Fuck this game

Fuck this game.

Attached: 28846-mega-man-bass-snes-front-cover.jpg (800x1459, 222K)

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Let me guess. You're at the King's Fortress 2 Jet fight, aren't you.

t. Got filtered by Kingjet.

Or maybe bunerman.

Yeah. This design of this game is absolute horeshit, even for 1998. I can't even begin to describe how awful the robot masters are, how fucking grueling getting all the Dr. Light Entries are, how frustrating the level design is, how boring it is to grind for bolts to buy every item in the shop. And then they hit you with one of the worst endgames ever made. Brilliant.

I wanna give up on this game but I have to 100% it.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who legitimately loves this game.

Sounds like a case of git gud

Attached: 1481399485449.jpg (534x486, 39K)

who's bunerman?

>Beat that section on my first try as Mega because he never shot fist perpendicular to the platforms
Ended up fighting him again because I went to a different level to farm lives after beating the final King fight
This game tosses a lot of shit I could take but that was just the straw the broke the camels back. No other megaman game I played sends you back to castle stage one if you choose another stage.

Attached: 1538164864380.jpg (1200x1700, 95K)

But do you love the gba port more then the original SNES version like me?


My love for this game started with the GBA port. I played it a ton as a teenager. But when I replay it nowadays it's always the SNES version.

>redundant thread

people struggled with that stage/fight?

Apparently so, at least in my experience seeing newcomers play MM&B


There is nothing wrong with this ga-

>King Stage 2

Only bullshit part of the stage is the very end with mega where you either have the choice of taking contact damage from the cannon or instant death by the fire. The boss is also some horse shit with how his homing dive with shockwave has the same start up as his bear trap attack.

I unironically enjoyed the entire second King Stage and all of the fights, I never had that much trouble with them. The game has plenty of other sections that are pretty difficult, though.

You're not meant to do that. Choose what you can.

>how fucking grueling getting all the Dr. Light Entries are
Optional content, don't stress out over it.

I love it. Disgusted it isn't on the current collections. Needs a new english version though since they did a shitty job on the GBA port and all the CD jokes are ruined.

>Stage's theme song is like a parody of Mission Impossible's


God I both loved and hated this stage, it took me ages to beat it

I want to fuck magic man.

This is honestly the only classic Mega Man game I like

I prefer this game over 8, personally.

Literally made to be as obnoxious and poorly designed as possible. They should have just made Bass playable only and the levels wouldn't have been as fucked up.

>They should have just made Bass playable only and the levels wouldn't have been as fucked up.
Not the best idea, the big sell is the two playable characters and differences between them.
If they game only had Bass it'd feel that much more streamlined.

What they really should have done is gone ape with the shop as a bandage for any problems while playtesting, make it possible to buy very expensive one use items that help you cheese levels and bosses, that way anytime someone complains about the base game they could just be dismissed by pointing out there's an item for X issue. If they say something like they wanted a challenge then have it pointed out so they chose to gimp themselves.

No level and boss design balancing needed. Works every time.

Even just adding E and W tanks would've made the game more approachable. I'm not quite sure why they're absent from MM&B and MM8, although MM8 has the rush item drop thing.

Casual filtered and BTFO by one of the best classic MM games.

This is the best original series Megaman game by far. Everyone just can't handle not beating a Megaman game in 1 sitting if they never played this game before.

Great music, two playable characters for newcommers and people looking for more of a challenge, graphics to match the look of a fucking playstation game and level design that is equal to megaman 9. The game is fair you just can't walk through it with just the mega buster like all the other games after MM2.

user, you're slighty wrong.

>level design that is equal to megaman 9.
It's more on the vein of MM3; challenge focused whereas MM9 was more akin to MM2.

>The game is fair you just can't walk through it with just the mega buster like all the other games after MM2.
Perfectly posible to do with it. The best thing for MM&B was that weapon were more useful than most of the games and you would actually them after getting them.

I legitimately love it.. if you discount the king stages.
The presentation's great, banging ost, fun stages, and the higher difficulty is actually pretty welcome.
But just fuck everything about the jet fight. Call me a scrub but I quit the game at that point to not sour my memories any further. There's difficulty, and then there's the dev drilling into your balls from the grave.

This and 10 are just obnoxious. X6 is a better example of difficulty than them.

The sad thing is that the final stage is easy as hell (Barring fights that gave you trouble the first time). But the marathon of a second stage will dissuade anyone from even bothering with Wily just because of how unbelievably long and unfair it is.

The music is so fucking good though, especially the museum and Ground Man.