Does /v know this feel?

Does /v know this feel?

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I frequently help newbies in TF2 rocketjumping server.
They rarely make any real progress but seeing them get happy about going over an obstacle they've been stuck on for hours while I could do it blindfolded can feel good.

no, i'm a divine in dota and yet nobody no matter how low their rank will heed my advice so i gave up on trying

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I introduced both my niece and nephew to Smash Bros Brawl. They loved it and are both super into Ultimate now.
Sup Purge.

I love this feel. If my first favorite vidya related thing thing is playing video games then my second favorite thing is helping people play through video games so we can play together

I never watched Purge but I thought a lot of people listened to his advice?

If they know who he is. If they don't they ignore him like anyone else and do things like never leveling useful abilities until the end or deny the Aegis because they don't know how to pick it up. You can see the light leave his eyes when it happens and it's fucking hilarious.

Yeah, helping people git gud is a good feel.
Seeing people get carried is a shit feel though.
Sometimes there's a bit of an overlap and you need to remember that your goal is to get people to do things on their own eventually.

I saw this on Reddit two days ago.

Don't you just drop one of your items on the ground and then grab the Aegis like any other item? You can then deny your previous item if you think the enemy will take it.

go back


yes, assuming you have the inventory space you'd just right click the aegis to pick it up.


Yeah, sometime my mom plays, but I gotta help her.

The only people I actually care about don't play vidya.



This, my wife lurks that shithole and she sent me it saying that's how we play

not a master but I'm trying to teach my friend motion controls and using chargers in Splatoon

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>playing with your maxed out character
>not starting a fresh one and gimping yourself so you can play on the same footing as your newbie friend
>not enjoying experiencing a fresh challenge

Dota has like an extra 3 slot backpack to store extra items in now

It's not your wife anymore, it's Jamal's

Heh, yeah. I feel this way about all my streamer friends but then chat gets mad at me for caring about them and sometimes my streamer friends ban me for "backseating" or something? I was just trying to help...

Friends that got bloodborne on ps+ and then moving onto the other souls games. I wouldn't spoil things but I'd help them along with more frustrating things so they didn't turn to a guide.

>not dropping some $20 bombs to loose them up

>Don't you just drop one of your items on the ground and then grab the Aegis like any other item?
Yes, it's super easy but this was the same game where a Lina kept trying to Light Strike jungle creeps and failing.

>I'd help them along with more frustrating things so they didn't turn to a guide
This is exactly what my friend did for me with REmake. I wonder how much it affected my experience.

>tfw no-one remembers Dad & Me
fucking hell fellas, how far we done fell

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Nieces and nephews are a wellspring of renewed faith when it comes to games. I have one nephew who fell in love with FF7 in its original form in 2016, and is now going through the Metal Gears with similar passion, and a niece who's currently going through all the late 90s 3D platformers. But the one who makes me proudest is their brother, who turns out to take to Megaman like a duck to water. Watching them experiment and improve is great.

probably should redirect that ire to OP for posting the karma whoring faggot in the first place

I never beat it




srgafo is an absolute shit reddit artist who can't draw for shit but gets responses because he responds to people in the comments
fuck him, frankly, to death.

Teaching people how to CTR after 20 years of being a dead game

How the fuck «Pit people» became a feature length game and this didn't, Dan Paladin you hack

Just went through this with Mordhau. Played hundreds of hours of Chivalry, and for some reason my friends decided to only start playing slashers once Mordhau came out.

Launched a private server and taught them parrying, dragging, chambering, clashing, morphing, when to kick and weapon distances. It's been a lot of fun.

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>He doesn't kick his friends around when showing them a game for the first time
what is wrong with you?

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i dnt understand, its a great site

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You just know

I've been on the other end of this shit and i always give shit to my friends who do it because it's disrespectful, patronizing and makes me not even want to play the game.

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quality post

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>caring about other people
who else /sociopath/ here?

whoa, you can't just tell the truth like that, what the fuck is wrong with you?

No because nobody plays the games I recommend them.

I don't hate Reddit, I hate Redditors. That being said, Reddit is full of Redditors so I hate it.

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my boy just gave me, my cousin and other friend a serious columns 3 lesson after kicking our asses. he's always been on a different level than me and never played them before. it was the first time any of us had that type of moment in years, pretty odd feeling but nostalgic feeling to be on the learning side
he's black

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>I have one nephew who fell in love with FF7
I made my niece play that instead of FFXV. She never finished XV but she's excited for the remake.

When I was six or so, I played through Super Mario RPG with my older brother. Now I'm playing through it with my son.

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Teaching people to play Monster Hunter when World came out.

When I first heard of Vanilla wow my friend coaxed me over to in from FFXI. He was like lvl 30hunter and escorted me thru everything. That long walk from Teldrissal to ironforge. Getting eaten by crocs and orcs in the hills at lvl 10.

Lvling in westfall in moon moonbrook, those defias caster assholes murdering me when I was questing. Then some lvl 60 Paladin comes, heals my noob ass and runs me thru deadmines for the first time ever.

Played WoW solely as a Paladin until legion. Now I play on a private server and help all low lvls and noobs anywhere I go. It never gets old

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I hate reddit, it promotes circlejerking, and the format is so bad, any complex conversation is absolutely aids to read through.
I hate redditors, but more than that, I hate people I meet in games that tell me they browse Yea Forums and reddit.

[/spoiler]you can save the full images on mobile by opening the pic in a new tab and editing the filename in the url
remove the m for jpg's
and replace the "jpg" for png's[/spoiler]

Nice job, user.

at least my excuse for being a reatrd is that i've been awake for 36 hours

Just Ctrl + S.

go to sleep user

I'm trying to teach my nephew how to play Gran Turismo for 5 fucking years

we started when he was 3. he's now 8 or so. we played yesterday and he still crashes at each turn.

he's good at UMvC3 though

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in path of exile & maplestory i like teaching about the game mechanics, but I despise when people ask me for stuff (showing that they aren't as new as they first appeared & that they feel like I owe them anything)

stay there

>not being the guardian angel that guides and intervenes before frustration takes hold

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>tfw there's one game I like that I play a lot and am passionate about
>I want to teach my friends and do this for them, but none of them want to try it, even during the times it was free
>play alone
I just want friends to bounce ideas off and share the game with.

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what game

There are tons of redditors on this site too. The multiple Yea Forums subreddits have over 1 million subscribers. It makes the ironic rage so hypocritical because the ones triggered the hardest are just trying to fit in and doing it badly.

Doing this in world of tanks and warthunder is litterally the only reason I still play. Nothing beats throwing caution to the wind just to keep the stock Pz.1c alive, especially with veteran friends piling on to assist. The stupid low tier premium tanks we all have rarely get use otherwise.

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>See someone do thing that can be improved
>Give handy tip
>"thanks mom" "whatever dude" "I just play for fun" "k"
I don't get why people are resistant to getting better at the game they're playing. Are these all the kids who get diagnosed with ADHD?

>play dota
>friend is playing hots
>decide to play with him
>he shows me what is what first two matches
>he dies once
>hear him slamming fist on the table
>goes on the 20 minute tirade on how blizzard is the worst company in the world for making THAT hero, what hots used to be, what hots is now, how there is no balance, how Stitches (his main) is shit but some other hero is not shit
>chillax dude
>starts sperging even more
>don't play with him anymore
>"why not? didn't you have fun?"

Castlevania harmony of despair and payday 2 are the only games i tend to help new people out

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Kinda reminds me of how I coached my little brother fighting the Uragaan in Monster Hunter Tri like ten years ago. He constantly wanted to give up, and I kept telling him to keep the monster in view, in what directions to dodge, what parts to hit, etc. I told him I wouldn't let him play online until he head beaten the game offline. I'm not sure he ever played online, but I made sure he would beat that game.

sounds cute

>he plays tanks

>who turns out to take to Megaman like a duck to water
The most common indicator of autism next to Sonic

Somebody is doing this with me right now for fighting games and they are an absolute sweetie for doing it.

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That's pretty cool. Have this ööö so you can give the elephant a proper filename. pröööh!

thank you user, I will fix it.

>I frequently help newbies in tf2 rocketjumping server

Thats usually because advice is cryptic and they dont understand the reasoning behind it at least thats what i notice when i play in a archon team as a ancient 1.

11k games and didnt know this wew

>helping people with football manager and hearts of iron on the steam forums
close enough

I got a girl to play Mechwarrior Living Legends and do the MW4 campaigns coop with me
she's pretty good, except she kept forgetting that jump jets generate heat, so she'd frequently blow all of her fuel and then explode in the air
highlight of my life to be honest

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user you are now and forever will be my nigga

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I always hated that fucking garbage. The worst art I've ever seen, in a cringy flash game format. Fuck newgrounds.

Been high up in many guilds teaching people how to play classes properly etc. It feels nice to be appreciated by others

No, I myself am a shitter

How many orf those people browse Yea Forums regularly and have done so for longer than a year or two? Redditors behave as newfags, and they must ridiculed at every opportunity because otherwise they will make the board worse than it already is. Your attempts remove the stigma around browsing Reddit is blatantly corrosive to the culture of Yea Forums itself.

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>Friends often introduce me to games they've been playing for a while
>Act like this for the first couple days before my autism rapidly overwhelms their own wealth of knowledge
>Become the teacher because none of them really read menus or anything since they're casuals in the traditional sense
I don't know why they keep me around when the only remaining thing we have in common is vidya, which they don't have time for nowadays. I don't understand social relationships.

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I still keep playing dota with someone who is so dumb and bad so he actually UNLEARNS things me and the rest of the group have tried to learn him. He has been playing for years and he just can't learn. He doesn't listen at all anymore. He just does whatever he wants and throws every game we play.

I spend time camping outside the tutorial area, instagib any newbies that come out of it and loot whatever items the tutorial npcs gave them.
It teaches them the nature of open PVP servers.

A... are you willing to teach me some things?

All this talk about DotA makes me sad that I have just under 300 hours clocked in it, yet all of that is either menus, watching pro matches, or Auto Chess, so even if I did want to start playing the real thing myself I can't say I'm even new to excuse being terrible.

>playing through a Contra game with my friend on 2P and showing him all the boss patterns and places to dodge or optimize damage

honestly a lot of fun

To accept help is to admit you're bad. The game's at fault, not them. etc.

Yea, just yesterday my pal was playing Yakuza 0 and I explained shit to him. He ragequit at the first Kuze fight what to do

ffxi for sure but not just pl, telecrystals, kazam keys how to farm/craft. Also not just my friends I used to look for new players to take under my wing when I had nothing going on. God it felt so good when you help them with af or into endgame for the first time.

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this is reddit 2.0 nowadays buddy

You're giving away spoilers, that's why. First off you broke immersion from playing the game by interrupting them. Secondly you took away the moment they could have had figuring something out.

Little guy should be stabbing the big guy in the shins while purposefully running towards the arrows and calling him an elitist to be accurate.

>having someone you care about

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>blatantly corrosive to the culture of Yea Forums itself.


Not that guy, but I think Yea Forums was more enjoyable when it felt like a distinct place in the internet, and not just one of the big clubs everyone goes to.
Then again, I was also more miserable int hat time, so there is that.

Thank you for moving your mouse up and down while looking at me when I finish a jump

This is part of what makes playing ded games fun.

There is no gaming community nicer than the people who play a game with a low userbase spotting a potential new player, complete randoms will run you through everything and be nice as hell in the process.

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>taught a younger sibling how to knife G1 Birkin
>they thought my pre-boss loadout was a joke

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>okay, so jump. What? You press space. Just press space. No, not now, then. Oh, you missed. Look, do you want me to do it? You just press space, you know. Like in every other game.
I'm really really bad at helping people learn new games, so I mostly try and stop myself from doing so. I'll shove a game in front of someone and then let them figure it out themselves. I just get irritated way too easily.

Will you coach me? I'm unranked rn but I'm getting matched against legend/ancient, I usually play pos 3/4/5 because there are already 4 players in my team fighting for position 1 and 2. I have no idea on what I'm doing.

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How many games do you have? I doubt you are getting matched with ancients if ur under 1000 games.

I think what many people do wrong when teaching games is that they try to shove the basics down someone's throat, and maybe some advanced applications of them if it fits in the same sentence. These types of things should be taught piece by piece though, and the start should really only be the absolute basics. Once people are familiarized with those, you can start mentioning advanced mechanics - one at a time, mind you, not all at once.
Don't start Mario with "you jump with A and run with B and if you hold B while jumping you do a large jump - and if you press against walls and press A you can do wall jumps, which is important to save yourself from pits and you can reach secrets with it - like that coin there, you need to get it! Do a walljump!"
Just start with "jump with A" and let them go from there.

Much of the cancer that destroys this place is grown locally nowdays. I would wager that there are absolutely worthless fucking retards that turn every thread they participate into shit that also hate reddit as much as you do.

I had to explain to my girlfriend the other day how to use the HUD's compass in borderlands. It's an abstract kind of frustrating feeling.

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You are the TF2 hasn't died yet

That's what I've figured out. It's just better the less you do. Give 'em enough to get started, and let them figure out the rest. They'll be proud of themselves when they learn it, and it's how you did it yourself once.


Bruh I had to explain to my gf how to use the arrow keys for a platformer.

Women and video games is usually a mistake. My gf likes Hollow Knight and has owned it for like a year plus and she just told me she never beat the first Hornet fight.

>divine in dota
Whoa bro... so the equivalent of low diamond in LoL... whooaaaaa

>2k hours in dota
>still no idea what I’m doing half the time
I just play in unranked though. Hit random and have some fun with whatever stupid thing I get

I stopped trying to with people I actually care about because I learned they don't want to and its a waste of both of our times.

I only show what I know about fighting games to people who already have the itch to learn nowadays.

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Nah, I think it's just a matter of how you were raised. My gf (the arrow key one) is autistically good at Age of Empires II for the DS because that's pretty much the only game she and her sister had growing up. I also got her into hardcore roguelikes by saying it was like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Yeah like I have a friend who plays a ton of games, but grew up with things like Mario and battle network and shit like that. I made him play hotline Miami with me the other day, and while he enjoyed it, watching him play was kinda painful because he insisted on using a controller, and seemed incapable of using both sticks at once. He’d only use the right stick when needed to change the direction he was facing, rather than constantly adjusting it like a proper twin stick game. He just couldn’t handle it

reddit filename