generations into HD consoles, this'll be the time, right?

>GT Spork
>fps drops
ask me how I know you haven't played it

60 fps is up to the devs, and devs don't give a shit about fps

This is literally the dumbest thing I have read. You need to work on your reading comprehension you fucking dingus.

Ps5 will usher the standard of 4k. If the xbone can do 4k natively already, don't you think the ps5 will run 4k natively with ease.

Show me some of those AAA games released in the last few years that run 4K/30 at high settings on a 470

Devs will always go with prettier graphics over performance because most people don't give a shit about playing at 30 fps.

man, how will Yea Forums recover after the PS5 takes over next gen?

60 FPS is not a target for most console devs (and Im talking about the game designers, not the hardware makers)
Better textures, models, bigger scenarios, fancy effects... That shit is what makes the consumer "Woah dude! This is next gen, I gotta buy this new brand game for the 500+ bucks new console!!"

An increase in framerate with no other visual improvement wouldnt impress anyone (outside a tiny minority of PC gamers, who dont matter anyway)

That's up to developers. Most of them would rather have nicer eye candy than smoother performance.

Ironically enough, forcing VR would probably cause games to have better framerates because that's necessary to prevent motion sickness.


PS4 does 60 fps in the menu and HDMI 2.0 supports 4k at 60 hz, you could've said that since all you care are the specs and not reality.

You know it won't. It's not about hardware, it's developer choice if they care about actual gameplay

PS4 Pro was released in 2016, user. Normal PS4 can't do 4k.

Console AAA devs prioritize resolution over framerate for that 'cinematic experience', expect 4k 20-30fps to be the norm.

also because games sell on screenshots and 30fps trailers & streams. They don't care if you have a choppy experience after you've bought it.


If increasing the framerate to 60 would result in no noticeable increase in graphical quality compared to the previous gen, it's too soon for a new gen any way.

The opening level of Ratchet and Clank on PS3 blew my mind when I first played it and it did that at full 720p60, a far cry from the 512x448 interlaced that was standard on the PS2, and a standard that was sadly forgotten as that generation dragged on.

Why go for 60fps struggle, when you can go for THE BEST 4K EXPERIENCE [upscaled from 1080p]!!!

two years old and it's the prerelease build.
try it with the actual game

Why are Pc bros so insecure? Always shitting on consoles when most games are console ports I don’t care what others game on I am just happy the market is healthy enough to support 3 platforms+Pc.

I'm an idort and I shit on consoles because they kind of suck nowadays.
This gen of consoles has been really shitty for the most part even compared to last gen, which was shit compared to gen 6.

I'm not sure I'd say the industry is healthy given how shitty most games coming out are and how little quality content there actually is.

But in terms of the market and only the market, that is true. A lot of normies are buying a lot of consoles and a lot of AAA garbage. Good for them, I suppose.

Well what do you expect the move to higher fidelity graphics will always take more time and money I imagine the next gen will have even fewer games.

Maybe devs should focus on making a good game instead of jerking their dick over graphics.

I agree but the majority of you here are all 4K 120fps pushing more powerful hardware has been the narrative for years now. I would have been happy with ps2 level graphics but now it takes +300 people to make an ass creed game.

The industry really needs to find that stable middle ground between AAA and indie again. The 7th gen killed it dead.

Well here's the thing, you can make a game that's good but also looks good, look at DMCV or REMake 2. The problem is when you spend all this fucking time on useless mocap graphics dicksucking over gameplay.
There's nothing wrong with higher framerates since they're in service of gameplay, but there IS something wrong with sacrificing gameplay in service of graphics.

Most small japanese studios stuck to handhelds and then either moved to mobage crap or disappeared. They werent able to adapt and paid the price

There are still AA developers but the cost is still super high remember how many small Japanese companies were making games for the ps1 most of them are gone or swallowed up. HD development is to time/cost prohibitive.

The thing is, there isn't really anything stopping these devs from making the same kinds of games now as they did on PS1.
Just look at all the smaller indie games (both Jap and western) that are basically NES/SNES homages.

This is the reason the DS and PSP were so good. But by the time the 3DS and Vita rolled around, they were starting to migrate to mobiles or they started making kusoge for incels instead.


>The thing is, there isn't really anything stopping these devs from making the same kinds of games now as they did on PS1.
True it’s just a shame more don’t I wish someone would make a silent hill 2/3 homage.