Game yakub

Game yakub

Attached: Gameyakub.jpg (387x571, 41K)

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my ancestor

we wuz conoles

>The smartest black man in history is also the bane of black humanity
Quite ironic.

wtf is wrong with his head

Oh fuck off

That's Ishmael not yakub get it right white trash motherfucker

>disappointed with his own race so he created the perfect humans, whites
desu yakub was a based god



Yakub was born with a large head. It granted him abnormally high intelligence but caused him to be mocked as a child. Because of this, he despised humanity.
He convinced a portion of the ancient black humanity to join him in a pilgrimage to the isle of Patmos where he trapped them and used them to perform eugenical experiments, mainly controlled breeding. Focusing on a "light skin" trait he eventually created a new form of human, the white man. The white man had a special power, Trickonology (Lying) of which mankind had yet to bare witness.

He unleashed his white children onto the world. The ancient utopia of Shabaz civilization could not comprehend the white man's power of deception and were tricked into giving away their advanced technology and knowledge to the white man, of which he assumed total power.

The great king of Shabaz, Shabaz, realized humanity was weak to trickonology because they had only lived a perfect existence within a utopia. In a last ditch effort to save the original man (black) he sent his people into the heart of africa, the most horrible place known to human kind. Here, they would endure the brutal wrath of nature for billions of years. This strengthened their bodies at the cost of their intelligence, a process Shabaz dubbed negrofication.

In the end, the white children of Yukab usurped the Shabaz from the throne of the world and the negrofied Shabaz, though strengthened where still subjected to their power.

The end.

That's Yashmal you dumbass, Yakub wears a white robe

yakub the (((((black))))) scientists

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what in the fuck, ameriniggers believe in this shit?

I passed 6th grade history user you don’t have to explain obvious and basic human history to me.

pure baste

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it should be an arab riding a white though

>black ridden by a white ridden by an arab ridden by jews ridden by reptilians

get away from my store bracky

Is HeheSilly still alive? the comics were good

whites dont congenitally huff gasoline and synthetic fuels to get high, nor do they trade it to addicted kids for sex
im gonna guess no

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Attached: i see bracky.jpg (960x720, 238K)


mine too

it's everybody's ancestor, user

We need a rpg based on this


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Fuck man what JRPG is this

I remember when this channel was only somewhat crazy but over time went full-on batshit