Arcsys will never make a Naruto fighter

>arcsys will never make a Naruto fighter

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No one cares about some shitty side character like Boruto's dad.

Sad because there would be some dope ass level 3s for this series.

new ultimate ninja when

Didn't Naruto get three or four 3D fighters that looked pretty nice? You guys are fine.

I just want a Naruto fighting game that isnt arena fighter shit.

I hope you ain't talking about arena fighters like ninja storm and shit man.

I always thought that naruto fans digged arena fighters more than traditional fighting games

GNT5 would be better.

Arena fighters are typically team-based or at least team-focused, Ninja Storm is 1v1.

I want a Naruto game by Platinum.

Why was this game so shit?

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I stopped watching Naruto after the main series ended, cause them being children is peak kino.
What happens? Is Sasuke evil now or some shit? Does Orochimaru fucking die?
I haven't watched shit cause I cant afford cable, and I wanna watch ti dubbed cause dub > sub.

Sasuke, Kabuto, and even fucking Orochimaru himself, the guy who experimented on babies until they died, were all pardoned and they live peacefully now.

Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is already the perfect Naruto game.

Are there any decent Naruto RPGs or games in general? I'm close to finishing Shipuuden and I'm in the mood.

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wow that sounds
fucking awful. What happened? The main series was pretty decent and was a tale about a kid growing up, did the main writer die or something?

>There will never be another good Naruto game

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They were the only ones getting made so we didn’t greatly have a choice. They looked really pretty but that’s it.

Only another note

>arc sys makes a Naruto Fighter
>they get to make an original kunoichi

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At this point I want a Xenoverse style Naruto game instead of a fighter, Shinobi Strikes feels like a prototype towards that but it's basically multiplayer only and jank as fuck. With a proper dev behind it, letting us fully explore the world as our OC while interacting and even teaming up with characters based upon your OC's age/skills shit would be damn good.

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No, Kishimoto was just a hack. Sasuke also got married to Sakura.

Who the fuck did Naruto get? Or did he get cucked cause "hurr durr 9 tailed fox is all he needs!"

>arcsys will never make a Naruto fighter
Last thing I need is another anime fighter with characters that spout weeb shit literally the whole fight and plays with just Touch of Death combos.

Hinata. He has two kids.

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I’d rather the combat be turned based or something over xenoverse.

My dream is another Ubisoft style game except good. Also with a different take on the story that embraces the dark elements and takes a route different than the one that lead to the ninja war arc.

Literally WHO?

Why the fuck not?? Naruto can guarantee make a fucking profit

He’s also the new Hokage, and everyone loves him now for ending the 4th Great Ninja War.

No basically the brutality of the ninja world was seen as something that needed to change. So Sasuke was pardoned of his crimes in recognition of his efforts against Madara, although he needed Kakashi to give a favour to keep him from being executed. And Naruto pardoned Orochimaru and Kabuto when he became Hokage. Kabuto in particular is now in charge of an orphanage

Series ended. 4 was the last Ninja Storm game.

Neji’s Cousin that was on a team with Kiba and Shino. Neji’s also dead now.

Even if they would I bet they would include Boruto characters

I wish he just had Himawari

The Hyuuga girl that's been pining for Naruto since they were children?


And Boruto.

Best girl better be in it

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I wish I could get mad at their inclusion but their so nothing I can’t even fee any emotion.
Part of me wishes Boruto was half as bad as GT so I’d actually remember it even existed.

And Orochimaru is still kinda sorta doing fucked up shit.

This but with the other one instead

A weeb mad at my post. I was expecting you.

Also the 5 Kage/ countries don't fight anymore. They're more of a post war peace coalition

>dub > sub
you're baiting right?
>Is Sasuke evil now
I thought you said you watched the main series

either way kys

>Mitsuki: Wait so are you my mother or my father?
>Orochimaru: well that doesn't really matter does it?

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The hell are you doing on Yea Forums, then?

>I’ve been both a man and a woman

You were a guy originally and used that same appearance stop being a cunt orochi


>Naruto just accepts Orochi doing all this bullshit and takes in his “son” to boot.

I miss non cycled Naruto

>I loved the original series
Are you 13

What else is he supposed to say?
>"Neither. I'm a genderless snake demon that steals the bodies of whoever I please when my current body decays and I've used my vast knowledge and stolen samples of DNA and abilities to create you, a living abomination to nature itself, just like me"
I don't think it would have gone down too well.

The author thought they were great

>that summer when me and my sis would grind the challenges in ultimate ninja 3 to unlock all of the characters
>still remember printing out the walkthrough and checking off the unlocked characters
>still can hear the "YOOOOO" from the menu screen
take me back bros. being an adult sucks.

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I want ArcSys to do it so bad.
Fucking do it.
Also reminder

except no sis, but best friend would come over.
i miss ultimate ninja games.

It's too late now. Any Naruto-themed game will have to have Boruto characters shitting the roster and setting up

>Be the better, more technical series
>Get ignored the following gens

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got to
>me and my sis would grind
and then the rest of the story was a huge disappointment

hurts me how right you are.

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naruto has like 2 dozen fighters that are all solid. narutimate hero games are literally god tier, and perfectly balanced. the ninja storm games are shit though, and horribly balanced because of IA and flick cancels and substitution limits preventing skill from prevailing against characters with multi hit attacks.

As if that's a bad thing. We already had so many years of rehashing Naruto's tale I don't want another DBZ situation on my hands and keep repeating it for all time.

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boruto isnt canon right?

not all us of are sex-crazed hillibillies try to fuck are sisters.

Second shippuden game for PS2 was GOAT

You sure type like one.

>Bort is gonna be about that peace falling apart
>Shikamaru already threaten to kill the Rock village's kage

it's probably gonna get axed soon if it doesn't pick itself up
the Naruto name can only take it so far

Defend this.

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100% canon with Kishimoto doing rough outlines for it.

Both the manga and the series is doing quite well actually.

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Play GNT4

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Boruto was TV Tokyo's 2nd best selling property last year.

Redpill me on bort, is the anime worth watching?

Amazing games, like Bloody Roar but not shit

In my opinion no. It starts off well enough taking a different direction from Naruto and being quite SoL with a lot of focus on world building and the academy but then it just drops off into filler hell with some real boring bullshit and lame villains. I just stick to the manga.

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Wait, is that jiraija?

Many people think it is but we don't know yet. If it is then it's going to raise a lot of questions why he's now bad and teamed up with guys who want to kill Naruto.

the manga is doing shit, but that's why they just fasttracked it to kickstart the actual action. Supposedly they scrapped about 40 chapters of drama to push karma's shit forward sooner. the anime is a top earner. Merch isn't selling though, but go figure, merch doesn't sell anymore.

Jiraiya kinda died.

pein brought everyone that died because of his actions back to life, remember?

Jesus am I glad I experienced the ending through UNS4, that is pants on head retarded.

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Made by Westerns

defend what?

I wish

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it would be dash and mash shit anyway

If I was in charge of dub, I would definitely add in a "yoink"

>be 17 years old
>have enough chakra and stamina to make dozens of clones that are all Kage level, that can make hundreds of clones of their own, win every single battlefront with them, fight for two days straight, beat all the jinchuuriki, fight madara, powered up obito, give chakra to 40,000 people equal to three times their own chakra, fight ten tails, then kaguya
>still not tired or expended
>fight Sasuke for a day straight right after that
>finally get tired

>15 years later can't manage to do some fucking paperwork
>constantly tired

what happened to him?

>but then it just drops off into filler hell
All of the Bort anime is filler hell.

To be fair, the sage probably filled his energy up after he died.

issue is, they wanted to make the anime start throughout burrito's academy days so they wouldn't have to have 83% filler like they did with naruto, only they failed to realize that watching a bunch of academy students is boring as fucking sin. Especially when their parents are god tier as they are.

I want another Ultimate Ninja. Storm sucks.

storm 1 and 2 were so good, I'll never understand why they added in dumb shit like instant awakenings (but only for some characters making them objectively better), and limiting the amount of substitutions you could do in a period of time (meaning if characters have multi hit combos you'll just get fucked and take more damage.) some even combine that asshole shit like rock lee and shino, they're literally SSS tier and any communities that still play the shitheaps of 3 and 4 ban them because of it.
ultimate ninja, for all it's other problems was super well balanced. well, 3 and 4. 5 and 6 on psp were pretty bad.

Was hit with a nerf bat

Was it ever confirmed that Accel 3 or Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 was a sequel to the PS2 games? Was it really Ultimate Ninja 6? What a downgrade if it's true.

Haku's ice spikes are broken as fuck

Yeah. My mistake, 4 and 5 were on ps2, those were good. it was 3 and 6 that were hurt because of it.
They're all part of the same series. I think the USA never got 4 and 5, but europe did. you had 1-2 on ps2, 3 on psp, 4-5 on ps2, 6 on psp. 6 was okay, but it's story mode was total shite and the balancing was just horrendous because it was set around the finale of pein arc so sage mode naruto shit on everything. It did have the first official art of hokage naruto though, so that was nice, even though he looks a bit different now.
accel 3 is just the jap name for ultimate ninja heroes 3.

You may be c onfusing narutimate hero/ultimate ninja for accel/ultimate ninja heroes though. it's all very confusing, there were like a dozen games for ps2.

>It did have the first official art of hokage naruto, even though he looks a bit different now.
I'll never know why Kishi didn't let him keep the Sage Haori from his Pein fight. That shit was cool as hell.

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I'm pretty sure 3 was on PS2 unless you meant Heroes 3 then yeah, you're right. US got 4 but not 5, that one was Japan exclusive for a long ass time and then years later it came to Europe only. Americans got fucked over there. I assumed there was some sort of connection because in Japan, 4 and 5 were called Accel and Accel 2 respectively and then this PSP game comes out with the name Accel 3 which made me think it was Ultimate Ninja 6. The PSP game looks like a major downgrade and I refuse to play it.

Marriage and kids.

Naruto shouldn't even be that old by the time Boruto starts. He should be like, his mid to late 20's at least?

No, he is in his mid 30ies

He's in his 30s.


Boruto is 12 in the anime and Naruto got together with Hinata when he was 19, so he is at minimum 31, but probably more. They keep saying the war was 15 years ago so that would imply he's 33.

Well shit, Kakashi and Guy look pretty good for their ages.

Ninja storm games are way better than arcsys games

Kakashi actually looks younger, but that's just the artstyle change.


just play as chipp

It wasn't

Boruto is such a dumb name

That's a good thing, retard. Arcsys has the worst gameplay out of every company that makes fighting games.

Sakura > Hinata.

get storm 4

agreed, still bullshit he didn't get the girl he wanted lmao

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